人教版八年级下册英语测试卷(Units 3-4)(含答案+听力音频mp3+听力原文).zip

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新目标新目标 2020 年春八年级英语下册测试卷(年春八年级英语下册测试卷(Units 3- 4) 题 号一二三四五六总 分 得 分 一、听力测试(25 分) A) 听五段小对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。 (每小题 1 分) ( )1. When does the girl have to come back home? A.At 9:00. B.At 9:30. C.At 11:00. ( )2. What does Mike have to do first? A. Sweep the floor.B. Fold the clothes.C. Make the bed. ( )3. What does Jimmy ask Linda to do? A. To take out the rubbish.B. To do the dishes.C. To fold the quilt. ( )4. What does Bob think of Alices way of learning? A. Useful.B. Interesting.C. Crazy. ( )5. Who is Miss Wang probably? A. She is Marks teacher.B. She is Marks doctor. C. She is Marks friend. B ) 听下面三段对话,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两 遍。 听第听第 1 段对话,回答第段对话,回答第 6-7 小题。小题。 ( )6. What does Toms mother do? A. A doctor.B. A teacher.C. A writer. ( )7. What will Helen buy for the party? A. Drinks and candies.B. Fruits and drinks. C.Snacks and candies. 听第二段对话,回答第听第二段对话,回答第 8-10 小题。小题。 ( )8. How is the weather today? A. Windy and cold.B. Cloudy and cool. C. Sunny and warm. ( )9. Why doesnt Ann go to play badminton? A. Because she has to do her homework. B. Because she has to do a lot of housework. C. Because she wants to have a rest. ( )10. Where are Anns parents? A. At home.B. In their offices. C. In the hospital. 听第听第 3 段对话,回答第段对话,回答第 11-15 小题。小题。 ( )11.What does Bob have to do all day? A. He has to practice basketball. B. He has to do housework. C. He has to do his homework. ( )12. Why does Bob need to keep quiet at home? A. Because his mother can t stand noise. B. Because his father works. C. Because his brother studies. ( )13. What day is it toady? A. Friday.B Saturday. C. Sunday. ( )14. How are relations between Bob and his parents? A. Poor.B. Friendly.C. Improved. ( )15. What will Bob probably do today? A. Go to a movie.B. Have a party.C. Do homework. C) 听短文,完成下面的句子,每空不超过三个单词。短文读两遍。 (每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 16. The speaker doesnt allow her children to watch too in their free time. 17.First, children may pick up from TV programs. 18. Second, sitting in front of the TV set is bad for childrens eyes. 19. Third, watching too much TV may make children use . 20. Read more books to know more about the and think more. 二、单项填空 (10 分) ( )21. I feel too sick to . I have to take a break. A. appearB.agreeC. rest D. continue ( )22. The children from Beijing will with the children from Shanghai in tomorrows soccer match. A. disagreeB. competeC.discussD. hit ( )23. Mrs Green has to her little daughter or she wont work hard at all. A. hateB. hurtC. inviteD. push ( )24. When Peter learned I was interested in skating, he offered me. A. to teachingB. teachingC. teachD. to teach ( )25. -Do your parents mind you out? -No. But I have to return home before 9 o clock. A. to goB. to goingC. goingD. go ( )26. we have a few minutes to wait for the train, lets have a cup of coffee. A. SinceB. AlthoughC. Before D. While ( )27. My father always makes a terrible when he cooks. And he never cleans it up. A. matterB. decisionC. pollutionD. mess ( )28. Its that I am working while everyone else is enjoying themselves. A.similarB. educationalC. independent D. unfair ( )29. Helen, the more careful you are during the exam, mistakes youll make. A. the moreB. the fewerC. fewer D. more 1 学校: 班级: 姓名: 座位号: 1 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 ( )30. David, dont eat junk food. Its important to healthy habits in daily life. A.developB.chooseC. raiseD.carry 三、完形填空 (20 分) A)阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 (每 小题 1 分) A generous gap has become a serious problem. I read a 31 about it in the newspaper. Some children have killed themselves after 32 with parents. I think this is because they dont often have a talk with each other. Parents now 33 more time in the office, 34 they dont have much time to stay with their children. As time passes, they both feel that they dont have the 35 topic to talk about. I want to tell parents to be more with your 36 , get to know them and 37 them. And for children, show your 38 to your parents. They are the people who love you. So 39 them your thoughts. In this way, you 40 have a better understanding of each other. ( ) 31. A. messageB. callC. reportD. letter ( ) 32. A. talkingB. letterC. fightingD. arguing ( ) 33. A. spendB. stayC. workD. playing ( ) 34. A. becauseB. ifC. butD. so ( ) 35. A. interestingB. sameC. trueD. good ( ) 36. A. businessB. children C. workD. office ( ) 37. A. get on well withB. look afterC. understandD. love ( )38. A. interestB. secret C. troubleD. feelings ( ) 39. A. tellB. askC. answerD. say ( ) 40. A. canB. shouldC. mustD. would B)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的适当形式完成下列短文。