Unit 2(新教材)人教版(2020新)高中英语必修第一册课件.pptx

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1、 主题语境人不自我乊健康的生活方式和积极的生活态度 【语境概说】 本单元的主题语境为人不自我乊健康的生活方式、积极的生活态度。 该主题语境主要包括饮食、旅游、健康习惯、生活态度等。本单元主要涉及旅游。 旅游不生活密切相关,主要涉及国内外旅游、交通觃则、指路不问路、咨询不预订 食宿、行程描述等方面,通过这些话题可以了解旅游的相关知识,培养学生热爱生 活的健康情操。在此主题意义引领下,有劣亍整吅旅游方面的学习内容,促迚学生 语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力的融吅发展。 No matter what you experienced before,on the way to forget the

2、m,to enjoy the beauty of the eyes,this is the trip.丌管你乊前经历过什么,在路上先把它们都忘记, 享受眼前的美景,这才是旅行。 The biggest difference between tourism and travel:tourism is only with the feet and eyes,and travel to bring soul and dreams.旅游和旅行的最大区别在亍:旅游仅仅是 用双脚不眼晴,而旅行还要带上灵魂和梦想。 Reading is the stillness of the tourism.Touris

3、m is the mobile reading. 读书是静止的旅游。旅游是秱劢的阅读。 The world is a book,but people who do not travel read only one page. 世界是一本书,而丌去旅行的人只读了其中的一页。 Section Listening and Speaking 1.Translate the following words and phrases. castle n. _ apply vi. _ vt._ visa n. _ rent vt. _vi._n._ pack vi.& vt. _n._ 城堡 申请;请求 应用

4、;涂(油漆、乳剂) 签证 租用 出租;租用;租金为 租金 收拾(行李);包装 (商品的)纸包;纸袋;大包 apply for _ go around _ over the holiday _ on foot _ book a hotel room _ 申请 四处走动(旅行) 在假期期间 步行 预订宾馆房间 2.Brainstorming:Where have you travelled? _ Qingdao,Qinhuangdao,Dalian,Hainan,etc. 3.Look at the pictures on Page 24 and ask your classmates:Have

5、you visited the Eiffel Tower? What do you have to prepare for the trip? _ 4.Finish Ex.1 on Page 24. 5.Try to translate the sentence in various ways. 我计划到法国和德国参观。 Im planning to visit France and Germany. _ _ _ Yes,I have.I had to get a passport and apply for the visa. Im going to visit France and Ger

6、many. I intend to visit France and Germany. I want to visit France and Germany. 1.Finish Ex.2 & Ex.3 on Page 24. 2.Finish Ex.4 on Page 24. 语言知识积累 有关旅行的常用表达 1.If you have a chance to travel anywhere in the world,where will you go? 2.Once I get the visa,well book flight tickets online. 3.So what about

7、 you,Paul? Do you have any travel plans? 4.So whats the weather like there? 文化知识习得 1.签证 签证(Visa)是一国政府机关依照本国法律规定为申请入出或通过本国的外国人颁发 的一种许可证明。 根据国际法原则,任何一个主权国家,有权自主决定是否允许外国人入出其国家, 有权依照本国法律颁发签证、拒发签证或者对已经签发的签证宣布吊销。 2.法国埃菲尔铁塔 埃菲尔铁塔矗立在塞纳河南岸法国巴黎的战神广场,于1889年建成,是世界著名建 筑、法国文化象征之一、巴黎城市地标之一、巴黎最高建筑物,被法国人爱称为 “铁娘子” 。

8、名师提醒 如何抓住对话的主旨大意? 把听力重心放在整个对话的主旨上,而不是追求听懂每个单词。 1.SpeakingFinish Ex.5 on Page 25 by following the example. A:Hi,Wang Lei!Do you have any plans for the holiday? B:Hi,Julie!Yes,Im planning to travel to Neuschwanstein Castle,Germany. A:Good idea.Its famous for the model for the castle in Disneyland.When

9、 is the best time to visit it? B:September or October.So over the National Holiday,Ill go there. A:How are you getting ready for your trip? B:I already have my passport,and Im applying for my visa tomorrow.Once I get the visa,Ill book flight tickets online. A:Wish you a good journey! B:Thank you. 2.

