Unit 3 课时作业(4) (新教材)人教版(2020新)必修第一册.docx

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1、课时作业(四) Listening and Talking & Reading for Writing 必备知识基础练 进阶训练第一层 .单词拼写 1Be _ (积极的) and joyful, for your mental health is equal to your physical health. 2In order to be prettier and _ (苗条的), some girls usually go on a diet. 3Not everyone can get used to a different _ (日常饮食), so why not cook meals

2、by yourself? 4Many students _ (错误) appeared because they didnt understand the verb phrase. 5He _ (强调) the importance of working with our own hands at the class meeting. 6There are plenty of reasons why people shouldnt _ (欺骗) 7Many young people like to _ (慢跑) in the park on weekends. 8If the _ (观众) c

3、ant trust you, you will not be able to persuade them. 9Have you ever watched a child pick up a stone and _ (假装) it is a racing car? 10Women were first allowed to _ (竞争) in the Olympic shooting in 1968. .选词填空 compare with, cut.out, rather than, be positive about, improve ones life, make sense, now an

4、d then, go on a diet, make a difference, be similar to 1He insisted on staying _ going back home. 2Experience doesnt always _ to the problem we are faced with. 3The old man showed us how to _ part of the surface of the wood. 4_ other women, she is lucky indeed. 5His parents go to see his grandparent

5、s living in the countryside with him _. 6Mary decided to _ during the holiday. 7A person who _ his future will succeed more easily than those who arent. 8The two boxes _ each other in colour. 9We should make some positive changes to _. 10This sentence doesnt _. 关键能力综合练 进阶训练第二层 .阅读 The other day, I r

6、ead a news report that an athlete consumed steroids (类固醇) in order to perform better at a sports event. I was really surprised. To be honest, I really loved that athlete before the news report. But after I learned he consumed steroids, I no longer liked him. Athletes that are in sports should not be

7、 allowed to consume steroids. Or if they are consuming steroids they should not be allowed to play sports. When athletes use steroids, they have the advantage of many things. For example, they have the advantage of doing better when doing their plays or when they are against their opponents (对手). Le

8、ts say that two athletes are competing, one does consume steroids and the other doesnt, who will win? It will more than likely be the athlete consuming steroids. This would be because steroids make people stronger and more energetic. Steroid use should be avoided not only because it gives disadvanta

9、ge to other athletes but also because it destroys the human body. Consuming steroids does not greatly change your body immediately. It does make you look built and strong, but its damages to your body will appear gradually. In my opinion, steroids are not a good thing when it comes to sports. Steroi

10、ds will not only be a disadvantage to those athletes who do not consume them but they will also have longterm negative effects on the human body. If an athlete was consuming steroids and had a great performance and later on the news found out that he was consuming steroids, it could affect the athle

11、tes career. Most of the fans will think that the athlete has a bad reputation and the athlete can even get kicked off the team. 1What surprised the author? AThe athlete consumed steroids. BPeople stopped liking that athlete. CThe news report lied about the athlete. DThe athlete performed better than

12、 before. 2According to the text, if an athlete consumes steroids, _. Ahe may look very strange Bit is unfair to his opponents Che may perform worse than before Dit is harmful to him in the short run 3In the authors opinion, steroid use _. Aisnt always a bad thing Bis popular among athletes Cis suppo

13、rted by some fans Dmay destroy the athletes career 4What is the text mainly about? AWhy some athletes consume steroids. BWhy athletes should not consume steroids. CWhy steroids are harmful to the human body. DWhy some athletes perform better than others. .七选五 All over the world people enjoy sports.

14、Sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live longer. _1_ They buy tickets or turn on their TVs to watch the games. Often they get very excited when their player or team wins. _2_ Soccer, for example, has spread around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in th

15、ose with many rivers. What fun it is to jump into a pool or lake, whether in China, Egypt or Italy! _3_ So many people like to skate or ski in Japan, Norway or Canada. Some sports or games go back thousands of years like the marathon. Chinese wushu, for example, has a very long history. But basketba

16、ll and volleyball are rather new. Both of them are only about a hundred years old yet. _4_ Water- skiing is one of the newest events in the family of sports. People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game together they often become good friends. _5_ One le

17、arns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace. AAnd think of people in cold countries. BSports help to train a persons character. CPeople arent inventing new sports or games. DMany people like to watch others play games. EPeople are inventing new sports or games all

