(新教材)人教版(2019)高一英语必修2同步作业:Unit 1 Cultural heritage Reading for Writing(基础练 重点练;Word版;含答案解析).zip

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    • 人教版(2019)高一英语必修2同步作业:Unit 1 Cultural heritage Reading for Writing(重点练) Word版含解析.doc--点击预览


1.1 Reading and Thinking UNIT 1 基础练基础练 .单句填空单句填空 1.We will know more about our history by __________cultural understanding. 2.The number of medical schools reached 18 in the early 1990s and _______(remain) around that level since. 3. We are confident that the environment will be improved by our_______(far) efforts to reduce pollution. 4.Chinas image is improving steadily,with more countries________ (recognize) its role in international affairs. 5. All the problems, _________expected, had been settled and the manager felt rather satisfied. 6. He decided that he would drive all the way home instead of putting________ at a hotel for the night . 7.After many centuries,most of the ancient Great Walls fell______ruins. 8.While __________(spend) up work on the project , we must pay attention to ensuring its quality. 9. Wed appreciate your________(leave) as fast as possible after the meeting. 10. At the end of her performance, she _______(present) with a big bunch of roses. 【答案】1 promoting 2 has remained 3 further 4 recognizing 5 as 6up 7 into 8 speeding 9 leaving 10 was presented .短语填空短语填空 1.For every Chinese,May4,1919isa_________(有历史意义的)day. 2.D_________ cameras can take and process photos quickly. 3.What are the_________ (品质)that a great leader should have? 4.Tom is so independent that he never asks his parents_________(观点). 5. The major goal of understanding history is to preserve national___________(传统). 6.They export their products to makets__________(普及) the world. 7. The advertisements are intended to improve the countrys___________(形象). 8.He__________(引用)a passage from the ministers speech. 9. Could you__________(认出)your umbrella among a hundred others? 10.In____________(对比)to his brother,he was always more patient with others . 【答案】 1.historic 2 Digital 3 qualities 4 opinion 5 traditions 6 throughout 7 image 8 quoted 9 identify 10 contrast .课文语法填空课文语法填空 The first group of 10 intangible cultural heritage 1 (workshop) opened on March 16,2019 in Nyemo County, southwest Chinas Tibet Autonomous Region. In 2018, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism 2 (identify) the first group of 10key support areas of poverty alleviation(扶贫)via intangible cultural heritage and planned 3 (establish) numerous workshops there. Nyemo County was on the list as it is home 4 about 10 items of intangible cultural heritage at all levels. After setting up the workshops, Tibetans 5 have been struggling to make a living in poor areas will have a chance to make 6 (they) way out. Basang has been learning the skills of making Xoleg paper for three years. At present, Basang earns 3,000 yuan a month 7 his family has achieved poverty relief thanks to his new skills. China has spent 300 million yuan on 8 (protect) the intangible cultural heritage of Tibet Autonomous Region over the past 13 years. And more support 9 (give) to the region to develop relevant training and 10 (promote) activities later. 【答案】1.workshops 2.identified 3.to establish 4.to 5.who/that 6.their 7.and 8.protecting 9.will be given10.promotion 、阅读选择、阅读选择 Youll be blind by the time youre twenty-five,a doctor at Childrens Hospital predicted. Your blood sugars are much too high . It consumed me . No matter where I was or what I was doing , it was overhead like a dark cloud , waiting for just the right opportunity to break open and destroy my world. I liked painting. Losing myself in painting filled me with peace. Painting provided me with the only place where I could escape from those threatening words. When I was twenty-one, my right eye went blind. Precisely three months after my twenty- fifth birthday, I had a massive hemorrhage(大出血)in my left eye because of an accident.For the next twenty years, vision came and went. I went through many eye operations in an attempt to keep my vision. But after one final operation,I lost the battle and all remaining vision.And I buried all dreams of painting. Desperate,I enrolled in(注册)a sixteen-week program for the blind and visually impaired(损 伤的).I learned personal adjustment and the use of a computer with adaptive software. A whole new world opened up to me through this program. Jaws and Window-Eyes are leading software for the blind, my instructor told me. You can use the Internet, e-mail and Microsoft with all its tools and features. Its amazing! Hope went up for the first time in years. By learning how to use hot keys to control the mouse, you can use Microsoft Access,Excel and Powerpoint, my instructor added. For the next several years, I learned that when one door closes, another door opens. There are plenty of choices available for the blind and visually impaired through the gift of technology.Not only do I have a speaking computer,but I have a speaking watch , alarm clock and calculator. 1. What does the underlined word it in Paragraph 1 refer to A. The right opportunity. B.Losing sight in the future. C. Consuming too much sugar. D.The childrens hospital. 