闽教版三年级下册Unit 8 Children’s Day-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:205de).zip

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child 儿童(单数)children 孩子们 (复数 ) kids 小孩们 kid 儿童,小孩 口语化 比较正式 child 儿童(单数)children 孩子们 (复数 ) kids 小孩们 kid 儿童,小孩 口语化 比较正式 儿童节快到了,你们打算怎么度儿童节快到了,你们打算怎么度 过儿童节呢?为你们即将到来的过儿童节呢?为你们即将到来的 儿童节做个提议吧。你可以使用儿童节做个提议吧。你可以使用 : Lets Lets go to I can Childrens Park Lets go to the park. part cardparty ar /a:/ park Xishan Park Confucius孔子孔子 Park parkgo to thezoogo to the park 1 go to the park 2 Lets go to the park . 3 I can ________in the park. 在公园里 Where do they want to go? (他们想去哪里?) Lets go to the park . Lets Lets go to the zoo. Lets Lets go to the Childrens Park. Lets go to the Xishan Park. Lets What can Ben and Sally do in the park? 本和萨利在公园里能做什么?本和萨利在公园里能做什么? I can ___________ in the park. A 、 run B 、play football play football I can play football in the park. I can ____________ in the park. fly my kite I can fly my kite in the park. fly a kite fly, fly fly a kite park, park in the park fly a kite in the park fly a kite in the park I can fly a kite in the park. Lets chant. Lets play a game ! 看图猜句子:小组进行看图猜句子:小组进行PK,看图片,看图片, 用用“I can___in the park.”进行抢答,进行抢答, 答对一题得答对一题得2分。分。 I can ride a bike in the park. I can play football in the park. I can draw in the park I can fly a kite in the park Listen and follow. (Tips:跟读课文注意模仿语音、语调。) Lets go! Yes. Listen, point and follow. (请翻开课本第57页,跟读课文。 ) Tips:注意模仿语音、语调。 A A:Happy_____________.Happy_____________. B B:HappyHappy ChildrensChildrens Day.Day. A:A: LetsLets gogo toto thethe ______.______. B:B: GoodGood idea!idea! A:A: I I cancan ___________in___________in thethe park.park. B:B: I I cancan ___________in___________in thethe park.park. A:A: AreAre youyou ready?ready? B B:Yes.Yes. A A:LetsLets go!go! Childrens Day park play football fly my kite Make a dialogue: A A:HappyHappy ChildrensChildrens Day.Day. B B:Happy___________.Happy___________. A:A: LetsLets gogo toto thethe ______.______. B:B: GoodGood idea!idea! A:A: I I cancan ___________in___________in thethe parkpark. . B:B: I I cancan ___________in___________in thethe park.park. A:A: AreAre youyou ____________? ? B B:Yes.Yes. A A:LetsLets go!go! Work in pair 两人一组两人一组: 各国各国 儿童节儿童节 知多少?知多少? Homework 1.read the text three times. 熟读课文3遍,家长签字。 2.Finish the activity book of Unit8 Part A. 完成活动手册Unit8 Part A,下节课讲评。 3.Make a suggestion for your Childrens Day with your friends. 为你们即将到来的儿童节做个提议。教学设计教学设计 课题:闽教版小学英语第二册课题:闽教版小学英语第二册 UnitUnit 8 8 ChildrensChildrens DayDay PartPart A A 执教者执教者 一、教学内容与学情分析一、教学内容与学情分析 1教学内容分析 本课是新版闽教版三年级起点第二册 Unit8 Childrens Day Part A 部 分。Part A 以即将到来的“六一”儿童节为契机,学习去公园庆祝儿童节可做 的活动,是 Unit2 Ability 的延伸,同时又为 Part B 学习描述某人正在做某事 的句型奠定基础。 2学生情况分析 本课的对象是三年级的学生。三年级已经学习了一个多学期的英语,对英 语已经有一定的了解和基础。加之小学生求知欲望强,对新鲜的事物充满好奇, 本课恰以学生期待的“六一”为载体,切合学生的兴趣点。学生已经能说 I can, I like句型,对 play football,Are you ready?等课文内容都有一 定程度的知识储备。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 (1)能听、会说、会认读新词 park、 fly. (2)能听说读词组 Children s Day、go to the park、fly my/a kite 、play football (3) 能用 Lets go to.提议儿童节可去的地方,用 I can.句型描述 儿童节可做的活动。 三、教学重、难点三、教学重、难点 能用 Lets go to.提议儿童节可去的地方,用 I can.句型描述儿童 节可做的活动。 四、教学准备四、教学准备 PPT 课件、卡片 五、教学过程五、教学过程 StepStep 1 1 WarmingWarming upup andand lead-inlead-in 1.Greetings. 2.Lets chant. 3.Enjoy a music: Happy Childrens Day. 4.Lead-in: Childrens Day 教学 5.Topic: Unit8 Childrens Day Part A 【设计意图】师生谈话,共同 chant,活跃气氛,复习旧知。欣赏歌曲 Happy Childrens Day,营造气氛,直接导题。 Step2Step2PresentationPresentation 1. Learn: child, children, kid 2. Learn:Happy Childrens Day. 3. Free talk: How do you spend your Childrens Day? Use: Lets Lets go to 4.Learn: park Lets go to the park. 5.Learn: I can- in the park. 【设计意图】学生自由表达如何度过儿童节,为去公园庆祝儿童节的相关 活动做铺垫,把语境带入到学生的实际生活中去。 6.First watch Where do they want to go? Practice: lets go to the park. Lets go to 7.Second watch (1)Questions: What can Ben do in the park? What can Sally do in the park? (2) Check the answer. (3)Learn: I can play football in the park. (3)Learn: I can fly my kite in the park. 【设计意图】充分利用文本,先让学生带着问题感知课文场景和内容,再 在课文中学习本课内容和重点,以旧导新,由易到难,重点突出,难点突破。 StepStep 3 3 PracticePractice 1. Lets chant 2. Listen, point and follow. 3. Act the dialogue. 4. Childrens Day in other countries. 【设计意图】通过 chant 操练巩固新句型,激发学生说的兴趣;通过跟读、 表演对话,让学生加深对文本的理解并做到学以致用,锻炼学生的应用能力; 通过了解不同国家过儿童节的不同方式,感知文化差异,培养学生的跨文化意 识。 StepStep 4 4 SummarySummary 【设计意图】教师针对板书,引导学生以 Childrens Day 为线索进行归 纳小结。 StepStep 5 5 HomeworkHomework 1. read the text three times. 2. Finish the activity book of Unit8 Childrens Day Part A. 3. Make a suggestion for your Childrens Day with your friends. 【设计意图】分星级分层布置作业,做到因材施教。 板书:板书: Unit8 Childrens Day Part A Lets go to. play football. I can park fly a kite.
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