(三起)冀教版三年级下册-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants-Lesson 21 In the Restaurant-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:9010a).zip

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Lesson21Lesson21 In In thethe RestaurantRestaurant 冀教版三年冀教版三年级级下册下册 Whats in the restaurant? Whats in the restaurant? rice chicken fish noodles vegetables fruit bread hot dog hamburger donuts eggs dumplings What would you like? Id like some. Would you like some? Yes, please. /No, thanks. yuan, please. Homework: Act out the dialogue after class.1 冀教版三年级下册冀教版三年级下册 Unit4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 21 In the Restaurant 教学设计教学设计 学情诊断学情诊断: 1、词汇基础: 学生通过第三单元 Food and Meals 的学习,已经掌握了一日三餐 的表达 ,并且储备了 table, food, eat, drink,noodles , dumplings,soup,rice, milk,egg, bread, chicken, fish, fruit, vegetables 等词汇;在本单元前半部分学习了 apple,pear,orange, watermelon 等水果类词汇,同时学习了数字 eleven, twelve, thirteen,fourteen,fifteen 以及与水果类词汇搭配构成的词组。 2、语言表达基础: 已经学习了 What would you like? Id like some.和 Would you like some? Yes, please. / No , thanks.的表达。 教学内容分析:教学内容分析: 1、本课时分为四部分内容:前两部分是针对数字 sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty 的学习和巩固活动;后两部分通过 Jenny 和 Li Ming 在餐馆就餐的情境,继续学习运用 What would you like? Id like some.和 Would you like some? Yes, please. / No , thanks.的表达, 同时学习新词汇 tea 和 water,并在点餐的任务型情境中实践运用句型 表达交流。 2、创造性使用教材: 情境融合:将复习环节和数字学习部分融合在去水果店和饭店的 情境中,带动词汇学习和词组组合。 自主突破:在语言实践环节,将教材中提供的菜单补充上 tea 和 water,增加新学词汇的使用场合和操练密度;针对前面分析中谈到的 学生具备的语言基础,教材语言略显单薄,因此,尽可能增加话轮数, 并且运用到新学的数字,使语言交流力求更加丰富,突出实践性、应 用性。 教学目标确定:教学目标确定: 1、在情境中复习巩固数字 eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen 并结 合词组学习数字 sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. 2、在对话情境中学习新词 tea 和 water。 3、能听懂、会用句子 What would you like? Id like some.和 Would you like some? Yes, please. / No , thanks. 4、能在任务型情境中进行语言实践,将所学词汇与句型融会贯通, 丰富语言表达。 2 教学步骤:教学步骤: Step1.Warm-up Lets do 【设计意图:本课时要学习数字 16-20,因此,选取有关 6-10 的歌谣 作为切入点,建立起数字之间的联系,如 six-sixteen, seven- seventeen, eight-eighteen, nine-nineteen,为学习新数字做好铺垫。】 Step2. Revision T: Jenny, Danny and Li Ming are at a fruit shop. What do they see? Lets go and have a look. 1. PPT 呈现一部分红色,学生猜测是什么,有多少。 T: Look! What are these? Ss: Apples. T: How many apples are there? Ss guess the numbers. 待学生用所学数字猜测之后,PPT 遮盖消失,呈现全景:fourteen apples. 2. 同样的办法复习:thirteen watermelons 3. T: They are yellow. What are they? Ss guess: pears, bananas. T: How many pears? How many bananas? Ss guess two numbers. 之后 PPT 同时呈现: eleven pears, twelve bananas Show me six. Show me seven Show me eight. Show me nine. Show me ten. 3 4. T: There are some oranges, too. How many oranges? Lets count. 在 10 个桔子的基础上,一个一个飞入新的桔子,学生一起数,复 习 eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. 【设计意图:以教材主线人物去水果店为情境,将前几课时学过的水 果类词汇与数字类词汇有机融合,让学生自主猜测,复习数字 11- 15,既激发兴趣,激活记忆储备,又密切联系教学目标,不留痕迹地 缓冲进入新知识的学习】 Step3. Presentation 1.T: Now Jenny , Danny and Li Ming are hungry. They go to a restaurant . Whats in the restaurant? Can you guess? Ss guess freely: tables, chairs, many kinds of dishes, etc. T: OK. You did a good job. Lets have a look. (PPT 呈现饭店内景) There are many tables and chairs. 1)How many tables are there? Look! Six tables and ten tables. There are sixteen tables. Ss notice that sixteen tables=six tables + ten tables. 2) T: How many chairs are there in this room? Seven chairs and ten chairs. There are . Ss try to read: Seventeen. T: Yes , seventeen chairs. 