闽教版六年级下册-Unit 6 Dream Job-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:d1264).zip

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  • 闽教2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 6 Dream Job_Part A_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:d1264)
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tailor 裁缝裁缝 babysitter 保姆保姆 plumber 水管工水管工 dentist 牙医牙医 Game 1:切水切水 果果 规则:每个水果代表一个单规则:每个水果代表一个单 词,看到单词,请快速站起词,看到单词,请快速站起 来,并且大声喊出来,看谁来,并且大声喊出来,看谁 反应最快!反应最快!注意炸弹哦注意炸弹哦 police officer football player doctor farmer basketball player cook nurse teacher dancer singer In Tonys family fathermother brother guess Game 2:Guess(猜) Tonys father doctor 医生医生 提示提示2.He wears a white coat and work in hospital. 提示提示1.He makes people strong and healthy. Tonys mother nurse 提示提示.She wears a white hat. She helps doctors. Tonys brother police officer 警察警察 What does Tony want to be? (成为) Tony Dear Christine: Last night my family had a meeting: a talk about our dream(理想的理想的) jobs. I want to work in car. Because I can take people to different place . Now can you guess what do I want to be? Love Tony (不同的地方不同的地方) He wants to be a . driver 司机司机 . drav taxi driver bus driver 执教者 福清市北亭洪宽小学 余婷婷 闽教版小学英语六年级下册闽教版小学英语六年级下册 6月13日 Im a train driver.Welcome to my dream train . What do you want to be? I want to be a/an ______. Welcome Yang Ming and Julia,They are getting on the train.What do they want to be? Task 1 :Listen and choose(选择)选择) 1.What does Julia want to be? She wants to be______. A.a singer B.nurse C.a doctor 2.What does Yang Ming want to be? He wants to be______. A.nurse B.a doctor C.a policeman. A B Task 1 :Listen and choose(选择)选择) Julia wants to be a singer. Why? Because_____________. Yang Ming wants to be a doctor.Why? Because______________________ ______________. Task 2:Watch and write(写)(写) Watch the video, then find the answer (根据视频写出答案) Julia wants to be a singer. Why? Because_____________. Yang Ming wants to be a doctor .Why? Because_____________________ _______________. singers can make people feel happy doctors can make people strong and healthy. Watch and write Singers can make people feel happy. Dancers can make people feel happy. Doctors can make people strong and healthy. Singers often work on holidays. Singers often work on holidays. often work on holidays. often work on holidays. Can you say? 砸砸T T oror F F 金蛋!金蛋! ( ) 1. Dancers dont need to work on holidays. TF F ( ) 2. Doctors can make people strong and healthy. TF T ( ) 3. Police officers work day and night. always TF F sometimes ( ) 4. can take us to many places. Drivers TF F Teachers 地方 Task 3 :Watch and follow Task 4:Fill in the blanks. Julia is very good at ______. She wants to be a ______. Singers often work ___________, but they can make people ____________.Yang Ming wants to be a ______. Doctors can make people ________________ . music singeron holidays feel happy doctor strong and healthy Game: 套圈圈套圈圈 规则:根据图片中的座位分布图确定自己的座位,规则:根据图片中的座位分布图确定自己的座位, 当有当有 人被圈圈套中后,全班齐问人被圈圈套中后,全班齐问What do you want to be?