2. What happened when the author was 25 years old? A . He gave up painting . B. He went blind completely. C. He injured one of his eyes. D. He picked up a new hobby. 3.What brought a turning point to the author? A.A special course. B.A meaningful event. C. An inspiring speech. D. An important interview. 4.What does the author intend to tell us? A. No pain, no gain. B.Every man has his price. C. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. D.Be optimistic in the face of lifes difficulties. 【答案】1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。作者的左眼失明,右眼视力严重受损,但作者没有气馁,一 个特殊的课程给作者带来了一个转折点。文章告诉我们:当一扇门关上时,另一扇门就会 打开。 1.代词指代题。根据第一段开头“ Youll be blind by the time youre twenty-five,a doctor at Childrens Hospital predicted.可知,一位儿童医院的医生预测作者 25 岁时会失明。it 指的 是“在未来会失明” ,故选 B。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可知,作者 25 岁时左眼受伤。故选 C。 3.推理判断题。根据第四段可知, “一个特殊的课程”给作者带来了一个转折点。故选 A。 4.主旨大意题。根据最后一段第一、二句可知,作者告诉我们面对生活中的困难,要保持 乐观。故选 D。 、七选五、七选五 New Virus Details Show Challenges for Outbreak Control At first, scientists were relieved that the new virus, COVID-19,wasnt as dangerous as those that caused SARS,Ebola or some other recent infectious diseases . 1______ . Here are some of the challenges. Multiplying infections According to the existing data, the infection rate for SARS is 3 while the ordinary flus infection rate is about 1.1. Now, based on the first 425 confirmed COVID-19 cases, each infection led to 2.2 more infections on average. 2________. Yet we dont know whether the new virus is weakening or is still learning what it can do. Varying incubation periods(潜伏期)潜伏期) Scientists estimated(估计)the average incubation period was roughly five days, but said it could last up to two weeks. 3_____.People can move away from where they got it and not even remember places where they may have been exposed. Spreading in stealth Another big worry is that one person with no symptoms can also infect others. On Thursday, scientists reported that a woman who was not ill at the time spread the virus to a man in Germany during a business trip there . 4_______ Testing gaps 5________.At present,a few types of test kits(工具包)have been developed. But they are not accurate enough. Scientists are not sure how many false alarms or missed cases each might give at any point in time. That leaves a key gap. Although scientists are still faced with so many challenges,they are confident that the new virus will be put under control soon. A. More testing equipment should be provided at once B. Its still a struggle to determine who is or is not infected C. Such a long potential incubation period can be a problem D. The rate is a bit lower than SARS but much higher than ordinary flu E. That is a very low infection rate compared with that of SARS and Ebola F. Then he infected several other coworkers before showing any symptoms G.However,new details show how challenging it could be to control this outbreak 【答案】1. G 2.D 3.C 4.F 5.B 【分析】语篇导读本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了新型冠状病毒疫情难于防控的原因。 1. 根据全文标题及空前“一开始,科学家感到宽慰的是,新型冠状病毒并不像那些引起非 典、埃博拉或其他近期爆发的传染性病毒那样危险”可推断,下文很可能会出现转折,由 此可知,G 项“然而,新披露的细节却表明控制这次病毒的爆发可能十分困难”符合题意。 故选 G。 2.通过比较非典、普通流感及新型冠状病毒的传染率可推断,D 项“这个传染率比非典略 小,但又远高于普通流感”符合题意。故选 D。 3.根据空前“科学家估计平均潜伏期约为 5 天,但可能持续长达两周”可知,C 项“如此 长的潜伏期是个大问题”符合题意。故选 C。 4.根据本小节的标题及上文“周四,科学家报告说,一名当时没有确诊的女性在德国出差 期间将病毒传染给了一名男性”可知,F 项“然后在出现症状前,他又传染了几个同事” 符合题意。故选 F。 5.本节主要介绍目前检测新型冠状病毒中存在的困难,如测试结果不可靠导致误报及漏报, 由此可知,B 项“确定一个人是否被感染还有困难”适合作本段主题句。故选 B。1.3 Reading and Thinking UNIT 1 重点练重点练 I.阅读选择阅读选择 For the first time,the World Health Organization has included Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in its globally influential medical compendium(汇编),according to an international science journal. An article published by Nature said that TCM had been included in the latest version of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) released last year. Starting from the 1800s, the ICD has been revised and published in a series of editions, reflecting the advances in health and medical science over time. It serves as the foundation for the identification of global health trends, and the international standard for diseases and health conditions . The latest ICD is based largely on the work of the International Classification of Traditional Medicine(ICTM) projects experts from around the world, who had been working on traditional medicine research and practices for years. China has been promoting the modernisation of TCM and pushing for TCM to gain acceptance worldwide. Tu Youyou, a Chinese expert focusing on the scientific study of drugs and medicines,was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in2015 for her research in TCM. Her discovery has saved millions of lives in developing countries in South Asia,Africa and South America. TCM is sure to grow in popularity globally. While the use of herbal medicines, acupuncture(针刺疗法)and other traditional medical practices has been on the rise, theres still a shortage of global classification and terminology(术语) tools for traditional medicine now, according to officials of the WHO. The decision is to promote the safe and effective use of traditional medicine by regulating, researching and combining traditional medicine products,practitioners and practice into health systems,where appropriate,the WHO was quoted as saying by Nature. 