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20182019 学年度下学期八年级英语期末学业质量监测 参考答案参考答案 A 卷(卷(100 分)分) 1-5 BCCBA 6-10DCABE 11-15 ABCCA 16-20ACCBB 21- 25 CABAC 听力单选(以上每小题 1 分,计 25 分) 26.to remember 27.Writing diaries /a diary28.practice English 29.cant read them 30.importance 听力填表(说明:以上每小题 1 分;意思 正确给 0.5 分,形式正确再加 0.5 分。 计 5 分) 31-35CBCBA 36-40BCAAB单选(每小题1分,共10分) 41-45DACBE 单选完成对话(每小题2分,共10分) 4650 CABBC 完型A(每小题2分,共10分) 51-55 BACAB 56-60 CBCBC 完型B(每小题1分,共10分) 61-65 ABAAB 66-70ACCBC 71-75 CBACB 阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分) B 卷(卷(50 分)分) 1、根据句意和所给首字母填单词。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分;计 5 分) 1.opposite 2.Whenever 3.marks 4.laughter 5.especially 二、补全对话,一空一词,含缩写词。(共二、补全对话,一空一词,含缩写词。(共 10 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 分,计分,计 10 分;分; 形式和拼写完全正确的形式和拼写完全正确的 1 分,选对词但形式不正确给分,选对词但形式不正确给 0.5 分)分) 1.city 2. pictures/photos 3.water 4.performance/concert 5.watch 6.show 7.on 8.places 9.parks 10.restaurant 三、选词填空。从方框中选择恰当的单词并用其正确形式补全短文。(共三、选词填空。从方框中选择恰当的单词并用其正确形式补全短文。(共 10 小小 题,每小题题,每小题 1 分,计分,计 10 分;选中单词分;选中单词 0.5 分,形式正确再给分,形式正确再给 0.5 分)分) 1.different 2.larger 3.illness 4.parents 5.Luckily 6.least 7.heard 8.their 9.more 10.money 四、A、1-5 DFAEB (每小题 1 分,见错不给分。计 5 分) B.阅读短文,完成信息,字数不限。(每小题阅读短文,完成信息,字数不限。(每小题 1 分,答案不完整、不准确酌情分,答案不完整、不准确酌情 给给 0.5 分或分或 0 分;计分;计 5 分)分) 6. Importance/Meaning(s) 7. bravely 8.giving up 9. the truth 10. meaningful/educational 五、书面表达(计 15 分): 要点内容、行文认定及分值要点内容、行文认定及分值 (一)(一) 要点内容认定及分值要点内容认定及分值【共共 12 分分】 (二)行文认定及分值行文认定及分值【共共 3 分分】 1. 文章结构完整,句式多样,衔接自然。(3 分) 1.Whats your favorite thing from childhood which you still have?2 分 2. How long have you had it?2 分 3. How did you get it? 3 分 4.Why do you like it so much?3 分 5.What memories did it give you?2 分 2. 文章结构较完整,句式较多样,衔接较自然。(2 分) 3. 行文影响达意。(1 分) (三)(三) 扣分参考依据:扣分参考依据: 1.单词拼写错误,语法错误,每 4 处扣 1 分; 2.词数少于 70 或多于 130 词,从总分中扣除 1 分; 3.书写潦草凌乱、以至于影响阅卷的,酌情扣卷面分 1 分. 4.使用铅笔作答,使用修正液或不干胶条,一律零分。 简阳市简阳市 2018-2019 学年度八年级下期英语期末考试听力部分学年度八年级下期英语期末考试听力部分 一、听句子,根据所听到的内容选择正确答语。每小题读两遍。 1.Whats the matter with you? 2.Could you please take out the rubbish? 3.Judy, what should I do? 4.What were you doing when I called you? 5.What do you think of the science fiction movie? 二、听句子,选择与你听到的句子意思相符合的图片,并将代表图片的字母填二、听句子,选择与你听到的句子意思相符合的图片,并将代表图片的字母填 在相应的题号前。每题读两遍。在相应的题号前。每题读两遍。 6.Mr. Wang has been to that hill three times. 7.Eva, could you please do the dishes after dinner? 8.When the rainstorm came,I was making a phone call. 9. We usually have dinner together on the Spring Festival Eve. 10. Bob has had this toy car for a very long time. 三、听对话,根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。每小题读两遍。 11. M: Will you be there at 10 oclock? W: No, Ill get there 20 minutes later. Q: What time will the woman get there? 12. M: What animal do people in the desert often use? W: The camel. People often use it to carry things. Q: What animal are they talking about? 13. M: Is Tiananmen Square the largest city square in the world? W: Yes, it is. Its 880 meters long from north to south. Q: How long is Tiananmen Square from north to south? 14. M: Can the panda eat bamboo at four months old? W: No. It only drinks milk because it is too small. Q: What does the panda have when it is four months old? 15. M: Jenny, its cold outside. Would you mind closing the door? W: OK. Let me put on my coat Q:What does the man ask Jenny to do? 16.M:Should I get an X-ray? W:Oh,no. There is nothing serious with your arm. M:So should I take some medicine? W: No, you just need to rest for two days. Q: What should the boy do? 17.M:What would you like to do this Sunday, Jenny? W:I d like to help clean up the city park. What about you, Jack? M:I planned to visit sick children in hospital. But Mike asked me to go to the zoo. Maybe Ill go with him. Q: Who planned to visit sick children in hospital? 18.M: Can you play computer games on school days, Rose? W: No, I cant. And I cant play on Saturday. I can only play for an hour on Sunday evening. Q: When can Rose play computer games? 