Welcome unit 知识点讲解 (新教材)人教版(2020新)高一英语必修第一册.docx

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1、课文课文 Han Jings World 7:00 a.m. So this is it- senior high school at last! Im not outgoing so Im a little anxious right now. I want to make a good first impression. Will I make any friends? What if no one talks to me? 12:30 p.m. I just had my first maths class at senior high school! The class was dif

2、ficult, but the teacher was kind and friendly. He even told us a funny story, and everyone laughed so much! I found most of my classmates and teachers friendly and helpful. 5:30 p.m. This afternoon, we had our chemistry class in the science lab. The lab is new and the lesson was great, but the guy n

3、ext to me tried to talk to me the whole time. I couldnt concentrate on the experiment. I really wanted to tell him to please be quiet and leave me alone! 10:29 p.m. What a day! This morning, I was worried that no one would talk to me. But I was wrong. I didnt feel awkward or frightened at all. I mis

4、s my friends from junior high school, but I believe I will make new friends here, and theres a lot to explore at senior high. I feel much more confident than I felt this morning. I think that tomorrow will be a great day! 汉京的世界 上午 7 点。所以,这是它-高中终于!我不是一个外向的人,所以我现在有点焦虑。我想给人 留下好的第一印象。我能交到朋友吗?要是没人跟我说话呢?

5、下午 12:30。我刚上了高中的第一节数学课!这门课很难,但是老师很友善。他甚至给我们讲 了一个有趣的故事, 大家都笑得很开心!我发现我的大多数同学和老师都很友好和乐于助人。 下午 5:30。今天下午,我们在科学实验室上化学课。实验室是新的,这节课很棒,但是我旁 边的那个家伙一直在跟我说话。我无法集中精力做实验。我真想告诉他安静点,别烦我! 29 点。多糟糕的一天!今天早上,我担心没人会跟我说话。但我错了。我一点也不觉得尴尬 或害怕。我想念我初中的朋友,但我相信我会在这里交到新朋友,在高中有很多东西可以探 索。我觉得比早上更有信心了。我想明天会是个好日子! 1.senior adj.年长的;高

6、年级的;高级的 n.年长者,长辈 典例 senior staff 高级职员 a senior officer 高级军官 a senior high school 高中 senior student 高年级学生 She has a good relationship with her senior. 重点用法 be senior to比年长 练习 汉译英 1) 我比你大两岁. _ 2) 她最终选择嫁给了大她十岁的绅士。 _ Keys: 1) I am two years senior to you. 2) She finally chose to marry a gentleman ten ye

7、ars senior to her. 2.outgoing adj. 外向的,爽直的外向的,爽直的 outing n. 远足,郊游 The outing will do me good. 这次远足对我会有所助益。 3.impression n.印;印痕;印记;印象;意念;概念印;印痕;印记;印象;意念;概念 典例 1) Your performance gave me a strong impression你的表演给我留下了很深的印象。 2) What I said made no impression on him我的话对他不起作用。 重点用法 impress v.留下印象 impress

8、sthonupon ones mind 把牢记在心上 have an impression of sthdoing sththat make an impression on sb 给某人留下印象 make no impression on 对无影响效果 give sba favorable impression 给某人以好印象 an impression of sbs foot 某人的脚印 练习 汉译英 1) 我隐约记得我们以前曾经见过面 _ 2) 你对他的印象如何? (他给你的印象怎样?) _ 3) 我父亲让我铭记艰苦劳动的价值。 Keys: 1.I have the impression

9、 that we have met once before. 2.Whats your impression of him? 3)My father impressed on me the value of hard work. 4.concentrate vt. 集中;聚集 典例 1)Authority was concentrated in the president. 政权集于总统一身 2)We concentrated on the task before us. 我们专注于眼前的任务 重要用法 concentration n. 集中, 专心 with deep concentrati

10、on 专心 concentrate ones attention on upon 把注意力集中在 练习汉译英 1) 如果你全神贯注,就能解决这个问题。 _ _ 2) 面对巨大的灾难,整个社会致力于解救废墟中的人们。 _ _ Key: 1)Youll solve the problem if you concentrate upon it. 2) Facing the great disaster, the whole society concentrated its attention on rescuing the people in ruin. 5.leave alone 让一个人单独呆着

11、;不管,不顾,不理会= leave out; 别碰 leave my things alone; leave out 遗漏; 省去; 不考虑; 不理会; leave behind 忘带; 留下; leave sth. to(with) sb. 把丢给某人 leave + 宾 + 宾补 使.处在.状态 6.explore (1)explore vt.作出反应,响应。常见搭配: respond to 回应对作出反应 respond with 以回应 Knowing basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergen

12、cies.掌握基本的急 救技能将会有助于你对紧急情况迅速作出反应。 Like any other public servants, police must respond to public demand.和其他公务员一样,警察 必须对公众的需求作出回应。 Dont respond to any e-mails requesting personal information, no matter how official they look.不 要回复任何询问个人信息的电子邮件,不管它们看起来多么正式。 He responded to my offer with laugh.他对我的提议报以大

13、笑。 归纳拓展 response n.反应,回应;回答,答复 in response to 作为对的答复/反应 11.lecture Two series of lectures are scheduled.两个系列的演讲已经被安排好了。 (通常指大学里的)讲座,讲课,演讲 to deliver / give a lecture to first-year students 拓展 lecture to sb on/about sth 动词 给演讲 12register register sth to register a birth / marriage / death 登记出生结婚死亡 to

14、 register a company / trademark 注册公司商标 register sth in sth The ship was registered in Panama. 这艘船是在巴拿马注册的。 register sb + adj. | register (sb) as sth She is officially registered (as) disabled. 她正式登记为伤残者。 register (with sb/sth) to register with a doctor 向医生登记 register (at/for sth) to register at a ho

