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1、 初二英语初二英语 第第 1 页(共页(共 14 页)页) 延庆区延庆区 20192019-20202020 学年第一学期期末试卷学年第一学期期末试卷 初二英语初二英语 知识运用(共 14 分) 一、语法填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) 阅读下列三篇短文,根据上下文提示,从下列各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选 项中,选择出最佳选项。 A I enjoy watching TV and Animal World is 1 favorite. When I was five, I first 2 Animal World. And I became a fan of it because of t

2、he interesting programms. It 3 animals from every part of the world and the scenery is beautiful. I hope the programme 4 for a long time and it will be more interesting. 1. A. I B. my C. they D. their 2. A. watch B. watches C. watched D. will watch 3. A. is showing B. shows C. show D. will show 4. A

3、. will continue B. continues C. continued D. continue B The kids were good during PE class. Tim is much 5 than last year. So is Tina. The running team did well 6 the football team didnt. They cant 7 against with other teams. I gave them homework-practice more! 5. A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D

4、. the strongest 6. A. and B. so C. because D. but 7. A. play B. will play C. played D. to play 初二英语初二英语 第第 2 页(共页(共 14 页)页) C A ten-year-old girl, Tilly Smith saved many lives 8 December 26th, 2004. On that morning, Tilly and her family 9 on Maikhao Beach. Then suddenly, the water went out very far.

5、 10 was bubbling, too. Tilly was paying attention to that, she told her dad and he warned others, everyone left the beach. What about the people in the hotel? 11 were they doing then? Many of them were still sleeping in the hotel. Because of Tillys warning, the hotel workers quickly helped guests 12

6、 to a safer place. 8. A. from B. at C. in D. on 9. A. walk B. will walk C. are walking D. were walking 10. A. It B. She C. Its D. Hers 11. A. When B. Where C. What D. How 12. A. got B. getting C. get D. gets 二、完形填空(共 8 分,每小题 1 分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 Learn to rise again It

7、 is not always easy to discover yourself. From a young age, I had a strong sense of who I would become but an accident changed everything. To me, skating was more important than anything else in the world. Nothing else filled my heart with so much 13 . I spent 24 hours a week developing my skills. I

8、 had no social life or interests other than 14 . But I was rewarded(回报)with first place medals in nearly every competition. Unfortunately, during one competition, I fell and hurt my 15 badly. The 初二英语初二英语 第第 3 页(共页(共 14 页)页) doctor told me that I couldnt skate anymore. The pain in my back was hard t

9、o bear and even basic daily tasks became 16 . My passion(激情) had been taken away. I lost heart and had no idea what I would become. After eight months of suffering, something had to 17 . Instead of sitting around and wasting my days, I began to work with local community service projects. By voluntee

10、ring as a swimming teacher and summer reading assistant(助教)for kids, I got an idea of who I wanted to become. After a few months, I found a new interest. Little by little, I 18 out of the shadow and rebuilt my confidence. Sometimes, challenges in life will get in our way. We can choose to stay 19 or

11、 try to get past these challenges. My accident was a challenge that failed to stop me from 20 success. Today, Im a very confident and optimistic(乐观 的) person. 13. A. carelessness B. happiness C. sadness D. hopefulness 14. A. swimming B. running C. reading D. skating 15. A. back B. leg C. foot D. nec

12、k 16. A. boring B. interesting C. difficult D. easy 17. A. change B. happen C. return D. disappear 18. A. built B. led C. stepped D. worked 19. A. patiently B. behind C. well D. comfortably 20. A. choosing B. holding C. reaching D. bringing 初二英语初二英语 第第 4 页(共页(共 14 页)页) 阅读理解(共 31 分) 三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从

13、短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选 项中,选择最佳选项。(共 26 分,每小题 2 分) A Battle of the Books Advisor: Jody Phillips Like to read? Come and team up to read the books on the reading list. A competition is held in the end. Each team should answer questions on the reading list books. The team that answers the most questions c

14、orrectly wins the competition. Science Olympiad Advisor: Stephanie Pacquette If you are a budding Einstein, or just love science, this club is for you! Students meet after school every Friday to work on special experiments and projects. Anime Club Advisor: Katie Cunningham The Anime Club is going to

15、 take you into the world of Japanese animation, showing you that “cartoons” are not just for little kids. Animes often have complex(复杂的) story lines and interesting characters that you will enjoy. 21. Which club will have a competition? A. Battle of the books. B. Science Olympiad. C. Anime Club. D.

