湘少版六年级下册-Unit 4Planting trees is good for us.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:60564).zip

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  • 湘少2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us._ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:60564)
    • Planting trees is good for us..ppt--点击预览
    • 教案60564.docx--点击预览
    • 植树与环境保护.mp4
    • 植树节.mp4


Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us. Step 1 Warm-up 热身热身 1.学会新单词和短语学会新单词和短语 plant trees, keep the air clean , keep us cool, make the place beautiful等。等。 2.掌握句型掌握句型 灵活运用句型灵活运用句型“we should ” 和和“Trees can ”进行描述。进行描述。 明确目标明确目标 Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us Tree Planting Day Lets watch a video. ____________is on 12 March.th Mid-Autumn Festival Christmas Day Tree Planting Day Tree Planting Day On Tree Planting Day, we should____________. Why plant trees Why should we plant trees? Trees can keep the air_______.clean Trees can keep us _______.cool Trees can make ________beautiful. the park the school the road the place Lets listen & number. Trees can keep the air clean. Trees can make the place beautiful. I like to plant fruit trees. Trees can keep us cool. 2 4 1 3 Its _______ . spring summer autumn winter Tree planting Day in China is on___________. 25 December 8 March 12 March th th th What are they doing? Lets look & say spring 12 March t h They are planting trees. ItsIts TreeTree PlantingPlanting DayDay today.today. PlantingPlanting treestrees isis goodgood forfor us.us. MyMy friendsfriends andand I I enjoyenjoy plantingplanting trees.trees. Yes.Yes. PlantingPlanting treestrees isis fun.fun. be good for 对有益 enjoy doing 喜欢做 I I likelike toto plantplant fruitfruit trees.trees. TreesTrees cancan keepkeep thethe airair clean.clean. TreesTrees cancan keepkeep usus cool.cool. TreesTrees cancan makemake thethe placeplace beautiful.beautiful. I like to do 我喜欢做 水 果 地方 Lets chant. Why should we plant trees? Trees can keep the air clean. Trees can keep us cool. Trees can make the place beautiful. Why should we plant trees? T T r r e e e e s s c c a a n n _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _. . Lets discuss in group. Well plant trees _________. Trees can__________________. Group name:__________ on the hillon the road in the school in the park before the house Group work Summary 总结总结 1.1.词汇词汇:plant trees, keep the air clean , keep us cool, make the place beautiful等。 2.2.句型句型:运用句型“we should ” 和 “Trees can ”进行描述。 3.3.语法知识:语法知识:be good for 对有益 enjoy doing 喜欢做 I like to do 我喜欢做 shouldcan+动词原形Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us 一一、教学目标教学目标 (一) 语言目标 1. 词汇:能听懂、会说、认读新单词或词组 Tree Planting Day, air, place;能听懂会说新单词 plant trees, keep, make, enjoy. 2. 句型: (1) 能认读、理解句子“Planting tree is good for us.”。 (2)能用 “Trees can.” 描述植树给我们的生活带来的影响。 21cnjyco (二)应用目标 1. 能听懂、会说 A 部分的对话。 2. 能理解、运用 B 部分的词组。 3. 能简单描述树木给我们的生活带来的影响。21cnjy (三)情感目标 提高环境保护意识,切实感受的植树的益处。 二二、学情分析学情分析 学生已经学习过 plant, clean, make, keep, cool 等词汇, Well.,We should.,.can.等句型。因此本课 B 部分单词难度并不大。但是, 本校学生大多数英语基础偏差,英语表达能力不强,害怕说句子。 因此在教学设计里,给学生足够多的语言输入,让学生尽量熟悉语 言。设计有趣的活动和创意的的教学评价,让学生感兴趣。然后再 设置生动的输出任务,并且给出句型和情景,打消学生的畏惧心理。 同时开展分组教学,让学生互相帮助。 三三、重点难点重点难点 1、重点:能听懂、会说、认读新单词和新句型;能理解、运用 B 部分的词组;能理解 A 部分对话。 2、难点:用 “Trees can.” 描述植树给我们的生活带来的影响。 21世纪*教育网 四四、教学过程教学过程 活动活动 1【导入导入】Step 1warmup 1. Greetings Watch a video about Tree Planting Day. 2. Free talk【来源:21世纪教育网】 (1)Which day is on 12th March? (2)T: Today, we are going to learn “Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us.” 板书标题。 活动活动 2【讲授讲授】Step 2Presentation 1. New words and phrases (1) 学习词组 “plant trees”。 教师引导学生说说树木给我们生活带来的影响,引出新词组和主题 句。 T: On Tree Planting Day, what should we do? S: We should plant trees. (2)通过看图片,听音填空,学习词组 keep the air clean, keep us cool, make the place beautiful 和生词 air, place.www.21-cn- T: Why should we plant trees? S: Trees can keep the air clean. Trees can keep us cool. Trees can make the place beautiful. (3) 词汇操练 a. 自由朗读。 b. Group work. 2. The dialogue (1) Look and say:看图片回答问题。 T: What season is it now? When is Tree Planting Day? What are they doing? (2) Listen and number. 听音,标序,了解文章大致内容。 (3) Listen and repeat.听音,跟读,引导学生注意模范语音语调。 (4) Read. 学生分组朗读。 (5) Show. 小组展示,小组成员轮流朗读,共同完成整篇对话。21 世 纪教育网版权所有 活动活动 3【练习练习】Step 3Practice 1. Discuss in group: Why should we plant trees? 2. Group work: 学生分组完成任务。在任务卡上选择自己想要种树 的地点,张贴小树,并填写句子。21 教 活动活动 4【总结总结】Step 4Consolidation 1. 词汇:plant trees, keep the air clean , keep us cool, make the place beautiful 等。 2.句型:运用句型“we should ” 和“Trees can ”进行描述。 3.语法知识: be good for 对有益 enjoy doing 喜欢做 I like to do 我喜欢做 shouldcan+动词原形育网 活动活动 5【活动活动】Step 5Expansion 1. Watch a video. 观看一部关于环境保护的短片,给学生以感情升 华:Love trees, Love home.爱护树木,爱护家园。 活动活动 6【作业作业】Step 6Homework 1. 听录音,跟读课文 A 部分,背诵 B 部分。 2. 画一画,写一写:画一个自己想要种树的地方。并写一两个解说 句子。
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