湘少版三年级下册-Unit 6 How many pens are there -ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:e0dfe).zip

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  • 湘少2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2014年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 6 How many pens are there _ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:e0dfe)
    • Fun Numbers.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案e0dfe.doc--点击预览


FunFun NumbersNumbers 有趣的数字有趣的数字 义务 教育 教课书 湘少版英语三年级下册 Unit 6 How many pens are there? (Period 3 ) Teaching goals( 学习目标 ): 1.Lets1.Lets chantchant withwith numbers.(numbers.(数字说唱!数字说唱!) ) 2.Make2.Make dialoguesdialogues withwith numbers.(numbers.(数字对话!数字对话!) ) 3.Find3.Find numbersnumbers inin life.(life.(生活中有趣的数字!生活中有趣的数字!) ) 4.Use4.Use numbersnumbers inin Math.(Math.(我用英语数字做数学题!我用英语数字做数学题!) ) 5.Lets5.Lets singsing thethe NumberNumber song(song(我也会唱数字歌!我也会唱数字歌!) ) 6.Develop6.Develop SsSs co-operationco-operation inin groups.(groups.(培养孩子们的合作意识。培养孩子们的合作意识。) ) playplay a a game!game! 玩游戏!玩游戏! Discuss together to make dialogues! (请同学们自主学习,互相讨论如何用英语数 字进行对话!不懂的举手提问?) Talk show ! 对话展示! ZOOZOO 13 monkey s 15 elephants 18 lions b i r d s 1 1 Can you do it? (你会做吗? ) I can do it!(我会做! ) choose the right answer选择正确的答案。 ( )1. four fifteen = A. fourteen ( )2. + ten = eighteen B. one ( )3. five + eleven = C. nineteen ( )4. twenty six = D. eight ( ) 5. eighteen = seventeen E. three ( ) 6. five = fifteen F. sixteen ExerciseExercise 练习练习 C D F AA A A B B E Homework 家庭作业: say numbers in English in our daily li fe . . 在生活中用英语表达数字。教 学 目 标 1.Lets chant with numbers.(数字说唱!) 2.Make dialogues with numbers.(数字对话!) 3.Find numbers in life.(生活中有趣的数字!) 4.Use numbers in Math.(我用英语数字做数学题!) 5.Lets sing the Number song(我也会唱数字歌!) 6.Develop Ss co-operation in groups.(培养孩子们的合作意识。) 教 学 重 、难点 1.Make dialogues with numbers.(数字对话!) 2.Use numbers in Math.(我用英语数字做数学题!) 学情分析 学生一个学期的英语学习,孩子们有了一点基础,并且对英语有 了一定的认识,对于英语的学习还是充满了热情和兴趣。 教材分析 本单元主要是学习数字,与之紧密结合的是问数量多少的句型。 在教学中老师要创设多种情景,如 Lets Chant,多种对话情景,找数字 游戏、唱数字歌等。结合采用小组活动或者角色扮演的形式进行展示, 并通过练习,巩固已学的数字,从而达到激发学生学习英语的兴趣, 在生活中运用用英语思维进行表达。 课前准备 单词卡片、教学 PPT 等 教 学 过 程 Step 1 Warming up 1. Greetings!师生问候。 T: Sing a song! Step 2 Presentation and drill 1. Lead -in T: Whats this? S: Its a pen. . Today we still learn Unit 6 “How many pens are there?” T: Look! How many pens are there? Please count together!(学生数钢笔! )Bingo! 板书课题,出示学习目标。 2.Review the numbers from 13 to 20. (1)Listen and say the numbers. (2)Play a game. 3. Talk show (1) Learn Part C by themselves and discuss together to make dialogues.( 学生自主学习 Part C, 讨论如何运用数字进行对话。) 教 学 过 程 (2)Show time. (学生展示) Step 3 Expansion 1.At the zoo T:How many birds/elephants/lions/monkeys are there? 教师提问,学 生回答问题! 2. Find the numbers T: Look at the police car. What numbers on it? (110) The same way to find the numbers like: 120, 119. T: Can you find the numbers in our classroom? Lets look for them. Step 4 Consolidation 1. Sing a song. 2. Homework. 板 书 设 计 及 当 堂 检 测 Unit 6 How many pens are there? 1 31 42 thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty 教 学 反 思
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