北师大版(三起)五下Unit 9 Day and Night-Lesson 1 About the Astronaut.-ppt课件-(含教案)(编号:30036).zip

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Unit 9 Day and night morning breakfast lunch afternoon dinner night 6 3 2 1 4 5 Set homework Chant to your friends. Thank you ! Good bye!UnitUnit 9 9 Day and night LessonLesson 2 2 DayDay andand nightnight LessonLesson 2 2 教学目标: 英语教案 1.使学生了解一日三餐、早中晚的表达及表示频度的词汇,并能对 所学单词做到正确认读,发音正确。 2.培养学生的听说能力。 3.能运用所学单词在情景中运用语言。 教学重点: 能够熟练认读新单词并运用。 教学难点: 在语境中正确灵活运用所学单词。 教学过程: 一、一、Greeting: Lets begin our class. Hello! boys and girls. 二、二、lets do following me. Go o gogo letslets go.go. walkwalk walkwalk walkingwalking runrun runrun runningrunning jumpjump jumpjump jumpingjumping LetsLets dodo sports.sports. LetsLets dodo sports.sports. We are happy. We are happy. 三、三、New lesson. 1 1、LookLook herehere , , askask:“Whats“Whats thisthis?” Elicit,“ItsElicit,“Its a a clock.”clock.” ThenThen askask:“What“What timetime isis it?”it?” Elicit,“ItsElicit,“Its sixsix oclock.”oclock.” ItsIts inin thethe morning.morning. ReadRead “morning”“morning” ThisThis morningmorning I I hadhad breakfast.breakfast. LookLook !This!This isis mymy breakfast.breakfast. HowHow delicious!delicious! DoDo youyou oftenoften havehave breakfast?breakfast? Yes,Yes, I I do.do. WhenWhen dodo youyou havehave breakfast?breakfast? I I oftenoften havehave breakfastbreakfast atat sevenseven oclockoclock inin thethe morning.morning. Me,Me, too.too. MeMe ,too.,too. WeWe oftenoften havehave breakfastbreakfast atat sevenseven oclockoclock inin thethe morning.morning. ButBut sometimessometimes wewe havehave breakfastbreakfast atat eighteight oclockoclock onon SaturdaySaturday andand Sunday.Sunday. 2 2、 WalkingWalking walking.walking. AskAsk:“What“What timetime isis it?”it?” ElicitElicit :“Its“Its twelvetwelve oclock.”oclock.” NowNow thisthis timetime isis atat noon.noon. Oh,IOh,I mm hungry.hungry. I I wantwant toto eateat something.something. LookLook !HowHow delicious!delicious! DoDo youyou wantwant toto eat?eat? Yes,Yes, I I do.do. SorrySorry ,I,I dontdont givegive you.you. ThisThis isis a a picture.picture. ThisThis isis a a lunchlunch picture.picture. ReadRead “lunch”.“lunch”. WhenWhen dodo youyou havehave lunch?lunch? I I alwaysalways havehave lunchlunch atat twelvetwelve oclock.oclock. SometimesSometimes I I havehave lunchlunch atat oneone oclock,oclock, butbut I I nevernever havehave lunchlunch atat twotwo oclock.oclock. 3 3、WalkingWalking walking.walking. AskAsk :“what“what timetime isis it?”it?” ElicitElicit ,“Its,“Its threethree oclock.oclock. ” NowNow thisthis timetime isis inin thethe afternoon.afternoon. ReadRead “afternoon.”“afternoon.” 4 4、WalkingWalking walking.walking. AskAsk :“what“what timetime isis it?”it?” Elicit,“ItsElicit,“Its sixsix oclock.”oclock.” ItsIts inin thethe evening.evening. OhOh ,Im,Im tiredtired andand hungry.hungry. ThisThis isis mymy dinner.dinner. HowHow favouritefavourite! DoDo youyou wantwant toto eat?eat? YesYes ,I,I do.do. SorrySorry ,I,I dontdont givegive you.you. BecauseBecause itit cantcant eat.eat. ItsIts a a picture.picture. WhenWhen dodo youyou havehave dinner?dinner? I I usuallyusually havehave dinnerdinner atat sixsix oclock.oclock. SometimesSometimes I I havehave dinnerdinner atat sevenseven oclock.oclock. ButBut I I dontdont havehave dinnerdinner atat fivefive oclock.oclock. ItIt ss tootoo early.early. 5 5、WalkingWalking walking.walking. WhatWhat timetime isis itit ? ItsIts eighteight oclock.oclock. ItsIts atat night.night. ReadRead “night”.“night”. 6 6、LookLook atat thesethese cards.cards. PleasePlease readread thethe wordswords oneone byby one.one. LookLook atat thesethese beautifulbeautiful pictures.pictures. PleasePlease readread inin EnglishEnglish oneone byby one.one. 7 7、NowNow boysboys andand girls,girls, LetsLets playplay a a game.game. I I dodo ,you,you say.say. morningmorning lunchlunch sleepsleep NowNow change.change. I I saysay ,you,you dodo 四、四、ListenListen toto this.this. DirectDirect thethe childrenschildrens attentionattention toto thethe picturespictures atat thethe bottombottom ofof thethe page.page. PointPoint toto thethe clockclock inin thethe firstfirst pictures.pictures. Ask,“WhatAsk,“What timetime isis it?”Elicit,“Itsit?”Elicit,“Its sevenseven oclock.”Thenoclock.”Then ask,“Whatask,“What doesdoes AnnAnn dodo atat (seven)(seven) oclockoclock ?”Elicit,“She”Elicit,“She getsgets up.”up.” RepeatRepeat thethe procedureprocedure forfor thethe otherother picturespictures withwith clocks.clocks. ElicitElicit ,“She,“She isis eating.”Noweating.”Now ask,“Whenask,“When doesdoes AnnAnn eateat breakfastbreakfast?”Elicit”Elicit ,“In,“In thethe morning.”morning.” RepeatRepeat thethe procedureprocedure forfor thethe lastlast picture.picture. ExplainExplain toto childrenchildren thatthat theythey willwill hearhear a a sentencesentence onon thethe tapetape andand theythey mustmust matchmatch itit toto thethe correctcorrect picture.picture. 五、五、LetsLets chant.chant. 六、六、 Homework.Homework. SingSing youryour chantchant toto youryour friends.friends.
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