湘少版六年级下册-Unit 6 Anne wanted to dance.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:a03a8).zip

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Period 1 Part A&Part B Unit 6 Anne wanted to dance. 湘少版(三起点)六年级下册 根据指令根据指令做动作做动作。 listen and do! Lets Learn. stand on one foot drawing hobby singing dancing . swimming My hobby is./I like. read a story aloud play the piano paint a picture What did Anne want to do? Anne wanted to dance like Lingling. Did Lingling teach Anne? A.Yes,she did. B.No,she didnt. Lingling: Ok,Anne.I move my hands and legs with the music. Now,put your arms out like this.Listen to the music and move your legs with the music.Its easy and fun. Lingling was dancing in the dancing room.Anne watched her.Anne wanted to dance like Lingling. “Wow!Lingling!You can dance very well,”said Anne.”Can you teach me?” “OK,Anne.I move my hands and legs with the music,”said Lingling. How did Lingling teach Anne to dance? Read and circle.(读一读,圈出关键句子)(读一读,圈出关键句子) Lingling: Ok,Anne.I move my hands and legs with the music. Now,put your arms out like this.Listen to the music and move your legs with the music.Its easy and fun. “Now,put your arms out like this.Listen to the music and move your legs with the music.Its easy and fun,”said Lingling. Anne went to the dance floor and danced with Lingling.She Stepped on Linglings foot. “Im sorry,” said Anne. “Its OK.Lets do it again,”smiled Lingling. P25 Read and circle.(读一读,圈出关键句子)(读一读,圈出关键句子) How did Lingling teach Anne to dance? “Now, put your arms out like this. Listen to the music and move your legs with the music. Its easy and fun,” said Lingling. P25 “Now, put your arms out like this. Listen to the music and move your legs with the music. Its easy and fun,” said Lingling. Tips:听录音,注意重读关键词和根据意群断句. 重读: 断句: Lets read. Did Anne dance well? Anne stepped on Linglings foot. step on:踩:踩 Its Ok. Lets do it again. Was Lingling angry?What did Lingling say? Lingling is ________. Think and say. Listen and repeat. Tips:开书跟读,有开书跟读,有感情地模仿,注意升降调。感情地模仿,注意升降调。重读关键词,根据意群断句。重读关键词,根据意群断句。 Group work:四人小组合作,表演故事。四人小组合作,表演故事。 Task1: I can say.我会说。我会说。 Task2: I can act.我会演。我会加上动作、表情进行我会演。我会加上动作、表情进行表演。表演。 Lets think! Can Anne dance well at last(最后)(最后) ? Why? Keep trying,and you can do it! 不断尝试你就能够成功!不断尝试你就能够成功! “Lets do it again!” smiled Lingling. I want to______________ like ________.play the piano Langlang sing dance swim write read play football play basketball play pingpong play the piano play the drum play badminton(羽毛球) . . Talk about dreams:4人小组讨论自己的梦想,并写下来粘贴在梦想树上,上人小组讨论自己的梦想,并写下来粘贴在梦想树上,上 台与全班同学分享。