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1、B2Ul Cultural heritage 词汇练习题 一、单词拼写 (一) 1.Generally speaking, the writing of poems, stories or plays is often called _ (创 造性的)writing. 2.This has been my worst time for injuries since I started as a _ (职业的)player. 3.Some students persuaded the wealthy businessman to _(捐献) twenty old computers to the

2、 primary school. 4.My assistant will be in charge of the _ (部门) in my absence. 5.Whats known to us all is that exercise is an important part in weight _ (减 少,损失). 6.At 22 Higgins won the World Championship at his first _(尝试) in 1972, and again in 1982. 7.You should have a _ (均衡的) diet, and you shoul

3、d eat fruit every day, and more vegetables. 8.Our _ (抗议)was successful, for the Minister agreed to reconsider the matter. 9. After working devotedly in the company for about 20years. MrLi got _(晋 升) at last. 10.The film tells us a story about the mysterious _ (消失) of a Chinese deliveryman. (二) 1. Wh

4、at do you think we have to lose if we fail to preserve our cultural _ (遗产)? 2. I have learned a great deal from working with him and all the other _(有创 造力的)artists. 3. After a short drive outside the city into the desert, we arrived at the _(庙). 4, He is well _ (保护) so he looks younger. 5. Last summ

5、er LiMine and his parents paid a visit to _(山峰)Tai. 6. They want from door to door to _ (推销) their new products. 7. He often thinks of his _ (以前的) English teacher who helped him a lot in senior high school. 8. Her _ (提升) to sales manager made us happy. 9. No _(线索) to the mystery has been found 10. T

6、his bridge is a _(遗迹)of ancient times. (三) 1.The manager made a _ (建议) for uniting the two companies. 2.The building work will Eo ahead, despite _ (抗议)from local residents. 3.These are matters that you can bring up in the _ (委员会). 4.They have _ (创立)a student organization. 5.Ive _ (限制)myself to 1,000

7、 calories a day to try to lose weight. 6. His back injury may _ (阻止)him from playing in tomorrows game. 7.The _(丢失) of her purse caused her much inconvenience. 8.Your _ (贡献) will certainly make the event a huge success. 9.He has the advantage of getting the job because his brother is the director of

8、 sales _ (部门). 10.We have obtained permission from the directors to use some of our _ (基 金). 11.Its my sincere hope that you can _ (调查) the matter seriously and make a formal apology to me. 12 Chinese government _ (公布)a set of policies that aimed to benefit the public. 13.IfI have the chance to _ (捐

9、赠). I will also help the students with financial problems. 14.The lawyer was expected to come up with some proposals after reading all those _(文件) 15.The thief ran out of the house.jumped over the fence around it, and _ (消 失) into the distance. (四) 1.Ill help as much as I can, but there is a _(限制) t

10、o what I can do. 2.Wait and play are both necessary to health The _(前者) gives us energy and the latter gives us rest. 3.It was amazing that she solved the problem _(创造性地)last night. 4.Only in this way can we keep _ (平衡) between study and pleasure. 5.We should _(捐赠) some money to those who are in tro

11、uble. 6.All of us should love our parents _(永远) and try to accompany them as much as possible. 7.We must do our best to prevent these historic site from _ (消失). 8.The committee met several times to discuss these important _ (问题). 9. Although many of books are _ (数码的), some books will still be around

12、. 10.Such a person may be _ (原谅) if he is late, but not those who are deliberately late. 二、选词填空 (一) take part in, give way to, keep balance, make a proposal, lead to, turn to, prevent. from, donate.to, make sure, in danger 1.He always _ politics. 2, Youd better _ of your diet. 3.Just _ you shut the

13、gate after you. 4.They_ you because they trust you. 5. We refused to _ their demands. 6.The dam was _ because of the rising flood. 7.This suggestion will certainly _ an argument. 8.Further treatment will _ cancer _ developing. 9.How much on average do you _ charity per year? 10. I _ that we (should)

14、 hold a meeting next week. 三、单句语法填空 (一) 1.I think he is likely _ (visit) us if he knows where we live. 2.Every time I had a problem, I would turn _ MrWang for help. 3.I am sure your suggestion will contribute to _ (solve) the problem. 4.The research _ (conduct) by a group of top scientists has made