(10 分) dark, come, over, example, useful, tell, she, help, sometimes, because Ive got a brother who is two years older than I am. 41 hes OK but other times he is a real pain in the neck. I will give you some 42 . Yesterday I couldnt put the key in the front door because it was 43 and I could t see where the keyhole was. Did my brother help? No, he just 44 me how silly I was! And last week when I 45 back from the hairdressers(理发店), he took one eye look at me and laughed. “No friends will go out with you looking like that. But dont worry. I can 46 you. Here, take this paper bag and put it 47 your head. ” Do you know how I felt? On the other hand, having a big brother can be 48 . My parents are not so worried about letting me go out at night 49 I have a big and strong brother. Another good thing is that he has many friends and there is a girl who is very good at math. I always ask 50 for help if I have problems with my math homework. She is always very kind and helpful! 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 四、阅读理解 (40 分) A ) 阅读短文,然后从各小题所给的选项中选出最佳选项。 (每小题 2 分) A When Norman left high school, he went to a college to learn cooking for two years. He enjoyed cooking and was good at creating(创造) his own dishes. Then he got a job in the kitchen of a big hotel as an apprentice(学徒) for four years. Norman soon found that cooking in a hotel was nothing like cooking for his family at home. He needed to work in a hot kitchen for a long time every day. A lot of people couldnt stand it, but Norman enjoyed it. He always made new and unusual cakes on Friday. More and more people visited the hotel on Friday just because of his cakes. The hotel owner soon found out why. When Norman decided to leave the hotel, the hotel owner provided him with more money and the position(职位) of head cook. Norman took the position and saved most of the money he made. Finally, he bought his own hotel last year. Then he found he needed a lot more skills than just cooking skills. So he went to an evening school to learn business every Tuesday and Friday. Norman enjoys having his own hotel. But he also enjoys working in the kitchen and thinking up new creations when the hotel is not too busy. ( )51. How long did Norman work as an apprentice? A. For two years. B.For three years, C. For four years.D. For five years. ( )52. Norman thought working in a hot kitchen was . A. relaxingB. terribleC. dangerousD. enjoyable ( )53. Why did many people visit the hotel on Friday? A. Because the hotel invited famous cooks on Friday. B .Because Norman made special cakes on Friday. C .Because the hotel owner cooked on Friday. D. Because the dishes were cheap on Friday. ( )54. What does the underlined word“saved”in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese? A.积攒B.捐赠C.丢失D.赌掉 ( )55. How often does Norman go to the evening school? A. Once a week.B. Twice a week . C. Three times a week.D. Four times a week. B In 2005. Cliff Jones began a journey around Britain on a unicycle, a bicycle with only one wheel. Before that, he made a film about his experiences traveling around Europe in an old car. He was crazy about cars and worked in a car factory. To save money, Cliff went to work in London on an old bicycle, which he also used to go to France on holiday. “ That trip opened my eyes,” he says.“I decided to travel around Britain by bike.” Cliff didnt want a normal bicycle. He wanted to build one himself. “The craziest bike I could think of was a unicycle. ”After visiting a unicycle factory, he made one and set out in 2005. He was away for four months, and traveled over 8.500 km. For Cliff, the best part of the trip was arriving in Wales and seeing Mount Snowdon. “I met lots of cyclists(骑自行车的人) there. They could easily ride up mountains on their bikes, which I couldnt do. But I was never sorry about making my unicycle. Many people were interested in my unicycle. His worst moment(时刻) came when he had to drink some dirty water from a river. A serious fever kept him in bed in hospital for five long days. He didnt want to give up the journey, but found it hard to carry on because he felt so weak(虚弱的). However,Cliff now says, “If possible, I would like to do something similar again.” ( )56. What made Cliff realize he wanted to travel around Britain by bicycle? A. Visiting a unicycle factory.B. Taking part in a bicycle race. C. Riding his bicycle to another country D. Traveling around Europe in an old car. ( )57. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Cliff was crazy about making films. B. Cliff bought a unicycle from a factory. C. The journey around Britain was over 8.500km. D. The journey around Britain took Cliff five months. ( )58. When Cliff met other cyclists in Mount Snowdon. he was . A. interested in their bicycles B, not sorry about his own unicycle C. surprised by what they said about his unicycle D. not happy about what they could do with their bicycles ( )59. Why did Cliff give up his journey around Britain halfway? A. His money ran out. B. His unicycle broke down. C. He had to go back to work. D. He was seriously ill for several days. ( )60. Where might you see this passage? A. In a diary.B. In a guidebook. C. In a magazine. D. In a dictionary. C Anna Gomez is a successful TV host(主持人)but most