北京版三下-UNIT THREE I LIKE APPLE JUICE BEST-Lesson 11-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:000fc).zip

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北京版小学英语三年级下册 Unit 3 I like apple juice best. Lesson 11 Watch and say. juice What? Who? Where? Where ? Who? Im making apple juice for Dad. Its his favourite drink. What are you doing,Maomao ? May I have some? Sure. Wait a minute. Here is your apple juice Thank you. How about you ?you? May I have a cup of milk tea, please? Sure. Show time. . Game time milk tea black tea green tea May I have a cup of milk tea, please? Sure. Listen, look and learn. a cup of green tea a cup of black tea a cup of milk tea May I have , please? Sure. a cup of a glass of a bottle of May I have . for lunch? Sure. Choose and say. More vegetables, less meat and oil. Homework 1. Read the text 3 times. 2. Make or do something for mum. 3. Make a meal plan for one day. Breakfast Lunch Dinner eggchickennoodles breadrice milk普通学生随班就读学生 指导思想 与理论依 据 英语课标中指出:在教学中,教师应当坚持以学生为本,面向全体学生, 关注个体差异,特别是有听力障碍的学生,针对不同的学生特点,因材施教, 从而优化课堂教学,提高教学效率。 在设计本课教学时,我以此为理论依据,注重分层教学,如教学目标的 分层设计;教师的个别指导;小组活动时小伙伴的助学;活动的个性化处理 等。采用灵活多样的教学方法,从学生实际和兴趣出发,实现教学目标。 教学目标 知识与技能目标知识与技能目标 1.学生能够听懂、理解、认读课文对话,尝试 表演对话。 2.学生能够听懂,会说,认读词汇:a cup of milk tea, a cup of green tea, a cup of black tea。 3 学生能够运用May I have.?Sure.提出 请求并做出回应。 过程与方法目标过程与方法目标 1.通过图片,动画复习食物的词汇,激发学生 的兴趣,为后面的学习做好准备。 2.通过观察图片和动画,提出问题,引导学生 理解和认读课文对话。 3.利用助学小组,帮助学习上有困难的学生, 培养同学之间合作学习的能力。 情感态度目标情感态度目标 学生通过学习,了解一些健康饮食知识,同时加 强为家人做事情的意识。 知识与技能目标知识与技能目标 1.学生能够理解,基本听懂、 跟读课文对话。 2.学生能够基本听懂、会说, 认读词汇:a cup of milk tea, a cup of green tea, a cup of black tea。 3 学生能够尝试运用May I have.?Sure.提出请求 并做出回应。 过程与方法目标过程与方法目标 1.通过图片,动画复习食物 的词汇,激发学生的兴趣, 为后面的学习做好准备。 2.通过观察图片和动画,提 出问题,引导学生理解和认 读课文对话。 3.利用助学小组,培养学生 合作学习的能力。 情感态度目标情感态度目标 学生通过学习,了解一些健康 饮食知识,同时加强为家人做 事情的意识。 教学重点 1.能够理解、认读相关词汇及课文对话。 2.能够在情境中运用May I have.?Sure.提出请求并做出回应。 1.能够理解、基本认读相关 词汇及课文对话。 2.能够在情境中尝试基本运 用May I have.?Sure. 提出请求并做出回应。 教学难点 1.能正确认读课文对话 2.能理解、认读表示饮料数量的相关短语:a cup of . 1.基本能跟读课文对话 2.基本能理解、认读表示饮 料数量的相关短语:a cup of . 教学资源多媒体,英语书,图片 板书设计 教学过程学生活动随读生活动设计意图 StepStep 1 1 WarmWarm upup Show the picture. T: Whats your favorite food? Play a flash. Watch and say the words. Look at the pictures and answer. 观看动画,试 着说出单词。 复习学过的 食物单词和 有关句型, 为后面的学 习做准备。 Show a picture. T:What are they? T:What are they now? T:Do you like juice? Which one do you like best? Can you make juice? Can Maomao make juie? StepStep 2 2 Presentation(ListenPresentation(Listen andand say)say) Show the pictures. T: Who are they? Where are they? What is Maomao doing? T: Where are they now? Are they in the kitchen? Whos he? Play the cartoon. T:What is Maomaos dads favourite drink? Does mum want to drink? Maomao is making juice for himself? T: Whats meaning of Wait a minute.? Play the cartoon. T: What does Maomao want to drink? Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Watch the cartoon. Answer the questions. Watch and answer. Repeat. 观看图片和动 画,理解课文 内容。 观察图片, 预知和了解 对话内容, 通过问题, 引导学生理 解对话内容, 培养学生提 取具体信息 的能力。 Play the cartoon. T: Read by yourselves and you can help each other. Show the picture and sentences. Read together. T: Lets play a game. Look at my mouth, and guess what I say, ok? T: Read the dialogue in three. Show time. T: Maomaos dads favourite drink is apple juice. Whats your dads favourite drink? And whats your mums favourite drink? Maomao makes apple juice for dad. Can you make something for dad or mum? Read by themselves and help each other. Read and stick. Look, point and read. Look and guess. Read in group. Show. Answer and talk about. 自己朗读课文, 并进行伙伴互 助。 看教师口型, 猜句子。 小组内进行分 角色朗读或表 演。 思考,听同学 的回答 培养学生向 他人寻求帮 助的意识和 互帮互助的 精神。 加强学生对 家人的了解 和为家人做 事情的意识。 StepStep 3 3 Practice(Listen,Practice(Listen, looklook andand learn)learn) T: What does Maomao want to drink? Read the words. T: Look, what drink is it? Do you know? Read the words. T: If you want to drink, you can say May I have a cup of .? Show the picture and sentences. T: Look, if you want to drink water or juice, you can say a glass of ., a bottle of. Milk tea. Try to answer. Read. Ask and answer. Practice in pairs. 观看图片,跟 读单词和短语。 和同伴练习句 型。 创设情境, 学习新单词。 引导学生了 解不同的饮 料有不同的 表达方式。 StepStep 4 4 Production(ChooseProduction(Choose anan say)say) T: Oh, its time for lunch. There are some food. If you want to eat, you can say May I have for lunch? What do you want to eat? Now, choose your lunch food. Listen and look. Choose and say in pairs. 选择自己的午 餐食物,尝试 用英语表达。 帮助学生建 立健康的饮 食意识 We should also eat vegetables, meat and fruit to keep healthy. StepStep 5 5 HomeworkHomework Homework 1 Read the text 3 times. 2 Make a meal plan for one day. 3 Make or do something for mum. Listen and remember. 倾听,观看作 业内容。 课堂教学内 容的延伸, 帮助学生巩 固课堂所学, 并尝试运用 所学安排自 己一天的饮 食。 屏幕屏幕 黑板黑板 备注: 表示随班就读学生 表示助学伙伴学生 讲台讲台 门门
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