北师大版(三起)四下Unit 7 At the Restaurant-Lesson 3 Have fun.-ppt课件-(含教案)(编号:318be).zip

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小学英语课堂教学评比教学设计参考表小学英语课堂教学评比教学设计参考表 教师教师 姓名姓名 单单 位位上课年级上课年级课题名称课题名称 刘福娟刘福娟 六六 TheThe dreamdream cakecake 教学教学 材料材料 分析分析 本教材符合学生认知水平,能够激发学生的学习兴趣,本课涉及本教材符合学生认知水平,能够激发学生的学习兴趣,本课涉及 到过去时,要求学生有一定的知识储备。到过去时,要求学生有一定的知识储备。 教学教学 设计设计 说明说明 本课设计强调利用信息差激发学生的自主学习,并交给学生一定本课设计强调利用信息差激发学生的自主学习,并交给学生一定 的教学方法,使之热爱阅读,学会阅读的方法的教学方法,使之热爱阅读,学会阅读的方法 教学教学 内容内容 确定确定 “Very“Very EasyEasy Reading”-“Reading”-“ TheThe dreamdream cake”cake” 教学教学 目标目标 定位定位 知识目标:知识目标: 1.1.通过阅读故事,初步理解新单词通过阅读故事,初步理解新单词 dreamdream bowlbowl mixedmixed ovenoven hardhard madmad deliciousdelicious chocolatechocolate。 2.2.阅读材料,理解故事内容阅读材料,理解故事内容 技能目标:技能目标: 1 1 能够在阅读过程中理解和猜测新词的读音及含义。能够在阅读过程中理解和猜测新词的读音及含义。 2.2.能够根据前后文,通过思考猜测所发生的事情并用英语表达流。能够根据前后文,通过思考猜测所发生的事情并用英语表达流。 3 3 能够通过阅读找到关键时间词能够通过阅读找到关键时间词 then,then,排除正确的故事顺序。排除正确的故事顺序。 4 4 能够根据图画提示和板书,大体说出英文故事。能够根据图画提示和板书,大体说出英文故事。 5.5.能过掌握一定的阅读技能能过掌握一定的阅读技能 情感目标:情感目标: 1 1 能够在阅读中体会阅读的美妙和阅读的乐趣。能够在阅读中体会阅读的美妙和阅读的乐趣。 2 2 能够喜欢阅读英文故事,并主动去阅读更多的英文故事。能够喜欢阅读英文故事,并主动去阅读更多的英文故事。 教学教学 重点重点 难点难点 1.1. 能够根据前后文,通过思考猜测所发生的是事情并用英语表能够根据前后文,通过思考猜测所发生的是事情并用英语表 达交流。达交流。 2.2. 能够通过阅读找到关键时间词,排出正确的故事顺序。能够通过阅读找到关键时间词,排出正确的故事顺序。 3.3. 能够根据故事提示和板书,大体说出英文故事。能够根据故事提示和板书,大体说出英文故事。 板书板书 设计设计 WordsWords bankbank andand writewrite somesome keykey phrasesphrases toto helphelp SsSs understandunderstand 教学设计教学设计 教学教学 步骤步骤 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动建议说明建议说明 Pre-readingPre-reading 体验阅读第体验阅读第 1 1 步步: :带着问题进带着问题进 入故事开头入故事开头 体验阅读第体验阅读第 2 2 步:带着想象步:带着想象 预测故事经过预测故事经过 T:T: ImIm youryour newnew teacher,Nancy.(PPTteacher,Nancy.(PPT MeMe Map)Map)2929 redred sleepsleep CakeCake T:T: I I likelike toto eateat cake.cake. ThereThere isis a a storystory aboutabout cakecake . . T:T: DoDo youyou havehave anyany questionsquestions aboutabout thisthis story?story? SsSs GuessGuess sthsth aboutabout teacher.-teacher.- - AgeAge favouritefavourite colourcolour likelike sleepingsleeping favouritefavourite foodfood SsSs GuessGuess sthsth aboutabout thethe storystory 利用学生对新教师利用学生对新教师 的兴趣,引出本课的兴趣,引出本课 主题,并利用信息主题,并利用信息 差,激起学生的求差,激起学生的求 知欲,让学生猜本知欲,让学生猜本 课主题。课主题。 让学生猜测中间发让学生猜测中间发 生了什么生了什么? ?进一步进一步 激发学生的求知激发学生的求知 欲欲. . While-readingWhile-reading 体验阅读第体验阅读第 3 3 步步: : 带着期待带着期待 聆听故事聆听故事 T:Guess!T:Guess! WhereWhere waswas I I ? ? T:T: GuessGuess whatwhat happened?happened? ListenListen andand catchcatch thethe mainmain idea(Learningidea(Learning tips:1)tips:1) T:T: CanCan youyou givegive thethe storystory a a name?name? T T putput allall thingsthings inin thethe bowlbowl andand mixedmixed thenthen putput itit inin thethe ovenoven T:T: WhatWhat happened?happened? HowHow aboutabout thethe cake?cake? WasWas thethe kingking madmad ? ? WasWas itit a a badbad dream?dream? Now,Now, letslets readread thethe story!story! ( LearningLearning tipstips 2)2) T:T: NowNow telltell meme YesYes oror No.No. LetsLets saysay itit togethertogether AtAt lastlast ,it,it waswas SsSs saysay InIn kingskings