要是能加上动作就更好了哦!台与全班同学分享。要是能加上动作就更好了哦! Homework 1.Read PartA&PartB。 2.Try to say.试着用英语和同学讨论:自己 在生活中梦想成真的事,并总结成功的原因 和经验。Group work:四人小组合作,进行表演。合理分工:一人或者两人当旁 白,一人当 Lingling,一人当 Anne.注意:表演一定要加上丰富的表情和动 作哦! Lingling was dancing in the dancing room.Anne watched her.Anne wanted to dance like Lingling. Anne went to the dance floor and danced with Lingling.She stepped on Linglings foot. Talk about dreams: 将自己的梦想写在便利贴上,与小组同学讨论,并粘贴在梦想树 上,上台与全班同学分享。 (一人展示梦想树,四人分别介绍自己的梦想。 )要是能加上动作就更好了哦! You can use: I want to_______like_______. “Wow!Lingling!You can dance very well,Can you teach me? me?” OK,Anne.I move my hands and legs with the music. Now,put your arms out like this.Listen to the music and move your legs with the music.Its easy and fun. “Im sorry.” “Its OK.Lets do it again.” sing dance swim write read draw play football play basketball play badminton(羽毛球) play pingpong play the piano play the drum play the violin . . Wang Junkai Qi Baishi Mo Yan(莫言) C 罗 Van Gogh(梵高) Meixi Sun Yang Yao Ming Zhang Jike Langlang . Dream Tree教学内容教学内容Unit 6 Anne wanted to dance.(Part A and Part B) 设计理念设计理念 本课是第六单元的第一课时,课型为听说课。A 部分与 B 部分内容联系不大。 在教材处理上来说,两个部分属于 AB 的关系。由于 B 部分 4 个短语较简单, 是学生已经具有的知识储备,所以在本节课,我把 B 部分的短语放在 Brainstorm 环节,重点在 Listen and do 活动中突破 stand on one foot,培养学 生英语语言表达能力。A 部分虽然是一个听说课型,但是文本内容较长,思 维含量较大,对学生和老师来说是个不小的挑战。所以本节课教师尽量把文 本化难为简,使学生克服畏难情绪,教师采用多种方式的听、读活动提高学 生学习兴趣,发展学生的听、说、读等能力。最后,课堂设计注意发挥学生 主体,教师主导的作用,充分调动孩子的主观能动性,激发学生的学习兴趣。 教学目标教学目标 1.语言能力: 词汇:能听懂、会说、会读:stand on one foot, read a story aloud, paint a picture, play the piano,move.with music, put arms out, step on ones foot. 句型:能听懂、会说、会读:Anne wanted to dance like Lingling. Anne stepped on Linglings foot.能在情境中用“want to do something”表达 人物的意愿。 2.文化品格: 能在读懂故事的基础上领悟故事的内涵和道理,培养学生克服困难的勇气和 乐于助人的优良品质,学生能树立远大理想。 3.思维品质: 能理顺文本的线索及细节,能抓住关键词,阅读和理解课文 A 部分的故事; 4.学习能力: 以学生为主体,培养阅读能力,发展学生运用学习策略的能力。 教学重难点教学重难点 Key points: (教学重点教学重点) 能阅读和理解课文 A 部分的故事;能在情境中用“want to do something”表 达人物的意愿。 Difficult points: (教学难点教学难点) 能阅读和理解课文 A 部分的故事;能在读懂故事的基础上领悟故事的内涵和 道理。 教学准备教学准备 课件,短语、句型卡片 教学环节教学环节设计意图设计意图 Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings 2.warm-up 1).Watch a video. 2).Play a game:Say and do 3).Brainstorm:Whats your hobby? 设计意图:设计意图: 1、好的导入能迅速吸引学生的注意力,课前通过视频来热身, 选了六年级的小大人感兴趣的跳舞毯形式的游戏舞蹈。既能达到热 身的效果,又能潜移默化的融入“put hands out”等短语; 2、通过 Say and do.引入短语“stand on one foot”,为 A 部 分的动词词组进行铺垫, 3、通过头脑风暴,打开孩子们的话匣子,潜移默化地学习 B 部 分三个短语,自然地引出与本课话题相关联的内容 ,让师生之间 有真实、自然的语言交际。