被套中的人要回答被套中的人要回答I want to be a/an______. G1 G2 G3G4 What do you want to be? I want to be a/an_______ Game: 套圈圈套圈圈 DreamDream jobjob interviewinterview ( (访谈录访谈录) ) A: Hi, . You are very good at . Do you want to be a ? B: Yes, I do. A: often work on holidays. B: Thats true, but they can . Juliamusic singer Singers make people feel happy Yao Mingbasketball basketball player Basketball players make people feel happy A: What do you want to be, ? B: I want to be a . can . Yang Ming doctor Doctors make people stong and healthy Zhou Jielun singer Singers make people feel happy DreamDream jobjob interviewinterview ( (访谈录访谈录) ) A:What do you want to be,_____? B: I want to be a/an ____. A: Why? B: Because________. 采访你的同伴编写一份访谈录采访你的同伴编写一份访谈录 DreamDream jobjob interviewinterview ( (访谈录访谈录) ) teacher help students learn(学习学习) dancer make people feel happy doctor make people strong and healthy worker make cars for people cooks cook delicious food 可运用下列提示词组。可运用下列提示词组。 A:What do you want to be,____? B: I want to be a/an ____. A: Why? B: Because________. My Dream Job Hello, Im . I am good at . I want to be a . Because .I hope my dream can come true. Bonniecooking cook cooks can make people feel happy and healthy 1.( )Bonnie is good at cooking. 2.( )Bonnie wants to be a teacher. 3.( )Cooks can make people feel sad and healthy. 4.( )Bonnies dream cant come true. 阅读短文判断正(阅读短文判断正(T T), ,误(误(F F) T F F F My Dream Job Hello, Im . I am good at . I want to be a . Because . I hope my dream can come true. Bonnie cookingcook cooks can make people feel happy and healthy My Dream Job Hello, Im . I am good at . I want to be a . Because . I hope my dream can come true. Be a dreamer ,you can be what you wanna be ! 做一个有梦想的人,你可以成为任何一个你想成为做一个有梦想的人,你可以成为任何一个你想成为 的人的人 Choose your love, love your choice. (选择你所爱的,爱你所选择的(选择你所爱的,爱你所选择的) Homework 1. Activity Book Unit 6 Part A. 2. Listen to the tape and repeat 5 times. 3. Review Unit 6 Part A. 4. Preview Unit 6 Part B. T TH HA ANNK K Y YO OU U ! !闽教版小学英语第八册闽教版小学英语第八册 UnitUnit 6 6 PartPart A A DreamDream JobsJobs 教学设计教学设计 一、教材分析 本课时的教学内容是闽教版教材小学英语六年级下册第 6 单元( Dream Jobs)partA 部分, 主要涉及的语言特点是复习有关职的名称以及询问和叙述某人的职业等。根据教学内容确 立本课时的教学目标及教学重难点分析等。 1教学目标 知识目标:复习 10 个表示职业的单词: teacher, nurse, singer, dancer, farmer, worker, policeman, doctor, pilot 新授单词:Dream, scentist 掌握句型:He/She wants to be a. 能力目标:能听懂并理解课文的对话。 智力发展目标:通过情境中的语言操练,学生能够掌握有关职业的名称以及询问和叙述 某人的职业等中心语言,并能在具体的情境中自然地运用。 情感目标:鼓励学生从小树立理想和目标,激励他们更加热爱学习,热爱生活。 2教学重、难点分析 本节课的核心任务是让学生通过学习,能熟悉掌握 10 个表示职业的单词,能正确、自如地 询问他人的职业,表述自己未来的职业梦想。 重点句型:what do you want to be 3教具准备:多媒体课件,教学光盘,单词图片、人物卡通卡片,句型条若干张等 二、学情分析 本节课的授课对象是小学六年级的学生。他们的学习习惯较好、有较强的求知欲、极具学 习潜力。在 Unit 5 中他们已经学过一些表示职业的单词。如:teacher, nurse, singer, dancer, farmer, worker, policeman, doctor, pilot。学生也学了询问别人职业 What do you want to be?的句子,这些都为本课的教学打下了基础。 