闽教版六年级下册-Unit 5 Occupation-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:901aa).zip

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1 - 1教学目标分析 1.语言能力: (1)学生能听懂、会说、认读单词:job, dancer。 (2)学生能用句型“Whats his/her job?”询问职业并能用“He/ She is a.”回答。 (3) 学生能用句型“What are their jobs?”询问职业并能用“They are .”回答。 2.学习能力: (1)通过 pair work, group work 等活动形式培养学生自主学习、合作学习的能力; (2)能在课堂上有效规划学习时间和学习任务。 3.思维品质 (1)学生能清晰地、有条理地表达自己的观点; (2)培养用英语进行多元思维的能力。 4.文化品格: (1)培养学生热爱生活、尊重各行各业的品质。 5.任务:讨论职业。 2教学重点、难点分析 教学重点: 1.能听说、认读本课的新词汇及句型,谈论职业。 教学难点: 1.学生能用本课所学流利谈论职业,并写下来。 3教学过程设计 一、一、 Lead-in 1.师生互致问候 T: Good morning, boys and girls. 2. 揭示评比 T:Today I would divide you into two groups. One is Boys Group, another one is Girls Group. Lets PK. Are you ready for class? 3.Review Play a game:Let do. T: First, lets play a game. Action. - 2 - 模仿秀 Review the words: teacher, cook, worker, doctor, nurse, farmer. T:Wang Tao is on the way to Julias house. He likes taking photos,so he takes many photo. He shows some photos for us. 4.教学单词 job T: Teacher, cook, worker, doctor, nurse, farmer all are jobs. 书空和语音的方式来教学单词 job。 joinjoin jojo jobjob b b 5.揭题 T: Today we are going to learn Unit 5 Occupation Part B. 【设计意图:教师导入教学内容,为任务呈现做准备。计划在导入环节把简单的新设计意图:教师导入教学内容,为任务呈现做准备。计划在导入环节把简单的新 单词单词 jobjob 突破掉。学生在老师引导下激活自己的已有知识,学习新知识,并激活学习突破掉。学生在老师引导下激活自己的已有知识,学习新知识,并激活学习 新知识的兴趣,以便完成任务。新知识的兴趣,以便完成任务。 】 二、PresentationPresentation 1.Read the text. (1) 初读课文。 T:“Now Wang Tao arrives Julias house. They are looking at Julias family photos. Who are they? Lets listen and watch the video,answer the questions.” Task: Answer the questions. - 3 - Q1: Who is this man? A. Julias cousin. B.Julias uncle. Q2: Who is this woman? A. Julias cousin, too. B. Julias aunt, too. Q3: Who are these people? A. Julias aunt and uncle. B. Julias father and mother. (2)再读课文。 T: Listen to the text again and underline the answers. Please pay attention to “their jobs”. Q1:Whats his job? He is a basketball player. Q2:Whats her job? She is a dancer. Q3:What are their jobs? They are police officers. What are their jobs? Listen and underline. T:Now children. Whats his job? Who would to come here and underline? - 4 - (3)教授单词 basketball player;句子He is a basketball player. 拓展:football player. He is a football player. They are football players. Listen and underline. . Whats his job? (4)教授单词 dancer;句子 She is a dancer. 情感渗透:They are beautiful. They look beautiful on the stage, because they work very hard off the stage. Listen and under. . Whats her job? (5) 教授单词 police officer;句子They are police officers. Listen and under. . What are their jobs? police officer 警警察察 police officers (6)语法小知识:职业的“来历” Find the rule. T: Lets find a rule together. Its a farm. He is a farmer. “Farm” adds “er” changes to “farmer.” Have a try. The rule:在work,farm,sing,play等单词词尾加 er; 在dance等以 e 结尾的词尾加 r,表示相对应的职业。 (7)操练句子 Whats his job?/ Whats her job? - 5 - 引导学生回答:He/She is a . 操练句子:Whats his job?/ Whats her job? 操练对话:Whats his job?