1.What can we learn about the ICD from Paragraph 2? A. It will include TCM this year. B. It has a history of over 200 years. C. It is published in various languages. D. It provides therapies for diseases worldwide. 2 . Why does the author mention Tu Youyou in Paragraph 4? A. To imply the worldwide popularity of TCM. B. To prove TCMs gaining worldwide acceptance. C. To introduce a breakthrough in the medical field D. To show Chinese people deserve the Nobel Prize for their contribution. 3. Which aspect of TCM has shown an upward trend worldwide? A. The classification of TCM. B.The standard of TCM terms. C. The official promotion of TCM. D. The use of traditional Chinese medicine. 4. Which column of website is the text most probably taken from? A. Lifestyle. B.Opinion. C.Health. D. Technology. II.完形填空完形填空 December 24 arrived along with a heavy snow. It was my first Christmas Eve without mother and the days usual 5______ had disappeared. The telephone rang. I 6______ it and went to my bedroom to bury the continuous sadness, knowing it must be my friend Rebecca calling. How could I be 7 _____? I wanted to be left alone . My heart felt as 8_____ as the falling snow. How can I stop missing my mother? I 9______ the window. Seeing Rebeccas car parked out front,I went back to bed and drew the covers over my head. Lucy!she shouted.I know youre in there. Answer the door! Leave me alone ! I 10_________ back . I heard paper rustling(沙沙作响)as she slid 11 _____under the door. Merry Christmas, she called out. Not answering the 812_____ made me feel even worse . It wasnt fair to my best friend . Her father and sister 13______ in a car accident when she was eight years old. 14________, her mother had to return to 15________, and Rebecca was left to look after herself. When she left , I carried the small package , sat down and 16_____ it. Inside was a gold pen and a journal.When I opened the journals front cover,out fell a bookmark with a ( n ) 17 ______written on it :Dear Lucy, My words wont heal(治愈)the 18______.But your own words can. L ove, R ebecca As I stared(盯着)at the journals blank pages,a single tear fell on the page which quickly absorbed it.That night,I 19_________ the phone and called her. It looks like the snow is melting(融化),I said. Spring is just around the corner. 5.A.excitementB.disappointmenC.frightD. pity 6.A.answeredB.coveredC.picked D.ignored 7.A.regretful B.joyfulC.comfortable D.careful 8.A.lightB.whiteC.clearD.heavy 9.A.looked through B.looked intoC.looked out D.looked up 10.A.broughtB.shoutedC.took D.turned 11.A.anythingB.somethingC.everything D.nothing 12.A.doorB.question C.letterD.phone 13.A.survivedB.escapedC.livedD.died 14 . A . As a resultB.Above allC.After allD. In general 15.A.workB.washC.repairD.learn 16 . A . closedB.foldedC.opened D.painted 17.A.articleB.poemC.notice D.message 18.A.failureB.painC.wishD.shame 19.A.pushed backB.picked outC.picked upD.put away 、语法填空、语法填空 Every culture has its own way to show friendship. On 20_____ islands of Hawaii, friendship is part of the aloha spirit. In the language of the Hawaiians who first 21_______ (settle) on the islands long ago, aloha has a very special meaning: to be with happiness. Hawaiians believe that once somebody loves the land, they are ready to love their people or community. This is one of the 22 _______( important ) signs of friendship . It is called lokahi in the Hawaiian language,which means oneness(和谐)with all people.23_______(enjoy)the land,you should not be selfish. The land is 24_______ everyone who lives on it. Today many different peoples call Hawaii their home. Indeed, Hawaii is a place 25______ people make one big community from many smaller 26______ ( community ) . Each person gives kokua ( help ) to other people so that all feel stronger. It is believed that the islands can be a paradise(天堂)when people live peacefully. People are told that their actions should be as gentle as the wind that blows from the sea. When problems happen, people 27 _______(ask) to solve them with understanding. So when the people of Hawaii talk about family, they are 28_______ (actual) talking about all those29_____(live)on the islands. 、 【答案】 1. B 2. B 3. D 4. C 【分析】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了世界卫生组织首次将“中医学”纳入国际 疾病分类的相关信息。 1.B 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句中的关键信息 Starting from the 1800s 可知, 国际疾 病分类已经有 200 多年的历史了,故选 B 项。 2.B 推理判断题。根据第四段的主题句 China has been promoting the modernisation of TCM and pushing for TCM to gain acceptance worldwide.可知,本段提到屠吻吻就是为了证明中医 学正在获得全世界范围的认可,故选 B 项。 3.D 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的 While the use of herbal medicines, acupuncture and other traditional medical practices has been on the rise 可知,中医的使用呈上升趋势,故选 D 项。 4.C 推理判断题。本文主要讲的是世界卫生组织首次将“中医学”纳入国际疾病分类 的相关信息,故可推知该文章最有可能来自网站上有关“健康”的栏目,故选 C 项。 、 【答案】5. A 6. D 7. B 8. D 9. A 10.B 11.B 12.A 13. D 14.A 15.A 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.C 【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者在母亲去世后的第一个圣诞节前夜闷闷 不乐,是朋友的关心使她慢慢从失去母亲的痛苦中走了出来。 5
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