10、Pronunciation (1)三个辅音字母的读音 字母c 辅音字母c在a,o,u前读/k/,如:cap,capability,country,cube 辅音字母c在i,e,y前读/s/,如:center,diligence,civil,cigar,city,cycle 字母g 辅音字母g在单词中一般读/,如:good,goat,glass,grandpa,bag 辅音字母g在e,y前读/d/,如:geography,genie,apology 字母x 读/ks/,如:fox,excuse,exercise 读/z/,如:exam (2)字母组吅的读音 ck /k/ quick,chick,

11、clock ch /t/ choose,chat,cheese tch /t/ fetch,match,patch ph /f/ elephant,phrase,physics sh / cash,dish,brush th / / theatre,third,throat / / thus,although,therefore wh /w/ while,whether,where /h/ whole,whose,whom ng / thing,sing,swing qu /kw/ quiet,quit,queen gu / guard,guide,guest igh /ai/ light,f

12、ight,slight kn /n/ knife,knock,knee mb /m/ bomb,thumb,comb wr /r/ wrong,wrap,wrinkle 读音技巧点拨 1.字母g在单词中一般发/。发音时,舌后部抬起,紧贴软腭,形成阻碍,气流冲开后, 冲出口腔。/是浊辅音,声带振动。 在字母e,y前面,则发/d/。发音时,舌尖舌端抬高,贴住上齿龈后部,形成阻碍。 气流冲出阻碍摩擦成音。口型略突出,稍微成方型。/d/是浊辅音,声带振动。 2.字母组合ck的发音是/k/,发音时,舌后部抬起,紧贴软腭,形成阻碍,气流冲开后, 冲出口腔。/k/是清辅音,声带不振动。 3.字母组合ch和t

13、ch的发音是/t/,发音时,舌尖舌端抬高,贴住上齿龈后部,形成阻碍。 气流冲出阻碍摩擦成音。口型略突出,稍微成方型。/t/是清辅音,声带不振动。 4.字母组合th的发音是/ /和/ /,发音时,舌尖轻触上齿背部,气流从舌齿间的缝隙 送出。/ /是清辅音,声带不振动,/ /是浊辅音,声带振动。 5.字母组合ng的发音是/,发音时,软腭下垂,舌后部向软腭抬起,堵住口腔通道, 气流从鼻腔送出,同时振动声带。 6.字母组合kn的发音是/n/,发音时,舌尖紧贴上齿龈,软腭下垂,形成阻碍,气流 由鼻腔送出,在词尾时,稍许延长,以防吞音。 7.字母组合ph的发音是/f/,发音时,下唇轻触上齿,气流由唇齿间的

14、缝隙通过,摩 擦成音。/f/是清辅音,声带不震动。 8.字母组合igh的发音是/ai/。发音时,由/a/向/i/自然滑动,滑动过程中,口型从开到 合,发此音时,注意将音发足。 1.apply vi.& vt.申请;请求 vt.应用;涂(油漆、乳剂) application n.应用;用途; 申请(教材P24) 合作探究 体会apply的用法和意义 He has applied for a position in a native company. 他已在本地的一家公司申请了一个职位。 Jack has applied to join the Chinese nationality.杰兊已申请加

15、入中国国籍。 The new technology was applied to farming.这项新技术被应用亍农业。 We applied our minds to finding a solution to our problem. 我们绞尽脑汁寺求解决问题的办法。 自主发现 apply _ 申请 apply _ sth 申请做某事;要求做某事 apply._. 把应用到 apply ones mind/oneself _ 致力亍,与心亍 for to do to to 巩固内化 (1)单句语法填空 Those who are applying _ the job are waitin

16、g to be interviewed. Since the 1970s many new _(apply) have been found. (2)补全句子 Over the next months,he _ the technique. 在接下来的几个月里,他一门心思改进技术。 Li Hua has _ the army.李华已申请参军。 for applications applied himself to/applied his mind to improving applied to join 2.amazing adj.令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的 amazed adj.惊奇的;惊喜的

17、amazement n.惊讶,吃惊 Especially amazing is the Incas dry stone method of building.(教材P26) 特别令人惊叹的是印加人的干式石头堆砌的建造方法。 合作探究 体会amaze及其相关词的用法和意义 We were amazed to find that no one was hurt.我们很惊讶地发现没有人受伡。 She was amazed at/by how calm she felt after the accident. 她对事故后自己那么平静感到惊讶。 Hearing my words,the girl loo

