(新教材)2021年人教版高中英语必修第三册同步课件:UNIT 5 Section A Listening and Speaking.pptx

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1、UNIT 5 THE VALUE OF MONEY 素养导航 主题语境人与自我 人生态度 The Million Pound Bank Note When I was twenty-seven years old,I was a mining- brokers clerk in San Francisco,and an expert in all the details of stock traffic.I was alone in the world,and had nothing to depend upon but my wits and a clean reputation;but t

2、hese were setting my feet in the road to eventual fortune,and I was content with the prospect. My time was my own after the afternoon board,Saturdays,and I was accustomed to put it in on a little sail-boat on the bay.One day I ventured too far,and was carried out to sea.Just at nightfall,when hope w

3、as about gone,I was picked up by a small brig which was bound for London.It was a long and stormy voyage,and they made me work my passage without pay,as a common sailor.When I stepped ashore in London my clothes were ragged and shabby,and I had only a dollar in my pocket.This money fed and sheltered

4、 me twenty-four hours.During the next twenty-four I went without food and shelter. About ten oclock on the following morning,seedy(脏的) and hungry,I was dragging myself along Portland Place,when a child that was passing,towed by a nurse- maid,tossed a luscious(美味的) big pearminus one biteinto the gutt

5、er(路边水沟).I stopped,of course,and fastened my desiring eye on that muddy treasure.My mouth watered for it,my stomach craved it,my whole being begged for it.But every time I made a move to get it,some passing eye detected my purpose,and of course I straightened up then,and looked indifferent,and prete

6、nded that I hadnt been thinking about the pear at all.This same thing kept happening and happening,and I couldnt get the pear.I was just getting desperate enough to brave all the shame,and to seize it,when a window behind me was raised,and a gentleman spoke out of it,saying, “Step in here,please.” I

7、 was admitted by a gorgeous flunkey(奴才),and shown into a sumptuous room where a couple of elderly gentlemen were sitting.They sent away the servant,and made me sit down.They had just finished their breakfast,and the sight of the remains of it almost overpowered me.I could hardly keep my wits togethe

8、r in the presence of that food,but as I was not asked to sample(品尝) it,I had to bear my trouble as best as I could. 词海拾贝 reputation n.声望 prospect n.前景 accustomed adj.习惯于 venture v.敢于去;冒险 pretend vt.假装 desperate adj.绝望的 典句欣赏 But every time I made a move to get it,some passing eye detected my purpose,

9、and of course I straightened up then,and looked indifferent,and pretended that I hadnt been thinking about the pear at all. 译文:可是每次我往前一步想去捡梨,总会有一双路人的眼睛看穿 我的意图。然后我当然只能站直,装作若无其事的样子,假装根本 没在想那个梨。 分析:every time引导的是时间状语从句,some passing eye detected.和I straightened up then,and looked indifferent,and pretend

10、ed.是并列的主句,that引导的是宾 语从句。 理解诱思 1.Why do you think the author didnt go directly to pick up the pear? 2.What does the author imply by saying “I could hardly keep my wits together in the presence of that food”? 答案:1.He was afraid of losing face before the public. 2.He was too hungry. Section A Listening

11、 and Speaking .知识体系图解 语音节奏和语调 重点词汇 1. vi.道歉;谢罪 2. vt.忽视;对不予理会 3. vt. 评判;判断 n.法官;审判员;裁判 员 4.basis n. 5.loan n. 6.plastic n. adj. apologise ignore judge 基础;根据;基点 贷款;借款 塑料 塑料制的; 塑料的 重点短语 1.on the basis of 2.take out a loan 3.in return 4.lead a good life 5.apologise to sb 6.draw a conclusion 7.make gues

12、ses 重点句式 It was the first time Chen Liyans story was reported. 在某事的基础上;根据某事 取得贷款 作为回报;作为回应 过着好的生活 向某人道歉 得出结论 做出猜测 .释义匹配 1.apologise A.the facts,ideas,or things from which something can be developed 2.ignore B.an amount of money that you borrow from a bank etc. 3.judge C.to form,give,or have an opini

13、on about someone or something 4.loan D.to intentionally not listen or give attention to 5.basis E.to tell someone that you are sorry that you have done something wrong 答案:1.E 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.A .介(副)词填空 1.What do you think is the basis life? 2.The girl found some money and returned it the owner. 3.The

14、little boy apologised to the teacher what he had done. 4.They decided to set a fundraising website to help the disabled. 5.Most of the people present at the meeting didnt agree him. of to for up with 重点词汇 1.Wang Zheng apologised to Chen because he couldnt offer her more money. 王铮因无法向陈提供更多的钱而道歉。 【词汇精

15、讲】apologise是不及物动词,意为“道歉;谢罪”。 She apologised to me for not replying to my letter in time. 她因为没及时给我回信而向我表示歉意。 I apologised to the teacher for my being late. 我因为迟到向老师道歉。 【词汇拓展】 apologise to sb for (doing) sth 因(做)某事向某人道歉 apology.道歉;辩白 make an apology to sb for sth 因某事向某人道歉 accept/refuse ones apology 接受

