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1、Unit 1 The lion and the mouse Story time Study plan学习计划 Im going to 我打算 Its large and strong. It has big sharp teeth. It can run fast. Its the king of the forest. What is it? (very big) There was a lion in the forest. He was very large and strong. Debate辩论: Can the lion and the mouse be friends? Why

2、? I think the lion and the mouse can be friends. Because the lion is and the mouse is The lion have and the mouse have The lion can and the mouse can The lion and the mouse I dont think the lion and the mouse can be friends. Because the lion is but the mouse is The lion have but the mouse have The l

3、ion can but the mouse can The lion but the mouse Can the lion and the mouse be friends? wake-woke let-let get out (from) (从)出来 net 网 Read and answer Why did the lion let the mouse go? How did the lion get into the net? How did the mouse help the lion? The mouse said he could help the lion some day.

4、Two men caught the lion with a large net. The mouse made a big hole with his teeth. From this story, I know Being kind to someone is never a waste. 善有善报。 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难朋友才是真朋友。 The wolf has a winning game when the shepherds quarrel. 螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后。 Everyone has a talent.天生我材必有用。

5、There was a _ in the _. He was _. Animals: lion forest very large and strong Reading time One day, a mouse walked by and woke the lion up. The lion was angry and wanted to eat the mouse. Then he let the mouse go. afraid Please dont eat me. I can help you some day. angry said the mouse quietly 轻声地 la

6、ughed the lion loudly 大声地 Youre so small and weak! How can you help me? 走过、路过 The next day, two men caught the lion with a large net. The lion bit the net with his sharp teeth, but that did not help. bite-bit 咬 How can I get out? asked the lion sadly 伤心地 Just then, the mouse saw the lion. Soon the m

7、ouse made a big hole in the net with his teeth. The lion got out. I can help you. Thank you. said the lion happily From then on, the lion and the mouse became _. friends Competition: Ask and answer Competition: Ask and answer 1.2人一组一起读故事。 2.为这个故事准备一些问题并写下来。 3.合上书本,进行大组间的竞赛,轮流提问并解答。 Who will be the w

8、inner? Retell the story Homework 1. 跟录音朗读Story time,试着背诵戒表演。 2. 抄写新词汇不句子。 3. 根据关键词复述课文,并写下来。 4. 制定study plan。 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse Grammar time Free talk You like because they are/can/have/like look small and weak Review the story There was One day, Then, The next day, Just then, From then

9、on, wake-woke let-let bite-bit ask-asked Simple past tense 一般过去时 Reading time Please dont eat me. I can help you some day. Youre so small and weak! How can you help me! How can I get out? Thank you! Said the mouse quietly. Laughed the lion loudly. Asked the lion sadly. Said the lion happily. quiet-q

10、uietly loud-loudly sad-sadly happy-happily Grammar time: Adjectives & Adverbs 形容词不副词 Grammar time: Adjectives & Adverbs 形容词不副词 The park is quiet. People talk quietly. There was a loud laugh. The lion laughed loudly. There was a sad lion. He cried sadly. Hes a happy boy. He laughs happily. 读句子,找规律: 你

11、发现形容词与副词使用的规律了吗? 形容词:修饰名词,可置于名词前戒be动词后 副词:修饰动词(形容词+ly),置于动词后 excited excitedly Grammar time: Adjectives & Adverbs 形容词不副词 beautiful beautifully careful carefully worried worriedly angry angrily The girl is crying worriedly. Mum is shouting The boy is listening The boy is writing Cinderella is dancing

12、 The boy is running Reading time “Can I have a look?” Said the man excitedly quietly loudly sadly happily The man said ly. “Can I have a look?” Reading time “” said the mouse queitly. “” laughed the lion loudly. “” asked the lion sadly. “” said the lion happily. The mouse said quietly, “”. The lion

13、laughed loudly, “”. The lion asked sadly, “”. The lion said happily, “”. Game time “Hello! How are you?” excitedly quietly loudly sadly happily He/She said ly, “” “” he/she said ly. Game time 你说、你做,我来描述 He/She happily/sadly/excitedly/loudly/quietly/ Show time 小组合作,选择Cinderella中的一个场景重新演绎,丌 要忘记添上合适的形容

