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1、 分享与下载精品教学资料 初中英语人教版初三(九年级全册)综合复习-动词专题1 look up 查阅好转;仰视;看望You can look up this unusual word in the vocabulary.你可以在词汇表里查这个特别的词。consult 查阅ask 询问talk to 与 . 说话check 检查2 repeat 重复;复述The English teacher asked him to repeat what he had said.英语老师要他重复他所讲的话。It is totally embarrassing to repeat what he said.若

2、要重复他说过的话,会很尴尬的。3 memorize 记住;记录;记下The boy can memorize the message easily.这男孩能轻松地记住这些信息。Actors have to memorize their lines.演员们不得不记住台词。learn 学会learn by heart 记住remind 使想起learn by rote 死记硬背地学习4 pronounce发音;宣告;宣判;断言I dont know how to pronounce this word correctly.我不知道这个单词怎么正确发音。People pronounce the wo

3、rd differently in this part of the country.在国内这一地区,这个单词的发音不同。Healthy teeth can help us pronounce accurately.健康的牙齿可以帮助我们准确发音。He has no right to pronounce on this matter.他没有权利对这件事发表意见。6 increase 增加;提高We guess that demand is likely to increase.我们猜测需求可能增加。Reading will increase your vocabulary.阅读会增加你的词汇量

4、。The government is alarmed by the dramatic increase in violent crime.政府对暴力犯罪案件的急剧增加感到担心。a taxincrease增税anincreasein road accidents交通事故的增多anincreasein violence along the border边境地区暴力事件的增多7 be born with 生而具备He was born with a heart disease.他先天心脏有病。She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.她生来富贵。If

5、 you are born with a silver spoon in your mouth, you are born into a rich family. 如果说你是含着银勺出生的,意思也就说你生于富贵家庭。He wasbornin a workers family. 他出生在一个工人家庭。8 create 创造;造成Some people believe that God created the world.有些人相信上帝创造了世界。An artist should create beautiful things.一个艺术家应该创造美丽的东西。This reactioncreates

6、hydrogen gas.这一反应能生成氢气。His workcreatedenormous interest in England.他的作品引起了人们对英格兰的极大兴趣。She couldcreatea fight out of anything.她能无故挑起争斗。9 pay attention to 关注You should pay attention to everything that he confirms.你应该对他确认的事留意。Please pay attention to the use of this word请注意这个词的用法。Economists are paying c

7、lose attention to the latest developments in the Middle East经济学家们正密切注视着中东的最新发展。10 connect 联系;连接The engineer connected up all the machines.工程师连接上所有机器。These terminals are connected to our mainframe computer.这些终端设备都和我们的计算机主机相连。He was connected with the crime.他与那起犯罪与关.She was connected with the girl who

8、 used to live next door to me. 把她与过去经常住我隔壁的那个女孩联系起来.Go seek them out and connect with them. 把他们找出来并与他们取得联系。11 review 复习Before falling asleep, she reviewed the days happenings. 入睡以前,她回顾了一天所发生的事情。In preparing for the exam, John reviewed his notes. 约翰复习笔记准备考试。The students are busy reviewing for a test.

9、 学生忙着复习迎考。12 put on 穿上;戴上;上演,演出The man put on his smock and went out.那人穿上罩衫,然后走了出去。He put on a coat with a fur lining.他穿上一件有毛皮衬里的外衣。Before the carnival people usually put on special clothes.狂欢节前人们常常穿上特别的服装。13 steal 偷盗Even though he stole something in his teens, youd better not mock at him all the ti

10、me.尽管他十几岁时偷过东西,你也最好不要一直嘲笑他。He was sent into prison for stealing.他由于偷窃被送入监狱。He stole a glance at the pretty girl across the table.他偷偷地看了一眼桌子对面那个漂亮的女孩。14 lay out设计He showed us how to lay out a printed page.他告诉我们怎样设计版面。15 admire佩服You may not like him, but you have got to admire his spirit.你可以不喜欢他,但你不得不

