湘少版五年级下册英语-Unit 9 He's kind to children.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:b041f).zip

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  • 湘少2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 9 He's kind to children._ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:b041f)
    • Part A.jpg--点击预览
    • Part A.mp3
    • Unit 9 He's kind to children..mp3
    • Unit 9 He's kind to children..ppt--点击预览
    • Warming up.mp4
    • 字母组合拼读.mp4
    • 教案b041f.docx--点击预览


Hes kind to children. 湘少版英语五年级下册湘少版英语五年级下册Unit9Unit9 lovel y beautiful round hair short tall cool face long funny I teach English. Read and spell. ind k b f h n d i a o u ?ki n d A puzzle He is kind to children. car car d park farm Challenge 1 Try to read with your partener. .和和 同桌尝试拼读下列单词同桌尝试拼读下列单词 bark card mar k part park march shark charm start smart far bar car jar star Why did the dog so in the ?hard yard bark dark Challenge 2 Try to read it correctly and quickly. .看谁读得又对又快。看谁读得又对又快。 loudly slowly lastly lovely a h a pple c t a r p gi fi ev active seriousHe looks . 2 3 5 4 1 He / She . is looks Listen and answer(听录音并回答问题)(听录音并回答问题): 1.Whos teaching in the classroom? 2.Is he serious or kind? Peters grandpa. He is kind. a. tall b. serious c. fat d. active e. kind Read and judge(阅读并判断阅读并判断 ) 1. Peters grandpa comes to a city in China. 2. He teaches Chinese in a primary school. 3. The children are interested in his lesson. ( F ) village city village 城城 市市 乡乡 村村 Read and judge(阅读并判断(阅读并判断 ) 1. Peters grandpa comes to a city in China. 2. He teaches English in a middle school. 3. The children are interested in his lesson. ( F ) village ( F ) primary school primary school middle school 小小 学学 中中 学学 1. Peters grandpa comes to a city in China. 2. He teaches English in a middle school. 3.The children are interested in his lessons. ( F ) village ( F ) (T ) Read and judge(阅读并判断(阅读并判断) 对对感兴趣感兴趣 primary school Im interested in dancing. am is interested in. are eg: This is. He/She is. He/She has. He/She looks. He/She is interested in. . Group work: Introduce your friend, teacher, family member or your favourite star to each other.(小组内互相介绍小组内互相介绍 你的朋友、老师、家人或你喜欢的明星等你的朋友、老师、家人或你喜欢的明星等) Kind and friendly to everyone. 对每个人都友好。对每个人都友好。 Serious to our study. 认真学习。认真学习。 Active to our life. 积极面对生活积极面对生活。 We are the smart children. 你们就是聪明的孩子。你们就是聪明的孩子。 TeacherTeacher hopeshopes Homework: 1. Listen to the tape ,read and recite Part A. 听磁带跟读并背诵听磁带跟读并背诵A部分。部分。 2.Make a picture book imitating Part A. 仿照仿照 A部分编写绘本。部分编写绘本。UnitUnit 9 9 HesHes kindkind toto childrenchildren 教学设计教学设计 教材分析教材分析: 本节课的教学内容选自湘少版小学英语五年级下册 Unit9 Hes kind to children 中的第一课时。本课时的学习内容为课文 Part A 和 Part B,目的在 于让学生运用本单元的词汇和句型进行口语交际。涉及的单词有 kind, smart, friendly, active, serious, teach, village 和 interested.主要句型是 He/She is.He/She looks.本节课围绕描述人物这个主题开展活动,鼓励学 生积极参与,大胆练习,激发学生学习英语的积极性,提高学生的语言综合运用 能力,培养学生健康积极的情感。 学情分析学情分析: 五年级的学生通过两年多的英语学习,已积累一定的词汇量,具备了一定的 语言基础和较好的口语表达能力,对于常见的字母和字母组合的发音规律也有 了一定的感知。