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1、冀教版冀教版 四年级四年级下下册英语优质课件册英语优质课件 Unit 1 Lesson 11 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应 章节内容,方便使用。章节内容,方便使用。 Lesson 12 Unit 2 Again, please Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Unit 2 Days and Months Lesson 7 冀教冀教 四年级下册四年级下册 月份月份 New words 一月(缩写)一月(缩写) 二月(缩写)二月(缩写) 三月(缩写)三月(缩写) 四月(缩写)四月(缩写) 五月五月 六月(缩写

2、)六月(缩写) 七月(缩写)七月(缩写) 八月(缩写)八月(缩写) 九月(缩写)九月(缩写) 十月(缩写)十月(缩写) 十一月(缩写)十一月(缩写) 十二月(缩写)十二月(缩写) New words Months of the year January February March April May June July August September October November December These are the twelve months of the year. Whats your favourite month? Language points 1. of 的的 它

3、常用来表示无生命事物的所有格它常用来表示无生命事物的所有格。 months of the year 一年中的月份一年中的月份 例句:五月是一年中的第五个月吗?例句:五月是一年中的第五个月吗? Is May the fifth month of the year? 是的。是的。 Yes, it is. 2. Whats your favourite month? 你最喜欢的月份是什么?你最喜欢的月份是什么? 这是由这是由what引导的特殊疑问句引导的特殊疑问句。 询问他人最喜欢的月份询问他人最喜欢的月份的句型的句型: What + is+名词所有格名词所有格/形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词+

4、favourite month? Lets sing! January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Twelve months make a year. Lets do it! Group work. Ask and answer. Then write. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Kim Danny Whose birthday is in July

5、? My birthday is in July. My birthday is in July, too. Language points 1. Jan. 一月一月 表示月份的名词表示月份的名词的的首字母必须大写首字母必须大写,缩写形式,缩写形式 通常在前三个字母后加一个实心的小圆点。通常在前三个字母后加一个实心的小圆点。 注意:五月没有缩写形式。九月的缩写形式为前注意:五月没有缩写形式。九月的缩写形式为前 四个字母后加实心的小圆点。四个字母后加实心的小圆点。 January July February August March September April October May Nov

6、ember June December Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 2. My birthday is in July, too. 我的生日也在七月。我的生日也在七月。 too 在这里表示“也”,通常在这里表示“也”,通常放放在句子末尾,用逗在句子末尾,用逗 号与前面的内容隔开。号与前面的内容隔开。 例句:安喜欢踢足球,我也喜欢踢足球。例句:安喜欢踢足球,我也喜欢踢足球。 Ann likes playing football. I like playing football, too. Lets play! L

7、isten and write. July, April, May! May Jul. Apr. Jul. Oct. Sept. Mar. May. Dec. Jan. Apr. Feb. July, April, December! Bingo! Unit 2 Days and Months Lesson 8 冀教冀教 四年级下册四年级下册 New words Numbers This is a race. Li Ming is the first. The girl is the second. The boy in red shorts is the third. Lets say th

8、em together! 1. one first 2. two second 3. three third 4. four fourth 5. five fifth 6. six sixth Lets say them together! 7. seven seventh 8. eight eighth 9. nine ninth 10. ten tenth 11. eleven eleventh 12. twelve twelfth Language points 1. Li Ming is the first. 李明是第一名。李明是第一名。 first 与与 one first 和和 o

9、ne都与“一”有关,但是都与“一”有关,但是one表示表示数量“一”数量“一”, first表示表示顺序“第一”顺序“第一”。 例句:例句:Im the first. 我是第一。我是第一。 I have one book. 我有一本书。我有一本书。 定义:定义:用来表示顺序的数词叫序数词。用来表示顺序的数词叫序数词。 序数词序数词常与定冠词常与定冠词the连用。序数词可以由基数词连用。序数词可以由基数词 变化而来,基数词变序数词的规则主要有变化而来,基数词变序数词的规则主要有以以下几种:下几种: 13的序数词分别为:的序数词分别为:first,second,third 没有变化没有变化 规律规

10、律,需要特殊记忆。,需要特殊记忆。 拓展:序数词的变化规则拓展:序数词的变化规则 419的序数词的序数词:通常由基数词通常由基数词加后缀加后缀-th构成,其中构成,其中 特殊的有特殊的有:five fifth 第五第五 eight eighth 第八第八 nine ninth 第九第九 twelve twelfth 第十二第十二 整十(不包含整十(不包含ten)的序数词的序数词:要先把基数词词尾要先把基数词词尾 的的-y变成变成-ie,再加再加-th。 twenty twentieth 第二十第二十 thirty thirtieth 第三十第三十 forty fortieth 第四十第四十 大