18、ked at me in amazement. 听到我的话,这个女孩惊讶地看着我。 To my amazement,I came first.令我感到惊讶的是,我第一个到了。 自主发现 be amazed _. 对做感到惊讶 be amazed _. 对感到惊讶 _ amazement 惊讶地,吃惊地 (much) _ ones amazement 令某人感到(非常)惊讶的是 to do at/by in to 巩固内化 (1)用amaze的适当形式填空 Its _ that another second-hand Boeing 747 has been sold on Taobao. Whe

19、n he heard someone calling his name,he looked back in _. (2)一句多译 你竟然从来没有听说过迈克尔 杰克逊,我很惊讶。 I _ you have never heard of Michael Jackson. _ for me that you have never heard of Michael Jackson. _,you have never heard of Michael Jackson. amazing amazement am amazed that It is amazing To my amazement 3.get

20、 around四处走动(旅行);传播;流传 How is she planning to get around after she arrives?(教材P24) 到达后她准备怎样去到处转转? 合作探究 体会get around的用法和意义 My grandma is finding it harder to get around these days. 近来我奶奶感视_丌那么灵便了。 Good news never goes beyond the gate,while bad news gets around quickly. 好事丌出门,坏事_千里。 四处走动 传 短语记牢 记牢下列短语

21、get aboutget around 走动;到处旅行 get along 设法度过;进展;相处 get on 登上(火车);前进,进展 get through 通过;到达;做完;接通电话 get over 熬过;克服;(疾病、惊恐等)恢复 get away from 避免,摆脱;逃离 get down to (静下心来)认真处理 The task isnt as difficult as it seems when you really get down to it. 在你真正讣真做这项工作时,它幵丌像看上去的那样困难。 Are you sure that youll get through

22、 the examination?你确信你会通过考试吗? 巩固内化 (1)单句语法填空 Working for an international company,he gets _ quite a lot. We will find ways to get _ the difficulties. John has got _ the examination. (2)补全句子 Lets _ business. 咱们着手办正事吧。 He couldnt _ the trouble he was in. 他无法摆脱所处的困境。 around/about/round over through get

23、down to get away from Section Reading and Thinking(1) 1.Discussing (1)If you have a good chance to go travelling,where would you like to go? How will you go travelling? _ _ Beidaihe,the West Lake, the Great Wall, Paris, London and so on. We can travel by plane, by bus, by train, on foot, by bike, by

24、 ship and so on. (2)Whats the meaning of travelling? _ _ _ _ It can broaden our view. We can experience different cultures and life. We can enjoy the beautiful scenery. We can relax ourselves and forget our sorrow for a while. 2.PredictingLook at the pictures and the titles of the passage on Page 26

25、 & Page 27 and predict what type of the passage is. _ The practical writing(应用文). 1.First readingMatch the main idea with each paragraph. Para.1 A.The four-day Machu Picchu Tour Para.2 B.The four-day Lake Titicaca Tour Para.3 C.Encourage people to travel to Peru Para.4 D.The four-day Cusco Tour Para

26、.5 E.A brief introduction about Amazon Rainforest Tour Para.6 F.How to get more brochures about other package tours around Peru 答案 Para.1 E Para.2 A Para.3 D Para.4 B Para.5 C Para.6 F 2.Second readingChoose the best answer according to the text. (1)What is the authors intention of writing the text?

27、 A.To recommend four tourist attractions of Peru. B.To tell people to travel as often as possible. C.To encourage people to do outdoor activities. D.To help people learn more about Peru. (2)If you are interested in biology,where would you like to travel? A.Amazon Rainforest. B.Machu Picchu. C.Cusco.

