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1、2018年开年第六讲 形容词与副词形容词与副词 幸福游戏gogogo 1.全班分成两组,一组是形容词组,一组是副词组 2.每个学生都会拿到一张小卡片,上面有自己的属性 3.每组队员轮流以对方组的一个队员的属性来造句子,被 说到的队员需要马上站起来然后再以对方的属性造一个句 子,如果没站起来而且说出来则扣分,句子不可以重复 4.游戏时间为5min,获胜的小组有奖励 Content 01 形副位置与作用 02 形副的级 03 几组副词辨析 目 录 年份形容词词副词词考查查 2011less carefully 词义辨析exciting/excited boring/bored 2012the mo

2、st serious 2013much better 2014especially 2015seriously 2016nearly 2017形容词比较级 softly,heavily,nosily,quietly辨析 2011-2017中考形容词副词考点 01 形副位置与作用 标题 作定语:前置/后置 宾语补足语 作表语 -ing vs. -ed 名词前不定代词后 a funny teacher something important keep,make,leave等动词的宾语后作 宾语补足语 keep the window open make us happy 系动词后 It is ver

3、y cold today -ing:表主动,一般修饰事物,表示事物的特征或性质 -ed:表被动,一般修饰人,表示人的感觉,常与介词 in/about/at等构成短语搭配 1.形容词的用法和位置 - Have you ever seen the movie called Los Angeles 2011? - Yes, but I think its _. I fell asleep when I saw it. A. exciting B. boring C. bored D. excited B alone 独自一人,后置定语,也可 作副词,单独地,孤单地 alive 活着的,表语形容词,可

4、 指人、物 lonely 寂寞的,偏僻的 lively 活泼的,活跃的 lonely/alone/alive/lively的区分 A child may feel _ if he has no sister or brother in his family. A. lone B. lonely C. alone D. along B enough 名前形/副后 enough fruit early enough close 近,亲密的 closely 仔细地 2.副词的位置和用法 副词:在句中修饰动词、形容词、副词、句子 late 晚的 lately最近地 hard 努力,猛烈 地,形副同形

5、hardly 几乎不 0102030405 时间副词 地点副词 程度副词 疑问副词 方式副词 ago, before, already, now, just, soon, then, yet, always, usually, often, sometimes, never, ever here, there, home, back, out, in very, much, only, quite, too, so, nearly, enough, hard, still when, where, how, why quickly, slowly, carefully, loudly, str

6、ongly, badly, happily 3.副词的分类 010203 1.在形容词尾直接加ly real-really,hpful-helpfully 2.辅音字母+y 变y为i,再加ly busy-busily angry-angrily 3.以e结尾 a.一般情况下直接加ly completely,strangely b.以-ble结尾的形容词 将-ble变成-bly possibly,probably c.去e+ly truly 形容词变副词的方法 2.I could _ understood the teacher because he spoke so fast. A. hard

7、 B. hardly C. almost D. no 1.Dont worry, sir. I am sure I can run _ to catch up with them soon. A. slowly enough B. enough slowly C. fast enough D. enough fast C B 行为动词后一般要用 副词修饰 01 play games happily 6官 look,seem,smell, taste,sound,feel a. 5变 turn,get, be/become,go b. 4句型 make,find,think keep/stay/

8、remain c. 形容词副词和动词的搭配 2.系动词后一般要用形容词修饰 1.She told us a story. Her voice sounded _. A. sweet B. sweetly C. clearly D. sadly 2.Your room is very _. You should keep it _. A. dirty; clean B. dirtier; clean C. dirty; cleanly D. clean; dirty A A 02 形副的级 1 2 6 93 2.以e结尾的单音节 词比较级+r,最高级 +st 1.单音节词的比较级+er,最 高级

9、+est 某些双音节词和多音节词的 比较级前+more/less,最高级 the most/the least 4.重读闭音节,双写结尾的辅 音字母,再加+er/est big-bigger-biggest thin-thinner-thinnest 3.辅音字母+y结尾 变y为i,比较级+er, 最高级+est 1.形容词副词三种级别的规则变化 1 2 6 93 good/well better best many/much more most little less least old elder(长幼)/older(旧的,老的 ) eldest/oldest bad/badly/ill

10、worse worst far farther(距离远)/further(程度深,深入) farthest/furthest 2.形容词副词三种级别的不规则变化 Nowadays, many young people have been abroad for their _ studies. A. farther B. far C. further D. furthest C 1 2 3 1.very,so, too,quite, rather等 2.as+原级+as not as(so)+ 原级+as 3.原级+enough 3.形容词副词的三个级别的运用 A.原级:没有东西比较 1 2 6

