湘少版六年级下册-Unit 8 International Children's Day.-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:b2606).doc

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1、Unit 8 International Childrens Day 教学设计教学设计 (一)、教材分析:小学阶段的英语主要是以培养学生的学习兴趣和良好的学习 习惯、增强学生的学习自信。通过简单的听、说、读、写等语言实践活动,从而 帮助学生获取用英语进行简单的日常沟通的能力。 本节课主要是新湘少版六年级 下册英语的第八单元的第一课时,主要教学内容是国际儿童节(International Childrens Day)的相关单词、词组(单词表以及 Part B)以及基本句型(What will you do on Childrens Day? Ill/Well/We are going to )。

2、这与学生的生活实际 比较贴近,很容易引起共鸣,从而从很大程度上调动学生的学习积极性。 (二)、学情分析:小学六年级的学生一般有一定的英语词汇量,但是在学习 英语的主动性以及积极性上并不高。特别对英语兴趣不高的学生,在英语的学习 上很被动,学生的主体性作用并没有发挥出来,而这样的学生在一个班里起码占 半数。 所以要借助多种教学方法以及学习方式来激发学生积极参与学习,自由大 胆交流,体验成功的喜悦。有了成就感,学生的学习兴趣就能有很大程度的提高 了。 二、二、教与学的方式分析教与学的方式分析( (Methods of Teaching and learning Analysis) ) (一)、教学

3、方法:多媒体教学法、情景教学法、自然拼读教学法 (二)、学习方法:小组合作学习法、体验探究学习法 三、教学目标三、教学目标(Teaching aims) (一)知识与技能目标(Knowledge & skills aims): 1、 Words :Enable to listen, speak, read and write party, have a party, a class party, play games, have a rest, go to the theater, go to the museum. 2、Sentences:”What will you do?” “Ill/W

4、ell” “We are going to” (二)过程与方法目标(Process & steps aims): 1、Based on the topic, enable to ask and express future activities and plans using the phrases in Part B and sentence patterns of ”What will you do?” “Ill/Well” “We are going to”. 2、Enable the students to grasp the key points through the method

5、s of demonstration and discussion. (三)情感态度与价值观目标(Emotional attitude & values aims): 1. Let the students know how to celebrate International Childrens Day. 2. Learn to be grateful and cherish the present now. 四、教学重、难点(四、教学重、难点(Teaching Key points and difficulties) ) 1.Key points:Words and phrases in

6、Part B, target sentences and enable to talk about the plans for International Childrens Day. 2.Difficulties:Be capable of talking about their plans with “ Ill/Well.” “ We are going to” freely. 五、教学准备五、教学准备( (Teaching Preparations) ) Words cards, Showcase, CAI and papers with task form. 六、教学过程六、教学过程(

7、 (Teaching process) ) Step 1 Leading in (5 minutes) 1. Greetings 2. Sing a song. 3. Look at the pictures and guess the festivals. (1)Four pictures to introduce the festivals we have learnt. (2)Last picture to lead in International Childrens Day. 设计意图设计意图: 合唱英文歌活跃课堂气氛。 真实图片导入, 吸引学生注意, 引起兴趣! Step 2:Pr

8、esentation (7 minutes) 1. Introduce the topic: Unit 8 International Childrens Day. Three questions about the unit topic. Q1: Whens International Childrens Day? Q2: How do you feel on this day? Q3: What will you do on this day? 设计设计意图意图:问题导入课题引人思考,可以让学生自由思考开拓思维,活跃课堂气 氛,了解国际儿童节的的时间和庆祝方式,为后面新知的输入作铺垫。 2

9、. Phrases learning: have a party (emphasize the key word “party”, then pronounce the syllable “ar” and let students read “party” completely, and then read in groups) 3. Learn the rest of phrases-a class party, play games, have a rest, go to the theatre, go to the museum in the same way. 4. Follow th

10、e video of Part B. 设计意图:设计意图:利用自然拼读教授法,唤起学生已有的自然拼读经验,一步一步读准 单词有利于提升他们的成就感,也对他们的自主学习有很大帮助。跟读录音可以 让学生的发音更加标准。 Step 3:Practice (10-12 minutes) 1. Students activities for new phrases: 1 minutes self-reading and then practice the new phrases in two different ways. a. Be a little teacher (one boy and one

11、girl) b. Lets review (based on the pictures on screen) 2. Students activities for sentence patterns: a. Demonstration ( teacher-student interaction) b. Group work (each group with a word card to practice) 设计意图设计意图:此环节是以男女、小组为单位的练习切磋,主要以学生活动为主主要以学生活动为主,体 现学生的主体性学生的主体性。主要分为两部分:词组与句型对话的练习。在进入词组活动前 留有 1

12、 分钟的自主探究学习以及小组合作学习自主探究学习以及小组合作学习, 这有利于学生进行自我检测, 看 哪些还没有掌握,同时也能促使活动的顺利进行,尽量让全班同学都能参与到学 习的输出过程中来,可谓一举两得。第二部分的句型对话的操练,是以老师与学 生的一问一答的示范开始,然后小组练习,检测学生学习效果,实现由词到句的 过渡。 Step 4.Consolidation (13 minutes) Activity 1: Task Finish the task with partners. Activity 2: Emotion and values Be grateful and cherish the present now. Activity 3: Conclusion 设计意图设计意图:情景教学法,能让学生脑海中有画面感,更好地帮助学生理解性记忆 并且更好地做到学以致用。从书本知识升华到情感价值观,最后进行课堂小结, 知识重现。 Step 4. Homework (2 minutes)


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