湘少版五年级下册英语-Unit 8 Can you show me the way to Xinhua Hotel?-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:c08e2).doc

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湘少版五年级下册英语-Unit 8 Can you show me the way to Xinhua Hotel?-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:c08e2).doc_第1页
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湘少版五年级下册英语-Unit 8 Can you show me the way to Xinhua Hotel?-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:c08e2).doc_第2页
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湘少版五年级下册英语-Unit 8 Can you show me the way to Xinhua Hotel?-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:c08e2).doc_第3页
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湘少版五年级下册英语-Unit 8 Can you show me the way to Xinhua Hotel?-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:c08e2).doc_第4页
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湘少版五年级下册英语-Unit 8 Can you show me the way to Xinhua Hotel?-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:c08e2).doc_第5页
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1、教 材 简 析 教 材 简 析 本单元的核心内容是“问路及指路”(Ask the way 、Show the way), 学会在情境 中运用句型: Can you show me the way to the . ?以及运用 : Go straight . Turn left . Turn right.等向他人问路并学会为他人指明去某一场所的路线,并能在对话中使用礼貌用 语,如,“Excuse me .”“Thank you .”等,培养学生乐于助人的优秀品质。教学内 容贴近学生的生活实际。围绕孩子喜欢的话题和场景开展英语教学活动可以唤起学生 的亲近感,从而激发他们的学习兴趣。 学 习 目 标

2、 学 习 目 标 1) Know the sound of letter “e” in “left, second, get, then” and so on ; 2) Can listen、read 、say the new words: turn left, turn right, go straight, get on, get off, hotel, hospital, airport, railway station,take a bus; 3) Be able to ask the way and show the way in English with the sentences

3、 : “Can you show me the way to the?” “You can go straight turn left turn right ” 4) Learn to be polite when ask and show the way . 教教 学学 重重 点点 难难 点点 1、Key Point: Can master these new words . X. Be able to ask and show the way on the map. 2、Difficulty:Be able to ask and show the way on the map accord

4、ing to the tips. 教教 学学 准准 备备 Teaching PPT、tape、words cards、sentences cards 课课 时时 安安 排排 Period 1 教学过程教学过程 二次备课二次备课 Step 1 Greetings 1、T & Ss make a dialogue. T and Ss talk about some topics they like : T: Good morning boys and girls , nice to meet you . What day is it today ? Whats the weather like t

5、oday ? Do you like sunny days ? What can we do on sunny days ? (Brain storming) S1: We can play basketball outside . S2: We can climb the mountains . Step2 Lead in and presentation 1、Lead in the text according to a poem . 松下问童子,言师采药去。松下问童子,言师采药去。 只在此山中。云深不知处。只在此山中。云深不知处。 T shows a poem on the PPT, a

6、nd asks them what they are talking about . Ss: . T: Yes , the old man is asking the way , and the child is showing the way. So well learn something new about how to ask and show the way . (After then , T pastes the sentences-Ask the way Show the way on the board and lead Ss to read them .) Unit 8 ,

7、Can you show me the way to the Xinhua Hotel ? 2、Present the text . T shows a picture on the board and asks them some questions about : Where is the old man ? Is he happy ? Whats matter with the old man ? Then listen to the recording and answer the questions : (1)、Where does the old man want to go ?

8、(2)、Which bus does he take ? Step 3 New lesson 1、Listen to the tape and find out the answers . 2、Listen again and number the sentences . ( 2 ) Then turn left at the second crossing. ( 4 ) Get off at the third stop. ( 3 ) You may take Bus No.206 to the hotel. ( 1 ) Just go straight along this road. 3

9、、Review the way the little girl shows and try to understand the directions . T: So the girl is showing the way for the old man . Can you show the way ? Lets show the way together . (1) 、Go straight along this road . (2) 、Turn left at the first crossing . (3) 、Turn right at the second crossing . 4、Le

10、arn the new words and phrases . turn left、turn right、go straight、get on、get off、hospital、airport、 railway station、take a bus、hotel T: Can you make a sentence with “hotel” ? Ss: Can you show me the way to the hotel ? T: So , do you remember how did he ask the way ? Ss: Excuse me , can you show me the

11、 way to . ? T: Yes , we should be polite when ask and show the way . Step 4 Practice 1、 Pair work : Work in groups , A & B ask and answer : A: Excuse me ? Can you show me the way to the hotel ? B : Just go straight along this street . Turn left at the second crossing . You may take Bus No.206 to the

12、 hotel . 2、Free talk: Divide the Ss into some groups looks like some blocks , and talk about the way to somewhere they want to go in English , and then act out . A: Excuse me ? Can you show me the way to the . ? B : Just go straight along this . . Turn left right . You may take Bus No.206 to the hot

13、el . Step 5 Consolidation 1、Retell the text and read it together . 2、Some tips about how to ask and show the way : Be polite . Make sure the way . Step 6 Homework 1、Read Part A、B ; 2、Draw the way from your home to your school and talk with your partners -how to get to school . 七、七、板书设计板书设计 七、七、课后反思课

14、后反思 本节课所学内容是“问路及指路”(Ask the way 、Show the way), 让学生学会在情境中运 用句型:Can you show me the way to the . ?以及运用 :Go straight . Turn left . Turn right.等向他 人问路并学会为他人指明去某一场所的路线,并能在对话中使用礼貌用语,如, “Excuse me .” “Thank you .”等,培养学生乐于助人的优秀品质。我在教授本堂课时,根据小学生的生理心 理特点,紧紧围绕教学目标,充分利用多种生动活波的教学形式,将所学习的知识跟生活整合 起来,让学生在听、说、读、玩的过

15、程中,乐于动脑,敢于开口,从而达到灵活运用语言的目 的。在整个教学过程中,教师不再是灌输者,说教者,而是引导者,组织者,引导学生灵活运 用语言,培养学生的创新能力和合作探究能力。教师应该努力去营造一种宽松愉悦的课堂,学 生获得相当大的主动权,提高教学质量,引导学生走向新知识的殿堂。 本堂课中,我也发现了自己教学中的不足以及我今后教学应该注意的方向。 1、对时间的把控不足,在引入部分花太多的时间,从而导致后面的新课操练时间太少, 学生的输出困难。 2、在课堂教学活动中没能做到面向全体学生,以及教学的公平原则。在今后的教学中我 会尊重学生的个体差异,遵循学生的认知规律,面向全体学生,唤醒学生的主题意识,全方位 的调动学生的积极主动性,让学生在轻松、愉悦的情景中进行听、说、读、背、演的训练。使 整个课堂呈现和谐有序的场景。


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