kitchenkitchen SsSs listenlisten andand choosechoose thethe mainmain ideaidea SsSs guessguess thethe namename -The-The dreamdream cakecake SsSs readread thethe storystory withwith questions.questions. SsSs saysay YesYes oror NoNo AtAt last,last, waswas itit a a chocolate?chocolate? ( ( YesYes ) ) WasWas thethe kingking madmad ? ? ( ( NoNo ) ) WasWas itit a a badbad dream?dream? ( ( NoNo ) ) SsSs saysay withwith teacherteacher 学生带者好奇心理学生带者好奇心理 解故事内容解故事内容, ,并学并学 习阅读方法习阅读方法. . 在阅读中全面提升在阅读中全面提升 学生的听说读写能学生的听说读写能 力力 体验阅读第体验阅读第 4 4 步步: :带着好奇理带着好奇理 解故事内容解故事内容 Post-readingPost-reading 体验阅读第体验阅读第 5 5 步步: :带着情感讲带着情感讲 述故事述故事 deliciousdelicious chocolate,chocolate, thethe kingking waswas notnot madmad , , itit waswas a a goodgood dreamdream T:T: I I havehave moremore questionsquestions aboutabout thethe story,story, pleaseplease readread itit byby yourselves.yourselves. 1.1. WhatWhat diddid I I dodo inin thethe dream?dream? A.A. EatEat a a cakecake B.MakeB.Make a a cakecake C.BuyC.Buy a a cakecake 2.Why2.Why diddid I I putput thethe cakecake inin thethe oven?oven? A.A. ToTo bakebake itit B.ToB.To seesee itit C.C. ToTo drinkdrink itit 3.3. WhyWhy diddid thethe kingking likelike thethe cake?cake? A.A. HeHe likeslikes bananabanana B.B. TheThe cakecake isis bigbig C.C. TheThe cakecake tastedtasted likelike chocolatechocolate T:T: BoysBoys andand girl;s,girl;s, cancan youyou trytry toto retellretell thisthis story?story? TryTry toto findfind whichwhich isis numbernumber 1,2,3.1,2,3. T:T: LookLook atat thisthis storystory SsSs ReadRead byby themthem selvesselves andand answeranswer teachersteachers questions,questions, andand checkcheck answersanswers eacheach otherother SsSs talktalk withwith partnerpartner andand stickstick phrasesphrases onon thethe BbBb SsSs TalkTalk withwith theirtheir partnerpartner 体验阅读第体验阅读第 6 6 步步: :写出你的故写出你的故 事事 体验阅读第体验阅读第 7 7 步:步: 与他人分与他人分 享优秀故事享优秀故事 line.tryline.try toto telltell thethe storystory toto youryour partnerpartner E-mailE-mail Dear__Dear__ LastLast night,night, I I hadhad a a dreamdream InIn thethe dream________.dream________. ItIt waswas a a ____dream.____dream. Yours,Yours, HomeworkHomework : : MakeMake a a recommendationrecommendation cardcard T:T: WeWe likelike reading!reading! ReadingReading isis funfun ! ! S1S2S1S2 retellretell thethe storystory LetsLets retellretell itit togethertogether SsSs writewrite thethe E-E- mailmail S1234S1234 readread theirtheir storiesstories SsSs dodo homeworkhomework SsSs saysay withwith teacher.teacher. 让学生热爱阅读并让学生热爱阅读并 推荐好书给更多人推荐好书给更多人 情感教育情感教育 jjjjjj (注:不够可添加)(注:不够可添加)Fun Reading And Writing Designed by Liu Fujuan sleep 29 red cake big delicious nice yummy lovely sweet Enjoy Reading : Step 1 Do you have any questions about this cake? Read with questions Guess! Where was I Enjoy Reading: Step 2 Guess with imagination Kings kitchen king What happened? Last night, I had a dream. . Enjoy Reading: Step 3 Listen to the story learning tips: 1 Listen carefully and catch the main idea Choose the main idea A. The happy king B. A brown banana C. A dream about a cake ( C ) Give the story a name! The_______ cake dream 3.Was it a dream. 