北京版(四下)UNIT SEVEN WHAT HAPPENED TO THE FLOOR -Lesson 25-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:00935).zip

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  • 北京2011课标版一年级起点_四年级下册_小学英语_UNIT SEVEN WHAT HAPPENED TO THE FLOOR _Lesson 25_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)__(编号:00935)
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Unit 7 Unit 7 What happened to the floor?What happened to the floor? Lesson 25Lesson 25 floor vase The is wet. The is broken. Who did these? Im sorry, Mum. Lala wet it. Oh! What happened to the floor? Its wet. I forgot to walk him this afternoon. Its all right. Oh! What happened to the floor? Its wet. Im sorry, Mum. Lala wet it. I forgot to walk him this afternoon. I broke it. Sorry again. What happened to the vase, then? What a mess! mess What a mess! What happened to the vase, then? I broke it. Sorry again. You naughty boys. The boy is ________. The dog is _______. naughty naughty Listen Listen and Readand Read P54P54 Role Play!Role Play! Language EmotionLanguage Emotion Role Play!Role Play! Language EmotionLanguage Emotion What happened to ___ _______? Im sorry _ _____ ____. the flowers I picked some What will they say?What will they say? Make a dialogueMake a dialogue What happened to the egg? Im sorry I dropped it. What happened to the bed? Im sorry Lala stepped on it. What happened to the book? Im sorry I spilled the ink. What happened to you, Maomao? I wanted to do housework for you Sorry Im late. 1 Its all right. _____________? What happened 2 P3P3P5P5 There was no bikes to ride. 3 ______________ the bikes? What happened to 4 Somebody______ them. broke 5 P6P6P8P8 Thats too bad. ____________,then? What happened 6 I wanted to take the subway home. But______________. IC CardIC Card I lost my IC Card 7 8 You could buy a ticket. P9P9P11P11 Yes. But____________ in the office. I left my bag 9 Then I went back. 10 So Im late. 11 P12P12P13P13 Come in and have a rest. 12 Oh! ______________our house? What happened to 13课题Unit7 What happened to the floor? Lesson25 课时1 教 学 目 标 知识技能方面: 1. 能够在情景中运用“What happened to .?”询问发生了什么 事,并用“Im sorry.”进行道歉。并运用一般过去时描述已经 发生了的事情。 2. 能认读词汇 happen-happened,wet-wet,vase,并在情境中运 用这些词汇以及前两课出现过的动词过去式 broke, stepped, spilled, dropped, picked, lost, left 等。能理解情景词汇 forget- forgot,mess,naughty。 3. 能够正确理解并流畅朗读对话内容,并创编对话。 过程方法方面: 1.学生能够运用以下策略学习对话如:观察法、概括法、分析法、 猜测预测法等;提升思维品质。 2.能够运用以旧引新法、自然拼读法等学习词汇。 情感态度方面: 培养知错就改的习惯,针对自己做出的错误进行道歉,关注发生的 事情询问 What happened?,多多关注类似共享单车被损坏等社会 问题。 教 学 重 点 1. 能够在情景中运用“What happened to .?”询问发生了什么 事,并用“Im sorry.”进行道歉。并运用一般过去时描述已经 发生了的事情。 2. 能认读词汇 happen-happened,wet-wet,vase,并在情境中运 用这些词汇以及前两课出现过的动词过去式 broke, stepped, spilled, dropped, picked, lost, left 等。能理解情景词汇 forget- forgot,mess,naughty。 教 学 难 点 1. 能够正确理解并流畅朗读对话内容。 2. 能将所学用语在爸爸晚回家的绘本情境中进行输出运用,询问发 生了什么并进行回答。 教 学 材 料 自制课件,2U 盘,头饰,人物,词条,词卡(单词及图片),翻 页笔,小组评价拼图,道具(LaLa, wet, vase),活动纸,自制绘 本 教 学 过 程 教 学 环 节 教 学 意 图 教 师 活 动学 生 活 动参考 时 间 Step 1 Greeting & Lead in 引入, 复习相 关知识, 引出新 知识, 激活本 课所要 讨论的 话题, 带入情 境 1. Good morning, boys and girls. Today, We will learn Unit7 Lesson25. 2. Do you remember L24? 3. Lets role play, OK? 4. In L24, Baos mother was angry with him. Why? What was the matter? Do you remember? 5. Do your mothers often get angry with you? 1. Good morning, teacher. 2. Yes 3. OK 4. Bao lost the key to the house and left the schoolbag on the playground. 5. Free talk 5min Step 2 Listen & say 语言输 入,激 发学生 学习主 动性, 让学生 主动学 习课文 6. Why are they often angry with you? Because they dont like you? 1.What can you see from this picture? 