1、Lesson 24:Lesson 24: A A littlelittle monkeymonkey 一、教学目标 (一)知识目标 1.认读单词:get fruit hurt watermelon 2.掌握句型:Me too. Would you like some fruit? Time for dinner. (二) 能力目标: 能会用本课单词和句型, 将其运用到实际生活中。 (三)情感目标:大胆交流,培养自信的交际能力。 二、教学用具:课件、头饰 三、教学过程 (一)师生互相问候。 (二)猜谜,激发学生兴趣(关于猴子) (三)看图讨论 1.生仔细观察每一幅图,课件出示要求。 2.简单提问
2、有关图片的问题,帮助学生理解故事内容。 Picture 1 Who is in the tree? Who is hungry? Picture 2 What would the monkey on the left say? Picture 3 Are the monkeys happy? Why? Picture 4、5 What do you see in the picture? What will the monkey pick? Picture 6 What happens to him? Picture 7 The monkey is happy again,why? Pictu
3、re 9 What happens next? Picture 10 Does the monkey have any fruit? Why? Picture 11 Are the monkeys happy ? what will the monkey say? (四)听故事 播放课文录音,生认真听,师根据情况暂停录音,解释或重复一 个单词,确保学生会读单词。 (五)读故事 1.四人一个小组,互相读课文,遇到不会读的单词及时提问,师 巡视。 2 根据学生的阅读情况, 对故事内容进行讲解, 强调重点句子, 3.了解故事内容的基础上,讨论有关故事的三个问题。 (1)What fruit do t
4、he monkey finally get ? (2)Do you think the monkey should have played with the rabbit? (3)What do you think of the monkey ? 4.给图片排序,课件出示六幅图片,学生根据故事的发展对图片 进行排序。进一步熟悉故事内容。 (六)巩固 1.组织学生分角色朗读,一个学生扮演 monkey,一个学生扮演 rabbit,其他学生扮演 monkeys. 2.讨论,问学生“what have you learnt in the class?”引导 学生做小结 3.出示“So said, so done.(说到做到)”,升华主题。 四、板书设计: Lesson 24: A Little Monkey Ill get some fruit. Would you like some fruit