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1、1 2020-2021 学学年年度度第第一一学学期期期期末末检检测测试试题题 高高一一英英语语 (本本试试卷卷满满分分 150 分分,考考试试时时间间 120 分分钟钟) 第第一一部部分分 听听力力(共共两两节节,满满分分 30 分分) 第第一一节节 (共共 5 小小题题;每每小小题题 1.5 分分,满满分分 7.5 分分) 听听下下面面 5 段段对对话话。每每段段对对话话后后有有一一个个小小题题,从从题题中中所所给给的的 A、B、C 三三个个选选项项中中选选出出最最佳佳选选项项。 听听完完每每段段对对话话后后, 你你都都有有 10 秒秒钟钟的的时时间间来来回回答答有有关关小小题题和和阅阅读读

2、下下一一小小题题。 每每段段对对话话仅仅读读一一遍遍。 . Go to another repair shop. C. Change her old car for a new one. 5. Why didnt the woman listen to the music program? A. The program started early. B. She forgot to listen to the program. C. The studentquestions kept her busy. 第第二二节节(共共 15 小小题题,每每小小题题 1.5 分分,满满分分 22.5 分分)

3、 听听下下面面 5 段段对对话话或或独独白白。每每段段对对话话或或独独白白后后有有几几个个小小题题,从从题题中中所所给给的的 A、B、C 三三个个选选项项中中 选选出出最最佳佳选选项项。听听每每段段对对话话或或独独白白前前,你你将将有有时时间间阅阅读读各各个个小小题题,每每小小题题 5 秒秒钟钟;听听完完后后, 各各小小题题将将给给出出 5 秒秒钟钟的的作作答答时时间间。每每段段对对话话或或独独白白读读两两遍遍。 听听第第 6 段段材材料料,回回答答第第 6 至至 7 题题。 6. Why did the man shop online? 2 A. It was easy.B. It was

4、cheap.C. It was fun. 7. How much did the woman pay for her shirt? A. $20.B. $50.C. $100. 听听第第 7 段段材材料料,回回答答第第 8 至至 9 题题。 8. Where are the speakers now? A. In a restaurant.B. In an office.C. In a bookstore. 9. How long does it take to finish the pizza? A.About 30 minutes.B.About 20 minutes.C.About 10

5、 minutes. 听听第第 8 段段材材料料,回回答答第第 10 至至 12 题题。 10. How many people are invited? A. Two.B. Three.C. Four. 11. What do we know about the mans neighbor and her sister? A. They live by themselves. B. They are in their late sixties. C. They have met the woman before. 12. What will the woman bring to the par

6、ty? A. Pies.B. Cakes.C. Biscuits. 听听第第 9 段段材材料料,回回答答第第 13 至至 16 题题。 13. What is the man going to do tonight? A. Take an exam.B. Study at home.C. Look for a job. 14. What exam will the man have? A. The mid-term exam. B. The entrance exam. C. The final exam. 15. What does the man think of the coming e

7、xam? A. Harder than the last exam. B. Easier than the last exam. C. He wont pass. 3 16. Why does the man want to change the present job? A. Because he doesnt like it. B. Because he wants to earn more money. C. Because its the worst one in the world. 听听第第 10 段段材材料料,回回答答第第 17 至至 20 题题。 . What does the

8、 speaker advise people to do before starting any hard exercise? A. Increase their running distance. B. Start with a ten-minute walk. C. Check with their doctor. 第第二二部部分分 阅阅读读理理解解(共共三三节节,满满分分 55 分分) 第第一一节节 单单项项选选择择(共共 15 小小题题;每每小小题题 2.5 分分,满满分分 37.5 分分) 阅阅读读下下列列短短文文,从从每每题题所所给给的的 A、B、C、D 四四个个选选项项中中,选选

9、出出最最佳佳选选项项。 A The new Lively Flip from the makers of Jitterbug The new Lively Flip makes it easy to call, text, and helps you stay safe and healthy. EASYTO USE Alarge screen, big buttons and list-based menu make the Lively Flip an easy way to stay connected to friends and family.Along-lasting batter

10、y and powerful speaker make conversations loud and clear. Plus, with Amazon Alexa you can use your voice to make calls, write texts, and more. EASYTO STAY SAFE 4 Feel prepared and protected anytime, anywhere with our Emergent Response Service.And with Emergent Care, you can speak to a live nurse or

