北京版(四下)UNIT THREE CAN YOU TELL ME THE WAY -Lesson 11-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:80818).zip

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  • 北京2011课标版一年级起点_四年级下册_小学英语_UNIT THREE CAN YOU TELL ME THE WAY _Lesson 11_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:80818)
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UNIT 3 CAN YOU TELL ME THE WAY ? Lesson 11 Lets play a fun Lets play a fun game!game! Whats wrong with Whats wrong with her?her? Whats wrong with her? What are they doing? What is she looking for? A gas station Show the way! The second corner The first corner Show the way! Show the way! Lets think! How does she ask the way? How does he show the way? Be polite HELPFUL! Lets act! Reading Time Lets ask and Lets ask and answer!answer! Can you tell me the way to the? Can you tell me the way to the? Can you tell me the way to the? Can you tell me the way to the? Can you tell me the way to the? Find the places Find the places around us!around us! Find the places Find the places around us!around us! Find the places Find the places around us!around us! Take pleasure in Take pleasure in helping peoplehelping people! ! HomeworkHomework 1.Read the Lesson 11 three times after the tape. 2. Finish making up other dialogs.一、指导思想与理论依据一、指导思想与理论依据 英语课程标准提出课程应从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出 发,倡导参与、实践、合作与交流的学习方式,发展学生的语言综合运用能力。 而真正有意义的语言学习是发生在学习者能主动参与的时候,学生能够对所学 知识感兴趣,主动参与学习才能真正学会运用知识。在义务教育阶段,学生逐 步形成有效的学习策略对于提高学习效果十分重要。发展有效的学习策略是英 语课程的重要目标之一。 本课是四年级下册的对话和句型教学课。在教学对话时 TPR 热身活动、情 景体验、观察图片、回答问题、预测对话内容、分角色朗读与表演等活动,在 充分理解新语言的同时也发展了他们的想象力与思维能力。在教学句型及词汇 时通过有效的课堂活动,力求在活动中照顾到每一个孩子的学习,让他们都能 参与到活动中来,在活动中体验和运用所学语言。 二、二、教学背景分析教学背景分析 1. 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本节课为北京版小学英语四年级下册第三单元 Can you tell me the way ? Lesson 11, 是一节对话、句型教学课。教学板块有:Listen and say( 对话教学 ) Listen, look, and learn(功能句型的运用和相关词汇的学习 ) 学习指路和问路 的句型 Lets do (运用板块) 2.学生情况分析学生情况分析 知识技能方面:知识技能方面: (1) 句型方面 在本单元的前两课时学生学习了问路和指路的基本句型 Excuse me, where is the? Its Where can I find? Its 学生能够初步运用以上句型进行问路和指 路。 (2)词汇方面 学习过 问路、指路的相关词汇如地点词汇 library, drugstore, the police station, the supermarket, the cinema, museum, 表位置的词汇 behind, in front of, beside, on the right, on the left 等。学生已经能够初步运用这些单词和句型在情境中进行问 路和指路。 1 情感态度方面情感态度方面:本班学生大多保持着对英语学习的兴趣,但单纯的形式上的乐 趣已不能满足他们的需求。因此,要为学生设置不同层次且具有挑战性的问题 和学习任务,才能激发他们持久的学习兴趣。 学习策略方面:学习策略方面:学生已经具备了一定的学习对话的策略如:概括法、分析法、 猜测预测等;学习词汇时用以旧引新法、自然拼读法等,本节课将继续运用这 些方法发展学生的学习策略。 3.3.教学方式:教学方式:活动体验式 情境教学法 师生互动 合作学习 4.教学手段:教学手段: 教材、多媒体课件、投影、板书、Worksheet 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1、 能初步运用 Can you tell me the way to the?向他人问路,并用 Please drive on, and then turn left at the first corner. 给他人指路。 2、 能听懂认读 gas station, fire station, restaurant, cinema, museum, supermarket 等场所类词汇及 drive on, turn left/ right, at the first corner 等短语。 3、 能分角色朗读对话,并尝试创编相同话题的对话。 4、 在指路、问路的过程中能关注礼仪,体验帮助他人的快乐。 四、教学重难点 教学重点: 1、能初步运用 Can you tell me the way to the?向他人问路,并用 Please drive on, and then turn left at the first corner. 给他人指路。 2、 能听懂认读 gas station, fire station, restaurant, cinema, museum, supermarket 等场所类词汇及 drive on, turn left/ right, at the first corner 等短语。 