2. Its 6 oclock. (音效)The door is opened, who is back? 3. Look, is she happy? 4. And then she moves on. Is she happy this time? 5. She was happy just now, but now she is unhappy. What will she say? 6. Lets have a look. Oh! What a mess! Look at the floor. 6. Sometimes they are angry with you because they love you. 1. Today is Sunday, Mao stays at home with Lala. His father and mother are at work. 2. Mum is back. 3. Yes. 4. No. 5. Guess 6. It is wet. 18min 7. What is it?带读板书 8. Is it a good vase? 9. Who did these? 分别问 Who wet the floor? Who broke the vase? 10. Lala wet the floor. 评价 Look here, group1,you should help Lala clean the floor. 黑板上板书,匹配好人物 11. Mum calls them here. What does mum want to know? Listen 带读板书重点句及单词 12. What happened to the floor? Listen 原声带读板书重点句及 wet(one by one) 13. Lala wet the floor, why does Mao say sorry? Listen 7. A vase.跟读(男女 生)学习 8. No, its broken. 9. 看完整视频 10. Mao broke the vase. group2,you should help Mao clean up the broken vase 11.Repeat What happened to the floor? 原声跟读学习 12.Repeat Im sorry Lala wet it. Lala wet the floor, so the floor is wet. 带读 forget-forgot 14. Mao should walk Lala at 4oclock every afternoon. But this afternoon, did Mao walk Lala? 15. Is mum angry? 16. And then she goes to see the broken vase. How does she ask? Guess 17.Listen 带读板书 18. This time, is mum angry? 19. 两幅图对比理解 mess,which room is in a mess? What a mess 板书带读 20. What does mum think about them? Does mum 13. Free talk. Maomao forgot to walk him this afternoon. 14. No, so Mao says, I forgot to walk Lala this afternoon. 15. No, its all right. 16. Listen and check. What happened to the vase, then?原声跟读, 提问读 17. I broke it.跟读, 转述 18. Yes. What a mess! 19.Room2 理解,跟读学习 Step 3 巩固功 能句, 认读理 解生词, 提高表 达交流 能力 think they are good boys? Listen 21. Open your books, P54. Lets read after it sentence by sentence, OK? 22. One minute, read it by yourselves. 23. .role play 戴头饰,用 道具 1. And then they go to other rooms. 2. What can you see? 3. What does Mum want to know? 4. Listen 5. And then they go to the 20. You naughty boys. 跟读学习,图片解释 21. Watch the video again. 跟读课文 22. 自读 23. 师生师范,生生 展示 pay attention to language and emotion 1. They go to the balcony. 2. There are some flowers on the floor. 3. What happened to the flowers?板贴 4. Im sorry I picked some.板贴 Listen, look, and learn kitchen, bedroom and the study. 6. What happened to the egg/bed/book? Im sorry I dropped it/Lala stepped on it/I spilled the ink. 7.Mum is very very angry and says, what happened to you, Maomao! 8. Oh! Mao wanted to do housework for mum. But he did something wrong. 1.门铃音效. Who is coming 2. Look, what do you know about this picture? 3. Mum comes here. 4. Listen. Sorry Im late. What will mum say? 5. Take out your story book. 5.What will they say? Talk in pairs. 6. 两组同学核对答案, 展示 7.Guess and discuss I wanted to do housework for you. 8. He should be more careful next time. 1.Dad is back. 2.Father is tired, its seven oclock. 3. What will they say? 4. What happened? 8min Step 4 Lets talk 复习强 化所学, 引导学 生运用 所学进 行英语 表达 6. Which pair can show? (There are many ofo in the street, but somebody broke them, it makes us angry.) 7. Which pair wants to share the story book? 8. What happened then? You can complete the story after class. 5. Pair work. Complete the story and Read! 6. 几组学生(P3- 5,P6-8,P9- 11,P12-13)回答出 来问题,全班核对答 案, 7.展示故事书 8. When father goes to the kitchen, bedroom, balcony, study. What will they say? 9min 教学 反思 板 Unit 7 What happened to the floor? Lesson 25 What happened to .? the floor the vase(配图) forgot Im sorry. mess naughty 书 wet broke picked(配图)
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