【设计意图:采用移步换景的方式,以教材主线人物去城内京鲁川饭 店为情境,将数字类词汇的学习与饭店情境有机融合,以 six, seven 和 ten 相加,建立起词义和词形之间的联系,引导学生观察、发现规 律,试读单词。】 2. T: Oh, a boy is having a birthday party in the restaurant. He would like some food. What would he like? Can you guess? Ss guess freely: noodles, chicken, bread, dumplings, eggs, hamburgers, hot dogs, donuts, etc. 【设计意图:语言学习不应该是孤立的,各个板块之间应该有机融合。 在饭店内小男孩开 Party 的情境中,充分发挥学生想像力,调动知识 储备,结合 would like 句式,发散思维,运用原来学过的食品类词汇 进行大胆猜想,自主表达。也为后面语言输出做好充分的预热。】 T: He would like some delicious food, especially some hot dogs, hamburgers and donuts. How many hot dogs would he like? How many hamburgers? And how many donuts? Lets look! 1)eight hot dogs + ten hot dogs=eighteen hot dogs 2 ) How many hamburgers ? Twelve, fourteen, sixteen, eighteen, nineteen. (以 twelve 为基础, 先是两个两个相加,学生在数数的同时复习数字, 最后加上一个,呈现数字 nineteen。) 3 ) ten donuts + ten donuts=twenty donuts 4 (以 ten+ten 和 twoten 来渗透 twenty 的语义,并有意渗透字母组合 tw 的发音) 【设计意图:着眼义、音、形,引领学生学习词汇,渗透学习策略。 】 Step4. Lets play T: The children are playing games at the party. Would you like to play a game, too? Ss all would like to play a game. Rules: First , ask some students to read the phrases and give the flashcards to them. Then listen to the phrases and show the cards. 1.The first group: thirteen donuts four donuts nineteen donuts (thirteen donuts + six donuts) six donuts twenty donuts ( four donuts + sixteen donuts ) sixteen donuts 2. The second group: three tables eight tables eighteen tables ( eight tables + ten tables) ten tables twenty tables ( three tables + seventeen tables) seventeen tables 3. The third group: four hot dogs seven hot dogs nine hot dogs sixteen hot dogs (seven hot dogs + nine hot dogs) five hamburgers seventeen hamburgers twelve hamburgers (five hamburgers + twelve hamburgers) eleven hamburgers 【设计意图:用游戏活动代替机械读词,并且建立起英语学科和数学 学科之间的联系,加强思维训练,新旧数字灵活运用,开始时是两两 组合相加,后又逐渐增加选择性,升级挑战,使学生思维始终处于积 极活跃的状态,提升学习效果。】 Step 5. What would you like? 1. T: The children would like some delicious food. What about Li Ming and Jenny ? Bb: What would Li Ming like? What would Jenny like? Lets listen and find out the answers. Ss listen to the dialogue and catch the information. 2. Check the answers. PPT 呈现: Hed like some noodles. Shed like some chicken and rice. 5 (如果针对 Jenny 的回答是上述方式,拿着图片追问:Would she like some tea? 引导学生再听对话,回答 No, shed like some water. 还有可 能学生一次性找出答案: Shed like some chicken, rice and water. 可以 顺势用图片和学生交流,引导生生交流: Would you like some tea /water? Yes, please./ No, thanks.) Bb: What would you like? Li Ming: Id like some noodles. Jenny: Id like some chicken and rice. Li Ming: Would you like some tea? Jenny: No, thanks. Id like some water. 【设计意图:坚持对话的整体输入,引导学生在听的过程中侧重抓住 主旨信息,在师生交流、与文本交流互动中滚动复现语言,理解语言; 同时在对话语境中带动词汇 tea 和 water 的学习。】 3. Read the dialogue. 4. Act out the dialogue. Step 6. Lets act. 1. Make examples. T: Lets go to the restaurant, too. Who is the waiter/ waitress? (找一名学生扮演服务员,示范对话) Example: W: What would you like? T: Id like some dumplings. How much are they? W: Sixteen yuan, please. T: OK. Here you are. ( 教师扮演服务生,再示范一组对话) Example: W: Welcome to our restaurant. What would you like? S1: Id like some. W: Would you like some .? S1: Yes, please./ No, thanks. W: OK. .yuan, please. S1: Here you are. W: Thanks. S1: You are welcome. 2. Ss work in groups. 【设计意图:语言学习要重视实践性和应用性。教材提供的语言范例 略显单薄,话轮较少,而且并没有突出新词汇 tea 和 water,并且数字 的运用也没有体现。所以,教师与学生先做好语言的输入与示范,尽 可能提供更丰富的语言,创新交流话轮,鼓励学生将就餐用语灵活运 用,并与数字有机整合,体现学以致用。】 tea water
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