19.M: How smart your dog is!He can open the door for you! W: Yes. He was trained for 6 months to understand many English words. He has helped me for two years since I broke my legs at the age of 25. Q: Hold old is the woman? 20.M: I volunteered in an after-school study program last Saturday. It was really interesting. On Sunday morning, I went to the museum and I went swimming in the afternoon. How about you, Linda? W: I was not so busy as you. I just read a wonderful book. Q: What does Linda think of the boys weekend? 四、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文读两遍。 Hello, boys and girls! Now Im going to tell you a story. Please listen carefully, because I have a question about the story for you. Are you ready? OK. A man is driving home late at night. Its raining hard. At a bus stop the man sees three people waiting for a bus. The first person is his best friend who once saved his life. The second person is an old woman. She is badly ill and needs to go to hospital. The third person is a young lady. The man loves this lady very much. He wants to help all of the three people, but he can only take one person in his car. What should he do? Please have a discussion in groups of four, and then tell me your answer. 5、听短文,根据短文内容完成表格。短文读三遍。 Do you think it is great to remember just what you did on a day many years ago? One way to remember each day is to write about it in a diary. Many people write their diaries every day and they dont want to forget what they did or how they did something. Most people do not want anyone else to read their diaries. They keep them in a safe place. Some Chinese students try to keep diaries in English not only to help themselves to remember something,but also to practice English. Long ago, many people wrote diaries, too. People have found some of those old diaries. Some diaries are useful because we can learn about the life long ago, or we can get to know something important or something interesting.八年级英语 第 1 页 (共 9 页) 20182019 学年度下学期八年级期末学业质量监测 英 语 注意事项: 1全卷分 A 卷和 B 卷,A 卷满分 100 分,B 卷满分 50 分;考试时间 120 分钟。 2在作答前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号涂写在试卷和答题卡规定的位置。考试 结束后,监考人员将答题卡收回(试卷不回收)。 3选择题部分必须使用 2B 铅笔填涂;非选择题部分必须使用 0.5 毫米黑色签字笔书写, 字体工整、笔迹清楚。 4请按照题号在答题卡上各题目对应的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无 效;在草槁纸、试卷上答题均无效。 5保持答题卡清洁,不得折叠、污染、破损等。 A 卷卷 (100 分)分) 第一部分第一部分 听力部分(共听力部分(共 30 小题,计小题,计 30 分)分) 一、听句子,根据所听到的内容选择正确答语并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。每小题读两遍。 (共 5 小题,每小题 1 分;计 5 分) 1.A.Ive taken the medicine.B.I have a stomachache.C. For two days. 2.A. Yes, here you are.B.Its dirty.C. Yes, sure. 3.A.No, you shouldnt.B.I dont think its a big problem. C.You should tell your teacher. 4.A.Im sorry.B.I was listening to the pop music. C.Ill call you later. 5.A. Its so boring.B.I saw it twice last week C.The film is on in the cinema. 2、听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片,并将代表图片的字母涂在答题卡的相应位置。 每小题读两遍。(共 5 小题,每小题 5 分;计 5 分) 6.________ 7.__________ 8.________ 9._________ 10.__________ 三、听对话,根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。每小题读两遍。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分;计 10 分) 11.A. At 10:20. B. At 9:40.C. At 10:00. 12. A. The panda. B. The camel. C. The lion. 八年级英语 第 2 页 (共 9 页) 13. A. 680 m.B. 818 m.C. 880 m. 14. A. Bamboo.B. Water.C. Milk. 15. A.To close the door.B.To put on her coat. C. To wash her coat. 16.A. Rest for some time.B.Get an X-ray.C.Take some medicine. 17.A. Mike.B. Jenny. C. Jack. 18.A.On Friday.B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday. 19.A.25 years old.B.27 years old. C.29 years old. 20.A.Interesting.B. Busy. C. Wonderful. 四、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分;计 5 分) 21 . How is the man going home? A.He is walking home. B. He is taking a bus home. C. He is driving home. 22. Whats the weather like in the story? A. Its rainy. B. Its sunny. C. Its snowy. 