闽教版四年级下册下Story Time-ppt课件-(含教案)(编号:20267).zip

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闽教版四年级下册闽教版四年级下册 Story Time The Monkeys and the Crocodile 龙岩凤凰小学龙岩凤凰小学 黄娟娟黄娟娟 Chant Can you swim? Yes, I can. Can you run? Yes, I can. Can you ride a bike? Yes, I can. Can you sing ? No, I cant. Can you dance? No, I cant. Can you see a dog? No, I cant. A farm 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 I can see Review ( animals 动物 ) cows 奶牛 dogs 狗 cats 猫 pigs 猪 horses 马 sheep (单数、复 数相同 绵羊 hens chickens 鸡 ducks 鸭 fishes rabbits birds tigers lions monkeys . crocodile Story Time The Monkeys and the Crocodile 闽教版四年级下册闽教版四年级下册 Think 看视频,思考以下问题: Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing? Whats happening? 谁? 在哪儿? 在干什么? 发生什么事? Listen Think Answer: Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing? Whats happening? They are and . The monkeys are . And the crocodile is . The monkeys in the tree. The crocodile at them. 发生什么事? in the tree in the river three monkeysa crocodile are playing is looking Lets wait and see. Beginning开端 有 Read and think读读想想 Whats happening?发生 什么事了? Can he help them? What is his idea ? Listen Read and think读读想想 Whats happening? 发生什么事了? Good idea? Yes or No? Crocodile Little monkey Mom Whats his idea? Good idea? Hell=He will 他将要 youll=you will kill End 结局 The crocodile cant catch the monkeys. Read again Read Pictures1and 2. (the whole class) 全班同学读图1、2 Read the other pictures. ( in roles) 按角色读其它图 Little Monkey: Mom: Crocodile: Listen and choose:听一听,选一选 Little Monkey: Look , Mom. ! Mom: I cant them. We cant swim. Crocodile: I can help you. Mom: How ? Crocodile: You can on my back. I can take you there. Little Monkey: Thats a good idea. Mom: No, thank you! Little Monkey: Why not? Mom? Mom: Hell you. Youll be lunch. Little Monkey: I see. There is a tree near the river. Three monkeys are playing in the tree. A crocodile is looking at them. He is very hungry. But he cant catch the monkeys. Read the story The Monkeys and the Crocodile Little Monkey: One, two, three. Your me! 在小河附近 正玩着 饿的不能捉住 Peaches reach sit killhis cant catch Show time(展示时间) 1.旁白(一位同学):图一、二 2.三位同学分别演:Little monkey , Mom, the crocodile 进行对话。 Learn from the story从故事中获得 不要轻易相信别人!Dont trust others easily. Story: The Wolf in Sheeps Coat A wolf wants to eat the sheep. One day, the wolf wears the skin (皮) of a sheep. A lamb (小羊羔) thinks of the wolf as his mother. So he goes away with the wolf. In the end, the wolf kills the lamb. Read the story.熟读故事内容。熟读故事内容。 Retell the story.复述故事给家人复述故事给家人 听。听。 Act out the story.四人一组表演四人一组表演 。四年级下册 Story Time The Monkeys and the Crocodile教学设计 Teacher: Class: Date: 一、 整体设计思路 本课的设计理念依据:课程标准(2011) 中对一级目标:能借助图片 读懂简单的故事 或小短文。如何以故事为载体,训练学生的阅读能力,培养学 生创造性的思维能力,是每个小学英语教师在设计教案、组织教学中应该注意 的问题。 本堂课的课“The Monkeys and the Crocodile”是一则故事,主要句型为 I can.,/be+Ving, will+V 的结构。重点是故事的阅读理解,难点是现在进行时和 一般将来时。为了让学生掌握重点,解决难点,训练学生的独立学习和阅读能 力,提高学生语言交际能力和质疑能力,增强学生的学习热情。