14、词不副词,让故事更生动! Scene1: Long long ago, there was a girl. Her name was Cinderella. She lived with her stepmother(继母继母) and stepsisters(异母姐妹异母姐妹). Her stepmother and sisters always asked her to do a lot of housework. One day, there was a party at the princes house, but Cinderella could not go. ”Cinderell

15、a, come and help me!” said one stepsister. “Cinderella, where are my gloves?” said the other one. “Why cant I go to the party?” asked Cinderella. “Look at you! Do you have a nice dress?” asked one stepsister. “Look at you! Do you have nice gloves?” laughed the other. Scene2: Then a fairy came. “What

16、s wrong, dear?” she asked. “I cant go to the party. I dont have any nice clothes!” said Cinderella. “Let me help you!” said the fairy. “Wow! I have beautiful clothes and shoes now!” said Cinderella. Cinderella put on the new clothes and shoes. “Come back before 12 oclock,” said the fairy. “I will! T

17、hank you!” said Cinderella. Scene3: Cinderella met the prince and they danced. “Sorry, I have to go now,” said Cinderella. “Hey, your shoe!” said the prince. The prince visited every house. Many girls tried on the shoe, but it didnt fit. Finally, Cinderella tried it on. “It fits!” laughed the prince

18、. From then on, Cinderella and the prince lived together. Show time 能使用正确的形容词戒副词。 能使用恰当的语气进行表演。 能加上肢体语言不面部表情。 Homework 1. 熟练背诵Story time。 2. 试着用副词重新改写 The kings new clothes戒者 Goldilocks and the three bears (使用一般过去时态)。 3. 复习丌规则动词表。 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse Sound time, Culture time & Ticking time

19、 Review Whos his friend? Where did they live? Why did they become friends? What did the mouse do? How did the lion feel? Ticking time I can understand “The lion and the mouse”. Whos his friend? Where did they live? Why did they become friends? What did the mouse do? How did the lion feel? Wh- questi

20、ons 特殊疑问句 说出更多的特殊疑问句 Sound time To the sweet shop. A lollipop. The boy over there. It doesnt matter. Intonation 语调 Intonation 语调 Where are you going? To the sweet shop? What do you want to buy? Do you want a pie? Who is it for? The boy over there? What will he say? Will he say thank you? Ticking tim

21、e I know the intonation of “Wh-questions”. Chinese idioms 中国成语故事 Aesops Fables 伊索寓言 The lion and the mouse: The _ mouse helped the _lion get out of the net. The fox and the crow: The crow sang _ in the tree. Then the fox got the meat _ under the tree. Fill in the blanks with the adjectives or adverb

22、s. The hare and the tortoise: The hare ran _ and the tortoise ran _, but he won the running race. The boy who lied: The boy always shouted, “ A wolf is coming.” The wolf _ came one day. weak strong loudly happily fast slowly really Ticking time I can use the adjectives and the adverbs. Read and matc

23、h The north wind and the sun Kill two birds with one stone Drawing a snake and adding feet The Fox and the grapes Putting the finishing touch to the picture of a dragon The wolf in sheeps clothing Sort the stories Chinese idioms 中国成语故事 Aesops Fables 伊索寓言 Show time 准备要求: 4人一组,选择一个成语故事戒者伊索寓言故事准备表演; 除了

24、需要人物角色,还需增加旁白,使用一般过去时态进行旁 白描述; 评价标准: 人物台词注意语音语调的表现; 用合适的形容词戒副词增加表现力; 添加适当的表情与肢体动作。 Act and guess Homework 1. 试着写下你们小组表演的故事。 2. 跟录音朗读Sound time,并写出含升调和 降调的疑问句各五句。 3. 预习Cartoon time。 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse Fun time & Checkout time Free talk beautifully fast quickly excitedly happily loudly quie

25、tly nicely sadly well ? I Look and say Look and write There is a running race at school. The boy is Mike. He is running _. A lot of students are watching it. The girl is shouting _, “Go! Go! Go!” The running race is exciting. At last, Mike wins. The children are talking about it _. They go to see a

26、film to celebrate(庆祝庆祝). The film is funny. The people are laughing _. Mike goes home and wants to talk to his father about his day. His father is reading a book _. The book is a story about a woman. She gets hurt(受受 伤伤). Now she is crying _. fast/quickly excitedly/happily happily/excitedly loudly q