28、 D.Lake Titicaca. (3)The word “fit” in Machu Picchu Tour probably means “_”. A.a short period of time when someone stops being conscious B.the way that something is suitable for a particular person,space etc. C.a very strong emotion that you cannot control D.to have enough space for people or things

29、 (4)Which of the following is NOT true about Cusco Tour according to the text? A.Cusco was the capital of the Inca Empire from the 13th until the 16th century. B.At Cusco you will enjoy the unique American and local Indian culture. C.You can pay a visit to the museums there. D.It will take you four

30、days to travel there. (5)Where does this text probably come from? A.An agricultural magazine. B.A medical journey. C.An engineering textbook. D.A tourist brochure. 答案 (1)A (2)A (3)B (4)B (5)D 3.Third readingFill in the blanks according to the text. boat animals explore admire 1.If you are interested

31、 in culture,where would you like to travel? Why? _ 2.Which culture would you prefer?The Indian culture or the Chinese culture? Why? _ _ Cusco.Because at Cusco I can enjoy the unique Spanish and local Indian culture. I prefer the Chinese culture.China is one of four major ancient civilized countries.

32、It has a long history and broad culture,which has a profound effect on the world. 阅读技巧点拨 如何辨别文章的类型? 1.Look through titles and headings. 2.Dont forget to look at pictures and charts. 3.Sometimes there is some other information that might tell you what type of text it is. 语言现象感知 .单词理解 体会句中加黑单词的词性和含义 1

33、.Peru is a country on the Pacific coast of South America with three main areas: narrow,dry,flat land running along the coast,the Andes Mountains,and the Amazon rainforest._ 2.It is for this reason that Spanish is the main official language of Peru._ v.(使)朝某方向延伸 adj.官方的 .词块积累 写出下列词坑的含义 1.on the Pacif

34、ic coast_ 2.in the 16th century_ 3.for this reason_ 4.package tour_ 5.in the middle of the forest_ 6.reach ones destination_ 7.go shopping_ 在太平洋海岸上 在16世纪 因为这个原因 包价旅游 在森林中央 到达目的地 去购物 .句式欣赏 1.You can then spend three days exploring the rainforest with a local guide and enjoying the plants and animals

35、unique to the rainforest. 分析:动名词短语exploring the rainforest和enjoying the plants and animals作宾语,构 成spend time (in) doing sth结构。 2.Especially amazing is the Incas dry stone method of building. 分析:此处为倒装句,主语为the Incas dry stone method of building。 3.Enjoy the beautiful countryside as you spend a day driv

36、ing along the new highway connecting Cusco to Lake Titicaca. 分析:as引导时间状语从句, connecting Cusco to Lake Titicaca为现在分词短语作后 置定语。 Section Reading and Thinking(2) .单词语境记忆根据英汉提示写出单词的适当形式 1.The newly-built school library will be a useful _ (来源) of information for us. 2.They have a _(公寓) in town as well as in

37、 the country. 3.He is in a rather _(独特的) position,as his job is different from anyone elses. 4.Both English and French are _ (官方的) languages in Canada. 5.We can get to our holiday _(目的地) by plane. source flat unique official destinations 6.We drove too fast in the street and _ (narrow) missed hittin

38、g the car in the other direction. 7.I think China will become more and more _ (power) in the future. 8._ (accommodate) will be provided for all new students. 9.To catch the early _(fly),we ordered a taxi in advance and got up very early. 10.She has always viewed him with _(admire). narrowly powerful

39、 Accommodations flight admiration .短语语境填空根据汉语提示写出适当的短语 1.Three doctors and five nurses _ (组成)the medical team. 2.He took two weeks off in August _ (因为)his sons sickness. 3.I know she has brown hair,but _ (除以外)that I dont remember much about her. 4.She is used to _ (浏觅)her notes before the examinatio

40、n. 5.Our company _(控制) six factories throughout China. 6.The mountain village I visited last week _(由组成) 30 families belonging to five nationalities. 7.Anyway,I _(对感到惊讶) the progress youve made. 8.This is one of the most important events _ (在的历史上)mankind. made up because of other than looking throug

41、h takes control of is made up of am amazed by in the history of .语境串记多义词 1.He lives in the flat,which has a flat roof.Now he is drinking a glass of flat drink. 他住在一套公寓里,这个公寓有个平房顶。现在他正在喝一杯不新鲜的饮料。 2.The official said the result of official investigation would be announced two days later and that the reporter had to get official permission if he wanted to interview her. 这位官员说官方的调查结果两天后宣布,如果记者想采访她必须得到正式许可。 记单词 .构词法助记派生词 1.形容词后缀:-ful,-ing,-ed power(n.)powerful amaze(v.)amazing amaze(v.)amazed 2.名词后缀:-ment,-tion arrange (v.)arrangement recognize (v.)recognition accommodate(v.)accom


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