人教版八年级下册英语 unit 5 单元检测试卷(含答案).docx

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1、1 8 年级下册 Unit 5 单元检测试卷 (时间:100 分钟 总分:120 分) .单项选择单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 1.You seem kind of _ today. Why are you so unhappy? I didnt pass the math exam. A.strange B.excited C.successful 2.Bill, I planned to give you the card on Sunday, but I _ forgot. A.completely B.recently C.quietly D.clearly 3.Peter

2、 with his classmates _for the bus when the earthquake happened. A.is waiting B.was waiting C.are waiting D.were waiting 4.Ben was helping his mother when the rain began to beat heavily _ the windows. A.against B.across C.above D.below 5.I felt_ scared that I couldnt move. A.such B.pretty C.quite D.s

3、o 6.Why were you late for school today, Jenny? Sorry, Miss Brown. My alarm didnt_ so I woke up late. A.put on B.put off C.go off D.take off 7.Anna, how does the dress look on me? To tell you the_ , it doesnt fit you well. A.trade B.trust C.truth D.treat 8.The sun rose in the west this morning. You a

4、re _ . It is impossible. A.kid B.kidding C.a kid D.kids 9.May, I called you at 6:30 pm yesterday. Why didnt you_at that time? 2 Oh, I was taking a shower then. A.give up B.look up C.pick up D.cheer up 10.Do you remember_ when you heard about the important event? Yes, of course! A.what were you doing

5、 B.what you were doing C.what are you doing D.what you are doing .完形填空完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) It was a hot summer evening. Kevin and his brother Alan were 1_ soccer in the backyard. After a while, they decided to drink some orange juice and watch TV in the house. 2_ the TV was off. Alan tried to turn i

6、t back on, but 3_ happened. They soon realized that there was no electricity(电). What could they do?Kevin suggested going outside to do some 4_ watching. Without streetlights, the stars were bright and 5_ to see. Lying on the grass, they saw different kinds of stars 6_ they even saw the planet Mars.

7、 Kevin and Alan had never realized 7_ fantastic the night sky could be.After watching the stars for an hour, the boys 8_ the house. It was very dark except for a few 9_ that their parents had lighted. The family spent the night playing cards and telling stories by candlelight. Kevin and Alan had nev

8、er thought of having such a night 10_ electricity like that before. They really enjoyed watching stars. 1.A.buying B.selling C.playing 2.A.Luckily B.Suddenly C.Certainly 3.A.everything B.anything C.nothing 4.A.flowers B.stars C.birds 5.A.easy B.difficult C.impossible 6.A.or B.and C.but 7.A.what B.ho

9、w C.which 3 8.A.went into B.went over C.went up 9.A.matches B.lights C.candles 10.A.without B.with C.throughout .阅读理解阅读理解(每小题 1 分,共 15 分) A I did something wrong today. While at the beach this afternoon, I met a boy called Bob. We talked a lot. He said that it was fun playing on the cliffs(悬崖). I to

10、ld him that I was not allowed to go near that place(Mum and Dad had always told me it was dangerous to play there). He called me a coward. I wanted to prove to him that I was just as brave, so I agreed to go with him. We wanted to make our way down to explore(探索)the area, so Bob started to climb dow

11、n and I followed him. Unluckily, some rocks came down after us. One of them nearly hit my head. We could not get back up. We shouted and shouted for help, but for a long time, no help came. I was really scared. I wanted to cry. Then, we heard some sounds. Someone had heard us. A woman tied(系) a rope

12、 around herself while a man at the cliff top held the rope. She made her way down to save us. My parents were relieved(宽慰的)that I was unhurt, but they were angry that I had done such a risky thing. I apologized and promised that I would not do anything like that again. 1.Where did the writer meet Bo

13、b? A.At school. B.In the park. C.At the beach. D.On the cliffs. 2.In Paragraph 2, “a coward”means_ . A.a person who is not brave B.a person who is not clever C.a person who is not strong D.a person who is not polite 3.What had the writers parents always warned him about? 4 A.The wind was very strong

14、. B.The beach was too far away. C.The cliffs were not a safe place. D.Bob was difficult to get on with. 4.Put the sentences in the right order according to the passage. a.Some rocks came down. b.The writer followed Bob. c.The writer wanted to cry. d.A man and a woman saved them. e.The writer and Bob

15、 heard some sounds. A.a-b-c-d-e B.b-a-c-e-d C.a-c-b-e-d D.b-e-a-c-d 5.How did the writer feel about what he had done? A.Surprised. B.Excited. C.Glad. D.Sorry. B Clark and Dale were staying in the same room in a hospital. Clark was so sick that he could not even move his body. He had to spend all his

