北师大版(三起)五下Unit 9 Day and Night-Lesson 4 Have a try.-ppt课件-(含教案)(编号:705f8).zip

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Unit7 Day and Night 小学英语(北师大版)五年级下册小学英语(北师大版)五年级下册 Lesson 4 Lets read What do you often do on the weekend ? go to the library play football clean my room Warm up and free talk eat breakfast have lunch in a restaurant A happy day When do Mary and Tom go out on Sunday? They go out at ten oclock. What do Mary and Tom do after going out on Sunday? listen and answer ? They get to the bookstore, help Uncle Hank clean his house have lunch in a restaurant, and go to the swimming pool. Read and find out (快速阅读短文并画出关键词(快速阅读短文并画出关键词 ) What do Mary and Tom do after going out on Sunday? What do you think of reading a book? 你觉得读书怎么样?你觉得读书怎么样? Read and find out (仔细阅读短文并圈出关键词(仔细阅读短文并圈出关键词 ) When do Marry and Tom do those things? When do they have breakfast and get home? Draw the time A busy but happy day 1st reading: Listen and read the sentences one by one 第一次:听并句句跟读 2nd reading: Read it by yourself 第二次:自读 Listen and read Lets retell Can you retell(复述)it according to the blackboard writing(根据板书)? get up eat breafast wash the clothes do exercises go shopping clean the room play games take a . class . Write about your Sunday My day I often. My day I often. Love your life, enjoy the moment; Everyday is worth expecting and wonderful. 热爱生活,享受现在;热爱生活,享受现在; 每一天都值得期待,每一天都会有别样的精彩。每一天都值得期待,每一天都会有别样的精彩。 1. Read the text with emotion(感情) after class. 2. Continue to finish your writing about your Sunday. Homework北师大版英语 (三年级起点) 五年级下册 Unit 7 Day and Night Lesson 4 Lets Read 北师大版英语 (三年级起点)五年级下册 Unit 7 Day and Night Lesson 4 Lets Read 一、教学内容 本课选自北师大版英语五年级下册 Unit 7 Day and Night 中 Lesson 4 中 的 Lets Read。教学内容分为两大部分,第一部分呈现了 Mary 和 Tom 的周日 一天的行程; 第二部分通过一个练习:Draw the time 来提高学生阅读并抓关键 信息能力以及复述表达的能力。 二、设计思路 本课以老师的周末活动为导入点,让学生了解老师丰富多彩的周末生活的 同时巩固复习有关周末文体活动的一些短语并引发自己的思考,进行有关课余 活动的师生自由谈话。然后引入新朋友 Marry and Tom.接着通过听 Marry and Tom 的出去的时间,泛读课文找 Marry and Tom 周日活动及精读找每项活动的 时间的信息,多种形式朗读课文等活动形式来引导学生从初步感知文本往细致 阅读挖掘文本过渡。随后通过学生复述 marry and Tom 的周末活动加上自己感 受或评价的形式对文本进行再构造。最后在学生书写自己周末一天的写作活动 中感悟生活的忙碌但美好。 三、教学目标 1. 知识与能力目标知识与能力目标 (1)在老师以及图片的引导下读懂文章内容。 (2)能够按照正确的语音语调朗读课文。 (3)能够根据板书介绍并复述 Marry and Tom 的课余生活。 (4)能够结合所学知识完成自己周末行程的写作任务。 2. 情感态度目标情感态度目标 (1)在同伴、小组活动中培养学生的自主合作意识与探究能力。 (2)在体会 Marry and Tom 及自己的周末活动中感悟生活的忙碌充实快乐。 四、教学重点和难点 1. 重点重点 能够运用所学知识表述自己及他人的课余活动。 2. 难点难点 能够正确运用句子进行自己周末行程的写作。 五、教学过程 Step1: Warm up Free talk 1. 教师通过简单歌曲,与学生打招呼互动,预热课堂。 歌曲内容如下: Good morning ! ( Good morning ! )How are you?( How are you ! ) Its nice to have you here with me today. Good morning ! ( Good morning !) How are you? ( Just fine ! ) Howdy how do you do hello good day! 2. 通过介绍自己的课余生活引出学生课余活动的话题。 