11、doctor right from the comfort of your home. With the Lively Flip, help is available whenever you need it. EASYTOALERT LOVED ONES The Lively Flip keeps all your loved ones informed about your well-being when they download the Jitterbug Link app to their smartphones. You can stay active and independen

12、t while they feel more connected and reassured (放心的). Buy now and get a FREE Car Charger, a $25 value! To order or learn more, call 1-866-493-9280. 1. What is the Lively Flip? A.Acomputer.B.Acellphone.C.A car charger.D.An e-book. 2. What can you do with the Lively Flip? A. Write texts or make calls

13、by using your voice. B. Build a long-term relationship with a doctor. C. Download the Jitterbug Link apps for free. D. Keep informed of your loves well-being. 3. Who is the Lively Flip probably intended for? A. Teenagers who seek online friendships. B. Working parents who look after babies. C. Sick

14、people who are staying in hospital. D. Elderly people who live by themselves. 【答案】1. B2.A3. D 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。文章介绍了一款新的手机 Lively Flip。该手机让你的通话、发短信变得简单,并帮助你保 持安全和健康。 【1 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第一段“The new Lively Flip makes it easy to call, text, and helps you stay safe and healthy.” 可知,全新的 Lively Flip 让你的通话、发短信变得简

15、单,并帮助你保持安全和健康。结合选项,只有 B 选 项(手机)既可以用来通话,又可以用来发短信。故选 B。 5 【2 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Plus, with Amazon Alexa you can use your voice to make calls, write texts, and more.”可知,通过 Amazon Alexa,你可以使用你的声音打电话,写短信或做更多的事。故选 A。 【3 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第二题的解析可知,Lively Flip 可以使得用户通过语音来打电话,发语音。根据第三段中 的“Feel prepared and protec

16、ted anytime, anywhere with our Emergent Response Service. And with Emergent Care, you can speak to a live nurse or doctor right from the comfort of your home. With the Lively Flip, help is available whenever you need it.”可知,有了 Lively Flip,用户可以随时都可以得到紧急护理服务。根据最后 一段中的“The Lively Flip keeps all your lo

17、ved ones informed about your well-being when they download the Jitterbug Link app to their smartphones. You can stay active and independent while they feel more connected and reassured”可知,当所有你爱的人下载 Jitterbug链接应用程序到他们的智能手机时,Lively Flip 可以让他 们了解你的健康。你可以保持积极和独立,而他们会感到放心。结合选项,这款手机非常适合独自生活的 老年人。它方便老人们使用语

18、音来打电话,发语音。可以帮助老人们获得紧急护理服务。还可以让老人们 的家人及时了解老人们的健康。故选 D。 B Drug development is a risky and costly business. Many possibly effective drugs fail to cut the mustard during the experiments. One reason is that drugs which work on lab animals may not work quite so well in human tests. Being able to pick winn

19、ers and losers as early as possible would save money, and the One Health Company thinks it may have found a way. It is offering to help medical groups test their cancer drugs on sick pets. There are several benefits. By treating animals with existing cancers, it hopes to avoid a problem with modern

20、animal research, which is that the “model” animals and diseases that are used to test drugs are not always good stand-ins (替身) for the natural illness. For example, mice used to test cancer drugs may have had their tumours (肿 瘤) placed into their bodies, or their immune systems weakened with drugs.

21、Another plus is that pet owners tend to be great caretakers who are very knowledgeable about their four-legged friends and are likely to report even small changes in behaviors. Lab animals are checked far less often. Perhaps the most useful aspect of using pets for drug experiments, however, is that

22、 there is no law on animals medical records. One Health has been able to get 98% of records on animals from hospitalsa number that is impossible for humans. That allows the company to find the right animals for a drug experiment. 6 Based on the benefits above, the company hopes that pets will prove

23、useful in other diseases in addition to cancers. Horses, for example, seem to be good stand-ins for humans when it comes to arthritis (关节炎). Cats, meanwhile, may prove instructive in breast cancer research. 4. What do the underlined words “cut the mustard” in Paragraph1 probably mean? A. Meet the re

24、quirements.B. Reduce the pain. C. Affect the test results.D. Tell the differences. 5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of One Healths idea? A. It makes sure the animals with natural diseases are used. B. It makes sure the model animals are checked regularly. C. It makes sure most animalsmedic

25、al records are available. D. It makes sure the model animals are in healthy condition. 6. Whats the main idea of this passage? A. How to help sick pets at a low price.B. How to improve drug experiments. C. How to save the drug business.D. How to treat some pet diseases. 7. Which of the following bes