23. Who once saved the mans life? A. The old woman. B. His best friend. C. The young lady. 24. How many people are there in the story? A. Four. B. Three.C. Two. 25. Where does the monologue (独白)probably happen? A. At a bus stop. B. In a car. C. In a classroom. 5、听短文,根据短文内容完成表格。短文读三遍。(共 5 小题,每题 1 分;计 5 分) Writing diaries The reasons*People want 26. what they did or how they did something *27. is a way to remember each day. *Some Chinese students keep diaries in English to 28. . The way Most people keep diaries in a safe place so that others 29. . The 30._________*We can learn about the life in the past. 第二部分 基础知识运用(共 30 小题,计 40 分) 六、选择填空(共 15 小题;计 20 分) A.从各题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选择正确答案。(共 10 小题, 每小题 1 分;计 10 分) 31.Whats __________ matter with you? I have __________ cold. A. a; theB. /; a C. the; a 八年级英语 第 3 页 (共 9 页) 32.Cindy is French. But she _________ eating Chinese food. A. used toB. is used toC. uses to 33.My parents often ask me_________ time on computer games. A. dont wasteB. not wasteC. not to waste 34. Where were you when the storm came ? I __________ on the farm. A. am workingB. was workingC. worked 35.The pandas were eating bamboo______their keepers came into the cage. A. when B.while C.as soon as 36.I think life ________ is a learning process(过程). A.itB. itself C.by itself 37.Which is ________place of interest in China? The Great Wall, I think. A.a famousB. more famousC. the most famous 38.________ Mr.Jackson _________ ? Yes. He________ here for a few minutes . A Has.arrived; has beenB. Has. arrived; has arrived C.Did. arrive; arrived 39.If Helen _______ our hometown , I will show her around. A. visitsB. is visitingC.will visit 40.Could you please pass me the dictionary? ________________ A. Yes, I could. B. Sure, here you are.C. No,thats no problem. B.根据上下文,从方框中选择句子补全对话(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分;计 10 分)。 A: Peter, you need to clean your room. B: Sorry,Mum. Can you help me to do it? A: Ive cleaned your room several times. 41 B: But, Mum, I dont feel well now. A: 42 B: Im really sleepy. 43 A: What did you do? B: 44 I thought about them for a long time. A: You could ask your teacher for help today. B: I know that. 45 A: OK, I see. Dont go to bed too late next time. 七、完形填空 阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入空 白处的正确答案.(共 15 小题,计 20 分。A 篇每小题 2 分,计 10 分;B 篇每小题 1 分,计 A. Whats the matter with you? B. I had difficulties doing math exercises. C. I stayed up late until midnight last night. D. I think its your job to make your room clean. E. I just want to see if I can solve the problem myself. 八年级英语 第 4 页 (共 9 页) 10 分。) A Once there was a little boy. He got angry easily. His father gave him some nails(钉子) and told him, “When you get 46 , put a nail into the wall.” On the first day, the boy put some nails into the wall. The next day, he put on 47 nails. A few days later, he found it 48 not to get angry. After that, the boy was happy every day. Then his father asked him to take out a nail each day if he didnt get angry. After some time, all the nails were gone. Then his father took the boy to the wall and said, “ Well done, son But, look, the wall is full of 49 . It will never be the same as it used to be. When you say things in anger, you leave scars(伤痕)in peoples hearts.” Its not nice to leave scars on peoples hearts. So people hold back their anger. 