11、于二十的两位数大于二十的两位数只把只把个位数变成序数词个位数变成序数词即可。即可。 twenty-one twenty-first 第二十一第二十一 forty-four forty-fourth 第四十四第四十四 注意:注意:序数词有时候可以用缩写形式来表示,由阿拉伯序数词有时候可以用缩写形式来表示,由阿拉伯 数字加上对应序数词的最后两个字母构成。数字加上对应序数词的最后两个字母构成。 例如:例如:first-1st,second-2nd,third-3rd, fourth-4th,twentieth-20th in 穿着穿着;戴着戴着 例句:这个穿着绿色短裙的女孩是我的妹妹。例句:这个穿着

12、绿色短裙的女孩是我的妹妹。 The girl in green shirt is my sister. 2. The boy in red shorts is the third. 这个穿红色短裤的男孩是第三名。这个穿红色短裤的男孩是第三名。 Lets do it! Pair work. Match and say. Lets say the months of the year. January is the first month. January February March September November December sixth ninth eleventh eighth

13、fifth Talk in groups Lets say the months of the year. February is the second month. March is the third month. April is the fourth month. May is the fifth month. June is the sixth month. Unit 2 Days and Months Lesson 9 冀教冀教 四年级下册四年级下册 New words When is New Years Day? 1 January the first is New Years

14、Day. When is the Spring Festival? It is in January or February. 3 International Workers Day is May the first. This is Childrens Day. It is June the first. 5 Teachers Day is September the tenth. When is National Day? October the first. Language points 1. January the first is the New Years Day. 一月一日是新

15、年。一月一日是新年。 在英语中,“几月几日”要在英语中,“几月几日”要先说“月”,再说先说“月”,再说 “日”“日”,其中“日”要用序数词,但书写时也可用基,其中“日”要用序数词,但书写时也可用基 数词,序数词前可以有数词,序数词前可以有the,也可以没有,但,也可以没有,但读的时候读的时候 the必须读出来必须读出来。 October 1st 10月月1日读作“日读作“October the first”。 注意:表达具体某一天时,注意:表达具体某一天时,可以可以用介词用介词on。 例句:我的生日在例句:我的生日在2月月1日。日。 My birthday is on February fir

16、st. 拓展:“几月几日”还可以用“几月的第几天”来表示。拓展:“几月几日”还可以用“几月的第几天”来表示。 例如:今天是例如:今天是10月月1日。日。 Its the first day of October。 询问询问某一节日的具体日期某一节日的具体日期的句型的句型及答语及答语: 提问:提问:When + is + 节日名称节日名称? 是什么时候?是什么时候? 回答:回答:It is+具体日期具体日期./ 具体日期具体日期. 它是它是 2. When is the Spring Festival? 春节是什么时候春节是什么时候? 例句:例句:教师节是什么时候?教师节是什么时候? 9月月10

17、日。日。 When is Teachers Day? September the tenth. 3. It is in January or February. 它在一月或二月。它在一月或二月。 表达在几月份要用介词表达在几月份要用介词 in,in 后面可以加时间,其后面可以加时间,其 他与时间词他与时间词连用连用的介词还有的介词还有at和和on。 (1)in +上午、下午、晚上上午、下午、晚上/周,年,月,季节等周,年,月,季节等。 例句:例句: 我们在晚上去超市。我们在晚上去超市。 We go to the supermarket in the evening. 我的生日在八月。我的生日在

18、八月。 My birthday is in August. (2) at+具体的几点钟具体的几点钟/用于固定短语用于固定短语。 例句:我七点起床。例句:我七点起床。 I get up at seven oclock. 晚上有点冷。晚上有点冷。 Its cold at night. (3) on+具体某一天或某一天的上午具体某一天或某一天的上午/下午下午/晚上晚上 例句:我们打算周五去打乒乓球。例句:我们打算周五去打乒乓球。 We are going to play table tennis on Friday. Lets do it! Pair work. Make and say. 1 2

19、When is your birthday? My birthday is May 20. When is Childrens Day? It is June 1. Talk in groups When is your birthday? My birthday is October 12. When is Tree Planting Day? It is March 12. When is Teachers Day? It is September 10. Unit 2 Days and Months Lesson 10 冀教冀教 四年级下册四年级下册 雨;下雨雨;下雨 New words

20、 太阳太阳 热的热的 雪;下雪雪;下雪 冷的;寒冷的冷的;寒冷的 New words What is it? 1 2 This is the sun. The sun is hot. Do you see the cloud and the rain? 3 4 Look at the wind. This is snow. Snow is cold and white. I like rain and snow. What about you? Language points 1. This is the sun. 这是太阳。这是太阳。 这句中这句中the是定冠词,它的用法如下:是定冠词,它的

