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1,本文(人教版(新起点)三下Unit 3 After School Activities-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:20040).zip)为本站会员(小黑)主动上传,163文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。
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人教版(新起点)三下Unit 3 After School Activities-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:20040).zip

1、Unit 3 After School Activities Lesson 2 Lets chat! Dance Dance I m going to dance. Sing songs Sing songs Hes going to sing songs. Read books Read books Im going to read books . Play sports Play sports Hes going to play sports Draw pictures Draw pictures Im going to draw pictures. Play chess Play che

2、ss Hes going to play chess. Listen and answer What is Binbin going to do after school? Binbin /He is going to play sports. What is Andy going to do after school? Andy/He is going to read books. Listen to the recorder again. What are you going to do after school? I am going to. Ask and answer in pair

3、s. A: What are you going to do after school? B: I am going to. What is he/she going to do after school? He is going to. She is going to. Card game Card game LuLu HanHan 鹿鹿 晗晗 Card game Angelababy Card game Yao Ming 姚姚 明明 Card game Wang Yuan 王王 源源 Card game Duo Duo 多多 多多 Card game Yang Yang 杨杨 洋洋 Rea

4、d in roles Yaoyao: Binbin, What are you going to do after school? Binbin: Im going to play sports. I love to play football. Yaoyao: Can I play with you? Binbin: Sure! Yaoyao: Look theres Andy! What is he going to do after school? Binbin: Hes going to read books. He really likes reading! Discuss in g

5、roups and fill the blank Yaoyao: Binbin, What _you _after school? Binbin: Im _play sports. I _play football. Yaoyao: Can I play _you? Binbin: Sure! Yaoyao: Look theres Andy! What_ he _after school? Binbin: He_ read books. He really likes _! Make a new dialogue A:_, What _after school? B: Im _. I lov

6、e to _. A: Can I _? B: Sure! A: Look _! What _ after school? B: _. Show time Act out the dialogue What have you got today? Homework Review the dialogue and act it out. Do more healthy after school activities. Unit 3 After School Activities Lesson 2 LessonLesson 2 2 AnalysisAnalysis ofof thethe teach

7、ingteaching materials:materials: ThereThere areare 6 6 unitsunits inin thisthis ThisThis isis UnitUnit 3 3 LessonLesson 2,which2,which isis fromfrom PEPPEP EnglishEnglish BookBook 6.6. InIn thisthis unit,unit, studentsstudents willwill learnlearn thethe futurefuture tensetense andand make

8、make dailydaily conversationsconversations .To.To directdirect thethe studentsstudents listeninglistening abilityability andand communicativecommunicative abilityability withwith thethe helphelp ofof thethe teacherteacher . . AccordingAccording toto thethe teachingteaching task,task, listeninglisten

9、ing task,task, task,task, readingreading activity,activity, studentsstudents task,task, independentindependent taskstasks , , soso thatthat eacheach studentstudent cancan developdevelop theirtheir ability.ability. AnalysisAnalysis ofof Learners:Learners: thethe thirdthird gradegrade primaryprimary s

10、choolschool studentsstudents , , theythey areare familiarfamiliar withwith thethe teachingteaching mode,mode, theirtheir listeninglistening andand speakingspeaking abilityability isis relativelyrelatively strong,strong, thethe studentsstudents alwaysalways keepkeep a a strongstrong interestinterest

11、inin EnglishEnglish learning,learning, studentsstudents cancan choosechoose thethe readingreading materials,materials, developdevelop theirtheir ownown abilityability accordingaccording toto theirtheir ownown level,level, interest,interest, hobbies.hobbies. TeachingTeaching aims:aims: AbilityAbility

12、 aims:aims: 1.1. GraspGrasp thethe wordswords andand sentences.sentences. 2.2. UsingUsing futurefuture tensetense toto makemake a a dialogues.dialogues. 3.3. UsingUsing sentencesentence patternpattern WhatWhat areare youyou goinggoing toto dodo afterafter school?school? I I amam goinggoing Wh

13、atWhat isis he/shehe/she goinggoing toto dodo afterafter schoolschool 4.4. ToTo knowknow thethe importanceimportance ofof afterafter schoolschool activitiesactivities . . ProcessProcess andand methods:methods: 1.1. LeadLead toto newnew knowledge,knowledge, paypay attentionattention toto thethe relat

14、ionshiprelationship knowledge,knowledge, graspgrasp thethe learninglearning methodmethod ofof knowledgeknowledge transfer.transfer. 2.2. ThroughThrough readread byby themselvesthemselves andand readread inin pairs,pairs, improveimprove thethe abilityability ofof oraloral communicationcommunication a

15、ndand thinkingthinking ability.ability. EmotionEmotion attitudeattitude andand values:values: 1.To1.To keepkeep onon doingdoing healthyhealthy afterafter schoolschool activities.activities. 2.2. TheThe initialinitial formationformation ofof thethe sensesense ofof cooperationcooperation andand spirit