15、great and rapid progress. 5.The _ (disappear) of language is the loss of our culture. 6.Many people find it worthwhile _ (join)an archaeological society. 7.I am glad to say that your _ (donate) can bring us one step closer to finding this cure. 8.If someone, especially an official, _ (investigate) a

16、n event, situation, or crime, ha tries to find out what happened or what the truth is. 9.Of course, doing something could lead _ mistakes, but mistakes are part of success. 10. I have to prove myself as a respectable, _ (balance)person. (二)| 1.Im sorry to tell you that the entrance _ the museum was

17、closed for renovations(维修) 2. Dragon Dance and Lion Dance are _ (tradition) performed during the Spring Festival. 3.We could do nothing but wait for _ (far)information, though it is not what we wish to do. 4. If you _ (comparison) this book with that one, you will find this one much more interesting

18、, 5. _ wasnt worthwhile to continue the project 6.He was awarded a prize for his _(contribute) to world peace. 7.Martins idea was to create some interesting _ (image) and then move on to another subject. 8.Everyone is _ (limit) in his energy, so we cannot do everything all by ourselves. 9.The _ (his

19、tory) building is as much part of our heritage as the paintings. 10.With the development of science and technology, many of todays medical images are processed_(digital). (三) 1. He was ashamed of himself and asked for _ (forgive). 2. You shared your life to me all _ the year. 3. This kind of washing

20、 machine is _ high quality so that it sells well all over the country. 4. Now the Dragon Boat Festival has become a _ (tradition) festival for the Chinese people. 5. _ my opinion learning English is a step-by-step process. 6. In comparison _ our small flat Bills house seemed like a palace. 7. _ (com

21、pare) with the escaped driver, I am proud of what I did. 8. When I met him _ other day, he had just come back from work, looking excited. 9. Electronic computers are now in common use all over _ world 10. To work _ the difficult maths problem, I have talked with Professor Russell several times. 11.

22、It was not until he came back_ we left. 12. _ is believed that he is fit for the job. 13. I do hope so because I want you to live as lone and healthy a life _ I have. 14. _ (plant) trees every year makes our environment get better and better. 15. It is waste of time _ (persuade) such a person to joi

23、n us. 四、课文语法填空 When the Aswan Dam project was proposed by the Egyptian movement, it led to 1 _ (protest). People were worried about the destruction of temples and cultural relics. After 2. _ (listen) to the scientists 3._ had studied the problem the government turned to the United Nations 4._ help i

24、n 1959. A committee was set up 5._ (limit) damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relies. The group asked for contributions from different departments and 6. _ (raise) funds within the intonational community. The project brought together governments 7. _ environmentalists

25、from around the world Over the next 20 years, thousands of engineers and workers rescued 22 8. _(temple) and countless cultural relics. When the project was 9._ (success) ended in 1980, many countries regarded it 10. the best example of keeping the balance between progress and protection. 五、语篇语法填空 A

26、lthough most people know there are Seven Wonders in the ancient world only few people can name1. _. This is because most of them are no longer there except the pyramids. However, there is 2. _ growing list of wonders of the world today. About nine years ago,UNESCOs World Cultural and Natural Heritag

27、e List had 41l places and 136 countries were responsible for 3._ (protect) them, and the list keeps on 4. _ (grow). Usually it is the task of a group of 21 experts to decide which places go on the list. The experts 5. _(choose) to work for six years. Their work is to examine and discuss the suggesti

28、ons from different countries. They also manage the World Heritage Fund(基金) 6. _ can offer help to countries for protection work. Over the past centuries a lot of historic places 7. _ (destroy) by man or nature. Protecting our natural and 8. _(culture) heritage is a long and difficult task. Earthquak

29、es, floods, pollution, wars, or even tourism are some of the 9. _(danger) that harm the heritage. When a historic place is 10. _ great danger, it is put on the List of World Heritage in Danger and necessary things will be done to protect it. Places which are on the danger list include Historic Bridg

