1、Lesson 19 Eat More Vegetables and Fruit! Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday A week Friday Whats your favourite food? My favoutite food is _. vegetables fruit food donutdonuts tomatotomatoes potatopotatoes how now cow flower shower How often do I eat vegetables? How old 多大多大 (老的
2、) How tall 多高多高 (高的) How far 多远多远 (远的) How long 多长多长 (长的) How often (经常) 多久多久 Breakfast Lunch Dinner onceone timetwo times twicea day. = = three timesfour timesfive timessix timesseven times two times = twice one time = once three times 三次三次 four times 四次四次 five times 五次五次 six times 六次六次 seven times
3、 七次七次 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday _ a week.I eat vegetablestwicethree timesfour timesfive timessix timesseven times once day week year three times four times five times vegetables fruit milk juice Water drink eat I vegetables twice a day.milk once a day. 1. How often does Dann
4、y eat vegetables? 2. How often does Danny eat fruit? Twice a week. Three times a week. 3. How often does Danny eat donuts? Twice a day. What does Danny need to eat more? Read and answer. Danny needs to eat more vegetables and fruit. 减少吃 吃适量 吃多些 吃最多 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,医生远离我。
5、I _ _a _. She/He _ _a _. twice a dayonce a daytwice a week four times a week six times a week three times a week eat vegetablestwiceday eats fruitsix timesweek Homework: Make a healthy diet for yourself, and share with us.制作一张适合自己的健康饮食表,并与大家分享。 【设计意图设计意图】: 没有情感教育的教育是不完整的。所以我们教师应充分挖掘、利用文本中 的情感教育资源,提升
6、课堂教学品质,深化对学生的情感教育。这样既提高了 操练强度,又能培养学生的创造力。 六、板书设计:六、板书设计: LessonLesson 1919 EatEat MoreMore VegetablesVegetables andand FruitFruit! How often do you eat vegetables? I eat vegetables twice a week. 课后反思: 优点:能够在与学生交流中引出新知,并能以旧知带新知。能培养学生静 心阅读的习惯,捕捉文本的细节信息,引领学生正确掌握文本内容,通过阅读 后的相关问答,使学生全面透彻地理解文本内容。通过讨论 Dann
7、y 一年中吃蔬 菜、水果和面包圈的次数,以及这些食物对 Danny 的身体的好坏,学生们能自 觉地意识到哪些食物对自己的身体有好处,而哪些食物对自己的身体没有好处, 从而培养学生良好的饮食习惯。 缺点:首先,由于课堂容量稍大,导致过于依赖课件,使课堂的练习偏少, 没有充分体现学生在课堂中的主体作用,学生的主动性明显不足。其次,课堂 的知识配置上高估了学生的能力,以至于自己觉得简单的问题学生反而不知所 以然,茫然不懂的感觉,影响了课堂的有效利用时间。 成功和不足都属于过去,只有在不断总结成功经验和吸取不足或者失败的 教训之后才能真正的提高,我希望在今后的教学过程中大家多给予指导和提出 建议,来让自己真正提高。