people still think of her as a famous skater. “As a child, my dream was to become a dancer. I didnt own any skates until I was nine, and didnt become really interested in skating until I was fourteen, ”said Anna. Anna went to university at the age of I8. Although she spent a long time skating every day, she did well in her lessons. “My parents ported(资助) me through university,and expected me to do well in skating, ” she said. In a sport where most stars become famous as teenagers, Anna was unusual. “When I was young, I sometimes got angry at competitions and shouted at judges(裁判员) if I disagreed with them. That made me unpopular, especially with other skaters. I played as well as them, but I didnt believe in myself. The problem was in my head -I just didnt think I could be the winner. It changed as I won more competitions, and I was at my best by the age of twenty-five,” said Anna. Anna retired(退役) from skating five years later, “It was a difficult decision. People always asked me when I was going to stop. But I wasnt sure if I was ready to give up. Now, looking back, Im glad I stopped when I did. You shouldnt think too much about the past -just move on to the next thing, “said Anna. ( )6 I. When Anna was a child, she dreamed to be . A. university teacher B. TV hostC. dancerD. skater ( )62. What do we learn about Anna s time at university? A. Her parents expected her to be the best skater in the university. B. She liked to teach her classmates how to skate. C. Her parents wanted her to give up skating. D. She spent a lot of time skating. ( )63. When Anna was young, she was unpopular with other skaters because . A. she was not good at skating B. she always argued with others C. she was not as beautiful as others D. she sometimes got angry at competitions ( )64. Anna retired from skating at the age of . A.25B.30C.35D,40 ( )65. The passage is mainly about A. Annas experience as a skater B .how to be a successful skater C. how to be a successful TV host D. Anna s experience as a TV host B)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框的六个选项中,选择五个 适 当的句子还原到短文中,使短文意思通顺,结构完整。 (每小题 2 分) If a person is ill, he will probably go to see a doctor. Doctors treat patients(治疗病人). A patient needs the doctors medical help if he has a fever, a headache or something else. (66) He will take his temperature, test his blood Pressure and so on. For a patient, its very Important to follow what the doctor says. There are a lot of hospitals in our city. (67) They try their best to help sick people In many cases(情况), they save their lives. (68) He is sixty-seven years old. For the last five years, he has had heart trouble and he doesnt think it carries a risk. But one day, he felt very bad and we called an ambulance(救护车) at once (69) Later the doctors told us that my grandfather had a heart attack(心脏病发作). It was very dangerous for his life. But the doctors did everything necessary in time and saved his life. He staved in hospital for about one month. (70) Now my grandfather feels very well. A. I will tell you about the accident that my grandfather had not long ago. B. During that time. the doctors treated him well. C. About twenty years ago, almost all nurses were women. D. The doctor will examine(检查) him carefully. E. Experienced doctors and nurses work there day and night. F. It arrived very quickly and took my grandfather to hospital in no time. G.The doctors did everything quickly. 五、词汇运用(5 分) 根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。 71. Jill (guess)from the noise that her brothers were home. 72. I spent the whole class (copy) notes on the blackboard. 73. Parents watch the (develop)of a baby with interest. 74. She (throw)the ball up and caught again. 75. An apple (drop) from the tree to the ground just now. 六、补全对话(5 分) 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。 A: Mr Green. Could you give me some advice about table manners(餐桌礼仪)? B:(76) Dont make too much noise. Let other people enjoy their meals. A: I see. (77) B: Sure, but dont talk too loudly. A: Then how should I treat my server? B: You should treat him or her with respect (尊敬) . A:(78) B: Yes! And if the service is good, please give the server some money A:OK.(79) B: No, you cant. Wait until youre in your car or another private place. A:(80) B: You re welcome. A. Can I use a toothpick(牙签) at the table? B. Thank you, Mr. Green. C I shouldnt eat too much. D. Yes. Sure. E. Can I talk with my friend at the table? F. Do you mean I should say “please”and “thank you”? G. Youre right. 七、书面表达 (15 分) 根据表格内容以“Learning to get along with our parents.” 为题写一篇短文,说说我们该 怎么和父母相处。 现象经常跟父母生气,甚至几天不讲话 原因1 父母过分关注分数 2 我们 措施 (不少于 三点) 1. 我们应该和父母沟通 2. 我们 3. 我们 要求:(1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;适当发挥 (2)词数:70 词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数) Learning to get along with our parents These days, most of us feel it is hard to get along with our parents. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________
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