16、 time lying on his back. Dale could sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon. His bed was next to the rooms only window. Over time, Clark and Dale became good friends. Every afternoon, Dale would look out of the rooms only window, describing the scenery outside for his friend. He told Clark abou

17、t the flowers in a park outside the window, the people walking by, the green trees beside roadsanything that might interest a man. One morning, when a nurse came to check on the two men, she found that Dale had died in his sleep. As soon as the room seemed tidy again, Clark asked if he could move to

18、 the bed next to the window so that he could look out of the window himself. The nurse agreed. Slowly, he could take his first look at the world outside. To his surprise, he could see nothing but a blank wall of 5 another building. The nurse explained that Dale had been blind. He had never seen anyt

19、hing outside the window at allbut he described beautiful scenes to help his friend feel better. 1.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 mean? A.Clark was too sick to move his body. B.Although Clark was sick, he was asked to move his body. C.Clark was sick, so he didnt want to move his bod

20、y. D.Although Clark was sick, he could move his body. 2.Who described the scenery outside for Clark? A.The doctor. B.The nurse. C.His family. D.His friend Dale. 3.Clark wanted to move to the bed next to the window because_ . A.he missed his friend very much B.the bed there was tidier than his C.he w

21、anted to look at the world outside D.he felt worse and worse 4.What did Clark find when he took his first look at the world outside? A.The flowers in a park. B.The green trees beside roads. C.The people walking by. D.A blank wall of another building. 5.According to the passage, which one of the foll

22、owing is NOT true? A.Dale was blind. B.Dale died in his sleep. C.Dale tried to help his friend feel better. 6 D.The nurse didnt know that Dale was blind. C 阅读短文,从短文下面方框中的六个句子中选择五个还原到短文中,使短文通顺完整、衔 接自然。 The Inside of the World When I was a very little boy, I was always asking questions. One day when I

23、 was walking with my nurse along the city street, I asked,“Jane, whats under the street?”“Oh, just dirt(尘土),”she replied.“And what is under the dirt?”“Oh, more dirt,”she replied. 1 _ .So I asked again,“Well, whats under that?”“Oh, nothingI dont knowwhy are you always asking so many questions?”she as

24、ked. I knew there must be something under that. 2 _ .I also heard that Chinese lived on the other side of the world, head down. I wanted to find out if that was true. 3_ ,down, down, down,till I came through on the other side, and then I would know. I was a very little boy, you see. With a small sho

25、vel(铁锹),I started a hole in the back yard behind the grapevines(葡萄藤).No one knew what I was doing. 4 _ . Then one evening my father asked,“Whats that hole in the back yard?” 5_ .He didnt laugh when I told him, but he asked me if I knew how far I would have to dig. I hadnt dug through the world, but

26、I did know how far it was. 7 .任务型阅读任务型阅读(每小题 2 分,共 30 分) A 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。 As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped and was confused by the fact that these huge animals were being held by only a small rope tied (绑) to their front legs. It was easy to see that the elephants could

27、 break away from the ropes at any time. But for some reason, they did not. He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no try to get away. “Well,” the trainer said, “when they were very young and much smaller,we used the same size rope to tie them. At that age,it wa

28、s strong enough to hold them.As they grow up, the adult (成 年的) elephants believe that they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.” The man was amazed. These animals could break free at any time, but because they believed they couldnt, they were

29、 right there where they were. Like the elephants, how many of us go through life hanging onto a belief(认知) that we cant do something, simply because we failed in it once before? Failure is a part of learning. We should never give up trying in life. 1.What did the man see when he was passing the elep

30、hants? _ 2.Why did the adult elephants make no try to get away from the rope? _ 3.Are the ropes strong enough to hold the adult elephants? _ 4.How did the man feel when he heard the trainers words? _ 5.According to the passage, should we give up trying again after we fail? _ B 8 The sun was falling

31、behind the hills. Andrea was driving back home to Brockboune. Then she saw an old lady, standing by the road, with a sign saying “Brockboune” in her hand.Andrea stopped the car. When the old lady got in, Andrea could see that she was not that little. She was in a long dress and had a hat pulled down

32、 low over her eyes. She put her big brown shopping bag down onto the floor.“Do you live in Brockboune?”asked Andrea.“No, dear,”answered the old lady in a low voice,“Im just going to visit a friend, but my car wont start, so I decided to hitchhike.” Something in the way the lady spoke made Andrea une

33、asy. Andrea secretly studied the half-covered face, the shapeless body, the arms with their thick black hairs.Thick black hairs? Andreas blood froze. This wasnt a woman. It was a man! Her heart was beating wildly and her mind raced. Then suddenly, an idea came up to her. She stopped the car in a sud