T: I enjoy my life very much , I always have a happy day on Sunday. I get up late and have breakfast at 9:00. Then I clean my room at 10:00. I often go out in the afternoon. I like reading, so .So how about you? What do you often do after school? When do you do that? Ss: . 【设计目的】 教师通过小歌曲暖身课堂,能有效地吸引学生的注意力,活跃课堂氛围, 拉近师生之间的距离。之后,通过 free talk 帮助学生复习有关文体活动的短 语,同时引发学生自己的思考并回答自己的周末活动,为新课的呈现做好铺垫。 Step 2: Pre-reading 1. 通过周末活动的话题教读新词组:go out ,restaurant T: Boys and girls, do you know the word? Can you read it ? (教师出示 after-school activities 生词卡) Ss: 2. 引出本课主人公 T: Today were gonna meet two new friends Marry and Tom. They also have happy Sundays. Because they often go out. So when do they go out on Sunday? Lets listen and find out. . Question: When do Marry and Tom go out on Sunday? 学生通过听录音找到答案。 【设计目的】 通过自由谈话引出文本标题并教读新词组 go out,restaurant,让学生在 具体语境和话题氛围中理解它的意思并学习读音。教师引导学生通过观察图片 的方式,提高学生的读图能力。通过带问题听录音的方式,培养学生听关键信 息以及整体感知文本的能力。 Step 3: While-reading 1. Listen and find out Question: What do Marry and Tom do after going out on Sunday? 学生带着问题进行深入浏览的阅读,找到并划出 Mike 每天的课余活动。 学生汇报 Marry 每天的课余活动。 T: Lets check the answer. What do Marry and Tom do on Sunday? 学生汇报后教师分别通过图片的形式板书出 Marry and Tom 周日活动。 并通过 Do you like reading books? What do you think of reading a book ?等 小问题适时适宜的和学生交流想法感受,并板书学生表达的感受。在此期 间,通过图片等形式帮助学生理解新词 swimming pool, splash 的意思并 教读正确发音。 2. Read the text and underline the information T: When do Marry and Tom do those things?Please read the text carefully and underline the information. 学生尝试通过阅读图片和钟表说出周日活动行程。 【设计目的】 细读课文,学生在边读边划线的过程中学会提起文本信息。在学生汇报答 案的过程中适时适宜的和学生交流做这些活动的感受,让学生敢于并善于表达 自己感受的同时更深一步的挖掘文本所带给我们的更积极的有情感态度的信息。 最后指引学生阅读图片和钟表复习 Marry and Tom 周日活动的词组同时也为学 生下一步复述做铺垫。 3. Lets read Its time to read the text. The 1st reading: Listen and repeat the sentences one by one The 2nd reading: Read it by yourself The 3rd reading: Try to read it together 【设计目的】 学生跟读录音模仿正确的语音语调。 。 4. Retell the text T: Marry and Tom have a busy but happy Sunday. Can you retell it according to the blackboard writing? 教师首先通过板书引导学生复述 Marry and Tom 周日活动来做示范, 然后给予学生时间合作练习。之后学生上台展示,并对学生的表现给予肯 定和鼓励。 【设计目的】 通过复述活动培养锻炼学生词句成篇的表达能力。 Step 4: Post-reading 1. Write about your Sunday. T: Marry, Tom and I have busy but happy Sunday. How about you. Please write your Sunday. 【设计目的】 通过此活动培养学生写作能力(按时间先后顺序) 。 2. Show time. T:Boys and girls, you also have colourful Sunday . Now its show time, who wants to show you special Sunday? Step 5: Summary T: Wow! We all can do so many activities on the weekend, and we have colourful days . You are so great. 教师总结引导,学生再次感受生活的美好,感悟要热爱生活,每一天 都有别样的精彩。 Step 6: Homework 1. Read the text after class. 2. Continue to write more about your days. 板书设计:
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