北师大版(三起)四下Unit 10 Mocky’s Store-Lesson 1 Can I help you -ppt课件-(含教案)公开课(编号:f11e3).zip

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Unit10 Mockys store 评价评价表表 -What do you want? - I want . Food store hot dog, hot dog, I want a hot dog. hamburger ,hamburger, I want a hamburger. corn, corn, I want a corn. noodles, noodles, I want some noodles. soup, soup, I want some soup. Who are they in Mockys store? (谁在(谁在Mockys store?) StoryStoryNextNext back Q Q -Lulu: I want a Q: 1 What do you want ,Lulu? (你想要什么?) P2-4P2-4 camera. I want a hat. camera Q Q1 1 hat sat mat I want a hat. how ? Q1Q1 Danny:- I want a clock. P5-6P5-6 Q2: What do you want, Danny? Q3Q3 Back clock Lulu : - I want a magazine. P7-P8P7-P8 Q3:What do you want again,Lulu? magazine camera hat clock magazine A: Can I help you? B: I want a .Do you have one? A: Yes, I do. 规则:用这个四个单词说句子规则:用这个四个单词说句子:I want a. 如果说正确,就可以前进一步。如果说正确,就可以前进一步。 第一、二组读第一、二组读A部分句子,第三四组部分句子,第三四组 读读B部分句子。部分句子。 Listen and imitate Stationery store A:-Can I help you? B:- I want . Do you have one? A:- Yes, I do. / No, I dont. -Here you are. B:- Thank you. a pen a pencil a magazine a pencil boxa book an eraser Homework: 1.听录音,模仿课文3遍。 2. 自己开一家store,邀请同学来参观购买物品。 3. 在小组内完成评价表。简案 Unit10 Mockys store Lesson1 一 教学目标 1. 知识能力目标 (1) 学生能听懂、认读本课单词:store, camera , hat, magazine, clock (2) 学生能理解并运用这些句型表达购物需求:Can I help you? I want a Do you have one? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. (3)学生能够理解故事的主要内容,并能模仿录音中重点句型。 2. 语言能力目标 学生能够运用所学的知识进行购物,并会用英语做事情,从而提高学生综合 运用语言的能力。 3. 文化品格 在小组合作的过程中能够积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,树立学习英 语的信心。 4.思维能力: 设计多个问题,让学生步步深入文本学习。通过问题链帮助学生 建立思维路径。 二 教学重难点 能够运用重点句型:Can I help you? I want a Do you have one? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 三 教学过程 T: Every gets a piece of paper.Please take out .Look, you must try your best to learn the new knowledge this lesson. And you can get many stars. (设计意图:介绍评价表,让学生明确本节课的学习任务。设置了小组评(设计意图:介绍评价表,让学生明确本节课的学习任务。设置了小组评 价一栏,让学生把英语学习延伸到课外。价一栏,让学生把英语学习延伸到课外。 ) Step1.Warm up 1. Greetings T:Good morning ,boys and girls. How are you today? 2 . Food store(Talk freely/Ask and answer about food store) T: 2. Chant T: Lets say the food chant together. (设计意图:复习上一单元刚学习过的食物单词并结合句子(设计意图:复习上一单元刚学习过的食物单词并结合句子 I want .表表 达自己想要什么。这样既可以消除学生刚开始上课的紧张感,以旧带新,达自己想要什么。这样既可以消除学生刚开始上课的紧张感,以旧带新, 又能为接下来的新知识学习做好铺垫。动感的又能为接下来的新知识学习做好铺垫。动感的 Chant 可以学生迅速融入课可以学生迅速融入课 堂。堂。 ) Step 2. Lead in 1. 揭示课题 T: You did a good job. Lets go to another store. Our friend Mocky open a store.( Read the title: Mockys store) Lets visit Mockys store together. 2. 初读课文 T: There is a question for you :Who are in Mockys store? Look at the CD-rom ,and answer the question Q: Who are in Mockys store? (设计意图:设计简单的问题(设计意图:设计简单的问题 Who are in Mockys store?让学生带着问题听故让学生带着问题听故 事,整体感知故事。事,整体感知故事。 ) Step3 Presentation and practice 1. Learn P2-P4 (1) Listen and answer the questions T:They are the customers. What does Lulu want to buy?Lets ask Lulu.What do you want ,Lulu? (Listen to CD) (PPT) T: You are Lulu. What do you want? - - Lulu: I want a camera / I want a hat - (2) Check the answers (3) Learn the words: camera, hat .T: Lulu wants a camera.(PPT) Its a camera.(Practice) T: This is my camera. I have a camera. Do you have one? T:We know Lulu wants a hat .Its a nice hat. (Practice) T: I have a hat. What color is it? Do you have one? T: Lulu wants a hat.Which hat does Lulu want? (4)Practice Lulu buys a camera and a hat. How does Lulu buy?(怎样买?) Go back to the story. Imitate the sentences. 2. Learn P5P6 (1) Listen and answer T: How about Danny ? Lets ask Danny.What do you want ?(PPT) T: You are Danny. What do you want ? - Danny :I want a clock. T:Danny wants a clock.(Practice) (2) Learn the new word clock 3. Learn P7-P8 (1) Listen and answer T: Look, Lulu comes back again. What does he want? Lets have a look. T:What do you want ,Lulu? Lulu : I want a magazine.(PPT) (Practice) (2) Learn the new word: magazine 4. Play a game :Go through the bridge 5. Imitate the story 6. Role play the story 7. Summary (设计意图:在课文情景中呈现新单词和句型,让学生在情景中学习新知(设计意图:在课文情景中呈现新单词和句型,让学生在情景中学习新知 识。识。 ) Step 4 Consolidation 1. Stationery store.:Do some shopping in the groups. T: Some classmates open stationery store.What do they sell?(PPT). T:.How to buy things? I can give you an example.And you can use these sentences.(Bb)Now you can go shoping in your groups 2. Group Work T: I will ask some Ss to show us how do they buy things.? Who want to try? (设计意图:创设真实的购物情境,让学生运用本课新学习的句型买东西,鼓(设计意图:创设真实的购物情境,让学生运用本课新学习的句型买东西,鼓 励学生大胆说英语,体现新课标提倡的让学生会用英语做事情。励学生大胆说英语,体现新课标提倡的让学生会用英语做事情。 ) Step 5 Homework 1.Listen and imitate the story. 2. 选择课文中你喜欢的图与同学进行角色表演。 3. 自己开一家 store ,邀请同学来参观购买物品。
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