34、den.“My God!”she shouted,“A child! Did you see the child? I think I hit her!” “I didnt see anything,” the “old lady” said.“I dont think you hit anything.” “Im sure it was a child!”shouted Andrea.“Could you just get out and have a look?” The “old lady” slowly opened the car door, leaving her bag insi

35、de. As soon as “she” was out of the car, Andrea drove away as soon as possible. Several minutes later, Andrea thought about the “old ladys”bag and opened it carefully. There was only one thing in ita shining knife. 1.Whats the Chinese meaning of “hitchhike” in the text?(请写出 hitchhike 的汉语意思) _ 2.Plea

36、se list two details that make Andrea doubt about the“old lady”.(请列举出让Andrea对“老太 太”起疑的两个细节) (1)_ (2)_ 9 3.How did Andrea get the “old lady”out of her car successfully?(less than 25 words)(请根据短文 内容回答问题,25 词以内) _ 4.Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.(请将文中画线句子翻译成汉语,人名直 接用 Andrea) _ 5.

37、According to the story, Andrea was _ and _ .(请用两个形容词来评价 Andrea,每空一词) C 阅读下面的短文,将画线部分译成英文或中文。 The rainstorm was on the way. Black clouds were making the sky very dark. 1.With no light outside, it felt like midnight. The news on TV reported that a heavy rainstorm was in the area. 2.每 个人都很忙碌. 3.Bens da

38、d was putting pieces of wood over the windows while his mom was making dinner. After dinner, they tries to play a card game, but it was hard to have fun with a serious storm happening outside. 4.本开始不能入睡.He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3:00 a.m. 5.When he woke up, the su

39、n was rising. Ben joined the neighbors to help clean up the neighborhood together. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ .语法填空语法填空 (每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 10 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词 或使用括号中词语的正确形式(最多限填三个单词)填空。 It was the first day of the winter holiday. I was very 1_ (excite) be-cause the Chinese New Yea

40、r was coming. Mum told me this morning we were going to Grandmothers home for the New Year. Dad wouldnt be back from Tokyo 2 _ the holiday was over. It had been two 3_ (week) since Dad had left. I missed him very much. Mum went shopping 4 _ food and presents, and I took Lucy and Annie to the library

41、. We stayed at the 5 _ (child) reading room all the afternoon. We found some books about animals and we had fun 6 _ (read) them. After we left the library, we went 7 _ (buy) hamburgers and fries. I was hungry, 8 _ I didnt eat much. The doctor told me I was 9 _ fat. To my joy, I had lost two kilos in

42、 the last two weeks. I hoped I 10 _ (can)lose six kilos before summer came. .口语交际口语交际(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) A:Hi, Alice. 1_ B:Yes, but the rainstorm was heavy yesterday. A: 2_ B:I was writing a report about our after-school activities. Then suddenly a strong wind came through my window. A:Were you scared?

43、B: 3 _ And then it rained heavily and I could hear the rain beating against my window. A: 4 _ B:I stood up and closed the window quickly. A:What were your parents doing then? B: 5_ They didnt take umbrellas. And they were all wet when they arrived home. A.Yes, a little. 11 B.Its a nice day, isnt it?

44、 C.They were looking for my little brother in the park. D.What were you doing at the time of the rainstorm? E.What did you do then? VII.根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子(每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 1.昨天晚上我妈妈很快就睡着了。 My mother_ soon last night. 2.一开始,我对那部小说并不感兴趣。 _ ,I didnt become interested in the novel. 3.我确信你能通过驾照考试。 I_ th

45、at you can pass the drivers test. 4.你的卧室太凌乱了,你最好把它打扫干净。 Your bedroom is_ .Youd better clean it up. 5.但是之后,风力会逐渐减弱。 But the wind will_ later on. 6.当我离开房间的时候,我妹妹正在看电影。 When I _ the room, my sister _ a movie. 7.当我醒来的时候,太阳正在升起。 When I _ , the sun was _ . 8.音乐会结束后,我们从大厅走了出来。 When the concert was over, we _ to get out of the hall. 9.他向窗外看,看到了一只小鸟。 He _ the window and saw a bird. 12 10.这些建筑物将会被拆除吗? Will the buildings be _ ? VIII.书面表达书面表达(共 20 分) 下列图片描述的是上周日下午刘强和赵磊所经历的一件事,请根据这些图片写一篇作 文。 要求:1.字迹工整,语法正确,意思连贯,合乎逻辑,可适当发挥; 2.词数 100 左右。 _ _ _


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