教学难点: 能在情景中理解并交流初步运用给他人指路的表达方法 Please drive on, and then turn left at the first corner. Its on your right. 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Step 1: Warm up (5 分钟)分钟) 1.出示主题 T: Today we continue to learn how to ask and show the way. 2 2.Free talk 出示学校地图: T: Good morning, boys and girls. Where is our school? S1: Its beside Tongzhou Teacher Research and Training Centre. And its also beside the Jingkelong supermarket. T:Where are we now? S1: We are in our classroom. T: Which building are we in? S2: We are in BoXue Building. T: Which floor are we in? S3: We are in the third floor. 3.Lets go for an outing! 师生一起看课件随着音乐边做动作边说一说相关的建筑和位置。 T: please stand up, lets play a fun game! Jump, jump, jump, walk, walk, walk, lets drive on! Where is it? Its a cinema. What can you do in the cinema? Its on our right. Walk on please and turn right. Whats it? Wow! Its a car park! What can you do in it? 教学意图:通过谈话和 TPR 游戏复习相关地点词汇和问路指路用语,为学习对 话做好知识和话题上的铺垫。 Step 2: Listen and say (17 分钟)分钟) 1、头脑风暴 T: We are out of gas. Lets stop. Where should we go? S1: We should go to the gas station. How could we ask the way to the gas station? 3 S1: Excuse me, where is the gas station? S2: Excuse me, where can I find the gas station? 教师板书:Excuse me, where is the gas station? Where can I find the gas station? 2、观察图片,预测对话内容 Why is the woman worried? Where is she going? S1: Maybe she is going to the gas station. 3.视听第一遍,回答问题 Is the woman going to the gas station? 4. 视听第二遍,回答问题 How do they ask and show the way? 教师板书 5.Draw and Circle 学生两人一组在地图上边说边画出路线图,然后在黑板上标出 6.比较两种问路方式的不同 Excuse me , can you tell me the way to the gas station?/ Hey, can you tell me the way to the gas station? Which one is better? Why? S1: The first one is better, because it is polite! 教师板书 Be polite! (3) T: When we show the way, we should be also very polite and helpful! And we use body languagesto help you. 教师板书 Body language 7、Lets act! 学生两人一组进行指路、问路的表演 教学意图:利用多种教学手段突破难点,并渗透指路、问路的礼仪,关注学生 的文化品格培养。 4 8、Lets read! 跟读、自读、分角色读 Step 3:Ask and answer (8 分钟)分钟) T: At the beginning of the class, we played a fun game with Mike. We went to many places. Now Mike is asking the way to LingLing. 2、学生两人一组分别练习四个地点 Now if you were Mike and LingLing, can you ask and answer the way? 3、以抽签的形式展示 教学意图:以录像的形式在情景中呈现目标语言,学生理解深刻。然后以游戏 的形式进行操练,调动学生的操练兴趣。 Step 4: Lets help them! (8 分钟)分钟) 1、看录像看录像 Where are they going? 2、学生三人一组、学生三人一组 Task 1: A:Excuse me, I want to go to the WuMei Supermarket . Can you tell me ? B: Please walk on, turn at the corner. Its on your . A: Thank you so much! B: . Task 2: 5 A:Excuse me, I want to go to YunHe park. the way ? B: Please on, turn at the corner. Its on your . A: Thank you very much! B: Not at all. 教学意图:小组活动创编对话,在任务中运用所学语言,并渗透书写。 Step 5:Summary 小结板书 T: Today we learned how to ask and answer the way. We also know the body languages can help us, and we should be polite when asking the way and helpful when showing the way. Step 6:Homework 1.Read the Lesson 11 three times after the tape. 2. Finish making up other dialogs. 板书:板书:
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