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1、北师大版本小学英语四年级下册Unit 7一、四会单词1. Monday 星期一2. Tuesday 星期二3. Thursday 星期四4. Friday 星期五5. Sunday 星期日6. week 星期,周7. class (一节)课8. visit 拜访,看望二、三会单词和短语1. Wednesday 星期三2. Saturday 星期六3. tomorrow 明天4. shopping 购物5. remember 记,记住6. diary 日志,记事簿7. only 只,仅仅8. learn 学习;认识9. then 那么;就10. with 和 一起11. every day 每天

2、12. English corner 英语角13. come back 回来14. on Saturday 在周六15. go to the library 去图书馆16. play with friends 和朋友们玩17. dance class 舞蹈课三、四会短语1. watch TV 看电视2. go to school 去上学3. go to the park 去公园4. one week 一周,一星期5. help mom 帮助妈妈四、四会句型1. What do you do on Monday? 你周一做什么?I go to school. 我去上学。2. What do th

3、ey do on Tuesday? 你周二做什么?They go to the bank. 他们去银行。3. What does he do on Saturday? 他周六做什么?He goes to the library. 他去图书馆。4. What does she do on Sunday? 她周日做什么?She goes to the bank. 她去银行。五、三会句型1. What day is it today? 今天星期几?Its Monday. 星期一。2. Do we have English corner today?今天我们有英语角吗?Yes, we do. 有。语音

4、:ow ,ou 半夜笑,吓得你我嗷嗷叫。会读下列语音词:cow, brown, owl, how, now, wow, bow, showermouse, cloud, about, mouth, loud, house, southUnit 8一、四会单词1. oclock 钟点2. early 早,提早3. late 晚,迟4. time 时间5. slow 慢,慢的6. hurry 快,迅速7. broken 坏的,破的8. now 现在数字:112:one two three four five sixseven eight nine ten eleven twelve整数 20-60

5、:twenty thirty forty fifty sixtyfifteen 15 分thirty 30 分forty-five 45 分二、三会单词 和短语1. Excuse me 请原谅;抱歉2. fix 修理3. fixed 修好的;恢复的4write my diary 写日记三、四会短语1. go to school 上学2. help Mom 帮助妈妈3. play with friends 和朋友们玩4. go home 回家5. watch TV 看电视6. eat dinner 吃晚餐7. visit sb. 拜访某人8. have English class 上英语课(ma

6、th, Chinese, art, music, P.E.)9.visit the doctor 看医生10.go to the bank 去银行11.dance class 舞蹈课四、四会句型What time is it? 几点了?Its one oclock. 一点。Its two fifteen. 两点一刻。Its three thirty. 三点半。Its four forty-five. 四点四十五分。Its time to 该到(干什么)的时间了。Its time to visit Uncle Booky.Its time to watch TV.Its time to go t

7、o school.Is it four oclock?Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.五、三会句型Were early. 我们来早了。I dont know. 我不知道。My watch is slow. 我的表慢了。My watch is broken.我的表坏了。Its fixed. 它修好了。You wont be late again. 你不能再迟到了。What time do you go to school?你几点上学?I go to school at seven. 我 7 点钟上学。Mocky is late for the train. Mocky上火车迟

8、到了。语音:oi, oy 一块站, 两人难分辨。会读下列语音词:toys boy oyster joy soytoy enjoy annoyoil coins boil noise voicesoil spoil point4BUnit 9一、四会单词1. breakfast 早饭2. lunch 午饭3. dinner 晚饭4. at night 夜间5. after 在之后6. at home 在家7. often 常常8. never 从不9. sometimes 有时10. get up 起床11. go to bed 上床睡觉12. sleep 睡;睡觉13. afternoon 下

9、午14. evening 傍晚15. when 什么时候16. eat dinner 吃晚饭17. after lunch 午饭后18. every day 每天二、三会单词1. always 总是;一直2. usually 通常三、四会短语1. at home 在家2. at night 夜间3. get up 起床4. go to bed 上床睡觉5. eat dinner 吃晚饭6. after lunch 午饭后7. every day 每天四、重点句(四会)When do you get up? 你几点起床?We always get up at seven in the morni

10、ng.我总是早上 7 点起床。When do you go to bed? 你几点睡觉?I usually go to bed at ten in the evening.我通常晚上 10 点睡觉。When does he get up?He often gets up at eight oclock.When does she go to bed?She sometimes goes to bed at twelve oclock.Do you always eat breakfast?Yes, I do. / No, I dont.五、三会句型A: How do you go to sch

11、ool? 你怎么去上学?B: Take a bus. 乘公共汽车。 (能听懂完整回答)B: By bus.六、语音or 和 和 o 爱捣蛋, 两人不同怎么办?or = oor能读出下列单词:morning short nor more lordcorn horse store door floorbox clock dog lot nothot got dotUnit 10一、四会单词1. go to a movie 去看电影2. start 开始3. enough 足够4. shall 好吗(用于提建议)5. amusement park 游乐园6. far away 远;遥远7. too

12、太;过分8. money 钱9. museum 博物馆10. dinosaur 恐龙11. free 免费的12. close 关,关闭13. by bus 乘公共汽车14. by car 乘小汽车15. enough time 足够的时间16. play football 踢足球17. by bike 骑自行车二、三会单词 和短语1. science 科学2. good idea 好主意三、重点句(四会)Shall we go to a movie? 我们去看电影好吗?Do we have enough money? 我们有足够的钱吗?Yes, we do. 是的,我们有。Do we hav

13、e enough time? 我们有足够的时间吗?No, we dont. 不,我们没有。Lets go by bus. 我们乘公共汽车去吧。We have only 7 yuan. 我们只有七元钱。We dont have enough money.我们没有足够的钱了。四、语音空气 air是 are耳朵 ear (三个在单词中的发音是一样的)能读出下列单词:air fair pair chair repair chairhair stairs pear bear square wearswear care dare shareUnit 11一、四会单词1. ride 骑;乘2. cloud

14、云3. rain 下雨4. weather 天气5. fine 好的;晴朗的6. stay 停留;逗留7. sunny 阳光充足的8. cloudy 多云的9. rainy 阴雨的10. snowy 下雪的11. windy 刮风的12. snow 雪13. wind 风14. hot 热的15. warm 暖和的16. cool 凉快的;凉爽的17. cold 冷的18. today 今天19. sky 天空二、三会单词1. sure 确定2. report 报告三、重点句(四会)1. What are you going to do on Sunday?你周日将会干什么?I am goin

15、g to eat dinner. 我将会吃晚餐。2. What are they going to do?他们将要干什么?They are going to see a movie.他们将会看电影。3. What is he going to do?他将要干什么?He is going to watch a video.他将要干什么?4. What is she going to do?她将要干什么?She is going to play football. 她将会踢足球。5. Is he going to? Yes, he is.Are you going to? No, I am not.6. I am not going to四、语音oo 短音:took foot cook good look book其余发长音:moon spoon food cool zoo schoolpool roomUnit 12四会句型Whats the time? 几点了?Its five oclock. 五点钟了。


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