11、 93 2.far,much,a lot,a little,a bit,even,rathe r,still+比较级 1.比较级+than 5.A+倍数+as+形容词原级 +as+B A+数字+形容词er+than+B 4.the +比较级+句子.the+比较级+句子 越越 3.比较级 and 比较级 越来越. 6.特殊疑问句+v+比较级,A or B? B.比较级:两者比较 01030204 最高级 +of.,in., among one of + 最高级+ 名词复数 序数词+ 最高级 特殊疑 问句+v.+ 最高级 ,A,B or C? 3.最高级:三者或以上相比 1.Guangdong i

12、s Beijing. A.as large as B.not as larger as C.larger than D.as small as 2.The English book is better than the others. A.far B.more C.very D.rather 3.When spring comes,it gets . A.warm and warm B.colder and colder C.warmer and warmer D.shorter and shorter 4.By and by, students in our class came to li

13、ke English. A.more and more B.much and much C.many and many D.less and least 5. he read the book, he got in it. A.The more;the more interesting B.The less,the more interesting C.The more,the more interesting D.More,more interested C A/D C A C 6.Sally is of the two girls. A.lazier B.the laziest C.laz

14、y D.the lazier 7.-Have you ever seen Tom and Jerry? -Sure.Its one of cartoons I have ever seen. A.wonderful B.the most wonderful C.more wonderful D.most wonderful 8.China is larger than in Africa. A.any other country B.other countries C.the other country D.any country 9.Tom is stronger than in his c

15、lass. A.any other boy B.any boys C.any boy D.other boy D B D A 03 几组副词的辨析 1.sometimes,some times,sometime,some time 记忆小口诀: 分开“一段”(some time,一段时间)如:I will stay in Guangzhou for some time. 相遇在“某时”(sometime,某时)如:Will you come to see me sometime next week? 分开s是“倍、次”(some times,几次,几倍)如:Sometimes he goes

16、to school on foot. 相连s是“有时”(sometimes)如:I have been to Guilin some times so far. He has been in China for _. Now he will go to visit India _ next month. But he doesnt want to go to England because he has been there _. A. sometime; sometimes; some time B. some time; sometime; some times C. sometimes;

17、 sometime; some time D. some time; some time; sometimes B 0102030405 also too either as wellas well as 一般用于肯定句 中 用于肯定句 末,前有逗 号 用于肯定句 句末,前有 逗号 用于句末, 前面没有逗 号 用于句中, 相当于“也, 和” 2.also,too,either,as well,as well as He isnt young any more. His wife isnt , _. A. either B. also C. too D. as well A 010203 So

18、(Neither)+助动词+主 语 表示“某人(物)也一 样”,So 用于肯定, Neither 用于否定。 So+主语+助动词 表示“某人(物) 确实如此”。 判断技巧:看两 个句子中的主语 是否指代同一人 3.So (Neither) do I 和So I do 同主主居中,非同主居后! My sister doesnt like skating. _. A. So do I B. So I dontC. Neither I dont D. Neither do I He traveled abroad and _. A. so did I B. neither did I C. neit

19、her I did D. I did so Anna has made a lot of progress. _. A. So has sheB. So she has C. So did she D. So she did D A B 典题精练 ( )1.Eighteen kids died in the school bus accident in Gansu Province. Its _one that I have ever heard of. A. a very serious B. a more serious C. the most serious D. the least s

20、erious ( )2.- Did you go to the cinema to see 3D Titanic last night? - No, I _go to the cinema. The tickets are too expensive A. hardly B. nearly C. still D. only ( )3.- What do you think of the film So Young directed by Zhao Wei? - Wonderful. I think its _than the other films about youth in recent

21、years. A. the best B. the worst C. much better D. much worse ( )4.- _is it from the village to your farm? - About 10 minutes walk. A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How far CACD 典题精练 ( )5.Ive heard that Zhuhai Chimelong Ocean Kingdom is one of _ocean parks in Asia. A. very large B. the larger C. much larger D. the largest ( )6.Take care when you are driving, _in a summer storm like this. A. immediately B. especially C. probably D. recently ( ) 7.Bob knows how to cut the cost of the project. Im sure he can do the work with _money and _people. A. less; less B. fewer; more C. more


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