30、es of Indiana Saint Elizabeths Hospital, Rosanwald School in Southern US, etc. (二) Should we allow modem buildings to be built next to older buildings in a historic area of a city? In order to answer this question, we must first examine whether people really want 1._ (preserve) the historic feel of

31、an area. Not all historic buildings are attractive. However, there may be other reasons, for example, economic(经济的) reasons. So, let us assume that historic buildings are both attractive 2._ important to the majority of people. What should we do than if a new building 3. _ (need)? 4. _ my view, new

32、architectural styles can exist perfectly well alongside an older style. Indeed, there 5. _ (be) many examples in my own hometown 6. _ modem designs have been placed very successfully next to old buildings. As long as the building is pleasing and does not dominate(影响) its surroundings, it often 7._ (

33、improve) the attractiveness of the area. It is true that there are examples of new buildings 8. _ have spoilt(破坏) the area they are in, but the same can be said of some old buildings too.Yet people still speak against new buildings in historic 9._ (area). I think this is simply because people are 10

34、. _ (natural) conservative(保守的)and do not like change. (三) Shadow play has a long history and is 1. unique kind of art form. It is performed 2._ sending shadows of puppets (木偶) on a piece of white cloth The puppets made of leather(皮革) 3. _ (paint)in very bright colors, so that the shadows they make

35、are very4. _ (colour). The players stand behind the cloth and move the puppets against strong light when 5. _ (show) a shadow play, and the shadows of the puppets fall on the cloth. At the same time the players talk or sing, telling a story with 6._ (music) playing the drums and other instruments, s

36、uch as erhu, sanxian, sheng etc. People on the other side of the cloth can see the shadows of the puppets do all kinds of movements. Its just like the movie today. Shadow play started in the Han dynasty. 7_ is said that Emperor Wu of Han was sad and didnt want to do anything because one of his favou

37、rite wives died. 8 _ (cheer) him up, his officer made a puppet like the emperors dead wife with leather. He movitted it and made it 9. _ (act) behind a piece of cloth. The emperor enjoyed it very much. After that, shadow play became 10._ (popular)known in China. B2Ul Cultural heritage 词汇练习题 参考答案 一、单

38、词拼写 (一) 1. creative2 professional 3.donate 4. department 5.loss 6.attempt 7.balanced 8.protest 9.promoted 10.disappearance (二) 1. heritage 2.creative 3.temple 4. preserved 5.Mount 5.Promote 7.fo mer 8.promotion 9. clue 10.relic (三) 1.proposal 2.protests mittee 4.established 5limited 6.prevent 7.loss

39、 8.contribution 9.department 10.funds 1l.investigate 12.issued 13. donate 14.documents 15. disappeared (四) 1.limit 2.former 3.creatively 4. balance 5.contribute/donate 6.forever 7. disappearing 8.is sues 9.digital 10. forgiven 二、选词填空 (一) 1. takes part in 2.keep balance 3.make sure 4.turn to 5. give

40、way to 6.in danger 7.lead to 8.prevent from 9.donate to 10.make a proposal 三、单句语法填空 (一) 1.to visit 2.to 3.solving 4.conducted 5. disappearance 6.to join 7.donation 8.investigates 9.to 10.balanced (二) 1.to 2.traditionally 3.further pare 5.It 6.contribution 7.images 8.limited 9.historic 10. digitally

41、(三) 1. forgiveness 2. through out 3.of 4.traditional 5In 6.with 7.Compared 8.the 9. the 10.out 11.that 12.It 13.a5 14.Planting 15.persuading 四、课文语法填空 1.protests 2.listening 3.who 4.for 5.to limit 6.raised 7.and 8.temples 9.successfully 10.as 五. 语篇填空 (一) 1. them 2.a 3.protecting 4.growing 5. are chosen 6. which 7.have been destroyed 8.cultural 9.dangers 10.in (二) 1. to preserve 2.and 3. is needed 4. In 5.are 6. where 7.improves 8.which 9.areas 10.naturally (三) 1. a 2. by 3.are painted 4.colourful 5. Showing 6.musicians 7. It. 8. To cheer 9.act 10. popularity


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