16、spirit cooperation.cooperation. ImportantImportant points:points: SentenceSentence patterns:patterns: WhatWhat areare youyou goinggoing toto dodo afterafter school?school? I I amam goinggoing WhatWhat isis he/shehe/she goinggoing toto dodo afterafter school?school? He/SheHe/She isis goinggoin

17、g DifficultDifficult points:points: HowHow toto useuse wordswords andand sentencesentence patternspatterns learnedlearned todaytoday toto actact freely.freely. TeachingTeaching preparation:preparation: 1.1. PEPPEP EnglishEnglish BookBook 6 6 2.2. PPTPPT 3.3. RecorderRecorder 4.4. PicturesPict

18、ures Step1:Step1: WarmWarm up:up: 1.1. Greetings:Greetings: T:T: Hello,Hello, boysboys andand girls.girls. GladGlad toto meetmeet Ss:Ss: GladGlad toto meetmeet you,you, too.too.(ShakingShaking handshands) T:T: TodayToday isis sunny,sunny, areare youyou happy?happy? Ss:Ss: Yes.Yes. T:T: SitS

19、it downdown ,Please.,Please. (Design(Design intent:intent: shakeshake hands,hands, thenthen naturallynaturally thethe discussiondiscussion ofof thethe weather,weather, createcreate a a relaxedrelaxed EnglishEnglish atmosphere,atmosphere, letlet thethe studentstudent feelfeel easyeasy toto learn,lear

20、n, quicklyquickly enterenter intointo thethe statestate ofof EnglishEnglish learning.)learning.) 2.2. ChatChat : : T:LetsT:Lets chat!chat! First,First, listenlisten toto PPT:PPT: DanceDance DanceDance ImIm goinggoing toto SingSing songssongs SingSing songssongs HesHes goinggoing

21、toto singsing songs.songs. ReadRead booksbooks ReadRead booksbooks ImIm goinggoing toto ReadRead booksbooks . . PlayPlay sportsport PlayPlay sportssports HesHes goinggoing toto PlayPlay sports.sports. DrawDraw picturespictures DrawDraw picturespictures ImIm goinggoing toto drawdraw

22、. PlayPlay chesschess PlayPlay chesschess HesHes goinggoing toto PlayPlay chess.chess. T:LetsT:Lets chatchat togethertogether ! ! StepStep 2:Presentation2:Presentation : : T:T: Binbin,Binbin, YaoyaoYaoyao andand AndyAndy areare atat TheyThey cancan dodo a a lotlot ofof activities.acti

23、vities. LetsLets learnlearn a a newnew lesson,lesson, LessonLesson 2.2. (Writing(Writing headlines)headlines) ToTo seesee whatwhat areare theythey goinggoing toto dodo afterafter 1.1. ListeningListening 1.)1.)T:ListenT:Listen toto thethe recorderrecorder carefullycarefully andand tell

24、tell me:me: PPT:PPT: WhatWhat isis BinbinBinbin goinggoing toto dodo afterafter school?school? WhatWhat isis AndyAndy goinggoing toto dodo afterafter school?school? (Design(Design intent:intent: ListeningListening toto thethe radioradio cancan makemake studentsstudents bebe interestedinterested inin

25、 English.English. ByBy listening,listening, letlet thethe studentsstudents feelfeel newnew wordswords andand sentences.sentences. DesignDesign twotwo questionsquestions toto traintrain thethe thinkingthinking abilityability . .) 2.)2.)DeriveDerive thethe sentencesentence patternspatterns T:T: letsle

26、ts listenlisten toto thethe recorderrecorder again.again. T:T: WhatWhat areare youyou goinggoing toto dodo afterafter school?(PPTschool?(PPT ,Blackboard-writing),Blackboard-writing) Ss:Ss: I I amam goinggoing (PPT(PPT ,Blackboard-writing),Blackboard-writing) ExtendExtend trainingtraining: PPT

27、:PPT: AskAsk andand answeranswer inin pairs.pairs. A:A: WhatWhat areare youyou goinggoing toto dodo afterafter school?school? B:B: I I amam goinggoing (Design(Design intent:intent: ExtendExtend training,training, reviewreview oldold knowledgeknowledge andand putput thethe wordswords inin thet

28、he sentence.sentence. AtAt last,last, ItsIts easyeasy toto thethe followingfollowing teaching.)teaching.) T:T: WhatWhat isis he/shehe/she goinggoing toto dodo afterafter school?school? (PPT(PPT ,Blackboard-writing),Blackboard-writing) Ss:Ss: HeHe isis goinggoing to.(showto.(show pictures)pictures) (

29、PPT(PPT ,Blackboard-,Blackboard- writing)writing) SheShe isis goinggoing to.(showto.(show pictures)(PPTpictures)(PPT ,Blackboard-,Blackboard- writing)writing) 2.Show2.Show computercomputer games:games: CardCard gamegame :Students:Students choosechoose thethe activitiesactivities randomlyrandomly and

