(新教材)2021年人教版高中英语必修第三册同步练习:UNIT 3 Section C.docx

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1、UNIT 3 DIVERSE CULTURES Section C Discovering Useful Structures it is what you have learned while you are doing it! Experience is not what you have done;it is what you have learned ! 答案 while doing it 7.Once it is heated,the amber can be made into any shape. ,the amber can be made into any shape. 答案

2、 Once heated 8.He rubbed his eyes as though he was waking up from a long sleep. He rubbed his eyes as though from a long sleep. 答案 waking up 素养提升 .完形填空 UNDP (联合国发展项目) Goodwill Ambassador Michelle is taking embroidery (刺绣) lessons. Like many Miao women,Long stayed behind at home to take care of her k

3、ids and 1 her livestock (家禽).She tried 2 in big cities for higher wages,but came back home for a sense of 3 even though living in remote villages offers no source of income.Due to a lack of income generation skills,she could not engage 4 in society and were kept out of community decision-making.She

4、could not have 5 the very needle and thread she use to make traditional Miao clothing could be her way out. Miao people do not have 6 words.Instead,embroidery is an important medium for the 7 of their stories and culture.The patterns they weave and 8 they employ carry the ancient wisdom of their 9 .

5、Yet with the combination of modern civilization, 10 women now are willing to learn the trade from elders in the village. “I started learning embroidery when I 11 I could sell it and make more money.When my 12 started to make a serious 13 to our household income,my husband started to help me out with

6、 housework,taking care of kids and included me in family decision-making,” Long Dafen said. Longs 14 encouraged many other Miao women in her village to study Miao embroidery.It also drew the attention of actress Michelle to 15 awareness of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and preserve their cult

7、ural heritage. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。中国苗族妇女由于贫穷和缺少知识和教育,社会地位不高,也 不敢出门打工,只能在乡下陪伴孩子。但是,中华优秀文化传统手艺刺绣,让她们走上了发财致富 之路。 1.A.tend to B.adapt to C.bring up D.give up 答案 A 解析与许多苗族妇女一样,龙只能在家里带孩子和“管理;护理”家禽等。故选 A项。 2.A.standing B.existing C.living D.working 答案 D 解析根据空后“为了高工资”可知,龙尝试过在城市工作。故选 D 项。 3.A.direction B.relief

8、C.belonging D.humor 答案 C 解析龙想到大城市工作,因为那里工资较高,但是总觉得没有“归属(belonging)感”,还是只得回家。故 选 C 项。 4.A.mainly B.rarely C.busily D.fully 答案 D 解析根据下文可知,龙被挡住,不得参与社区活动的政策制定等,可见她在社区活动中没有发言权,不 能完全地融入社区。故选 D项。 5.A.admitted B.imagined C.discovered D.experienced 答案 B 解析此句承上启下。她从来没有想到过,用来制作苗族衣服的针和线,竟然为她找到了出路。故选 B 项。 6.A.wr

9、itten B.spoken C.recorded D.pointed 答案 A 解析根据下文可知,苗族人是用刺绣来代代相传,保存他们的传统文化的。可见他们没有的是“书面 (written)”语言。故选 A 项。 7.A.decoration B.mixture C.preservation D.improvement 答案 C 解析根据最后一段可知,由于没有书面语言,刺绣就成了他们保存文化传统的重要媒介。故选 C项。 8.A.courage B.patience C.styles D.techniques 答案 D 解析与上文中“编织的款式”相对应的是“刺绣所使用的技术”。故选 D项。 9.

10、A.society B.culture C.attitude D.personality 答案 B 解析她们的刺绣的编织款式和使用的技巧,都体现了他们的文化中古人的智慧。实际上就是在没有 书面文字的情况之下,文化的一种传承方式。故选 B项。 10.A.just B.enough C.more D.fewer 答案 D 解析根据 yet 的转折可知,随着现代文明的融合,村子里愿意向年长者学些传统文化的人越来越少了。 故选 D项。 11.A.knew B.assumed C.wondered D.expected 答案 A 解析承接上一段最后一句。龙之所以开始学习刺绣,是在“知道”刺绣可以卖钱的时

11、候。故选 A项。 12.A.buildings B.meetings C.earnings D.savings 答案 C 解析对比第二段妇女的社会地位可知,现在改变龙的社会地位的是她的“收入(earnings)”。故选 C 项。 13.A.contribution B.combination C.organization D.introduction 答案 A 解析妇女社会地位的提高,是因为她们的收入对家庭收入做出了重要的“贡献(contribution)”。故选 A 项。 14.A.wealth B.attempt C.success D.glory 答案 C 解析对比第三段的最后一句可知,

12、其他妇女也开始学习刺绣,这是因为龙的收入增加了,社会地位提高 了,这样的成功鼓励她们也这样做。故选 C项。 15.A.have B.fire C.foster D.raise 答案 D 解析呼应第一段。 Michelle 是联合国发展项目的亲善大使,第五段提到 Michelle去学习就是为了提 高人们对联合国可持续发展目标的认识。龙的成功也吸引了 Michelle 的注意,她来学习就是为了推 广刺绣,来提升人们对联合国可持续发展目标的意识,同时也用以保护传统文化。故选 D 项。 .语篇填空 Many people agree that going to museums 1. (be) a go

13、od way of learning about ancient treasures.However,others may find it boring to spend hours there.Therefore,how to make museums and their lifeless collections more appealing is a tough question worth 2. (attach) importance to.Luckily,National Treasure,a TV program 3. began to air on Dec.3,2017,throw

14、s light on ways to inspire interest in museums and their collections. Aiming to make ancient relics (遗迹) to come alive,the program presents treasures 4. different artistic methods including lots of dramatic 5. (perform) and storytelling,which explain the history behind each cultural relic 6. (comple

15、te),so that audiences can not only understand how to appreciate the beauty of cultural relics,7. also know the civilization and the spirit of Chinese culture.In fact,such programs that promote traditional ancient relics 8. (become) popular in recent years.For example,a 2016 documentary featuring the

16、 Forbidden Citys cultural relics and their restorers,urged lots of college students 9. (apply) to work as volunteers there.It is universally accepted that National Treasure has been 10. (success) in encouraging more people to visit museums by touching their hearts. 答案与解析 【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。介绍了了解古代文物不仅仅可

17、以通过去博物馆,还可以利用 综艺节目这一新的新式来了解古代文物,而且这一种方式通过各种各样的形式来吸引观众的注意力, 很受欢迎。 1.is 考查时态。此处在说一种客观事实,句子用一般现在时态,且宾语从句的主语是动名词短语作主 语,故填 is。 2.attaching 考查非谓语动词。be worth doing“值得做”。 3.which/that 考查定语从句的引导词。分析句子,此处 TV program是先行词,指物,在后面的定语从 句中作主语,故填 which / that。 4.through 考查介词。结合句意可知填 through表示“通过,凭借”。 5.performances

18、考查名词。lots of“许多,大量”,修饰名词复数,故填 performances。 pletely 考查词形转换。副词修饰动词 explain,故填 completely。 7.but 考查连词。not only.but (also)“不但而且”。 8.have become 考查时态。根据本句时间状语 in recent years 可知,该句用现在完成时态,且主语是复 数形式,故填 have become。 9.to apply 考查动词不定式。urge sb to do sth“敦促某人做某事”。 10.successful 考查副词。be successful in doing sth“成功做某事”。


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