21、用法如下: (1)它用于指它用于指世界上独一无二的事物世界上独一无二的事物。 例句:太阳很大。例句:太阳很大。 The sun is big. (2)它用在它用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前由普通名词构成的专有名词前。 例句:我们正在游览长城。例句:我们正在游览长城。 We are visiting the Great Wall. (3)它它用在固定词组中用在固定词组中。 例句:你每天什么时候做作业?例句:你每天什么时候做作业? When do you do your homework? 在晚上。在晚上。 In the evening. 2. What about you? 你呢?你呢? 英语中

22、“英语中“What about”是一个常用的句型,它后面”是一个常用的句型,它后面 可以接名词、代词、或动词可以接名词、代词、或动词-ing形式。它有形式。它有以以下功能:下功能: (1)用于)用于询问情况或打听消息询问情况或打听消息。 例句:我喜欢这条红色的连衣裙。你呢?例句:我喜欢这条红色的连衣裙。你呢? I like the dress. What about you? (2)用于)用于提出意见,征求对方的观点或看法提出意见,征求对方的观点或看法。 例句:去游泳怎么样例句:去游泳怎么样? What about going swimming? Lets sing! January, Feb

23、ruary, one and two. I like to play in the snow with you. March, April, three and four. Clouds and rain! Close the door! May, June, five and six. Flowers bloom for us to look. The Month Song July, August, seven and eight. Heres the beach. The sun is great! September, October, nine and ten. Leaves and

24、 wind, school and friends. November, December, the year is done. Lets sing again from number one. Unit 2 Days and Months Lesson 11 冀教冀教 四年级下册四年级下册 怎样;如何怎样;如何 New words 天气天气 阳光充足的阳光充足的 暖和的;温暖的暖和的;温暖的 多云的多云的 多风的多风的 凉的;凉爽的凉的;凉爽的 New words Rainy and sunny It is cold and snowy. This is a sunny day. Its w

25、arm. 1 2 3 4 5 Its cloudy. Its windy. Its cool. It is rainy. Language points It is cold and snowy. 天气寒冷并且多雪。天气寒冷并且多雪。 描述天气描述天气的句型:的句型: (1)It is +描述天气的形容词(描述天气的形容词(+today) 例句:天气寒冷并且多风。例句:天气寒冷并且多风。 Its cold and windy. (2)It/Today/Thisis + a /an+描述天气的形容词描述天气的形容词+day. 例句:今天天气晴朗。例句:今天天气晴朗。 It is a sunny

26、day today. 拓展:拓展:询问天气状况询问天气状况的的句型句型 What is the weather like? How is the weather? Hows the weather today? 1 What day is it, Li Ming? Its Tuesday. 2 Hows the weather today? Its warm and windy. 3 Hows the weather in December? Its cold and snowy. 4 Hows the weather in July? Its hot and sunny. 1. What d

27、ay is it, Li Ming? 今天星期几,李明?今天星期几,李明? Language points 询问今天星期几询问今天星期几的句型:的句型:What day is it? 今天星期几?今天星期几? 答语:答语:(Its+)星期单词)星期单词 今天是星期今天是星期 例句:例句:What day is it? 今天星期几?今天星期几? Its Tuesday. 今天星期二。今天星期二。 注意:询问今天星期几注意:询问今天星期几的其他句型的其他句型 What day is today? What day is it today? 如果有如果有today,句子中的,句子中的 it 可以省略

28、,它是代替可以省略,它是代替 today来表示时间的。来表示时间的。 2. Hows the weather today? 今天天气怎样?今天天气怎样? 询问某时某地的天气状况询问某时某地的天气状况的的句型句型: Hows the weather +其他(时间或地点)其他(时间或地点)? =Whats the weather like? 天气怎样?天气怎样? 答语:答语:Its+描述天气情况的形容词描述天气情况的形容词. 天气天气 Lets do it! Pair work. Look and talk. City Kunming Lanzhou Xian Changchun Beijing

29、Weather Hows the weather in Kunming? Its rainy. Talk in groups Hows the weather in Xian? Its sunny. Hows the weather in Beijing? Its windy. Whats the weather like in Changchun? Its snowy. Letters and sounds or work word ir first third ur nurse Thursday er teacher driver Try to read. dirty fur dancer

30、 world Unit 2 Days and Months Lesson 12 冀教冀教 四年级下册四年级下册 New words Story time 1 Mr. Moon doesnt have a birthday. Which month is the best for my birthday? 月亮先生没有生日。月亮先生没有生日。 January says, “I am the first.” February says, “The Spring Festival often comes in February.” 2 I am the best month. Me! Me! 一月说

31、:“我一月说:“我 是一年之初。”是一年之初。” 二月说:“春节通常在二月到来。”二月说:“春节通常在二月到来。” March says, “The weather is warm and sunny in March.” April says, “There is rain, and trees are green in April.” 3 No! We are the best. 三月说:“三月的天气既温暖又晴朗。”三月说:“三月的天气既温暖又晴朗。” 四月说:“四月有雨,树都是绿色的。”四月说:“四月有雨,树都是绿色的。” May says, “The flowers are beaut