16、Chess Club. 初二英语初二英语 第第 5 页(共页(共 14 页)页) 22. You can _ in the Science Club. A. read the books B. do experiments C. watch cartoons D. make stories 23. If you want to know about Japanese cartoons, you can ask _ for help. A. Philips B. Pacquette C. Einstein D. Cunningham B One day, 50 people were atten

17、ding a speech. The speaker was delivering a speech about happiness. However, after a few hours, people gradually lost their attention. The speaker came up with an idea. He stopped his speech and asked all of the people to participate in a group activity. He gave a single balloon to each person in th

18、e room. Each person was asked to write his or her name on the balloon with a black marker. Then, all of the balloons were collected and moved to another room. The 50 people were then let into the room and told to find the balloon that had their name written on it. Everyone rushed around, frantically

19、(疯狂地)searching for their balloon. People were bumping into and tripping(绊倒) over each other. But even after five minutes of searching, no one could find their own balloon. After seeing this, the speaker asked each person to collect a balloon and try to find the person whose name was written on it. E

20、veryone started talking to each other and asking each other for their name. Within minutes, everyone had his or her own balloon. “Can you see what happened?” the speaker said. “The balloons are like the happiness we search in our own lives. Everyone is busy looking for their own happiness, not carin

21、g what happens to others. But sometimes the best way to find 初二英语初二英语 第第 6 页(共页(共 14 页)页) happiness is to help others. Help them find happiness and you can find your own.” 24. The 50 people need to _on the balloons they got. A. write their names B. draw happy faces C. draw black marks D. write their

22、 ages 25. In the story, the balloons refer to _. A. the problems that are difficult to solve B. the happiness people are looking for C. the help that others give to us in life D. the friends who are around us every day 26. What can we learn from the story? A. Finding happiness is not easy. B. People

23、 can find happiness by helping others. C. Happiness comes from our friends and families. D. People should share their happiness with others. C Fun Facts about Our Moon Have you ever noticed the ways the moon changes? The moon can be bright or dull. Sometimes, we dont see the moon in the sky at all!

24、Other times, the moon shows up even when the sun is out. When the moon looks bright, its partly because of the sun. The moon has no light of its own. It only reflects the suns light. But how? Think about daytime. The sun makes everything around you bright with light. During daytime, sunlight hits Ea

25、rths surface and makes it bright. During nighttime, the sun is near another part of Earths surface, making that part bright, so you see 初二英语初二英语 第第 7 页(共页(共 14 页)页) darkness. At night, you also see the moon. In the same way that sunlight shines on Earths surface and makes it bright, sunlight shines

26、on the moons surface and makes that bright. Even though you cant see the sun at night, sunlight reaches the moons surface. The sun acts like a giant flashlight in the sky thats pointed at the moon. Other things can make the moon look brighter or duller, too. Sometimes, the moon looks brighter becaus

27、e its closer to Earth. Fog and clouds in the sky can make the moon look dimmer. The moon is always in the sky, but we dont usually see it during daytime. One reason for this is that the sun is so powerful that it makes the sky very bright. The brightness makes the moon hard to see. Imagine turning o

28、n a flashlight in a darkroom and aiming it at a wall. You would see the flashlights bright light clearly. Now, imagine turning on a flashlight in a room that already has all the lights on. You would hardly see the light from the flashlight because the other lights are more powerful. The moon becomes

29、 difficult to see in daytime for the same reason. The next time you see the big, bright moon in the sky, think of the sun shining its light onto it. 27. The word “reflects” in paragraph 2 probably means _. A. sends back B. thinks about C. picks up D. carries on 28. What can we learn from the passage