18、the time. FNot a few people take part in different sports competitions themselves. GSome sports are so interesting that people everywhere take part in them. .语法填空 When the modern Olympic Games 1._ (start) in 1896 in Athens, Greece, there was no such thing as the Winter Olympics. 2._ (player) compete

19、d only in the Summer Games. However, there were the Nordic Games. There was a 3._ (compete) of winter sports that took place every few years starting in 1901. But the Nordic Games were only to athletes 4._ Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The winter sports were popular, so in 1924 an Internation

20、al Winter Sports Week 5._ (hold) in Chamonix, France. About 250 athletes from 16 countries competed in nine sports and there were 11 female athletes, 6._ competed in figure skating. Still, the Winter Olympics were under way, adding more sports to the games and 7._ (especial) more sports for women. W

21、omen got the chance 8._ (take) part in skiing, ice hockey (冰球) 9._ other sports. Now the Games have such 10._ (interest) events as snowboarding and bobsleigh (雪橇比赛) .写作(共两节) 第一节: 假如你是李华,你的加拿大笔友 Harry 上周写信询问你的体育爱好。请根据以下要点给 他写一封回信,内容包括: 1你喜欢的运动项目及原因,如有益于身心健康(physical and mental health),增强自信 等; 2何时喜欢上这

22、项运动,现在参加该运动的情况如何; 3询问对方的体育爱好。 注意: 1词数 80 左右(信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数); 2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Harry, I am glad to receive your letter. _ _ _ _ _ _ Yours sincerely, Li Hua 第二节:读后续写 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 I am a mother of three and have recently completed my college degree. The last class I had to t

23、ake was sociology (社会学). The teacher was absolutely inspiring with the qualities that I wish every human had been graced with. Her last project of the term was called “Smile”. The class was asked to go out and smile at three people and document their reactions. I am a very friendly person and always

24、 smile at everyone and say hello anyway, so, I thought this would be a piece of cake. Soon after we were given the project,_my husband,_youngest son,_and I went out to McDonalds one cold March morning. It was just our way of sharing special playtime with our son. We were standing in line, waiting to

25、 be served, when all of a sudden everyone around us began to back away, and then even my husband did. I did not move a bit.a strong feeling of fear welled up inside of me as I turned to see why they had moved. As I turned around I smelled a terrible “dirty body” smell, and there standing behind me w

26、ere two poor homeless men. As I looked down at the short gentleman,_close to me, he was “smiling”. His beautiful sky blue eyes were full of hope as he searched for acceptance. He said, “Good day!” as he counted the few coins he had been holding. The second man was obviously mentally disabled. I held

27、 back my tears as I stood there with them. The young lady at the counter asked him what they wanted. He said, “Coffee is all, Miss, ” because that was all they could afford (If they wanted to sit in the restaurant and warm up, they had to buy something. He just wanted to be warm.) Then I really felt

28、 the desire was so great that I almost reached out and hugged the little man with the blue eyes. 注意: 1所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右; 2至少使用 5 个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1: That is when I noticed all eyes in the restaurant were set on me, judging my every action. _ _

29、 _ _ _ Paragraph 2: I turned in “my project” and the instructor read it. _ _ _ _ _ _ 课时作业课时作业(四四) Listening and Talking & Reading for Writing 必备知识基础练必备知识基础练 .单词拼写 1positive 2.slimmer 3.diet 4.error 5.stressed 6.cheat 7jog 8.audience 9.pretend pete .选词填空 1rather than 2.make a difference 3.cut out 4.C

30、ompared with 5.now and then 6.go on a diet 7.is positive about 8.are similar to 9improve our life 10.make sense 关键能力综合练关键能力综合练 .阅读 【语篇解读】 本文为一篇议论文。作者认为运动员不应该服用类固醇,因为这不但对 别的运动员不公平,对服用者本人也有害。 1答案与解析:A 细节理解题。由第一段“.I read a news report that an athlete consumed steroids in order to perform better at a sp

31、orts event. I was really surprised”可知,是那 位运动员服用类固醇这件事让作者很惊讶。 2答案与解析:B 推理判断题。由第二段所举的例子可知,运动员服用类固醇后更 易取胜,因为类固醇会让人更强壮、精力更充沛。因此这对他的对手而言是不公平的。 3答案与解析:D 细节理解题。由最后一段“.later on the news found out that he was consuming steroids, it could affect the athletes career”可知应选 D。 4答案与解析:B 主旨大意题。由文章内容可知,本文主要是围绕为什么运动员