15、tel 在旅馆登记 registration n.登记 例句:Marriage without registration is not recognized by law. 13.sex How can you tell what sex a fish is? 你怎样辨别一条鱼的雌雄? a process that allows couples to choose the sex of their baby 使夫妇能选择婴儿性别的措施 14.female being a woman or a girl 女的;女性的 a female student / employee / artist 女学

16、生;女雇员;女艺术家 Two of the candidates must be female. 候选人中必须有两名是女性。 15.nation nationality n.国籍 nation, country, state 词义辨析 【例句】One-third of the nation felt it. 这个国家的三分之一都感觉到了。 【点拨】 country 指国家时,侧重疆土或人口。 China is a socialist country. 中国是一个社会主义国家。 nation 指国家时,侧重人民、民族。 The whole nation was sad at the news.

17、听到这个消息,举国悲伤。 state 指国家时,侧重政体、政府,也可指组成国家的“州”。 a NATO member state 一个北约成员国 Queensland is one of the states of Australia. 昆士兰是澳大利亚的一个州。 【随堂练习】用 country, nation, state 适当形式填空 1. Railways in China belong to the . 中国的铁路属于国家。 2. Which do you prefer, to live in a city or in the ? 你是喜欢住在城里还是喜欢住 在乡下? 3. He is

18、 loved by the whole . 他受到全体国民的爱戴. Keys:1. state; 2. countryside; 3. nation. 16.design 【例句】The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days. 琥珀屋的设计采 用了当时流行的别致的建筑式样。 【点拨】design vi. vt. 设计设计;计划;构思计划;构思; n. 设计;图案;构思 be designed to do 目的是 be designed for sb. / sth. 打算给(做)用 be designed

19、as sth. 打算当作 design to do 打算做 The experiment is designed to test the new drug. 这个实验目的是测试这个新药。 This is designed as a present for my son . 这个打算给我儿子做礼物。 It is designed for the house . 它是给这个房子用的。 Was it designed, or did it just happen? 这是有预谋的,还是偶然发生的? He designed us a beautiful house. 他为我们设计了一座漂亮的房子。 He

20、 designs to become a musician. 他立志成为一个音乐家。 This piece of cloth has a new design. 这块布图案新颖。 【拓展】by design 意思是意思是“故意地故意地”,反义词为,反义词为 by accident/ chance。 Do you think the building was burnt down by accident or design? 你认为大楼被烧是意外事故还是有意为之? 17.campus (大学、学院的)校园,校区 She lives on campus ( within the main univ

21、ersity area). 她住在大学校园内。 campus life 大学校园生活 18.formal adj.适合正式场合的;正规的;庄重的 formal evening dress 晚礼服 The dinner was a formal affair. 这是正式宴会。 He kept the tone of the letter formal and businesslike. 他使这封信保持正式公文的语气。 She has a very formal manner, which can seem unfriendly. 她的举止很是郑重其事,有可能会显得不友好。 反义词:informa

22、l adj.形式上的 例句:Critics have concentrated too much on the formal elements of her poetry, without really looking at what it is saying. 评论家过多地集中评论她诗歌的形式,而没有真正看其内容。 19.anxious 例句:I was really anxious about you. You shouldnt have left home without a word. 我真是为你担心,你不该不打招呼就离家的。 注意 当 too 后面接 anxious, eager,

23、glad, happy, pleased, kind 等表示某种心情或描绘性形容词时,表 示肯定意义。 The two thieves were too anxious to leave. 两个贼急于离开。 20.annoy v. 使使不悦、烦恼不悦、烦恼 sth. annoy sb. 惹恼了某人惹恼了某人 annoyed 人感到烦恼 annoying 本身令人烦恼 annoyance n. 烦恼 His constant joking was beginning to annoy her. 他不停地开玩笑,已开始惹她生气。 it annoys sb when It really annoys

24、 me when people forget to say thank you. 有人连谢谢都忘记说时我确实感到不愉快。 annoy sb to do sth It annoys me to see him getting ahead of me. 我看见他领先于我就心里不痛快 21.frighten 例句:A student killed his English teacher, which frightened me very much. They were frightened at the sad sight. 他们对眼前悲惨的景象感到很害怕。 22.look forward to 盼

25、望 典例 (1) Many senior students are looking forward to graduation due to the heavy burden. 由于不堪重负许多高中生期待着毕业. (2) The daughter is looking forward to seeing her parents after many years departure. 分开多年后,女儿渴望见到她的父母亲。 短语归纳含介词 to 的短语 stick to 坚持 lead to 导致, 通向 pay a visit to 参观 sentence sb. to 宣判某人 come to

26、 谈到, 涉及 see to 处理,负责 be up to 总计 devoteto 致力于 get down to 开始 /着手 练习 汉译英 1)大部分台湾人民渴望看到直航的实现。 _ 2)司机的粗心导致事故的发生。 _ Keys: 1) Most people in Taiwan are looking forward to seeing the direct flight from mainland to Taiwan. 2) The drivers carelessness led to the traffic accident. 23.flash v. (使)闪耀,闪光 Lightn

27、ing flashed in the distance. 远处电光闪闪。 the flashing blue lights of a police car 警车闪烁的蓝灯 The guide flashed a light into the cave. 导游用手电筒照射洞穴。 v.发出信号发出信号 flash sth (at sb) Red lights flashed a warning at them. 红灯闪亮向他们发出警告。 v.突然想到;猛然想起突然想到;猛然想起 A terrible thought flashed through my mind. 一个可怕的想法闪过我的脑海。 v.飞速运动;掠过 The countryside flashed past the train windows. 乡村景色从火车窗外飞掠而过。


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