(三起)冀教版三年级下册-Unit 3 Food and Meals-Unit 3 Review-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:906ce).zip

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RevisionRevision UNIT3 Food and Meals Lets chant! Im hungry. I want to eat. Im thirsty. I want to drink. Words: 可数名词: 不可数名词: Would you like some? Yes,please. No,thanks. Whats your favourite food? My favourite food is . I dont like meat . Rice is okey. I like dumplings. Dumplings are good. My favourite food is noodles. Whats for breakfast? I like for breakfast. Whats for lunch? for lunch. Whats for dinner? 单项选择:单项选择: 1.I like noodles. A not like B like not C dont like 2.I like chicken. A a B C an 3.Dumplings good. A is B are C am 4.My favourite is noodles. A food B animal C drink . 5. is okay. A vegetables B soup C noodles1 Revision UNIT3 Food and Meals 一、教材分析:本单元需要掌握的单词、句型较多,需要重新梳理, 帮助学生形成完整的知识系统,为以后的学习打好基础。 二、学情分析: 学生通过学习食物名称和一些基本的日常饮食用语,对本单元 产生了浓厚的兴趣,学习的积极性和自信心比较高涨,指导好学生 复习、记忆,将知识系统化尤为关键。 三、教学目标: 1、知识目标: 四会单词:chicken dumplings fish fruit juice meat noodles rice soup vegetables drink eat milk egg bread good 三会单词:hungry thirsty morning afternoon evening breakfast lunch dinner 句子:句子:Im hungry.I want to eat. Im thirsty.I want to drink. Would you like some? Yes,please. No,thanks. Whats your favourite food? My favourite food is . Whats for breakfast? I like for breakfast. 2、能力目标:能把所学单词、句子运用到日常生活之中,做到 2 学以致用。 3、情感目标: 培养学生营养搭配、健康饮食、不挑食、不偏食的良好饮食习 惯。 四、设计理念: 1、运用游戏,调动学生积极参与。 2、创设情境,创编对话,活学活用。 3、小组合作的形式培养学生的团结协作的精神。 五:教学难点:学生对知识的归纳与整理。 六:教具学具:与本课教学相关的实物及图片,单词卡片,录音机 等。 七:教学过程: 1、Greating . (1)Free talk. How are you ? Whats for breakfast/lunch/dinner? (2)Chant:Are you hungry?Milk and bread. 2、Review (1) 、Guessing game “Whats this?”教师将所学过的表示食 物的卡片展示给学生, (本单元要求掌握的单词:chicken dumplings fish fruit juice meat noodles rice soup vegetables)当学生回答正确后,教师作为奖励将卡片赠送给 学生。 3 (2) 、全班活动:将所学的单词分类, 如:三餐(breakfast lunch supper) , 时间(morning afternoon evening) , 食品(chicken dumplings fish fruit juice meat noodles rice soup vegetables) , -状态(hungry thirsty), -动作(eat ,drink) 各组选择一个,重组新句。 I eat 三餐 in the 时间 . I like 食品 for _三餐 . I like 食品.I dont like 食品. Im _状态 . I want to _动作_. In the morning ,I eat breakfast. Whats for breakfast? I like ___ for breakfast.Then I go to school.In the afternoon, I eat lunch. Now, its Lunch-time! Let eat lunch!Whats for lunch? I like ____ . I dont like ____ . I like ____ for dinner.What about you? 对学生的表现给与积极的评价与鼓励。 八、Homework Write “My day”on your practice book. 九、板书: Again , please! 4 breakfast lunch dinner chicken dumplings fish fruit meat noodles rice vegetables juice soup milk egg bread drink eat hungry thirsty good morning afternoon evening 十:教学反思: 课堂设计有层次,有递进,让学生由浅入深地掌握知识点。对 学生进行学法的指导,评价语言针对性强。整节课的设计脉络清晰 层次分明。注重学生的情感培养,使学生在乐中求知。 热身活动时间较短,与孩子沟通没有达到真正融合就进入新课, 孩子的思维还未打开,课堂气氛没有活跃起来。在以后的教学中, 应多关注学习有困难的学生,多给他们机会,增强他们的自信心, 使我的英语课更民主,更和谐,让每个孩子都能在我的课堂中体会 到学习的乐趣。
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