/ Whats her job? He/She is a . (8)操练句子Whats their jobs? They are police officers. What are their jobs? They are 【设计意图:学生整体听课文回答问题,帮助学生抓住本课的关键点,观看视频,激设计意图:学生整体听课文回答问题,帮助学生抓住本课的关键点,观看视频,激 发学生的求知欲。教授本课重点句型,让学生进行大量输入。发学生的求知欲。教授本课重点句型,让学生进行大量输入。 】 (9)Play a game: Bingo or AO? Game:Bingoor AO? They are police officers. He is a teacher. They are police officer. She is a police officer. He is a police officer. Game:Bingoor AO? tall strong beautiful healthy fat thin He is__________ . short lovely strong She is___________ . They are____________ . bad 【设计意图:学生进行大量操练后,通过游戏来帮助学生自主输出。设计意图:学生进行大量操练后,通过游戏来帮助学生自主输出。 】 2.Listen and imitate. .PPT出示文本,模仿跟读。 .全班分组朗读,小组操练,个别学生示范朗读。 - 6 - 【设计意设计意图:朗读是输入与产出密切结合的体现,以诵读作为产出形式,二者高度融图:朗读是输入与产出密切结合的体现,以诵读作为产出形式,二者高度融 合。让合。让 “输入输入”和和“产出产出”尽可能尽可能“无缝链接无缝链接”。】 3. Retell the text. 【设计意设计意图:复述是语言输出的重要形式,帮助学生梳理文本内容,同时培养学生言图:复述是语言输出的重要形式,帮助学生梳理文本内容,同时培养学生言 语记忆和表达能力。语记忆和表达能力。】 3、Extension. 1. Guessing. Who is he? Whats his job? 2. 播放姚明为上海拍的宣传片“Magic Shanghai, Magic Yao”。 3.根据视频内容判断对错。 - 7 - 4. Free talk: What do you think of his job? What do you think of his job? 你你们们觉觉得得他他的的工工作作如如何何? I think its hard/ interesting/ great 辛辛苦苦的的有有趣趣的的伟伟大大的的 【设设计意图:六年级的学生应该适当加大听力、阅读能力的训练计意图:六年级的学生应该适当加大听力、阅读能力的训练. .所以结合本课内容用所以结合本课内容用 姚明为上海拍的宣传片来拓展本课知识。培养学生综合语言运用能力。姚明为上海拍的宣传片来拓展本课知识。培养学生综合语言运用能力。】 5.畅谈梦想,憧憬未来。 T: Do you want to be Yao Ming? Whats your dream job? Why? 【设设计意图:给学生适当时间思考,并与同学讨论自己的梦想。激发学生思维,锻炼计意图:给学生适当时间思考,并与同学讨论自己的梦想。激发学生思维,锻炼 学生表达能力。也为下面的输出做准备。学生表达能力。也为下面的输出做准备。】 6.写出自己的梦想,分享梦想。 T: Writing down your dream job. T: Who would like to share your dream job? - 8 - 【设设计意图:在大量巩固操练以后,设计书写题来帮助学生输出。让学生学以致用,计意图:在大量巩固操练以后,设计书写题来帮助学生输出。让学生学以致用, 学用结合。学用结合。】 7.情感渗透 PPT 播放各个行业辛勤工作的图片。 T: They work hard to make Chinese Dream come true. I hope you may study hard to make your dreams come true. 少年强,则中国强。 They work hard to make Chinese Dream come true. 他他们们努努力力工工作作,为为实实现现中中国国梦梦。 【设计意图:明确主题设计意图:明确主题-培养学生尊重各行各业、努力学习的品质培养学生尊重各行各业、努力学习的品质; ;响应习主席的中响应习主席的中 国梦,激发学生热爱祖国的民族自豪感。国梦,激发学生热爱祖国的民族自豪感。】 四、四、SummarySummary 【设计意图:通过回顾板书,加深学生对知识重难点的印象。让学生养成归纳的好习设计意图:通过回顾板书,加深学生对知识重难点的印象。让学生养成归纳的好习 惯。惯。】 五、五、HomeworkHomework(2 2 选选 1 1) - 9 - B.通通过过所所学学知知识识,写写一一篇篇 介介绍绍家家人人职职业业的的小小短短文文。 如如: My father is a police officer. He is strong and healthy. He is very tall. He is very busy, but he likes his job. I am proud of my father. Homework(2选选1) or A.给给job做做一一个个Word or Phrase Map(如如下下:) 【设计意图:家庭作业是课堂教学的有效延伸,它们能帮助复习巩固新课知识,拓宽设计意图:家庭作业是课堂教学的有效延伸,它们能帮助复习巩固新课知识,拓宽 视野。设计作业时考虑到学生能力分层,让学生结合自身能力喜好自行选择作业。视野。设计作业时考虑到学生能力分层,让学生结合自身能力喜好自行选择作业。】 六、六、EvaluationEvaluation 1.Find out the winner group . 2. Then, give the winner the award. 【设计意图:集体观看评价结果,及时肯定、表彰获胜组,对另一组也是一种激励。设计意图:集体观看评价结果,及时肯定、表彰获胜组,对另一组也是一种激励。 】 板书设计板书设计Jobs Family Finger 模仿秀 Julias House job join Who are they? Listen and answer(听音,回答问题). . Who are they? WhoWho is this man?is this man? WhoWho is this woman?is this woman? WhoWho are these people?are these people? A.Julias cousin. B.Julias uncle. A.Julias cousin,too. B.Julias aunt,too. B.Julias aunt and uncle. A.Julias father and mother. What are their jobs? Listen and underline. Listen and underline. . Whats his job? They are basketball players. They are football players. Listen and under. . Whats her job? Listen and under. . What are their jobs? police officer 警察警察 police officers farmer er Find the rule. 