(三起)冀教版三年级下册-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants-Lesson 20 Hamburgers and Hot Dogs-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级优课-(编号:5141a).zip

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教学目标教学目标教学目标教学目标 知识与技能目标: 1、学生能听懂、会说和认读下列词汇:hamburger, hot dog, donut以及书写词汇:ice cream。 2、学生能听懂、会说并在具体语境中运用下列用语和句子: What would you like? Id like_______. May I have______? Sure. Thanks. Youre welcome. 3、学生能说唱歌谣: What would you like? 情感态度目标: 1、学会运用礼貌用语,培养学生在生活学习中使用礼貌用语的良好习惯! 2、学会和朋友分享,感受分享的快乐。 学习策略目标: 1、在读、说中发现和运用语音规律。 2、遇到问题时,能主动向老师或同学请教。 3、积极运用所学的英语进行表达和交流。 4、积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 文化意识目标: 知道英语国家中典型的食品和饮料名称,了解中西餐的异同。 Learning Evaluation Sheet 学习评价单 评价项目评价标准 a. 注意力集中,做好听力准备。 b. 最快速获取信息并举手。 c. 完成听力任务。 d. 认真倾听他人。 a.勇于发言,不怕出错。 b.完成说的任务。 c. 可以创造性的 使用所学句型。 d.语音语调优美。 a.积极参与阅读活动。 b.完成阅读任务。 c.语音语调优美。 a.积极参与写作活动。 b.完成写的任务。 c.勇于展示自己 的书写。 冀 教 版 三 年 级 下 册 Lesson 20 Hamburgers and Hot dogs Miss HamMiss Ham a a job 职业: Lets guess.Lets guess. favouritefavourite assistant店员 + = Guess and Learn.Guess and Learn. hamburger happy apple cat nurse hurt teacher father finger ham / bur / ger What would you like? What would you like? Id like a hamburger Id like a hamburger and and some donuts , some donuts , please please. . donutdonuts s , hamburger +/ = Guess and Learn.Guess and Learn. do / nut donut old nose close but umbrella duck donuts hot doghot dog What would you What would you like? like? Id like a hot dog and Id like a hot dog and an an ice cream, please.ice cream, please. hot doghot dog hot dog Guess and Learn.Guess and Learn. hot doghot dog What would you What would you like? like? Id like a hot dog Id like a hot dog and and an an ice cream , ice cream , pleaseplease. . an ice creaman ice cream Two ice creams, please! 请来两杯冰淇淋! an ice cream Would you like some ice cream ? A: What would you like to eat / drink? B: Id like a/an/some Food: Drink : hamburgerice creamricechicke n hot dog teamilkjuice What would you like? bread Pair-workPair-work. . 启动计时器 时间到! donut 时间限制 : 30秒 1. What does Danny say(说) when he wants the donut? 当丹尼想要面包圈时,他说了什么? 2. What does Jenny say when Danny thanks her? 当丹尼感谢詹妮时,詹妮说了什么? Watch and AnswerWatch and Answer. . Look, Danny. Donuts!Look, Danny. Donuts! My My favouritefavourite! ! May I have one?May I have one? Sure.Sure. Thanks.Thanks. Youre Youre welcome!welcome! 1. What does Danny say(说) when he wants the donut? 当丹尼想要面包圈时,他说了什么? 2. What does Jenny say when Danny thanks her? 当丹尼感谢詹妮时,詹妮说了什么? May I have one? Youre welcome. Watch and AnswerWatch and Answer. . Listen and RepeatListen and Repeat. . What would you like? What would you like? Id like a hamburger Id like a hamburger and and some donuts , some donuts , please please. . hot doghot dog What would you What would you like? like? Id like a hot dog and Id like a hot dog and an an ice cream, please.ice cream, please. Look, Danny. Donuts!Look, Danny. Donuts! My My favouritefavourite! ! May I have one?May I have one? Sure.Sure. Thanks.Thanks. Youre Youre welcome!welcome! Lets Chant Lets Chant What would you like? What would you like? A hamburger and a donut. Thats what Id like. May I have one? May I have one? Sure! Thanks. Youre welcome. Thats very polite(礼貌的). Role Play Assistant Assistant :What would you like? Jenny: Jenny: Id like a hamburger and some donuts, please. Assistant : Assistant : What would you like, Li Ming? Li Ming: Li Ming: Id like a hot dog and an ice cream, please. Danny: Danny: May I have one? Jenny: Jenny: Sure! DannyDanny: : Thanks! Jenny: Jenny: Youre welcome! Role Play.Role Play. 1. 