32、iful in May.” Junes says, “Childrens Day is fun.” 4 Me! How about me? 五月说,“五月的花儿很漂亮。”五月说,“五月的花儿很漂亮。” 六月说:六月说: “儿童节很有趣。”“儿童节很有趣。” July and August say, “We are hot and sunny. And theres a long holiday!” 5 We are the best. 七月和八月说:“我七月和八月说:“我 们炎热并且阳光充足。而且我们有一个长假。”们炎热并且阳光充足。而且我们有一个长假。” 6 Wait! September

33、and October say, “Its nice and cool in September and October.” 九月和十月说:“九九月和十月说:“九 月和十月的天气很好,也很凉爽。”月和十月的天气很好,也很凉爽。” 7 We are the best. November and December say, “We are the eleventh and twelfth months. We are cold months. You can play in the snow. Its fun.” 十一月和十二月说:“我们是第十一和十二月份。十一月和十二月说:“我们是第十一和十二月

34、份。 我们是寒冷的月份。你可以在雪中玩耍。很有趣。”我们是寒冷的月份。你可以在雪中玩耍。很有趣。” 8 Hmm. I know. Mr. Moon says, “My birthday can be in every month! In every month, I will be big and round.” 月亮先生说:“我的生日月亮先生说:“我的生日 可以在每个月!我每个月都有可以在每个月!我每个月都有 一次会变得又大又圆。”一次会变得又大又圆。” Language points 1. Which month is the best for my birthday? 我的生日最好在哪个

35、月份呢?我的生日最好在哪个月份呢? which的意思是“哪一个”,常常用作限定词,的意思是“哪一个”,常常用作限定词, 后面跟名词,表示对人或物提出疑问。后面跟名词,表示对人或物提出疑问。 例:哪本书是丹尼的?例:哪本书是丹尼的? Which book is Dannys? 2. Which month is the best for my birthday? 我的生日最好在哪个月份呢?我的生日最好在哪个月份呢? best: 最好的最好的; 是是good和和better的最高级。的最高级。 它的前面多加冠词它的前面多加冠词the。最高级用于三者或三者以上。最高级用于三者或三者以上 的比较,表示

36、“最的比较,表示“最.” 例:我最喜欢跳舞。例:我最喜欢跳舞。 I like dancing best. 3. How about me? 我怎么样?我怎么样? 用于询问某人的想法的句型:用于询问某人的想法的句型: How about sb? 某人怎么样呢?某人怎么样呢? How about=What about,其后可接某物或某人。,其后可接某物或某人。 例:例:我喜欢春天。你呢?我喜欢春天。你呢? 我喜欢夏天。我喜欢夏天。 I like spring. How about you? I like summer. 4. Its fun. 很有趣。很有趣。 Its fun(to do sth.

37、) (做某事)很有趣。(做某事)很有趣。 例:和你一起踢足球很有趣。例:和你一起踢足球很有趣。 Its fun to play football with you. 5. In every month, I will be big and round. 每个月都有一次会变得又大又圆。每个月都有一次会变得又大又圆。 句中句中I will意为“我将要”,是一般将来时的一意为“我将要”,是一般将来时的一 种表达方式,表示将要做某事,种表达方式,表示将要做某事,will后面跟动词原形。后面跟动词原形。 例:我将唱一首中文歌。例:我将唱一首中文歌。 I will sing an Chinese song

38、. Talk and act Which month do you like best? Why? I like (月份)(月份)best, because (原因)(原因) Eg: I like January best, because its the first. 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现 在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧! Again, please! 冀教冀教 四年级下册四年级下册 Listen and talk Today is my birthday. When is

39、 your birthday, Li Ming? My birthday is October 10. Hows the weather in October in China? Its nice and cool. I like October. Our National Day is in October. I like October, too. I can eat some birthday cake. Listen and tick 1 2 3 4 June 1 January 1 听力原文听力原文: 1.Whats your favourite month? My favourit

40、e month is December. 2.When is New Years Day? Its January the first. 3.Hows the weather today? Its windy. 4.How is the weather in January? Its cold and snowy. Look and write 1.Teachers Day is in_. 2.The boy in red shorts is the_. 3.June is the _ month of the year. 4.I like the cloud and _. 5.Hows th

41、e weather?Its _and _. 6.In January, its _ and _ . September third sixth rain hot sunny cold snowy Read. Tick or cross Its a windy day. National Day is October 1. Its sunny. Its the sixth month of the year. Listening Speaking Reading Writing Total stars At school At home I am. A 1012 B 79 C 16 How am I doing


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