找规律 player worker singer farmer dancer writer cook play work sing farm dance write cook Have a try. sing singer work er worker play player dance dancer r write writer cook cook 职业的职业的“来历来历” “.的人” Whats his job? Whats her job? Whats his/her job? He/ She is a. Ask and Ask and answeranswer What are their jobs? They are Ask and Ask and answeranswer Game: Bingo or AO? They are police officers. He is a teacher. They are police officer. She is a police officer. He is a police officer. Game: Bingo or AO? tall strong beautiful healthy fat thin He is__________ . short lovely strong She is___________ . They are____________ . bad Accuracy 准确准确 Clarity 清晰清晰 Fluency 流利流利 This man is Julias ______. He is very _____. He is a______________. He is good at ______________ . cousin tall basketball player playing basketball This woman is Julias ______. She is_________. She is a _______. She is good at _______ . cousin beautiful dancer dancing They are Julias _____________. They are____________. They are_______ and _______. They are good at _______ . aunt and uncle police officers strong healthy sports Who? Yao MingYao Ming basketball player What? 2.26m GuessGuess? 1620年年11月一群英国人乘坐月一群英国人乘坐“五月花五月花”号来到北美大陆并安家。号来到北美大陆并安家。 在没有足够食物过冬的情况下,当地的印第安朋友帮助了他们。第在没有足够食物过冬的情况下,当地的印第安朋友帮助了他们。第 二年秋天他们获得了大丰收并举办了盛大的聚会感恩获得的一切。二年秋天他们获得了大丰收并举办了盛大的聚会感恩获得的一切。 作为上海的城市形象代言人作为上海的城市形象代言人,姚明在上海城市形象宣传片姚明在上海城市形象宣传片无数个姚明无数个姚明, 好一个上海好一个上海中一人分饰多角中一人分饰多角。 Magic Shanghai, Magic Yao What jobs does Yao Ming act out? 姚明演了哪些职业? dancer cook doctor teacher police officer farmer What do you think of his job? 你们觉得他的工作如何?你们觉得他的工作如何? I think its hard/ interesting/ great 辛苦的辛苦的 有趣的有趣的 伟大的伟大的 Einstein scientist Yang Liwei space hero Bill Gates businessman Jacky Chen film star Yao Ming basketball player Whats your dream job(梦想职业)梦想职业)? Why? Im__________. I want to be a___________ . Im good at________ . I will ___________________. Tip:不懂得词,可以问 老师或同伴。 singer singing make people happy Dream Job Key words: be good at job will teacher farmer doctor dancer police officer . teaching planting helping sick people dancing sports . help students learn plant vegetables make people healthy dance for people help people . They work hard to make Chinese Dream come true. 他们努力工作,为实现他们努力工作,为实现中国梦中国梦。 1.今天我们复习了: farmer,worker,singer,basketball player, his,her and their. 2.我们还学习了: Words: job,dancer and police officer. Sentence: Whats his/her job? He/She is a. What are their jobs? They are. B.通过所学知识,写一篇通过所学知识,写一篇 介绍家人职业的小短文。介绍家人职业的小短文。 如:如: My father is a police officer. He is strong and healthy. He is very tall. He is very busy, but he likes his job. I am proud of my father. Homework(2选选1) or A.给给job做一个做一个Word or Phrase Map(如下如下:) Thank you! Bye!
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