50 before you say words to friends and family while you are angry. B A rich man loved his son very much.As he wanted his son to lead a happy life, he decided to send him to see a wise old man for his advice on happiness. When the old man learnt about his 51, he handed the boy an empty bowl and said, “Go to the river miles away and 52 it with water.I will tell you about it 53 no water is spilt(洒) when you reach here.” Although the boy was very surprised at this, he had no choice but to 54 this task(任务). The boy 55on foot for the river and some time later came back with a bowl of water.The old man asked him, “Did you notice the beautiful flowers along the road and the birds singing in the trees?” The boy could say nothing about them because he gave his 56 attention to the bowl in his hands. The old man smiled and said, “Bring me57bowl of water, but this time enjoy the flowers and the singing of birds as well.” When he returned, the boy was able to58 everything he had seen to the old man.But when he looked down at his bowl, he found59 that most water was gone.He forgot all about his bowl while enjoying the beautiful things along the road. “Well, young man,” the old man said.“Enjoy the beauty of the world, but never forget the water in your bowl.This is the 60 of happiness.” 46. A. happy B. sadC. angry 47. A. fewerB. more C. no 48. A. difficultB. easier C. impossible 49. A. nailsB. holesC.angry words 50. A. LeaveB. Stop C. Think 51.A.promiseB. purpose(目的)C.experience 52.A.fillB. washC.compare 53.A.untilB.unlessC.if 54.A.carry outB.pick outC.put out 八年级英语 第 5 页 (共 9 页) 八、阅读短文, 判断正误。正确的在答题卡上对应位置涂 A,错误的涂 B。(共 5 小题,每小 题 2 分,计 10 分) Once Einstein gave a lecture in many places in America. His driver always listened to him and knew the lecture so well that he was sure that he could give it himself. So Einstein agreed that the driver would give the lecture instead of him the next time. As nobody knew Einstein there, the driver gave the lecture for Einstein that evening. At first he was a bit afraid, but Einsteins smile made him feel better. He gave such a good lecture that the people were quite pleased with him. Then the driver started to leave and Einstein followed him without a word. When they got to the door, a man asked the driver a difficult question. The driver said that the question was very easy, and told the man to ask his driver who followed him behind to answer it instead of him. 61. Einstein gave the same lecture to different people in the US. 62.The driver didnt know the exact meaning of the lecture. 63.The driver was encouraged by Einstein at the lecture. 64.The drivers lecture was a success. 65. Actually, the driver could answer the mans question . 九、阅读理解。根据短文选择最佳答案。(共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,计 20 分) A Charlottes Web(网) is a classic childrens novel(story book) by an American writer E. B. White. The novel tells the story of a pig named Wilbur and his friendship with a spider (蜘蛛)named Charlotte. Wilbur is the 11th baby of his mother. Since his mother can only feed ten babies at one time, the farmer plans to kill Wilbur. Kind-hearted little Fern saves him and gives him to a nearby farm. Animals on that farm refuse to befriend Wilbur, so Wilbur feels lonely. However,Charlotte welcomes this new member and is glad to make friends with him. Knowing what is going to happen on Wilbur (as the farm owner plans to kill him for sale), Charlotte promises to make a plan to save his life. She makes a lot of good things about Wilbur on her web(网) and makes him famous. Charlotte succeeds in saving Wilburs life, but she dies as she is too old. Luckily, she leaves three baby spiders. More and more later generations (后代) of spiders continue to be with Wilbur. 66. What is this passage talking about? A. A book. B. A movie. C. A magazine. 67. Why does the farmer plan to kill Wilbur? A. Wilbur is very fat. B. Wilbur is sick. C. Wilbur is an extra (多余的)pig. 68. What does the underlined word “befriend” mean in Chinese? A.kill B.save C.make friends with 69. How does Charlotte save Wilbur? 55.A.took offB.set offC.got off 56.A.weakB.quickC.full 57.A.anyB. anotherC. the other 58.A.changeB. imagineC.describe 59.A.lazilyB.sadlyC.excitedly 60.A.resultB.decisionC.secret(秘密) 八年级英语 第 6 页 (共 9 页) A. She died for him. B.By making Wilbur well-known. C. By making a web for him. 70. What ca
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