湘少版六年级下册-Unit 3 We should learn to take care of ourselves.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:80000).zip

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  • 湘少2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 3 We should learn to take care of ourselves._ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:80000)
    • PPT中的音乐.mp3
    • Unit3.pptx--点击预览
    • Warm-up歌曲.wmv
    • 教学中的视频.mp4
    • 教学反思.doc--点击预览
    • 教学目标.docx--点击预览
    • 教案80000.doc--点击预览


Warm up Lets sing together! This is the way. sing draw eat drink wash listen watch read go do dance swim walk run Quick Eyes sing a song draw a picture eat fish drink water wash hands listen to music watch TV go to bed read books 六年级下 口语课第三课时(1) Lead-in Watching the video about Peppa pig and answer questions: 1, Whats wrong with George? 2, Does George know how to take care of himself? He has a cold/ catches a cold. No, he doesnt. Mark 2015 Mark 2019 He was very fat. Now he is very happy, because he is very healthy(健(健 康的)康的) and strong. What has happened to Mark. 00000 健康健康 学识 才华 金钱 地位 其他 Health is very important for us. We should learn to take care of ourselves. Then we can be strong and healthy. What can we do to keep healthy? body bd 身体 How do we keep our body clean? 3 1 2 How to keep healthy? 健康法宝一: We should keep our body clean. We should _____ our hands before eating. 在之前 wash eat wash 吃饭前,我们应该洗手。 1 Wash 洗 body bd ______ ________ wash our body every day. We should 我们应该每天洗澡。 2 wash our face We should wash our ______ every day. Wash 洗 face 我们应该每天洗脸。 3 We should eat healthy food. How to keep healthy? 健康法宝二: We should not eat junk food too much. We should eat vegetables 我们 应该 吃吃 蔬菜蔬菜 We should eat fruit 吃吃 水果水果 We should eat fish 吃吃 鱼鱼 We should eat vegetables,fish and fruit. We should do exercise every day. run jog swim take long walks How to keep healthy? 健康法宝三: ballball football basketball Ping-pong ball sportssports swim run / jog climb a mountain do exercises skip ride a bicycle We can sing. We can dance. We can draw We are happy. How to keep healthy? 健康法宝四: keep our body clean eat healthy food feel happy do exercise every day Summary We should Think and fill in the form We should . We want to be . keep our( )clean eat healthy food do ( ) every day wash our hands, face and body eat vegetables, fish, fruit run, jog, swim, walk sing, dance and draw clean healthy strong happy body exercise Pair-work Practise 运用刚刚学习的句型 和词汇, 同桌之间相互询问并且回答, 例如: A: What can we do to keep healthy? B: We should keep our body clean. . GroupworkGroupwork( (小组合作)小组合作)Make a short speechMake a short speech 任务1:和小组讨论如何保持健康。小组成员每人发言。 任务2:就如何保持健康这个话题,做一次简短的演讲。 Groupwork. Eg: A: Hello, Every one! Health is very important for us. B: First , We should . and then we should . C: But we should not . Lastly, we can . D: An apple a day keeps doctors away! We should take care of ourselves. Summary Health is very important for us. An apple a day keeps doctors away. Remmeber to take care of youselves.教学反思 星期三下午第五节课在录播室上了一节返岗老师汇报课。上课内容为六年 级的口语课,本次口语课设计的话题是如何保持健康。如何保持健康这个话题 和学生们的日常生活相关,想通过对日常话题的讨论,提升学生们的口语表达 能力以及对保持健康重要性的领悟。通过组内姐们的建议,有以下几点反思。 1,保持整个课逻辑设置的一致性。在最前面的 warm-up 里面,复习了动 词,但是在最后呈现部分,没有表现出来。在 Lead-in 里面的运用小猪佩奇的大 情景,后面又设置了 Mark 的情景,这种大情景的设置应该保持一条主线。不 要随意的就更改了。 2,保持学生课堂的主体性,让学生多开口说。在后面设置的讨论保持健康 的四条准则里面,应该以提问方式,让学生多来思考和回答,不应该都是老师 呈现出来。 3,拓展部分可以让小组每人写一句关于保持健康的句子,然后由代表呈现。 4,口语课要基于文本,又要高于文本。在内容上,可以拓展内容,学会课 程开发。 5,在讲到运动方面,能否新引入一些更加时尚和新颖的运动方式,拓展学 生们的视野。 6,在导入部分,是否可以先做一些针对和学生们息息相关的话题展开调查。 以上是这堂课的不足以及可以另外尝试的部分。路漫漫其修远兮,教学课堂 要不断的去实践,才会在各种细节上越来越到位。要经过不断的磨练,才会出 一堂好课。实践出真知,只有一次次的尝试,才知道自己的问题在哪里,才会 越来越优秀。 在这次备课过程当中,我就发现,设计好一堂课,创新很重要。这种创新既 要角度新,又要符合所教学生的年纪特征。具有创新的课堂,才能极大的吸引 学生们的注意力,才能把学生紧紧的抓住。学习目标 1,学生会读、看着图片能说出,并且 知道在对话和叙述中运用以下词汇 以及短语:take care of , healthy, keep our body clean, eat healthy food, feel happy, do exercise every day。 2,知道运用句型: We should +动词 原形.和 We should not +动词原形. .来表达自己的观点。 3,能够运用所学句型和词汇简单叙 述如何保持身体健康以及感悟保持 身体健康的重要性。学 习 内 容 Learning how to take care of yourselves. 学 习 目 标 1,学生会读、看着图片能说出,并且知道在对话和叙述中运用以下词汇以及 短语:take care of , healthy, keep our body clean, eat healthy food, feel happy, do exercise every day。 2,知道运用句型: We should +动词原形.和 We should not +动词原形. 来表达自己的观点。 3,能够运用所学句型和词汇简单叙述如何保持身体健康以及感悟保持身体 健康的重要性。 学 习 重 难 点 1, 知道运用句型: We should +动词原形.和 We should not +动词原形. 来表达自己的观点。 2, 能够运用所学句型和词汇简单叙述如何保持身体健康以及感悟保持身体 健康的重要性。 个性补教 教 学 习 过 程 Step1: Warm-up and revision. (1)Sing a song. (This is the way). (2)Quick response.(review the verbs) Step 2: Presentation. (1) Lead-in: Watching the video about Peppa and George, then answer the questions.(新授 take care of ) (2) Lets predict and have a free talk. Seeing the picture and discussing what has happened to Mark. (讲 解 healthy and health 的区别)(情感渗透:健康是最重要的) (3) Ask Ss the question: What can we do to keep healthy? And learning the four rules for keeping healthy.(板书句型和短语) 1, We should keep our body clean. 2, We should eat healthy food. 3, We should do exercise every day. 4, We should feel happy. (4)Summary these four rules. Step3: Practice (1)Pair-work. Ask the question: What can we do to keep healthy? to your desk mate by using the words and sentences we had just reviewed above. Step4: Production (Groupwork)分层完成任务。 (1) Task1: Discussing with your group students about how What can you do to keep healthy .任务 1:和小组成员 讨论并且发言关于如何保持健康。 (每人发言 1 到 2 句话) (2) Task2: Making a short speech on the topic: What can we do to keep healthy? 任务 2: 针对如何保持健康这 个话题做一个简短的演讲。 Step5: Summary. Homework: Make a speech to your parents about What can we do to keep healthy? 教 学 后 记
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