30、and putput themthem inin thethe sentences.sentences. T:YouT:You cancan choosechoose a a numbernumber , , forfor exampleexample ,I,I choosechoose No.3:YaoNo.3:Yao MingMing andand playplay sports.sports. I I cancan askask whatwhat isis YaoYao MingMing goinggoing toto do?do? YouYou cancan answeranswer

31、hehe isis goinggoing toto playplay sports.sports. OneOne rightright answeranswer forfor oneone point.point. Clear?Clear? (Design(Design intent:intent: ThroughThrough theirtheir commoncommon computercomputer games,games, consolidateconsolidate thethe words,words, developdevelop thethe studentsstudent

32、s activeness.activeness. LetLet thethe studentsstudents keepkeep happy.happy. GivingGiving reward,reward, arousearouse thethe studentsstudents enthusiasmenthusiasm toto speak,speak, toto cultivatecultivate studentsstudents sensesense ofof competition)competition) 3.Follow3.Follow thethe recorderreco

33、rder (Design(Design intent:intent: ImitationImitation foreignersforeigners tonetone ofof voice,voice, ItsIts betterbetter toto learnlearn a a foreignforeign language.)language.) StepStep 3:3: PracticePractice 1)Ss1)Ss practicepractice byby themselves.themselves. (Design(Design intent:intent: Develop

34、Develop independentindependent abilityability ).). 2)2) ReadRead inin roles.roles. (DesignDesign intent:intent: LetLet thethe studentstudent feelfeel interestinginteresting andand havehave a a betterbetter understandingunderstanding ofof thethe dialogue.)dialogue.) 3)Fill3)Fill inin thethe blankblan

35、k (DesignDesign intent:intent: ToTo practicepractice thethe studentsstudents memorymemory andand underunder thethe dialoguedialogue betterbetter .).) 4)Make4)Make a a newnew dialoguedialogue (DesignDesign intent:intent: ToTo traintrain thethe studentsstudents thinkingthinking ability.ability. ToTo s

36、howshow thethe worksworks ofof students,students, makemake studentsstudents experienceexperience sensesense ofof honorhonor byby learning)learning) 5.5. ActAct thethe dialogues.dialogues. (Design(Design intent:intent: thisthis linklink cancan consolidateconsolidate thethe teachingteaching effect.eff

37、ect. ThroughThrough situationalsituational communicativecommunicative activities,activities, trainingtraining studentsstudents abilityability toto communicatecommunicate inin English,English, paypay attentionattention toto allall thethe teachingteaching idea,idea, arousearouse thethe enthusiasmenthu

38、siasm ofof studentsstudents inin teachingteaching activities.)activities.) Step4:Step4: Summary:Summary: 1)1) T:T: WhatWhat havehave youyou gotgot today?today? (Design(Design intent:intent: InIn thethe processprocess ofof teaching,teaching, letlet thethe studentsstudents havehave enoughenough inputi

39、nput andand output,output, butbut alsoalso cancan exerciseexercise theirtheir courage,courage, encouragingencouraging studentsstudents toto speakspeak inin frontfront ofof thethe public,public, toto overcomeovercome thethe psychologicalpsychological barriers,barriers, addadd self-confidence,self-con

40、fidence, improveimprove communicationcommunication skills.skills. 2)Sum-up:2)Sum-up: WhatWhat areare youyou goinggoing toto dodo afterafter school?school? I I amam goinggoing WhatWhat isis he/shehe/she goinggoing toto dodo afterafter school?school? He/SheHe/She isis goinggoing (Design(

41、Design intent:intent: ReviewReview thethe importantimportant pointpoint ofof thisthis lesson.lesson. ) ) 3 3)Moral:Moral: displaydisplay thethe videovideo thatthat thethe studentsstudents areare addictedaddicted toto computercomputer ButBut itit isntisnt goodgood forfor them.them. TheyT

42、hey shouldshould findfind outout theirtheir colorfulcolorful childhood.childhood. DoDo healthyhealthy afterafter schoolschool activities.activities. (Design(Design intent:intent: EmotionalEmotional teaching,teaching, letlet studentsstudents paypay attentionattention toto afterafter schoolschool acti

43、vities.activities. TheyThey shouldntshouldnt bebe addictedaddicted toto computercomputer ColorfulColorful afterafter schoolschool activitiesactivities areare goodgood forfor them.)them.) StepStep 6:6: Homework:Homework: ReviewReview thethe dialoguedialogue andand actact itit out.out. (D

44、esign(Design intent:intent: HomeworkHomework designdesign isis necessary,necessary, improveimprove thethe studentsstudents EnglishEnglish communicativecommunicative abilityability .).) BlackboardBlackboard design:design: LessonLesson 2 2 WhatWhat areare youyou goinggoing toto dodo afterafter school?school? I I amam goinggoing WhatWhat isis he/shehe/she goinggoing toto dodo afterafter school?school? He/SheHe/She isis goinggoing AuthorAuthor : : PangPang MengyaoMengyao LianhuaLianhua PrimaryPrimary SchoolSchool



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