30、? A. The moon cannot be seen in daytime. B. The moon shines bright from the sun. C. You can see the flashlights light in a bright room clearly. D. You can see a brighter moon when its farther from the Earth. 29. What is the writers main purpose in writing this passage? A. To introduce why the sun sh

31、ines brightly. 初二英语初二英语 第第 8 页(共页(共 14 页)页) B. To state reasons that make the sun look bright or dull. C. To tell how darkness makes the moon look bright in the sky. D. To explain reasons that make the moon look different sometimes. D Something happens to many children when they are out of school ov

32、er the summer months. It is called the “summer slide.” This may sound like a ride at a water park. But its not. Summer slide is the children forget much of what they learned during the latest school year. To fight the effects of summer slide, some parents send children to camp or find other activiti

33、es to keep them learning. As the new school year begins, most children are soon very busy with new classes and school-related activities. However, experts say keeping children busy all the time is not good for them. What should parents do instead? Nothing. Lea Waters is a psychologist, who has been

34、working on helping children succeed for over 20 years. Waters says slowing down actually helps children become the best they can be. “Its a little bit like, if you have too many programs running on your computer, your computer starts to slow down. And when you shut down those programs, your computer

35、 runs faster. Its very much like that for a childs brain.” Machines need to be reset, while kids need to goof off. “What I mean by goofing off is really allowing kids to have some downtime. They dont need to do a specific task. They can do something that they choose to do like shooting baskets, or d

36、oing a creative project, cooking. Its a project theyre interested in doing that they can do. ” She adds that goofing off does not mean the brain isnt working. “It uses that time to make a kind of decision about what information I should keep and put into my memory, what information I do not need and

37、 I get rid of. Its also an essential 初二英语初二英语 第第 9 页(共页(共 14 页)页) network for helping us to remember better, to develop emotional intelligence and a sense of identity. ” Lea Waters says she hopes parents will accept the fact that children dont have to be busy all the time. Children and adults need t

38、ime to goof off now and then. 30. According to the passage, summer slide is the children _. A. take rides at a water park B. take part in the summer camp C. learn some of the information in summer D. forget some of what they learned last term 31. According to the passage, Waters probably agrees that

39、 _. A. parents can keep their kids learning during summer vocation B. keeping the children busy all the time is good for their study C. kids can do ball games which they like during summer holiday D. making children do network can help them remember better 32. Waters mentions the computer in Paragra

40、ph 3 to show that _. A. children need to relax B. computer works faster than childs brain C. children need to remember slowly D. computer helps the kids to rest 33. What would be the best title for the passage? A. Should Parents Help Children? B. Should Parents Keep Busy Working? C. Is Goofing Off G

41、ood for Children? D. Is Summer Slide Bad for Children? 初二英语初二英语 第第 10 页(共页(共 14 页)页) 四、阅读短文,根据其内容回答问题。(共 5 分,每小题 1 分) World Teachers Day Who do you want to thank most? Maybe your parents or other family members. But for some of the most successful people in the world, their answer is teacher in thei

42、r childhood. Bill Gates thanked his high school maths teacher, Fred Wright, saying, “There wouldnt be a Microsoft without him doing what he did.” Fred asked him to push himself just a little bit harder. Maybe thats why Gates sometimes slept under Freds desk in the office instead of going home to rel

43、ax after work. For some children, teachers are the only positively influential people in their lives. Antwone Fisher, a best-selling writer, grew up in foster homes. And he didnt have many adults that he could trust. But a primary school teacher, Mrs Profitt, was the first adult he ever trusted. “Sh

44、e spoke to all of us the same way with respect. No one spoke to me that way before. I think that being with her for three years made all the difference,” Fisher said. There are thousands more stories like this, from famous people and ordinary people all across the world. Thats why UNESCO celebrates World Teachers Day on October 5th every year. UNESCO wants us to remember that education is a basic human right and every child should have free education. UNESCO hopes to train 69 million new teachers by 2030 so that everyone can go to school, because, sadly, 264 million chi


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