并为最后的拓展奠定基础。 Step 2 Presentation and practice 1.Picture talking. 1) Present picture 1 and ask. Q: Whats Linglings hobby? 2) Guess:What did Anne want to do? 2. Listen and check.(Listen to the first paragraph and learn the sentences:Anne wanted to dance like Lingling.) 3. Listen and choose. Q:Did Lingling teach Anne? 4. Read and circle. Q:How did Lingling teach Anne? put arms out listen to the music move your legs with the music 5. Lets read. 6. Watch the flash of Part D. Q:Did Anne dance well? (learn the sentences“She stepped on Linglings foot.”) 7. Think and say. Q:Was Lingling angry?What did Lingling say?(Lingling is _________.) 8. Watch and repeat. 9. Group work:Act the story with your partner. 设计意图:设计意图: 读前引导学生看图、听音、猜测,进行观察、预测,激发学生 学习文本的兴趣。学生在老师的问题引导下略读课文,找到关键信 息,了解文本的大意,借助图文并茂的阅读文本学习动词词组并感 知故事。仔细地再读,在老师的引导下,扫除生词的困难,结合图 片和视频理解文本,加深印象;潜移默化地对学生进行读法的指导, 重点引导孩子注意重音和根据意群断句,培养学生的朗读能力,这 对学生的影响和帮助是最持久的。在理解和整合全文信息的基础上 做出推测,学生的感悟才能得到深化,才能读懂文本的内涵:学习 Lingling 的乐于助人。让孩子们勇敢面对困难,不放弃。 Step 3 Extension 1. Think and say. Q:Do you think Anne can dance well at last?Why? 2. Lets talk. Talk about the dreams with your partner.Write down your dreams and stick on the dream tree. I want to play the piano like Langlang. 设计意图:设计意图: 结合本单元 D 部分内容,呈现 Anne 最后学会了跳舞,渗透情 感教育。并从 A 部分的主题句“Anne wanted to dance like Lingling.”进行拓展延伸,让孩子们说说自己的梦想。巩固所学 知识, 充分调动学生的知识存储, 拓展学生的思考、概括能力,说 说自己的意愿。让学生敢想敢说,将语言知识的学习、语言技能的 发展自然融合,力求通过真实问题的思考,引发学生的语言理解与 应用,实现深度思考、学习,促进英语学科素养的形成。 Step4 Homework 1.Read Part A&B. 2.Try to say.试着用英语和同学讨论:自己在生活中梦想成真的事, 并总结成功的原因和经验。 设计意图:设计意图:学习来自于生活也要用于生活,让孩子们在讨论中练习 拓展英语,并学会总结经验。 板书设计:板书设计: Anne wanted to dance. Anne wanted to dance like Lingling. put arms out Lingling taught Anne to listen to the music move legs with the music Anne stepped on Linglings foot. 教学反思:教学反思: 这堂课湘少版六年级下册第六单元第一课时,听说对话课。 1.巧妙处理教材,构思巧妙 文本内容较长,尽量把文本化难为简,使学生克服畏难情绪,教 师采用多种方式的听、读活动提高学生学习兴趣,发展学生的听、说、 读、写等能力。教师巧妙构思,一环接一环,环环相扣,设计“以学 生为主体”的活动,需要动动脑筋,跳起来才能摘到苹果。深度挖掘 教材,将文章抽丝剥茧,提炼出关键问题贯穿全文。整合教材 AB 两个 部分,聚焦主题语境,深化对文本的理解,随文进行情感教育,重视 对语篇的赏析。 2.创设真实情境,促进学生综合语用 教学中创设有效的学用情境,优化学生的语言输出。趣味性是情境 创设的首要特质。学生产生兴趣,就会主动去学习目标语言,运用所 学语言做事。本节课从一开始的 modern dance 通过感受西方的牛仔舞 到最后的说说自己的梦想,都是充分考虑了六年级孩子“小大人”的 性格特点,设计孩子们感兴趣的活动,最终取得了很好的教学效果。 3.夯实语言知识,培养学生核心素养 义务教育英语课程标准(2017 年版)的课程标准包括语言技 能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识。这五个方面的内容 与当前倡导的英语学科素养是一脉相承的,体现了“为了学生全面发 展”的价值取向。在本节课中,教师在夯实学生语言知识的基础上关 注学生综合能力的全面提升。
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