三、教学策略 为了更好地实现教学目标,有效突出重点,突破难点,培养学生综合语言运用能力。在教 学过程中,我运用多媒体课件,直观呈现一些学生熟悉的名人的基本信息,引起学生的兴 趣,以丰富句型的对话。本节课的内容适于采用激趣法、情境法等进行教学。通过教学的 图片,把职业外观形象地呈现在学生面前;通过情境教学、激发学生的热情、活跃课堂的 气氛,提高教学质量。在本课的拓展部分,我有意识地渗透单词词尾的构成规律,让学生 在感悟、体验与尝试中习得英语、锻炼学生的综合语言运用能力。 四、教学过程 Step One Lead-in 1 .enjoy a song“people work” 引出职业单词进行复习 2. game 切水果游戏 复习职业单词图片 3.Guess:竞猜 Tony 一家各个成员的职业,引出 What does Tony want to be?利用 email 小短文竞猜 Tonys dream job,由此引出新词 driver,操练方式分组读,拓展 bus driver ,taxi driver。 Step Two Presentation 1. 由 Tonys dream job ,Bring up the topic(揭示话题),板书课题 Unit6 dream job part A 2.创设情境 Tony is a train driver ,lets get on the dream train。以开火车形 式根据每一节火车的图片操练 what do you want to be?I want to be a/an 3.最后两节火车引出 Julia 和 Wang Tao,What do they want to be?根据听力内容完成 选择填空 (1).What does Julia want to be? She wants to be______. A.a singer B.nurse C.a doctor (2).What does Yang Ming want to be? He wants to be______. A.nurse B.a doctor C.a policeman. 4. watch the video and find the answer(仔细观察视频找出答案) Julia wants to be a singer. Why? Because_____________. Yang Ming wants to be a doctor.Why? Because____________________________________. 5. Learn what the job does The students read the text in details and underline what the job does. 通过仔细阅读课文的方式,指导学生如何读懂课文细节,进一步理解阅读内容,教授词组 make people feel happy,make people feel strong and healthy。 A.扩展:SHARP EYES 利用快闪句子操练上述词组,让学生操练句型 singers can make people feel happy. doctors can make people strong and healthy. 拓展造句 can make people feel happy. can make people strong and healthy. B.由上述职业引出 these jobs are wonderful ,but they are very busy,why?继续承 接快闪句子,根据句子内容引出句型 SingersSingers oftenoften workwork onon holidays.holidays.根据图片职业进 行此句型的造句。 6. 巩固加深句型理解,利用砸金蛋活动进行句型的拓展巩固,根据所示句型判断 T or F 如( ) 1. Dancers dont need to work on holidays. ( ) 2. Doctors can make people strong and healthy.等等 7.Listen, read the text and fill in the blank(听课文内容,尝试跟读,完成填空) The students listen to the text and try to follow, then fill in the blank. Julia is very good at ______. She wants to be a ______. Singers often work ___________, but they can make people ____________.Yang Ming wants to be a ______. Doctors can make people ________________ . Step3 Consolidation 1.Game:套圈圈 全班齐问被圈圈套中的学生 What do you want to be?该生回答 I want to be 2.合作完成访谈录举例姚明,周杰伦访谈录的对话模式,学生合作模仿对话,选择采访对 象完成对话训练(提供一些短语参考) A:WhatA:What dodo youyou wantwant toto bebe,_____?_____? B:B: I I wantwant toto bebe a/ana/an ____.____. A:A: Why?Why? B:B: Because________.Because________. 3. 完成阅读训练 Bonnies dream job 根据短文内容判断正误。 4.由 Bonnie 的梦想许愿卡引出许愿树, 制作一张许愿卡,分享自己的 dream job. 5. 德育渗透。让学生观看歌曲 to be what you wanna be. T: BeBe a a dreamerdreamer ,youyou cancan bebe whatwhat youyou wannawanna bebe 做一个有梦想的人,你可以成为任何 一个你想成为的人 Choose your love, love your choice. (选择你所爱的,爱你所选择的) Step 4 Homework 1. Read the report and try to retell the whole report according to the key words 在教学中注重对学生英语知识的教学,更好指导学生运用英语进行交际的能力,学 生将所学的英语知识正确地输出。 2、完成调查表,调查同学们长大想当什么。
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