(三起)冀教版三年级下册-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants-Lesson 24 A Little Monkey-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:b0157).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Food and Restaurants_Lesson 24 A Little Monkey_ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:b0157)
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Lesson 24 A Little Monkey Riddle(猜谜) It is an animal. It has four legs. It is thin. It lives in forest. It eats bananas. Look and talk about it. (看图讨论) Look at the pictures. Who (谁) Where(在哪儿) What happened(发生了什么) Listen to the story (听故事) Read the story(读故事) 四人一组,轮流读给别人听。 Number the pictures in order. (给图片排序) Talk about it.(谈论故事) 1.What fruit do the monkey finally get ? 2.Do you think the monkey should have played with the rabbit? 3.What do you think of the monkey ? Act out the story(表演故事) Discussion(讨论) 通过这节课你学到了什么? So said , so done. (说到做到) Homework(家庭作业) Retell the story in your words. (用你自己的话复述故事) Thank you !LessonLesson 24:24: A A littlelittle monkeymonkey 一、教学目标 (一)知识目标 1.认读单词:get fruit hurt watermelon 2.掌握句型:Me too. Would you like some fruit? Time for dinner. (二)能力目标:能会用本课单词和句型,将其运用到实际生活中。 (三)情感目标:大胆交流,培养自信的交际能力。 二、教学用具:课件、头饰 三、教学过程 (一)师生互相问候。 (二)猜谜,激发学生兴趣(关于猴子) (三)看图讨论 1.生仔细观察每一幅图,课件出示要求。 2.简单提问有关图片的问题,帮助学生理解故事内容。 Picture 1 Who is in the tree? Who is hungry? Picture 2 What would the monkey on the left say? Picture 3 Are the monkeys happy? Why? Picture 4、5 What do you see in the picture? What will the monkey pick? Picture 6 What happens to him? Picture 7 The monkey is happy again,why? Picture 9 What happens next? Picture 10 Does the monkey have any fruit? Why? Picture 11 Are the monkeys happy ? what will the monkey say? (四)听故事 播放课文录音,生认真听,师根据情况暂停录音,解释或重复 一个单词,确保学生会读单词。 (五)读故事 1.四人一个小组,互相读课文,遇到不会读的单词及时提问, 师巡视。 2根据学生的阅读情况,对故事内容进行讲解,强调重点句子, 3.了解故事内容的基础上,讨论有关故事的三个问题。 (1)What fruit do the monkey finally get ? (2)Do you think the monkey should have played with the rabbit? (3)What do you think of the monkey ? 4.给图片排序,课件出示六幅图片,学生根据故事的发展对图 片进行排序。进一步熟悉故事内容。 (六)巩固 1.组织学生分角色朗读,一个学生扮演 monkey,一个学生扮演 rabbit,其他学生扮演 monkeys. 2.讨论,问学生“what have you learnt in the class?”引导 学生做小结 3.出示“So said, so done.(说到做到) ” ,升华主题。 四、板书设计: Lesson 24: A Little Monkey Ill get some fruit. Would you like some fruit
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