北师大版(三起)四下Unit 7 At the Restaurant-Lesson 1 What do you like -ppt课件-(含教案)公开课(编号:201cd).zip

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Whats the video about?这个视频是关于什么的这个视频是关于什么的? FOODYUMMY Its a menu. bread A bread on the head. /e/ head noodles / school hot dry noodles fried rice The fried rice are yummy. chicken I dont like chicken. /t/ China hamburgerchicken beef hamburger I dont like chicken hamburger. I like beef hamburger. French fries chips I like French fries. Chips I will try. vegetables I like vegetables. They make me healthy. fruit I love to eat fruit.They make me beautiful. Watch the video and answer the questions: 看视频,回答问题: Q1:What does Ken like? Q2:What does Ann like? Q3:Can Mocky read the menu? Try to ask what your partner like. I like Do the survey. Rules(规则): 1、Every four students makes a team. 每4名学生分成一组。 2、Choose one student to act the reporter. 选1名学生扮演记者。 3、The reporter interviews the other three students about what food they like,then report. 记者采访其他3名同学喜欢什么食物,并报道出来。 For example(例如): There are four students in our team. They are Li wen,Mocky,Ken and me. Li wen likes chicken.Mocky likes noodles. Ken likes fried rice.I like fruit. 1 2 34 56 I like fruit. I like vegetables. Noodles I will try. I love to eat fried rice. But chicken I dont like.Unit 7What do you like?教学设计 【学情分析学情分析】: 本节课的教学对象是小学四年级的学生。他们学习英语的 兴趣依然浓厚,非常注重自我价值的体现和成就感的体验。通 过三年级一年的英语语言环境的熏陶与语言知识、技能的系统 训练,他们已经具备了较扎实的知识基础和简单交流个人信息 的能力。他们具有丰富的想象力,喜欢表演,喜欢与他们合作, 能在教师的指导下较好地完成活动,达成既定目标。在教学中 应抓住学生的这些特点,通过运用直观生动的教学方法,激发 学生学习兴趣的同时,尽量多创造让学生“说”和“演”的机 会,充分发挥学生的主体地位。 【教学目标教学目标】: 1、知识与技能: (1)能正确地认读听说食物单词:noodles, fried rice, hamburger, chicken, fruit, vegetables, French fries,和 bread. (2)能灵活运用本课新句型 “What do you like?”“I like.What about you?” 询问对方喜欢的食物以及应答自己 所喜欢的食物。 2、过程与方法: 通过听、说、演、唱等方法培养学生的语感和学习兴趣。 3、情感态度与价值观: (1) 培养学生学习英语的兴趣和乐于参与活动、积极与他人合 作的能力。 (2) 能运用所学句型进行对话表演和口语交际,通过比较学习, 了解中西方饮食的异同。 【教学重点】: (1)能借助插图理解并正确、有感情地朗读故事人物对话。 (2)灵活运用本课句型“What do you like?”“I like.What about you?” 询问对方喜欢的食物以及应答自己所喜欢的食物。 【教学难点】:restaurant 和 menu 的发音。 【教学过程】: 1、激趣导入 1、播放美食视频。 2、T:Whats the video about?(FOOD-YUMMY FOOD) Are your mouth watering? Do you feel hungry now?(设计 意图:通过观看美食视频不仅吸引学生的注意力,调动积极性而 且营造了学习英语的氛围,为新课学习做准备。) 2、单词串烧 出示三位小朋友的图片,教师顺势说:There are three kids,they feel hungry too.Then they are going to find some food to eat. So where are they going? 教师播放事先 剪切好的(Heres the restaurant.)视频,让学生初步感知 “restaurant”这个单词。然后通过课件,词条以及黑板上的简 笔画让学生再次感知“restaurant”这个单词。通过自然拼读、 升降调、大小声等方式学生反复操练,突破 “restaurant”这 个单词的难点。 (设计意图:通过视频中的人物饿了,要找食物吃这个切入点导 入餐厅 “restaurant”,让学生在真实的语言环境中初步感知 了本课的学习主题。在餐厅点餐,自然的为接下来 “Menu” 的 出现作了铺垫。) 2、T: Now,they are in the restaurant.Look, whats on Mockys hands? Ss:Its a menu. “M-E,N-U, MENU” (设计意图:通过让生观察,让生发现 Mother 手上拿的是一张 “Menu”,从而导入“Menu”这个单词的教学。) T:What food are on the menu?Do you know them?Lets have a look. 3、Learn the new words. (1) Bread-“What do you like?”I like bread.” (2) noodles- “oo- / school” “hot dry noodles” “I like hot dry noodles.” (3) fried rice-The fried rice are yummy. (4) Chicken-I dont like chicken. (5) Hamburger-chicken hamburger - “I like chicken hamburger.”-beef hamburger- “I dont like beef hamgurger.” (6) French fries-chips-I like French fries.Chips I will try. (7) Vegetables-I like vegetables.They make me healthy. (8) Fruit-I love to eat fruit. (设计意图:教师通过展示单词图片,通过升降调读、大小声读、 在词组中读、在句子中读等多种方式带着孩子们读单词,赋予 朗读以活力,吸引孩子的兴趣。) 四、Team work (一)Try to ask what does your partner like 1、Watch the video,answer the questions: T:Wow,there are so many food on the menu.They all look so yummy.What food will Ken、and Mocky like?Now,lets watch the video,and answer the questions: (1)What does Ken like? (2)What does Ann like? (3)Can Mocky watch the menu? (设计意图:通过观看故事,并设计相关的问题,询问学生关于相 关人物所喜欢的食物,使学生在不知不觉中感知到 “What do you like? I like.” 句型的意义。) 2、Try to ask what your friend likes. Mocky cant read the menu.What food does Mocky like?Can you guess?(Maybe he likes) If you want to know what your friend likes,what will you ask?Lets watch the dialogue between Mocky and his friend Li wen. (1)播放 Mocky 和 Li wen 相互询问对方喜欢什么的视频。 (2)Try to ask what does your partner like?(练习句型 “What do you like?”“I likeWhat about you?”) (设计意图:让学生在对话中巩固句型“What do you like?” “I like”,并理解和运用新句型“What about you?”) (二)Do the survey. Did you watch this TV program-“A bite of China”before?Its very popular in China.There are many yummy food on this program.Now,the director of this program is coming to Zaoyang.He want to choose some little reporter.Do you want to try?Ok,now,lets do the survey.Please read the rules carefully and quickly. Rules(规则):Every four students makes a team.Choose one student to act the reporter.The reporter interviews the other three students about what food they like,then report.(1)教师给出示范,然后让学生在小 组中表演。 (2)请小记者在全班进行报道。 (设计意图:创设情境,锻炼学生的英语表达能力和实际运用 能力。) 五、Listen and number. Shlisten,some of Mockys friends are talking about the food,too.Do you want to listen what they are talking about?Lets go! (1)播放录音,学生边听边给图片排序。 (2)找学生说自己的答案,一起检验。 六、Relax-Lets chant. (1)出示教师照片,Look,whos that beautiful lady? Yeah,Its me.Do you want to know what food I like,what food I dont like?Ok,lets listen and choose. (2)Now,relax for a moment,lets chant.
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