1. Hello! / Hi!/Good morning! 2. 2. Are you hungry/thirsty? Yes./ No. 3. Would you like ________? Yes, please./ No, thanks. 4. What would you like? Id like____________, please. 5. My favourite. May I have______? Sure. 6.Thanks .You re welcome. 学习评价单 a.勇于发言,不怕出错。 b.完成说的任务。 c.语音语调优美。 d.可以创造性的使用所学句型。 有两种表演方式,一种是表演书中的内容,另一种是小组创作一个新 的对话。选择小组喜欢的一种来表演。 启动计时器 时间到 ! 时间限制:2分钟 The differences between The differences between Chinese Food and Western FoodChinese Food and Western Food 中餐和西餐的差别 What people like to eat depends on the environment and custom. 人们喜欢吃什么取决于环境和风俗。 There are two kinds of food which are Chinese food and Western food. They are different. 有两种主要的食品,中餐和西餐,它们是不一样的。 PKPKPKPK First, cook techniques are different. Chinese people tend to use stir-fry or quick-fry method. 首先,烹调方法不同。中国人倾向于使用旺火炒或者爆炒的方法。 Western people like to have their vegetables or meat either steamed or boiled.西方国家的人喜欢蒸或者煮蔬菜或肉。 Second, Chinese food and Western food have their own characteristics. Chinese people think taste is more important. Chinese cook always spend much time on taste.其次,中餐和西餐都有他们的特点。中国 人认为味道更重要。中国厨师总是在味道上花很多时间。 Western people think nutrition is more important. They have a balanced diet. Their food must contain vitamin and protein. 西方人觉得营养更重要。他们有着均衡的饮食。他们的食物必须含有 维生素和蛋白质。 Third, there is also a huge difference. Chinese people use chopsticks.第三,还有一个很大的区别。中国人使用筷子。 Western people use fork and knife. 西方人使用刀叉。 Finally, the banquet forms are different. Chinese like to eat dinner together at a big table.最后,宴会的形式也是不一样的。中国人喜 欢在一张大桌子边一起吃晚餐。 Western people like to eat buffet. They like to eat freely. 西方人喜欢吃自助餐。 他们喜欢自由自在的吃。 As far as I am concerned, Chinese food and Western food have their characteristics . 我觉得中餐和西餐都有它自己的特点。 We should not say which is better. Whatever we eat, what we should do is eating healthy. 我们不应该说哪个更好。无论我们吃什么,我们都应该要吃的健康。 HomeworkHomework Make a survey Find more Chinese food and Western food. (做调查,寻找更多的中餐和西餐美食。) Draw pictures and write . Thank you! Style of acting AssistantAssistant:What would you like?What would you like? Jenny: Jenny: Id like a hamburger and some Id like a hamburger and some donuts, please.donuts, please. Assistant : Assistant : What would you like, Li Ming?you like, Li Ming? Li Ming: Li Ming: Id like a hot dog and an ice Id like a hot dog and an ice cream, please.cream, please. Danny: Danny: May May I have one?I have one? Jenny: Jenny: SureSure! ! Danny: Danny: ThanksThanks! Jenny: Jenny: Youre Youre welcome!welcome! Role Play.Role Play. 1. Hello! / Hi1. Hello! / Hi!/Good morning!/Good morning! 2. Are 2. Are you you hungry/thirsty? Yes./ No.hungry/thirsty? Yes./ No. 3. Would you like ________?3. Would you like ________? Yes, please./ No, thanks. Yes, please./ No, thanks. 4. What would you like?4. What would you like? Id like____________, please. Id like____________, please. 5. My 5. My favouritefavourite. May I have______?. May I have______? Sure. Sure. 6.Thanks . 6.Thanks . You re welcome. You re welcome. 学习评价单 a.勇于发言,不怕出错。 b.完成说的任务。 c.语音语调优美。 d.可以创造性的使用所学句型。 有两种表演方式,一种是表演书中的内容,另一种是小组创作一个新 的对话。