26、t shows the structure of the passage? A.B.C.D. 【答案】4.A5. D6. B7. C 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,讲述了 One Health 公司找到了一种新的方法,帮助医疗团体在生病的宠物身上测试他 们的抗癌药物,并介绍了这种方法的好处。 【4 题详解】 词义猜测题。根据文章第一段 One reason is that drugs which work on lab animals may not work quite so well in human tests. ”(其中一个原因是,在实验室动物身上有效的药物在人体试验中可能没有那么有效。

27、 )可知, 在试验中,许多可能有效果的药物并没有达到要求。cut the mustard 意思为:达到要求。故选 A 项。 【5 题详解】 7 细节理解题。 根据文章第二段“By treating animals with existing cancers, it hopes to avoid a problem with modern animal research, which is that the “model” animals and diseases that are used to test drugs are not always good stand-ins for the

28、natural illness.”(通过治疗患有癌症的动物,它希望避免用现代动物研究的一个问题,那就是 “模型”动物和疾病用来测试药物并不总是对于自然疾病的替补。 )可知,一个好处是能确保试验中使用了患 有自然疾病的动物来研究;根据文章第三段“Another plus is that pet owners tend to be great caretakers who are very knowledgeable about their four-legged friends and are likely to report even small changes in behaviors.”

29、(另一 个好处是,宠物主人往往是很好的照顾者,他们非常了解他们的四条腿的朋友,甚至可能报告行为上的微 小变化。 )可知,第二个好处是确保模型动物能够规律地被检查;根据文章第四段“ One Health has been able to get 98% of records on animals from hospitalsa number that is impossible for humans.”(One Health 已经能够 从医院获得 98%的动物记录这个数字对人类来说是不可能的。 )可知,第三个好处是确保大多数动物的 药物记录可以获得。三个好处中没有提到能保证模型动物的健康条件,D

30、 不是其中之一。故选 D 项。 【6 题详解】 主旨大意题。 根据文章第一段“One Health Company thinks it may have found a way. It is offering to help medical groups test their cancer drugs on sick pets.”(One Health 公司认为他们可能已经找到了一种方法。它提供帮助 给医疗团体在生病的宠物身上测试他们的抗癌药物。 )可知,本文主要讲述了如何在动物身上提高药物试验 的效果。故选 B 项。 【7 题详解】 推理判断题。文章第一段表示 One Health 公司找到

31、了一种办法帮助医疗团体在生病的宠物身上测试他们的 抗癌药物;二、三、四段分别说明了三种优点;最后一段说明了该公司希望宠物除了能治疗癌症外,还能 治疗其他疾病;文章以“总分总”来叙述,二、三、四段为并列关系。故选 C 项。 C Dear Mary, Im a young professional working for a company. Ive been in the same workplace for a couple of years, and there are many things I love about it. Afew months ago, however, I got

32、a new boss. He never gave me positive feedback, but leaned over my shoulder and disliked everything I did. When I tried talking to him about my concerns, he suggested I give up. 8 The stress being too much to bear, I moved to another job in the same company. While the pay was lower, it would allow m

33、e to take some classes to improve myself. Heres the problem.At the beginning, I agreed to help with small tasks from my old department while it searched for my replacement(接替者). But it seems that my old boss isnt actively searching. I am still under as much stress as I was working for him full time,

34、 but now Im getting less pay. How do I deal with this situation without jeopardizing my new position, which fits my education schedule so well? Rose Dear Rose, You have probably realized that it was a mistake to make such an open-ended offer. You should have suggested helping out with certain tasks

35、for a certain period of time, which would have made your old boss replace you timely. Now herere two ways. First, communicate whats going on to your new boss. Dont make it a huge complaint, just be matter-of-fact. You thoughtfully offered to help your old department through a transitional(过渡的) perio

36、d for the good of the companybut you cant keep doing two jobs forever, and you want to focus on doing the best you can in your new role. Your new boss needs to know that this is happeningand, frankly, should immediately step in to handle the matter without further discussion. Second, you should say

37、no if necessary. The next time your old boss asks you to do something, tell him that while you are happy to help him, you must give your new job your full attention. Remember youre not complaining, or starting a fight; you simply have the companys best interests in mind. Your old department needs to

38、 move onand you need to do your new job. Mary 8. Whats the problem with Rose now? 9 A. Shes getting on badly with her new boss. B. Shes getting less pay for her new job. C. Shes overworking for her old boss. D. Shes losing interest in her new job. 9. What does the underlined word “jeopardizing” in R