但随着知识点难度的加大,兴趣逐渐减弱。另外,小学生喜欢 直观形象思维,善于与同学交流,乐于表达自己,渴望得到同学和老师的赞许。 教学目标:教学目标: 1.听懂,会说,认读,理解新单词 kind, smart, friendly, active, serious, teach, village, interested. 2.能熟练运用句型 He/She is . He/She looks .来描述人物外貌或性 格特征。 3.能学会并应用一些字母和字母组合的发音规则。 4.培养学生宽容友善,积极向上的情感态度。 教学重点教学重点:指导学生运用自然拼读法掌握本课新单词并熟练运用重点句型。 教学难点教学难点:熟练运用新句型 He/She is.He/She looks来描述人物,并能掌 握词组 be interested in 的用法。 教学方法教学方法:情景教学法,任务型活动教学法,小组合作学习法,视听法,听说 法,全身动作反应法。 教学准备教学准备:多媒体课件,单词卡,单词日历,人物照片或海报(学生准备)。 教学步骤:教学步骤: StepStep 1.1. HappyHappy PreparationPreparation 1.Greetings. 2.Lets chant! The students chant together with actions. 3.Brainstorming: Read some words that describe people as quickly as you can. 【设计意图设计意图】首先师生一起说唱表演一首字母拼读韵律歌,预热了自然拼读 法,拉近了师生距离,极大地调动了学生学习英语的兴趣。接着,学生大声读 出荧幕上闪现的一些描述人物的单词,复习了旧知,并为后面的话题做了铺 垫。 StepStep 2.Happy2.Happy Presentation.Presentation. 1.Teach the word “teach”. (1)Show a picture of myself and get Ss to talk about what I look like. Then help them understand “I teach English.” (2)Watch a piece of video about the pronunciation of “ea” and “ch”. T: I prepare a piece of video for you. It will teach you how to pronounce“teach”. 【设计意图设计意图】从描述我的外貌,到引出我的职业,学生体会到了“teach”的意 思。播放关于字母组合”ea”和“ch”的发音的视频,学生自然而然的跟着 视频念起来,然后就能自己读出“teach”了. 2.Teach the word “kind”. (1)Review “find” and “behind”,then help Ss read “mind” and “bind”. T: Can you say “find” without “f”? (2)Get Ss to try to spell “kind” by themselves. T: I have a puzzle for you. Ill say a new word. You have to choose some letters from here to form the new word. (3)Show a picture of Santa Claus and some children. T: Santa Claus loves us children. Hes kind to children. (Present the title.) 【设计意图设计意图】 “见字能读,听音能写”是我们运用自然拼读法的目的。在这个环节 我自制了一个单词日历, “ind”固定,通过翻页来复习“find”和 “behind”并引出“mind”和“bind” 。 接下来学生选用荧幕上的字母拼写 出我读的新词“kind”就水到渠成了。最后用圣诞老人和孩子们有爱的图片 引出“kind”的含义及课题并板书 Hes kind to children. 3.Teach “smart”. (1)Point to the student who answered the last question, saying “She solved my puzzle, so she is very smart.” Then teach the pronunciation of “ar”. (2)Challenge 1:Ss read 15 words containing “ar” loudly. Then take turns to read them in pairs. (3)Challenge 2: A tongue twister. 【设计意图设计意图】先用情景对话帮学生领会新词 smart 的含义,接着强调字母组合 “ar”的发音,接下来让全体学生参与两个挑战,接龙读单词和绕口令,进一 步 理解并巩固字母组合“ar”的发音规律,并激发孩子们的成功欲望。 4.Teach “friendly”. (1) T: Im your teacher, but I also want to be your friend. Would you like to make friends with me? Ss: Yes. T: Thank you! You are friendly. Of course Im friendly, too. (2)Turn the Lucky Wheel. Get Ss to read the four words in groups. 【设计意图设计意图】 “friend”是学生很熟悉的单词,只需带一下后缀“ly”发音就能 让学生读出新单词“friendly” 。 “Lucky Wheel”上的四个单词“lovely, lastly, slowly, loudly”也就迎刃而解了。 5.Teach “active” . (1)T: In this class, you can listen and think carefully, speak English loudly, and answer my questions bravely. So you are active in my class. (2)Ss read the words apple, car, hat, pig and five, then take out five letters to form the new word “active”.Ss try to pronounce “active” by themselves. 