11、佩服他的精神。We admire him for his righteousness.我们钦佩他的正直。16 tie 系He doesnt want any ties; thats why he never married.他不愿受束缚,所以不结婚。Pets can be a tie when you want to go away on holiday.要想外出度假时,宠物会成为牵累。Tie the donkey to the tree.把驴子绑到树上去。17 treat 对待He never treats me politely.他从来不礼貌地对待我。I treat him like a

12、patient.我对待他像对待病人。18 lie 说谎;躺下When you lie to me, I can feel it right away.当你对我说谎我立刻就会感觉到。The machine can decide who is lying by measuring the body temperature.这个机器可以通过测量体温判断谁在说谎。If you feel uncomfortable, please lie down as soon as possible.如果你觉得不舒服,请尽快躺下。19 punish 惩罚Justice will punish those peopl

13、e who lie to others.正义会惩罚说谎的人。No one will be punished for telling the truth.没有人会因为说实话而被惩罚。He wont cry unless he is punished unfairly.如果不是因为被不公正地处罚,他是不会哭的。20 warn 警告The doctor had to warn her that she must be prepared for the worse.医生不得不警告她,她必须做最坏的准备。This was a sign for sharks. They warned us and we

14、all went ashore.这是有鲨鱼的迹象。他们给我们提出了警告,我们都上岸了。She warned that the winter would be very cold.她曾提醒过,那个冬季将非常寒冷。21 end up 结束If he keeps driving like that, hell end up dead.他照这样开车,早晚得死于非命。He ended up marrying his high schoolgirlfriend.他和高中女友结婚了。22 spread 传播This virus spreads rapidly.这种病毒传播迅速。Nothing can spr

15、ead faster than rumors.没什么比谣言传播更快了。23 rush 匆忙去He is rushing to the gym.他正着急去健身房。Where do you rush to?你着急去哪?There is enough time, so you dont need to hurry.时间足够,别急。24 suggest 建议suggest doing sth. 建议做某事If you feel terrible, I will suggest listening to music.如果你觉得糟糕,我建议听音乐。I suggest that you should tac

16、kle the problem in another way.我建议你应该换一种方式处理问题。25 pass by流逝;经过As time passes by, nothing can exist forever.随着时间的流逝,没有什么能永恒。When you pass by, I cant focus on the task.当你经过的时候,我不能集中在任务上。 26 request请求I request to take part in the singing competition.我请求加入唱歌比赛。I request you permission.我请求你的允许。27 dare敢I

17、dont dare to touch the snake. (做 实义动词)我不敢摸蛇。I dare not tell him the truth. (做 情态动词)我不敢告诉他真相。28 require 要求;需要I require that youd better work until midnight, or you will have the slightest hope to finish the task.我要求你最好工作到午夜,否则你几乎没有可能完成任务。We shall require some more stamps tomorrow.明天我们再需要些邮票。How much

18、money do you require?你需要多少钱?29 fail 失败I failed to achieve my dream.我没能完成梦想。30 be proud of 为.感到骄傲My parents are proud of me when I am the first one.我是第一名时,父母总是为我感到骄傲。If you reach the top on time, I will be proud of you.如果你按时登顶,我会为你骄傲。31 take place 发生Something took place on the street yesterday.昨天在街上发

19、生了一些事。The meeting will take place soon.会议即将举行。32 doubt 怀疑When you doubt yourself, just find the good things you have done.当你怀疑自己时,找找你做的好的事情。Never doubt others.永远别怀疑别人。33 translate 翻译He is able to translate the article into Chinese.他能把这个文章翻译成汉语。34 lock 锁He locked himself outdoors.他把自己锁外面了。Please lock the door when you finish painting.粉刷完毕记得锁门。 35 divide 分开I want to divide them into two groups.我想把他们分成两组。36 look up to 尊敬Children should look up to their parents.孩子应当尊敬父母。They did


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