北师大版(三起)五下Unit 8 Time-Lesson 2 Let's Practice.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)(编号:f0e83).zip

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Time Lesson 2 one little, two little, three little monkeys four little, five little, six little monkeys seven little,eight little,nine little monkeys ten little monkey toys. eleven, twelve, thirteen monkeys fourteen, fifteen, sixteen monkeys seventeen ,eighteen ,nineteen monkeys twenty monkey toys. klk tam Its time to go home. What time is it? Its three oclock. 三点钟了。三点钟了。 Whats the time? Its eight fifteen. 八点十五了。八点十五了。 What time is it? Its eleven thirty. 十一点半了。十一点半了。 Whats the time? Its eleven forty-five.十一点四十五了十一点四十五了 。 What time is it? Its five fifty-three. 五点五十三了五点五十三了 。 Practiceinpairs. -What time is it?(or)Whats the time? -Its . oclock.(or)Its . one two three four five six seven eight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen 9 10 11 12 13 14 fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen 15 16 17 18 19 twenty thirty forty fifty sixty 20 30 40 50 60 Its seven oclock. Its six oclock. Its five oclock. Its eleven fifteen. Its twelve thirty. Its one forty-five. 选择填空选择填空 ( )1.- Whats the time ? -Its _______ oclock. A.two fifteen B.three thirty C.six ( )2.- __________ is it ? -Its five forty-five. A. What day B.What time C.What 练一练练一练 C B Listen and Number U08_L3_1.swf Enjoyasong U08_Sing.swf HomeworkHomeworkUnit 8 Times Lesson 2 What time is it ? 教学设计 UnitUnit 8 8 TimesTimes LessonLesson 2 2 WhatWhat timetime isis itit ? ? 教学设计教学设计 内乡县第四小学校 袁晓鹏 教材分析教材分析 1本课是第二课时,在学习具体时间的表达方法的基础上,进一步对时间进行询问和回 答。 通过问答对话练习,使学生更加准确熟练的运用时间的表达方法,并为后面的学习做好 铺垫。 2通过本节课的学习,学生能够用英语进行询问和回答时间,能运用所学的语言知识在 创设的情境中进行熟练的交际,表达该做什么的时间到了,并在此基础上将其用于日常生活之 中。 学情分析学情分析 学生对时间的话题并不陌生,可距离熟练表达时间以及该干某事的时间到了,还有一段距 离。有了上节课 What time is it? Its five oclock.的基础,学生对于整点表达还不 陌生, 但非整点时间的表达是本节课学习的关键之处,也是一大部分学生听说的障碍。 教学目标教学目标 1、知识目标: 、能够掌握时间的表达方法, 、能够理解和运用句型 What time is it? Its one oclock. / Its one fifteen. / Its one thirty . / Its one forty-five . Its time to + 动词,It s time for+ 名词,进行自由会话。 、能够听说认读词组 go to school, go home, watch TV , play sports 2、能力目标: 不断提升学生自主学习、有效交际、英语思维的能力。能正确询问和回答时间的表达,培 养学生用英语交际、用英语解决实际问题的能力及合作精神。 2、情感目标:通过本课的学习,学生能积极进行口语交际,在学生体验,参与,探究与 合作的过程中,培养学生的时间意识,让学生懂得珍惜时间、懂得热爱生活的良好品德。 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点 教学重点教学重点:学习和运用句型 What time is it?Its one oclock. / Its one fifteen. / Its one thirty . / Its one forty-five . Its time to + 动词,It s time for+ 名词进行自由会话。 教学难点教学难点: 能够运用所学句型进行对话及 Its time to的用法。 教学过程教学过程 1、Warm-up 1. Greetings. T: Good morning , boys and girls . Ss: Good morning . T: How are you today? Ss: Fine , thank you. 2. Review the numbers. (1). T: Great , now , lets watch a video and try to follow it, ok? Ss: ok. T: OK! Now, kids , stand up ! lets begin. T: Very good. Now lets look at the screen , whats the number? 15 Teacher asks, students answer; follow the tape ; follow the teacher ; read in lines ; together 30 Teacher asks, students answer; follow the tape ; follow the teacher ; read in rows; together 45 Teacher asks, students answer; follow the teacher ; read in pairs ; together 53 Teacher asks, students answer; follow the teacher ; read in groups; together (2). Check the numbers. T: Now, lets play a game. (使用聚光灯功能,看谁反应快。) 二、Learn to say. 1. Lead-in. T: nice work . so today , lets continue to learn unit 8 , lesson 2. Now , look , whats this ? Ss: 钟表,clock. T: YES .its a clock. Read after me , clock. Ss: clock T: lets look at the next picture. What can you see? Ss:clock. T: So what can we know from the clocks ? Ss: time. T: YES,time. Read after me. 2. Learn to say. T: the next picture , its a clock too, right? Ill ask you a question, what time is it? Ss: one o clock. T: YES. Its one oclock. T:Look my clock, what time is it ?(拨动教具钟) Ss: answer.(依次练习整点以及非 整点: .fifteen; .thirty; .forty-five; 以及其它非整点的表达方法,每类练 习 3 到 5 个) 3. Look and match to check their learning. (利用希沃 5 课堂活动设计题目,增强课堂 趣味性。) 4. Listen and number to practice :”What time is it?Its . .” 三、Practise. 1. T: Oh! Im a little hungry. now lets look at my clock. What time is it ? Ss: Its eleven forty-five. T: Yes, its eleven forty-five. Its time to have lunch. We can also say “Its time for lunch”.(幻灯片出示两种句式的区别) 2.Ask and answer between the teacher and students: What time is it?Its . Its time to + 动词 / Its time for+ 名词 according to the pictures. 3.Pair work to practise the sentences according to the timetable. 4.Act it out. 四、Summary. T: Now lets have a summary. What do you learn from this class? 5、Exercises. Choose the best answer. 6、Homework. T: today our homework is : Make your timetable and talk about it with your partners .remember? See you next time. Bye bye.
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