新人教版(2020新)高一必修一Unit 4短语.docx

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1、Unit4 Natural disaster 1.disaster natural disasters 自然灾害 an air disaster 空难 disaster prevention防灾 2.drought severe drought 严重旱灾 global drought 全球干旱 3. slide slide into(使)滑入;溜进 slid into the room 悄悄溜进房间 slid into the drivers seat 悄悄地坐到了司机的座位上 4.flood The river is in flood 河水泛滥 a flood of thank-you le

2、tters 大量的感谢信件 the heavy rain flood the village. 大雨淹没了这个村庄。 5. erupt the volcano erupted.火山爆发 A fight erupted.发生斗殴 volcanic eruption火山喷发 6.rescue rescue workers/boats 救援人员/船只 rescue sb./ sth.from 从.中营救某人/某 rescuer 救援者;救助者 7.damage badly damaged sth.严重破坏. Smoking seriously damages your health.吸烟严重损害健康

3、。 caused serious damage to 给 造成严重的损坏 do damage to sb/sth.对 造成损害 The storm didnt do much damage to crops.暴风雨并未对庄稼造成 严重损失。 8.destroy destruction 摧毁;毁灭 destructive 破坏的;毁灭性的 be completely destroyed 被彻底毁灭 9. evacuate be evacuated from.从.中撤离 10. affect be affected by drought 受干旱影响 effect 效果,影响 have an eff

4、ect on对.有影响 side effect 副作用 effective 有效的 effectively有效地 efficient高效的 efficiently高效地 affection 喜爱,感情 11. shelter build shelters for survivors 为幸存者盖避难所 shelter sb/sth from sb/sth 保护免 12. crack The ice cracked.冰裂了。 deep cracks 深裂缝 13. ruin the bad weather ruined our trip. 坏天气毁了我们的旅行. in ruins 严重受损;破败不

5、堪 lie in ruins 成为一片废墟 14. metal a piece of metal 一块金属 15. shock be speechless with shock 震惊得说不出话 get a shock 触电 be shocked by the news被那条消息震惊了 be in shock 处于震惊/休克中 16. electricity the electricity had been cut off.停电了。electric 电动的 electrical 与电相关的 electronic 电子的 17. trap be caught in a trap掉进了陷阱里 be

6、trapped in 受困于 trap sb into(doing)sth.诱使某人(做)某 18. bury He buried his face in his hands and wept.他双手掩面而泣。 bury ones head / oneself in = be buried in埋头于,专心致志于 19. breathe breathe deeply 做深呼吸 take a deep breath 深吸一口气 hold ones breath 屏住呼吸 out of breath 上气不接下气 catch ones breath 恢复呼吸 20. effort the tire

7、less efforts 不懈的努力 All my efforts ended in failure.我的一切努力最后都无济于事。 make an effort to do sth.努力做某事 make every effort to do sth.竭尽全力做某事 spare no effort to do sth.不遗余力做某事 21.suffer suffer great pain 遭受剧痛 suffer from 因.而痛苦;患有(疾病等)suffer from poor eyesight 视力不好 suffer from heart disease患有心脏病 suffering 痛苦;

8、苦难 22.supply supply sb.with sth.= supply sth.to sb.向某人提供某物 our water supply has been cut off.我们断水 be in short supply 供应短缺 23.survive survive the earthquake地震中幸存下来 survive on 依靠.生存 survivor 幸存者;生还者 survival 存活;幸存 a high chance of survival 很高的存活几率 24.power power cut/failure 断电/停电 come to power 上台执政 ou

9、t of power 丧失权力,在野 power lines 电线 nuclear/wind/solar power 核/风/太阳能 powerful(指人)有权势的;有影响力的;(指物)强有力的 25. tap tap me on the shoulder 轻轻地拍了拍我的肩 the hot/cold tap 热水/冷水龙头 he felt a tap on his shoulder.他觉得有人轻轻拍他的肩膀。 26. emergency emergency room/exit 急诊室/紧急出口 call an emergency number.拨打紧急电话 27. calm stay ca

10、lm 保持镇定 calm sb./sth.down 使.平静或镇定下来 28.aid first aid 急救 with the aid of 在的帮助下 economic/emergency aid 经济/紧急援助 29.sweep sweep the floor扫地 sweep away消灭;彻底消除 be swept away by huge wave 被巨浪冲走了 30.wave wave at sb 向.挥手 wave goodbye to sb 与某人挥手告别 31.strike strike sb in the face 打某人的脸 an air strike 空袭 be str

11、uck by a car 被车撞了 on strike 罢工 It strikes sb.that.某人突然想到. 32.deliver deliver food and supplies 运送食物和供应 deliver a speech 发表讲话 deliver a baby 接生 be delivered of a baby 分娩;生孩子 33.summary make a summary做总结;做摘要 in summary总的来说 34. length The river is 300 miles in length.=The river is300 miles long. 这条河长 300英里。


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