在教学过程中, 我设计了多媒体课件,以任务的呈现为主线索,有计划地对学生进行语言信息 的输入,运用多媒体声、色、形结合的特点,为学生对故事的发展进行思维想 象,诱导学生的好奇心和求知欲,丰富学生的想象力。 二、教学背景分析 教学内容分析: 本课中描述的是猴子和鳄鱼的故事,其中运用了之前学过的 I can, i cant, be Ving 句型,本故事再次运用、巩固这些句型。但由于文中的新单词较多,并且 有几个易混词,如 reach,peach 与 catch ,再如 kill 与 will,学生在学习过程中有 一定的难度。 学生情况分析: 学生已掌握一定的英语知识,对 I can , I cant , be+Ving 较为熟悉,在本课中理 解与运用应较为容易些,因此,教学中强调学生独立对故事进行思考、学习。 课堂尽可能为学生创设条件,让学生们积极主动地学习、思考。 三、教学目标分析 (一)Aims on knowledge 1. Learn to say the words: 2. Learn to use the sentence: (1) I can./I cant. . (2)be doing sth. (3)Hell. . (二)Aims on abilities: 1.To help the students read the story . 2.To help them understand the story. 3.To help them retell and act out the story. (3)Emotion Think over when in trouble, and dont trust others easily. (4)教学重难点分析 Key points: Understand the story with the pictures. Difficult points: Act out the story. 四、教学用具: PPT, word cards, 五、教学过程设计: 教教 学学 设设 计计 Step1: Warming up 1. Greetings. 2. Have a chant: Can you? Step2:Review 1.We can you see the farm and many animals. Say: I can see. ( the words of some animals) 2. Present the new word: crocodile and teach it. Present the topic: the Monkeys and the Crocodile Step 3 Presentation 【Pre-reading】 1.Let Ss talk about them: Qs: Can the monkeys swim? Can the crocodile climb the tree? Do you think monkeys are clever? Is the crocodile fierce? Step 4 Reading 【While-reading】 一、 1. Play the VCD,let Ss listen. 2.Listen and think: Where are the monkeys?What are they doing? How about the crocodile? 3.Listen and answer: Teach new words: near river hungry catch. 4.Read the sentences: 二、 1.Teacher: The crocodile is very hungry. He wants to catch the monkeys, he waits . The monkeys are in the tree.Whats happening now?” Can they eat the peaches? 2.Teach: reach catch 3.T: The crocodile says: I can help you. Whats his idea? 4.Read the sentences in Picture3-5 and think:Is it a good idea? Read the sentences in Pictures6-7 5.Teach:sit on .back, will 三、 The end of the story. The crocodile cant catch the monkeys. 【Post-reading】 1.Read the whole story. 2.Read in roles 3.Consolidate: Listen and choose the pictures. Fill in the blanks. Show themselves. Step 5 Emotion Think over when in trouble, and dont trust others easily. The same story: The Wolf in Sheeps Coat Step 5 Homework Read the story. Retell the story to their family. Act out the story in fours. 板板 书书 设设 计计 Story time The Monkeys and the Crocodile Pre-reading: Who : the monkeys the crocodile Where: in the tree in the river Cant catch While-reading: cant reach sit on .back hell kill Post-reading: cant catch 教教 学学 反反 思思 本课教学我在设计时从四年级学生的认知规律和心理特点入手,由浅入深,由易到难,降低了 英语语言学习的难度。本节课充分利用多媒体教学软件等直观教学手段,调动了学生多种感官投入到 语言学习中来。另外还利用 chant 形式,增强了课堂教学的感染力,设置层层递进的提问,引导学生 思维发展。 按照一级目标,要求学生在听说方面先行,特设置听音选择,反复听音跟读,将短文变 成听力训练的形式,能够加强学生的听音能力。结合生活场景,给予学生情感教育,学生能说出各种 可能,达到了良好的教学反馈。但是在本课教学中也发现了一些问题,学生在回答问题时很拘束,因 单词量多,教学中落实得还不够扎实,所以在复读对话时,较为断断续续,读故事时,不够顺畅。
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