16、/拒绝某人的道歉 owe sb an apology 应向某人道歉 She made an apology to me for not replying to my call. 她因为没回我电话而向我表示歉意。 I owe you an apology for the fact that I cannot go to the bookstore with you. 我应为不能和你一起去书店向你道歉。 【微写作】 She apologised to us for her being late,and we accepted her apology. 她为她的迟到向我们道歉,我们接受了她的道歉。

17、2.Also,while listening,dont ignore the speakers tone and intonation. 还有,在听的时候不要忽视说话者的声调和语调 【词汇精讲】 ignore是及物动词,意为“忽视;对不予理 会”。 We shouldnt ignore our teachers advice. 我们不应该不听老师的忠告。 I made a suggestion but they chose to ignore it. 我提了个建议,但他们不予理会。 【词汇拓展】 ignorance.无知;愚昧;不知道 out of/through ignorance 出于无知

18、 ignorant.无知的;愚昧的;不知道的 be ignorant of/about 不知道 Education delivered him from ignorance. 教育把他从无知中解救出来。 Being ignorant of the electronic products the students are talking about,I find myself left behind. 我对学生所谈的电子产品一无所知,我发现自己落伍了。 【微写作】 Damage and ignorance caused by the earthquake disaster cant be ign

19、ored. 地震灾害造成的损失和无知是不容忽视的。 3.When we help someone,should we expect to get something in return? 当我们帮助别人时,我们是否应该希望得到某种回报? 【词汇精讲】in return是介词短语,意为“作为回报;作为回 应”,后接名词时需加介词for。 He sent me a gift;I should give him something in return. 他送了礼给我,我得回他一份礼。 Can I buy you lunch in return for your help? 感谢你帮忙,我请你吃午饭好

20、吗? 【易混辨析】 in return 作为回报;作为回应 in turn 依次;轮流;相应地;转而 I wish I can do something for you in return. 希望可以为你做点什么作为回报。 When the old man was ill in hospital,we looked after him in turn. 老人生病住院时,我们轮流照顾他。 4.Should we judge people based on how much money they have? 我们是否应该根据人们有多少钱来评判他们呢? 【词汇精讲】句中的judge是动词,意为“评价

21、;评判;判断”。 judge也可作名词,意为“法官;审判员;裁判员”。 It will take a few more years to judge the impact of these ideas. 要再花上几年的时间才能判断出这些想法的影响。 The judge sentenced him to five years in prison. 法官判他五年监禁。 【词汇拓展】 judge .from/by .从来判断 as far as I can judge 据我判断;我认为 judging by/from 从来看;根据来判断 It is wrong to judge a person b

22、y his looks. 根据相貌判断一个人是错误的。 Judging from my friends letter,I knew that the villagers were rebuilding their homes. 根据朋友的来信我知道,村民们正在重建家园。 【温馨提示】judging from/by用在句首时为一个独立成分,不受 句子主语和时态的影响。 【微写作】 As a judge,he has good judgement and never judges a person by his appearance. 作为一名法官,他有很好的判断力,从不以貌取人。 重点句式 It

23、 was the first time Chen Liyans story was reported. 这是陈丽燕的故事第一次被报道了出来。 【句式剖析】It is the first time that sb.是固定句式,意 为“这是某人第一次做某事”,在此句型中,that 可省略,it可换 成this或that,first可换成second,third等,以表达不同的意义。 This is the first time that I have been to the Great Wall. 这是我第一次来到长城。 That is the second time that I have be

24、en invited to such conferences. 那是我第二次被邀请参加这样的会议。 【句式拓展】在It is the first time that.引导的句子中, 如果主句用一般现在时,从句通常用现在完成时;若主句用一般过 去时,从句通常用过去完成时。 It was the first time in Olympic history that five mascots had been chosen. 这是奥林匹克历史上第一次选出了五个吉祥物。 .单词拼写 1.After I graduated from college,it took three years to repa

25、y my student (借贷). 答案:loan 2.At present,a lot of the (塑料) that carmakers are using cannot be recycled. 答案:plastic 3.You should (道歉) to Mary for what you had done. 答案:apologise 4.The driver (忽视) the traffic light and crashed into a truck. 答案:ignored 5. (判断) by her last letter,they are having a wonder

26、ful time. 答案:Judging .完成句子 1.Mellor (接受采 访) reporters outside his home. 答案:gave an interview to 2.He tried his best to (筹集资金) to help the children in Hope Project. 答案:raise funds/money 3.I want to (取 得贷款/借债) for school. 答案:take out a loan 4.He worked hard every day and tried to (过上好生活). 答案:lead a good life 5.We drew the conclusion (在 基础上) experiments. 答案:on the basis of


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