2.Was the madking how about the 1.At last, Guess the meaning of the new words from the pictures and context Guess how to read the new words by the syllables Learning tips :2 Enjoy Reading : Step 4 Try to understand the story The dream cake Last night, I had a dream. In the dream, I was in a kings kitchen. I made a banana cake for the king. I put lots of things in a bowl and mixed them. Then I put the cake in the oven. Then I took the cake out. It was hard and brown! But the king was not mad. He said,“This is delicious chocolate!” It was a good dream. Yes or No 1. At last, it was chocolate. 2. The king was mad. 3. It was a bad dream. ( Yes ) ( No ) ( No ) Thewas not It was adream It was delicious chocolate! mad 1. What did I do in the dream? A. Eat a cake B.Make a cake C.Buy a cake 2.Why did I put the cake in the oven? A. To bake it B.To see it C. To drink it 3. Why did the king like the cake? A. He likes banana B. The cake is big C. The cake tasted like chocolate Choose the answer Read carefully and underline the key information Learning tips :3 The dream cake Last night, I had a dream. In the dream, I was in a kings kitchen. I made a banana cake for the king. I put lots of things in a bowl and mixed them. Then I put the cake in the oven. Then I took the cake out. It was hard and brown! But the king was not mad. He said,“This is delicious chocolate!” It was a good dream. 1. What did I do in the dream? A. Eat a cake B.Make a cake C.Buy a cake 2.Why did I put the cake in the oven? A.To bake it B.To see it C. To drink it 3. Why did the king like the cake? A. He likes banana B. The cake is big C. The cake tasted like chocolate Choose the answer ( B ) ( A ) ( C ) The dream cake Last night, I had a dream. In the dream, I was in a kings kitchen. I made a banana cake for the king. I put lots of things in a bowl and mixed them. Then I put the cake in the oven. Then I took the cake out. It was hard and brown! But the king was not mad. He said,“This is delicious chocolate!” It was a good dream. Enjoy reading : Step 5 Try to retell the story Enjoy Reading : Step 6 Write your story Last night, I had a dream. In the dream, I was in the __ (park/beach/zoo/ playground.) I_________________ (took some pictures/climbed the tree.)It was a _____ (fun/ exciting/boring/good/bad.)dream. Dear____ Yours,_____ park took some pictures good Lily Nancy Enjoy Reading : Step 7 Share your good stories Homework: Make a recommdation card Name:Lily Name of the story: The Cat In The Hat Writer of the story: Dr.Seuss The story:The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house All that cold, cold, wet day. I sat there with Sally. We sat there, we two. And I said, “How I wish We had something to do!” Too wet to go out And too cold to play ball . Recommendation Card Reading is fun! We like reading!
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