【设计意图设计意图】在课件的帮助下,从旧单词中抠出字母组成新单词。学生对这些 字母的发音有了感知,然后我和学生一起做字母发音手指操,旨在帮助他们 读准各音素,并增加趣味性。最后鼓励学生们大胆的读出新单词。 6.Teach “serious”. Show a picture of Baozheng and teach “He is serious.” 【设计意图设计意图】用包拯的图片以及自己的表情引导学生理解“serious”的含义, 应是直观而有效的。另外“serious”发音不太符合读音规则,所以我考虑给 学生多多模仿和操练的机会。 7.Understand“He/She looks.”and practise the sentence pattern. (1)T: (Body language) Baozheng is a great judge. He punishes bad men, but he helps the weak people. He is kind-hearted. He just looks serious. (2)T: (Making different expressions) Miss Pi is kind, right? But now Miss Pi looks serious/lovely/cool. (3)Play a game: Peekaboo Ask a student to hide behind the teachers desk and do a peekaboo. He acts some different looks. Other students try to say “He looks active/funny/shy/sad.” (4)Practice. There are five eggs on the screen. Get some students to choose one of them and say sentences according to the pictures hiding in the eggs. Other students follow him or her. 【设计意图设计意图】前面在教新单词的过程中,学生已经学会了 He/She is在这 个环节,先借助图片和老师的身势语,创设情境帮助学生理解 He/She looks的含义,再用躲猫猫的游戏引导学生说出该句型,最后用砸金蛋的 活动操练今天需掌握的所有句型。 StepStep 3.3. HappyHappy PracticePractice 1.Listen and answer. (1)Who is teaching in the classroom? (2)Is he serious or kind? 2.Read the passage silently and find out what Peters grandpa looks like. 3.Read the passage aloud and judge whether the three sentences are true or false. (1)Peters grandpa comes to a city in China. (2)He teaches English in a middle school. (3)The children are interested in his lesson. Teach the words “village”and “primary school” while correcting the mistakes. Then teach and practise “be interested in”. Can you guess what I am interested in? Lets make a survey.Who is interested in drawing/singing/reading/English? 4.Listen and repeat. 【设计意图设计意图】我运用阅读教学的方法来教学 A 部分,学生先听课文抓主旨,然后 默读找细节,接着大声读做判断,最后跟读来巩固。我把 “village,primary school”以及“be interested in”的教学放在做判断 题这一步,学生通过比对和纠错,对这些新词印象会更深刻,同时也体现了 “词不离句,句不离篇“的思路。 “be interested in”是本课的难点,我创 设了猜测,采访,调查等情境,从个人到小组到全班,引导学生不断变换人 称来巩固此句型。 StepStep 4.4. HappyHappy ProductionProduction 1.Group work: Introduce your friend, teacher, family member or your favourite star in groups. You may use the sentences such as This is. He/She is. He/She has. He/She looksand He/She is interested in. 2.Act out in the front. Get several students to introduce. 【设计意图设计意图】学生拿出预先准备好的照片,海报等(当然也可以选择现场某位 同学) ,运用所学过的描述外貌和个性的词汇及句型,小组成员间相互介绍人 物。在小组活动中,学生不仅巩固,运用和拓展了知识,展示了个性,还学会 了交流,借鉴,分享,合作与创新。 StepStep 5.5. HappyHappy ProgressProgress 1.Evaluate the students. You are great! You are the smart children! 2.Emotional education. I hope you can be kind and friendly to everyone, serious to your study, and active to your life. 3.Homework. (1)Listen to the tape ,read and recite Part A. (2)Make a picture book imitating Part A 【设计意图设计意图】先对学生在这堂课的表现给予评价,然后将本单元的重点单词和 重点句型组合在一起,说出老师对他们的期望,水到渠成,同时,也是对本 单元的一个归纳和总结。 BlackboardBlackboard designdesign
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