北京版一下UNIT FOUR HOW MANY STARS CAN YOU SEE -Lesson 13-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:50691).zip

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  • 北京2011课标版一年级起点_一年级下册_小学英语_UNIT FOUR HOW MANY STARS CAN YOU SEE _Lesson 13_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级优课_(编号:50691)
    • How many pens do you have
      • 新建文件夹
        • How many pens do you have——I have 2 pens_02.wma
        • Mojo How many pens do you have_I have 1 pen.wma
        • Song Do you have a baseball.wmv
        • story.wmv
        • 歌曲How many crayons do you have.wmv
    • How many pens do you have .pptx--点击预览
    • 教案50691.docx--点击预览


Unit 4 Lesson 13 How many pens do you have? Sing a song 四人一组,小老师出示卡片, 组员迅速读出单词,不会读的 单词小老师指导,全部读完后 坐下。 Group work What are missing? ? What are missing? ? ? What are missing? ? What are missing? ? ? Look and say How many pens? 8 pens 3 rulers How many rulers? 2 hats How many hats? 7 crayons How many crayons? 6 erasers How many erasers? 9 staplers How many staplers? 4 markers How many markers? 5 colored pencils How many colored pencils? Story What can you see? I can see . Task 1 Watch and fill ? Watch the story Task 1 Watch and fill ? Practice: Listen and repeat 跟读 Look and say How many crayons do you have? I have . 4 crayons 1 P69 Part A Look and say How many rulers do you have? I have . 6 rulers 2 P69 Part A Look and say How many staplers do you have? I have . 3 staplers 3 P69 Part A Look and say How many markers do you have? I have . 7 markers 4 P69 Part A Story Task 2:Listen and choose A. 1 pens B. 1 pen I have 1 pen. ? Little train I have 1 . Listen and repeat Little train How many .s do you have? P69 Part B Pair work: Ask&Answer 同桌合作,轮流问答 How many .s do you have? I have . A : B : Follow and repeat 跟读 Act 演一演 Pair work: Interview 同桌采访 How many .s do you have? I have ./I dont have a . . Penelope My friend 4 3 1 0 B: Yes, I do./No, I dont. A guessing game A: Do you have a ? 1 2 A: How many .s do you have? B: I have . Stationery is our friend. We should cherish them. 文具是我好朋友,天天帮助我学习。 上课文具摆整齐,下课文具收拾好。 不损坏、不乱丢,爱惜文具人人夸! Sing and dance Thank you!课题课题 Unit 4 Lesson 13 How many pens do you have? 课型课型听说听说课时课时 1 1 教学目标教学目标 1. 通过小组合作学习和“What are missing?”的游戏进一步熟练 认读 8 个物品复数单词:rulers, crayons, erasers, staplers, colored pencils, pens, markers, hats, 准确率达到 95。 2. 在情境中,通过图片、视频的提示以及老师设置的任务听懂、 学说问答句型 A: How many .s do you have? B: I have . 并 能通过师生对话和生生对话的方式表演对话,准确率达 90%。 3. 通过小组合作学习的方式,能灵活运用问答句型 A: How many .s do you have? B: I have . 4. 通过营造情景、完成任务,能树立养成良好学习习惯的意识, 学会在听听力之前先观察图文信息,并在听力中获取关键信 息;在完成任务与合作学习中体验英语学习的成就感,增强 自信心;并能在交际中树立爱惜文具的意识。 教学重点教学重点 1. 能在情境中,通过图片、视频的提示以及老师设置的任务听 懂、学说问答句型 A: How many .s do you have? B: I have . 2. 能通过师生对话和生生对话的方式表演对话。 教学难点教学难点 能在情景中灵活运用句型 A: How many .s do you have? B: I have .进行问答。 教学准备教学准备单词卡片,PPT,角色帽,文具用品 教学过程教学过程 动态备课栏动态备课栏 老师利用 PPT 出示图片,学生齐答单词。学生观察 3 秒,老师撤销 1-2 幅图片,学生说出什么东西不见 了。 2.Look and say. 看图回答。看图回答。 老师利用 PPT 展示图片,并提问 How many .s ?学 生回答 X(数量)+ .s。 Step 3 Presentation 新授新授 Step 1 Warming-up 热身活动热身活动 1. Greeting 打招呼打招呼 T: Class begins! Good morning, boys and girls! S: Good morning, Penelope! T: Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you, too. 2. Sing a song 演唱歌曲 Do you have a baseball? 学生边唱边做动作 Step 2 Revision 复习复习 1.Group work 小组合作学习小组合作学习 四人一小组,小老师快速出示单词卡片,学生迅速 说出单词。读错的单词,小老师纠正。 What are missing? 什么不见了?什么不见了? 1. Look and say 展示主图,情境导入展示主图,情境导入 T: Now, its story time. Look, this is Superkis classroom. There are so many things in the classroom. What a nice classroom! 老师引导学生在观看视频前观察图片。 (1)引导学生观察图片,老师提问:What can you see? 学生使用句型:I can see . 来回答。 (2)老师带领全班学生指认物品。 2. 教授句型教授句型 I have . (1)Task 1: Watch and fill 任务任务 1:看视频,填空。:看视频,填空。 Mojo: How many pens do you have? Peter: I have . T: The Superkids are at classroom. What are they doing? Now, lets join them. Look, Mojo and Peter are friends. They are talking with each other. What do Mojo and Peter say? Lets watch the story and see what happens. Before watching, there is a task for you. You need to watch and fill in the blank. 老师带领学生读题 播放整个故事的视频,指名学生回答问题。 播放对话 1 小片段,核对答案(学生齐答) ,呈现 板书 I have . 练习: 强调发 have 音时的嘴型及其发音。 学生跟读、男女生读、看图回答 I have .s。 (2)Task 2: Listen and choose 任务任务 2:听录音,选择。:听录音,选择。 Mojo: How many pens do you have? Chip: Im . A: 1 pens B. 1 pen T: Now, Lets go on and see what Mojo and Chip are talking about. There is another task for you. Mojo asks: How many pens do you have? Chip says: . You need to listen and choose. Ears, ears. Lets listen. 播放对话 2 音频,指名回答问题。 播放对话 2 视频,要求学生齐答。 练习:跟读、指名读。 开火车 I have 1 . (3)新授句型)新授句型 How many .s do you have? 再次回到对话引出问句 How many pens do you have? 呈现板书 How many pens do you have? 练习:跟读、小老师带读、分组读 开火车:生问师答(板书由 How many pens do you have?变成 How many .s do you have?) (4)Pair work 同伴互学同伴互学 同桌轮流问答 A: How many .s do you have? B: I have . 小组展示 Step 4 Act 演一演演一演 跟音频一句一句地朗读。 老师带读,加上动作。 师生合作示范表演。 师生分角色操练(师生、生生、分组、男女生) 。 上台展示。 Step 5 Pair work: Interview 同桌采访同桌采访 同桌相互问一问、答一答: A: How many .s do you have? B: I have ./I dont have . Step 6 A guessing game 猜一猜猜一猜 学生用 Do you have a .?句型来猜一猜老师的袋子里 面有什么。再用 How many .s do you have?来问一问数 量 Step 7 Sing and dance 唱一唱,跳一跳唱一唱,跳一跳 学唱歌曲 How many crayons do you have? 作作 业业 1.P65 Build it!读 3 次。 2.改编对话并表演。 设设 计计 3.改编歌曲并演唱。
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