39、oses letter probably mean? A. Preventing.B. Damaging.C. Benefiting.D. Refusing. 10. By the underlined sentence in Marys letter, what is Rose probably regretful about? A.Accepting tasks without certain limits.B.Asking for too much from the company. C. Refusing many tasks from the new boss.D. Losing h

40、er job from the old department. 11. Which of the following does Mary recommend? A. Balancing the old and new jobs.B. Making more huge complaints. C. Saying no to any given tasks.D. Having open communication. 【答案】8. C9. B10.A11. D 【解析】 本篇是应用文。分别是一封求助信和一封建议信,Rose 苦于之前的上司仍然给她安排很多工作,可她又不 懂拒绝而向 Mary 求助;M

41、ary 写信建议 Rose 应该多和新上司沟通并且懂得委婉拒绝旧上司的要求。 【8 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 Rose 邮件的第四段“Heres the problem. At the beginning, I agreed to help with small tasks from my old department while it searched for my replacement(接替者). But it seems that my old boss isnt actively searching. I am still under as much stress as I was

42、 working for him full time, but now Im getting less pay.”(问题就在这里。一开始,我同意在我的老部门寻找我的替代者的时候帮他们做一些小事。但看来我 的旧上司并没有积极寻找。我仍然承受着和为他做全职工作时一样大的压力,但是现在我的工资减少了。 ) 可知,Rose 面临的问题是,她为旧上司承担了太多的工作。故选 C 项。 【9 题详解】 词句猜测题。 根据Rose邮件的最后一段“How do I deal with this situation without jeopardizing my new position, which fits

43、my education schedule so well?(我该如何在不 jeopardizing 我的新工作的情况下处理这种情况呢? 我的新工作非常适合我的学习计划。 )”可知,Mary 的新工作很适合她的学习计划,因此可以猜测,她想 在不影响损害新工作的前提下去解决旧上司分配太多工作任务的问题。“jeopardizing”意思是损害,A. 10 Preventing 阻止;B. Damaging 损害;C. Benefiting 受益;D. Refusing 拒绝 。故选 B 项。 【10 题详解】 词句猜测题。根据下文“You should have suggested helping

44、 out with certain tasks for a certain period of time, which would have made your old boss replace you timely.(你本应该在一段时间内提出帮助别人完成某些任务 的建议,这样你的前任老板就会及时地换掉你。 )”可知,Rose 本应该对完成旧上司分配的工作任务这件事 提出时间限制,可她没有,才导致后面很多压力,因此 Rose 应该是后悔之前无止境地接受旧上司分配的任 务。故选 A 项。 【11 题详解】 细节理解题。 根据 Mary 的邮件第二段“First, communicate what

45、s going on to your new boss.”和第三段“The next time your old boss asks you to do something, tell him that while you are happy to help him, you must give your new job your full attention.”可知,Mary 建议 Rose 应该和新老板交流正在遇到的情况,对旧上司也要 委婉地说明她正遇到的困境。所以 Mary 的建议是开诚布公地交流。故选 D 项。 D One thing the army did well was kee

46、p you busy but I was lucky enough to get some time off. They asked me where I wanted to go and there was only one place I had in mind.Ireland. Wouldnt you want to go back home? Yes of course but I wanted to visit a person that I hadnt seen for a long time. This person was an extremely close friend.

47、That didnt even begin to describe the relationship I had with her. She had her heart set on going out of the country for college and I supported her 100%. When I told her I wanted to join the army, she wasnt exactly excited, but when I explained that school wasnt for me and I wanted to see the world

48、 while also being in the service, she understood. I left for the camp in the late months of summer. I knew that the day had come and this might be the last time Id seen her. I wasnt ready for it. Neither was she. She drove me to the airport, helped me check in, and got ready to leave. Then she stood

49、 at the bottom of the stairs and I was going to go up. Cry didnt fully grasp the idea of what happened, but there was definitely lots of crying. When I finally got there, I took one look back and saw that big shining smile of hers, shedding my last tear. That was the last time but now I was on a pla

50、ne to meet her, in an airport, in Ireland. I knew nothing about the place except that it was green. I was still dressed in my fatigues (军服) as required. The probably native Irish people gave me a thank-you nod. Even though I didnt wear their flag, they knew I was keeping them safe. 11 As I got off t


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