选择小组喜欢的一种来表演。 启动计时器时间到! 启动计时器时间到! 30 5 10 15 25 20 启动计时器时间到! 30 5 10 15 25 20Lesson20 Hamburgers and Hot Dogs 教学设计教学设计 教材分析:教材分析: 本课是冀教版三年级下册第四单元第 2 课,是本单元“Restaurant and Food”系列学习主题之一。在学习本课内容之前,学生已经学习过一些常见的 Chinese Food,对核心句型也有所接触。本课就是基于学生对于食物名称,饮 食话题的学习基础上进行进一步的学习,在此过程中,学生会使用礼貌用语并 能养成良好的购物、就餐习惯等。 学情分析:学情分析: 三年级学生活泼好动,具有极强的求知欲和表演欲,喜欢直观形象思维。 学生在老师的引导下,充分利用所学知识,通过游戏,表演等形式,使学生在 轻松愉快的情境下获得新知识。 教学目标:教学目标: 知识与技能目标 1. 学生能听懂、会说和认读下列词汇:hamburger, hot dog, donut 以及书 写词汇:ice cream。 2. 学生能听懂、会说并在具体语境中运用下列用语和句子: What would you like? Id like_______. May I have______? Sure. Thanks. Youre welcome. 3. 学生能说唱歌谣:What would you like? 情感态度目标 1. 学会运用礼貌用语,培养学生在生活学习中使用礼貌用语的良好习惯! 2. 学会和朋友分享,感受分享的快乐。 学习策略目标: 1. 在读、说中发现和运用语音规律。 2. 遇到问题时,能主动向老师或同学请教。 3. 积极运用所学的英语进行表达和交流。 4. 积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 文化意识目标: 知道英语国家中典型的食品和饮料名称,了解中西餐的异同。 教学重难点: 教学重点: 1. 学生能听懂、会说和认读下列词汇:hamburger, hot dog, donut 以及书 写词汇:ice cream。 2. 学生能听懂、会说并在具体语境中运用下列用语和句子: What would you like? Id like_______. May I have______? Sure. Thanks. Youre welcome. 教学难点:学生能根据本课所学知识在真实情景中交流语言,进一步培养 学生的口语表达能力。 教学准备:教学准备: 在教室中布置一块像商店中点餐的地方,并放上桌子和椅子。 教室准备好各种食物的图片,并标价,就像一个西餐厅。把这些图片贴在 教室中点餐的地方。 教师准备:教学视频,食物图片。 教学过程:教学过程: Step1:Pre- learning 1. Greeting. Sing a songAre you hungry? 2.(出示幻灯片 2)Talk about the pictures. 【设计意图】英语课堂的最好状态是师生、生生能用英语畅通愉悦的交谈。 通过创设人物的信息,思维导图的头脑风暴,激活知识,训练学生的思维。通 过对 Miss Ham 爱好以及职业的猜测,引出文本,在降低学生对话学习难度的 同时,激发了学生对知识的兴趣,增强学生继续获取信息的欲望。 Step2:While - learning 3.T: What food do you know in KFC? Would you like some food in KFC? 【设计意图】学生对 KFC 充满好奇,老师通过和学生讨论,利用旧有单词, 引出本课重点句型,教学环节自然过渡到了本课的内容。 出示 KFC 时,教师点题。Today we will learn some Western food。 T:You know its Chinese name. I will show you its English name. (贴汉堡包图片,拼读单词,板书 hamburger) Great! Here is a gift for you. You should say? 提问所有学生当我给他礼物时,他应该说?我该怎样回答? 【设计意图】通过课前老师的调查得知,孩子们最喜欢吃肯德基里的汉堡 包,教师以此为突破口,开展本课教学。 4.T: Well, the customers are coming. Does Jenny like some hamburgers? Lets listen. 教师播放对话,听完后问学生刚才的问题 Does Jenny like some hamburgers? T: What would Jenny like? Jenny says . 引出新授句型并板书 What would you like? Id like____________. 5.讲解 donut。 Do you know this one?教师拿出甜甜圈图片,简单介绍一下甜甜圈。 Lets try to read. 6. Look! Li Ming is coming.先让学生猜测李明想要什么。 Who wants to read these sentences? Have a try. 请学生读句子,猜测 hot dog 的意思并介绍 ice cream。 (贴热狗和冰激凌图片,拼读单词,板书 hot dog,ice cream) 【设计意图】教师在新授环节采用精讲,猜测,领读到逐渐放手让学生尝 试读,把课堂逐渐交给学生。 7. Watch and Answer. 播放丹尼和詹妮对话的视频,并回答问题,学会运用礼貌用语。 引出句型并板书 May I have one? Sure! Thanks. Youre welcome. 8. Listen and repeat. 【设计意图】把前面的对话再播放一遍,学生跟读,这样就把有些碎的对 话,完整的呈献给学生,加深学生的理解和记忆。 Step3:Post - learning 9. Chant We can read the sentences. We also can chant them. Lets try! 【设计意图】英文歌曲中的内容正是本课所学的重点句型,节奏感强,能 够促进学生学习的兴趣,此外让学生自己创编,调动了课堂气氛,巩固所学知 识。 10. Role Play 将表演分为两种方式,一种是按照书中的对话进行表演,另一种是自己创 作一个新的对话。小组根据情况自由选择一种。请学生在座位上分组练习,并邀 请自告奋勇的学生到教室前面来表演对话。 表演前教师示范。 【设计意图】创设去餐馆点餐的情境,学生自己分配好角色,积极展开讨 论,并认真组织语言。将表演分为两种难易两种程度,小组根据情况自由选择。 让学生能够准确地在情境中使用新句型,既实现了运用所学语言进行交际的目 的,又锻炼了学生的表演能力和创新能力。 11. Watch the video 拓展延伸环节,播放有关中餐和西餐差别的视频,扩大学生的知识面。 12. Summary 学生们利用板书,说出并巩固本节课所学内容。 13.Homework: Make a survey to find more Chinese food and Western food.Draw pictures or write . (做调查,寻找更多的中餐和西餐美食。) 【设计意图】每一个学生所特有的经验,对其英语素养的形成和发展是非 常重要的。让学生沉浸在真是的语境中学习,要让学生在“学英语”的过程中, 学会知识,学会学习,学会思考。教师需要的是慢慢欣赏,用心陪伴。 板书设计:板书设计:
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