32、不 应该服用类固醇展开的。 .七选五 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文, 主要介绍了人们对运动的热爱以及运动给人们带来 的益处。 1答案与解析:D 根据后句内容可知人们喜欢看比赛,买票去现场观看或者在电视 上看,还会因为自己喜欢的选手或队伍获胜而高兴。由此判断 D 项内容符合语境,能够引 出下文。 2答案与解析:G 本段主要介绍了几种风靡全世界的运动,如足球、游泳等。由此 可知 G 选项内容可以作为段落主题句。 3答案与解析:A 空后内容提到在日本、挪威、加拿大这些地方的人们十分喜爱滑 冰或滑雪这些运动,这些都是寒冷地区人们的运动,故 A 选项内容符合语境。 4答案与解析:E 空格前后内容介绍了

33、历史悠久的运动、不是很悠久的运动和新兴 的运动。由此判断 E 选项内容符合语境。 5答案与解析:B 空格后内容介绍在运动中,人们能够学到努力拼搏和公平竞争, 胜不骄,败不馁的精神。这是运动对人们性格的塑造。故 B 项内容符合语境。 .语法填空 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了冬奥会的发展历史。 1答案与解析:started 考查动词时态。句意:1896 年,现代奥运会在希腊雅典开始 的时候,并没有像冬奥会这样的比赛。根据时间状语 in 1896 判断用一般过去时。 2答案与解析:Players 考查名词的数。句意:运动员们只参加夏季奥运会。player 是可数名词,前面没有修饰语则用

34、复数形式 Players。 3答案与解析:competition 考查名词。句意:从 1901 年开始,每隔几年就会进行一 次冬季运动比赛。不定冠词 a 后面要接单数名词,所以填 competition。 4答案与解析:from 考查介词。句意:但是北欧运动会只允许来自丹麦、芬兰、挪 威和瑞典的运动员参加。根据句意可知应填介词 from,意为“来自”。 5答案与解析:was held 考查动词时态和语态。句意:冬季运动很受欢迎,因此 1924 年在法国夏慕尼举行了国际冬季运动周。此处主语 an International Winter Sports Week 与动 词 hold 构成被动关系,

35、再根据时间状语 in 1924 可知该空应填 was held。 6答案与解析:who 考查定语从句。句意:来自 16 个国家的约 250 名运动员参加了 9 个项目的比赛,有 11 名女子运动员参加了花样滑冰比赛。本题定语从句的先行词是 11 female athletes,设空处指代先行词,引导定语从句并在从句中作主语,所以要填 who。 7答案与解析:especially 考查副词。在英语中副词通常作状语修饰形容词、副词、 动词或整个句子,所以要填 especially。 8答案与解析:to take 考查不定式。句意:女性得到了参加滑雪、冰球和其他项目 的机会。句中不定式短语 to t

36、ake.作定语修饰名词 chance。所以要填不定式 to take。 9答案与解析:and 考查连词。此处 skiing、ice hockey 和 other sports 是并列关系, 故填 and。 10 答案与解析: interesting 考查形容词。 修饰名词 events 应该使用形容词 interesting。 .写作(共两节) 第一节: One possible version: Dear Harry, I am glad to receive your letter. Now Im writing to tell you about my favorite sports.

37、Of all the sports, I like table tennis best. I think playing table tennis is beneficial to both physical and mental health, as it not only helps to build up my strength and confidence but also brings pleasure to my life. I began to show great interest in it at seven. Now Im on the school table tenni

38、s team. To improve my skills, I practice playing table tennis after finishing my homework. By the way, would you please tell me about your hobby? Looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 第二节:读后续写 One possible version: Paragraph 1: That is when I noticed all eyes in the restaurant were

39、set on me, judging my every action. I smiled and asked the waitress to give me two more breakfasts on a separate tray. I put the trays on the table and the blueeyed gentleman looked up at me with tears in his eyes. I started to cry as I walked away. When I sat down my husband smiled at me. We held h

40、ands firmly. I returned to college, on the last evening of class,_with this story in hand. Paragraph 2: I turned in “my project” and the instructor read it. Then she said, “Can I share this?” I nodded as she got the attention of the class. She began to read and that is when I knew that we, as humans

41、, share this need to help people and to be helped. In my own way I had touched the people at McDonalds,_my husband, son, instructor, and every soul that shared the classroom on the last night I spent as a college student. I graduated with one of the biggest lessons I would ever learn: UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE.


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