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1、 1 Unit5 Unit5 第第 3 3 课时教学设计课时教学设计 教学目标教学目标 1. 能听懂和理解 Lets learn more 部分的两个对话。 2. 学习和掌握 be 动词过去式的否定形式(wasnt, werent)、疑问形式及一般过去时在 there be 结构中的应用。 3. 通过对对话的学习,能对事物的今昔进行对比表达。 教学准备教学准备 教师准备:Lets learn more 部分的音频。 教学方法建议教学方法建议 I. I. 课程导入(课程导入(LeadiLeading Inng In) 1 1. . 课前热身课前热身 教师让学生说唱 Part B Lets cha

2、nt 部分进行热身,可采用男女生一问一答或分组一 问一答的形式进行。 Where were you yesterday? I was in my house. Where was your house yesterday? It was on my back. 2 2. . 新课导新课导入入 T: Hello, everyone. Do you love our school? Ss: Yes. T: Can you say something about our school? Ss: Our school is beautiful. There are many students here

3、. II.II. 课程展示活动和过课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(程的设计建议(PresentationPresentation) 1. 1. 新课展示新课展示 Part B Let Part B Let s learn mores learn more 教师可先让学生通过录音了解对话大意,引出功能句。 T: Well. Liu Zhaoyangs dad is visiting his old school. Are there any differences? Lets listen carefully. 1. 教师就本段对话提出问题。 Question 1: When was Lius d

4、ad at this school? 2 Question 2: Was there a library? Question 3: How many students were there at that time? 2. 教师播放录音,学生在对话中找答案。 3. 教师请学生来回答问题, 检测他们对对话的理解。 教师引导学生用完整的句子说出问题的 答案。 Answer 1: Thirty Answer 2: Yes, there Answer 3: About six 4. 教师板书上述问题的完整答案: Lius dad was at this school thirty years ago.

5、 Yes. There was a library. But there werent so many books. There were about six hundred students at that time. 5. 可采用问答、讨论的方式进一步讲解以上功能句: T: Is Lius dad at this school now? Ss: No. T: When was he here? T / Ss: Thirty years ago. 要求学生说出更多类似的时间状语,如:two years ago, a week ago, five hours ago . 教师引导学生继续问答,

6、讲解 There be 结构的过去式: T: Is there a library? / Was there a library at that time? T / Ss: Yes, there was. But there werent so many books. T: How many students were there at that time? T / Ss: There were about six hundred students at that time. 首先可用 Is there .?导出 Was there?使学生理解表示过去某处有某物时,There be 结构中的动

7、词 be 同样变为过去式 was / were。 教学教学小贴士小贴士 there be 结构的过去式表示某处过去曾经有某物, be 动词后的名词是可数名词单数或不 可数名词时,be 动词用 was,be 动词后的名词是可数名词复数时,be 动词用 were;疑问句 需要把 was / were 提到主语之前,否定句在 was/ were 后面直接加 not,否定形式可缩写为 wasnt/ werent。 3 另外,与人称代词连用的 be 动词可视情况做个归纳: I, he, she, it 要用 was;you, we, they 则要用 were。 2 2. . 巩固活动巩固活动 (1)

8、要求学生听录音并跟读对话。教师可以要求学生分组朗读、男女生读或者同伴间朗读, 也可以鼓励学生进行示范朗读。 (2) 学生两人一组分角色朗读对话,教师及时给予评价。 IIIIII. . 操练活动的设计与实施建议(操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Practice Activities)Activities) 1 1. . 做一做做一做,说一说说一说 (1) 学生读对话,完成表格。 Thirty years ago Now It was a small school. It is a big school. There were six hundred students. There a

9、re about two thousand students There was a library. There is a library, too. There wasnt a computer room. There is a computer room. (2) 要求学生试着根据表格中的信息,描述一下这所学校的过去和现在。 Thirty years ago, it was . But now, it is. 2. 2. Part C Choose and fill in the blanksPart C Choose and fill in the blanks (1) 教师先引导学生讨论、复习、归纳 be 动词的现在式和过去式及其用法。 (2) 教师带领学生读题干,重点关注过去时的时间状语 just now, last night, last year。 (3) 学生独立完成填空之后,由学生两人一组在班上读一读对话,其他同学检测他们的选词 是否正确。 参考答案:1. Are, were 2. Were, was 3. Is, was 4. Are, am


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