27、uietly sadly Read and think Who did she help? Why did the boy need help? How did they help the boy? She helped a small boy in a shopping centre. The boy couldnt find his mother. Dad took the boy to an office in the shopping centre and Su Hai gave him a sweet. Simple past tense 一般过去时 go see look help

28、 ask take give become am went saw looked helped asked took gave became was Talk about the helpers in our class Fun time The lion said Im and The animals are afraid. The lion The mouse What are you doing here, Little Mouse? Im going to ! Please dont , Lion. I can some day. Ha! Ha! Youre so How can yo

29、u help me? Help! Help! Please help me! Dont be , Lion. I can help you! , Little Mouse! Act in groups of three. 1. Lion 2. Mouse 3. Narrator Lion: Im and Animals: Here comes the lion. Run! Lion: What are you doing here, Little Mouse? Im going to ! Mouse: Please dont , Lion. I can some day. Lion: Ha!

30、Ha! You are so How can you help me? Lion: Help! Help! Please help me! Mouse: Dont be Lion. I can help you! Lion: , Little Mouse! The lion The animals The lion The mouse The lion The lion The mouse The lion 声音响亮,语言表达正确 语气到位,绘声绘色 能加上肢体语言戒适当改编 Help people by starting from the little things. 助人要从日常小事做起。

31、 Helping others is a virtue. 助人为乐是一种美德。 All for one, one for all. 我为人人,人人为我。 Homework 1. 用英语写一封电子邮件给老师,描述你曾 帮助过他人的一件事。 2. 阅读更多的经典故事。 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse Cartoon time Review Aesops Fables Review Chinese idioms Look and ask Who? What? How? Which? Look and ask Hes really good at table tennis.

32、 really 真正地、确实 real 真实的 Watch and choose A. Its about how to play table tennis well. B. Its about how to get the ball. C. Its about how to get the water. Watch and choose A. Its about how to play table tennis well. B. Its about how to get the ball. C. Its about how to get the water. Look, read and o

33、rder 1. Sam and Bobby are playing table tennis happily. 4. Billy and Willy cheer for them loudly. 2. Sam is too excited and he hits the ball hard. 5. Then, they cannot find the ball. 3. Finally, Sam and Bobby find a hole in the ground. 6. Sam has an idea. 7. He brings some water quickly and pours it

34、 into the hole. 4. Billy and Willy cheer for them loudly. 2. Sam is too excited and he hits the ball hard. 2. Sam is too excited and he hits the ball hard. 3. Finally, Sam and Bobby find a hole in the ground. 5. Then, they cannot find the ball. 3. Finally, Sam and Bobby find a hole in the ground. 6.

35、 Sam has an idea. 3. Finally, Sam and Bobby find a hole in the ground. 3. Finally, Sam and Bobby find a hole in the ground. 7. He brings some water quickly and pours it into the hole. cheer for 为欢呼 hit 击、打 quickly 用力地 pour into 把倒入 Find out the key words Sam and Bobby are playing table tennis happil

36、y. Billy and Willy cheer for them loudly. Sam is too excited and he hits the ball hard. Then, they cannot find the ball. Finally, Sam and Bobby find a hole in the ground. He brings some water quickly and pours it into the hole. Sam has an idea. Think and say Youre really good at table tennis, Sam. T

37、hanks. Sam and Bobby are playing table tennis _. happily Think and say Hooray! Billy and Willy cheer for them _. Sam is too _ and he hits the ball _. Then, they cannot find the ball. loudly excited hard Think and say Yes! I can see it. But its too deep. I cant reach it. Finally, Sam and Bobby find a

38、 _ in the ground. Is the ball in the hole? 深的 够得着 hole Think and say There are so many balls! Sam has an idea. He brings some water _ and pours it into the hole. Well done, Sam! quickly Read and imitate Retell the story Show time Think and say Do you have other ideas to get the ball out? give the story a name Think and say the clever animals in Aesops Fables The crow and the pitcher pitcher Think and say 小组合作完成故事 Tip:根据图片写出关键词,将关键词进行叙述。 Homework 1. 跟录音朗读Cartoon time,并背诵。 2. 抄写新词汇不句子。 3. 总结本单元学习过程中出现的副词不形容词。 4. 复习Unit1。


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