(三起)冀教版三年级下册-Unit 3 Food and Meals-Lesson 13 I’m Hungry!-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:b0037).doc

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(三起)冀教版三年级下册-Unit 3 Food and Meals-Lesson 13 I’m Hungry!-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:b0037).doc_第1页
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1、1 教学目标 一一知识与技能知识与技能: : (一)(一)掌握有关球类的基本词汇:grape strawberry watermelon . 熟练应用句型:Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice? (二)(二)提高学生交际,探究,合作以及创新能力。 二二过程与方法过程与方法: : (一)(一)以学生自主学习为主,通过学生口语语言交流,进行温故知新 导入新课。 (二)(二)通过小组讨论的过程,达到学生灵活应用句子以及进行相应语 法转变的技能。 (三)(三)通过师生互动环节,以此巩固本节课新授新知,引导学生成为 课堂主人。 三三情感态度价值观:情感态度

2、价值观: (一)(一)应用英语趣配音制作小视频,激发兴趣,渗透情感目标。 (二)(二)培养学生充分认识到保护环境的重要性。 (三)(三)培养了学生学习英语的浓厚兴趣。 (四)(四)培养学生团队协作精神。 教学重难点 (一)(一)掌握四会基本单词:grape strawberry watermelon. (二)(二)能够熟练通过所学单词,灵活应用基本句型并且适当掌握 Is itor?Its 学情分析 (一)(一)学生处于高年级阶段,对于基本单词拼读技能基本掌握,并且 可以理解语法时态的应用。 (二)(二)四年级的孩子处于好奇,好动,善模仿,好表演阶段,对于英 语的学习兴趣浓厚,但不能持久。 (三

3、)(三)因此,需要具体,形象的教学材料以及灵活多样的教学方法来 引导学习。 教学方法 一一任务教学方法:任务教学方法: 使学生能够根据音标进行正拼与反拼操练,从而独立对新授单词发音。 二二情景创设方法:情景创设方法: 通过视频的播放,培养了学生对本节课情感目标的深化。 三三游戏教学方法:游戏教学方法: 应用巩固环节,结合学生自身好动特点,手脑并用,激发兴趣。 四四多媒体辅助教学:多媒体辅助教学: 热身,呈现,巩固,难点环节,应用多媒体都将教学内容呈现更为生 动,操练简单快速明了。 2 教学过程 Step1 Greeting (1) T: Hello, everyone. How are you

4、 feeling today? S: Pretty good. Step2 Warm up(3) Do you like singing? Lets sing a song. (Apple tree!) 此歌曲充满振 奋,活力,节奏感强,与本单元相结合,热身效果明显! Step4 Lead in (1) Whats the weather like today? Its sunny. Today is warmer than before. Because the spring is coming . What do you want to go ?I want to go for a pic

5、nic. Do you want to go with me ? Yes. But now , we should buy some fruit, lets go to the shop. Wow, there are all kinds of delicious fruit. Can you see them clearly? Read it as quickly as you can. Step3 Review (2) 复习水果的单词 Step5 New lesson(20) Oh, Its too hot . I want to buy some drinks. Look, Its Mi

6、ss Gaos juice bar. Lets go together. Its full of all kinds of drinks. There is a kind juice on each group. Lets look at the first one. Taste it! What is it? watermelon juice - watermelon P1:T:What can you see from PPT?. (正拼,反拼)疯狂英语发音手势操练 P2:water, melon , watermelon.(纠正个别错误发音) P3: Lets play a game.

7、Two group, read the word as quickly as you can , which group is faster. To be the winner. grape juice - juice P1:T:Taste it! S: P2: (正拼,反拼)音标教学贯穿课堂始终。 P3:手势操练,0-keep silence. 1- once. 2- twice. strawberry juice - strawberry P1:What color is it ? S: red Taste it! P2: (大声小声) P3:操练句型:? Is it watermelon

8、 juice or strawberry juice? Its. Step5 课文课文: (第一遍:Listen and answer the question)听 ,回答问题。 3 Now , we have bought some fruit and drinks . Lets go for a picnic together. Lets set out right now. Oh, look! Who are coming? They are my friends ,Joe and Peter. They will play a game . Lets see what happened

9、? Before see the movie , answer the question: Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice? (第二遍:Try to fill in the blanks)填空 The first part, who can try? (第三遍:复述短文对话) Lets recall what happened just now? Who can make a dialogue ?The first part, the second part, the third part. Step6 制作海报制作海报 Take out

10、a piece of pater , draw a poster , you can draw anything that you like and describe some words by your own ideas. For example ,like these poster 给出海报例子 The first one is beautiful. The second one is colorful. The third one is peaceful. Step7 Sum up (总结总结) Today we have learnt several words about frui

11、t and drinks. We can also use these fruit to make other things.(呈现 由水果制成的 蛋糕,派,冰淇淋等) Step7 Homework (作业作业) Make fruit juice and share with your friends or families. Our picnic will be end. I hope that we can go for a picnic again in the near future. See you! Step 9 Design blackboard: 教学反思 一一应用难点教学时, 学生操练环节可以多些创设, 巩固效果会更明显。 二二未来教学可以尽量应用多媒体资源,同时节省了上课时间,激发了 学生兴趣,使教学效果更佳。 4


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