2021陕旅版英语五年级下册 unit 7全套单元课件.pptx

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1、陕旅版陕旅版 五年级下册英语单元优质课件五年级下册英语单元优质课件 Unit 7 Part B Part C Part A Unit 7 I have a headache Part A 陕旅版陕旅版 五年级下册五年级下册 New words 头痛头痛 感冒感冒 咳嗽咳嗽 发烧发烧 牙疼牙疼 胃疼;肚子疼胃疼;肚子疼 看医生看医生 不好的;坏的;严重的不好的;坏的;严重的 不适的不适的 生病的生病的 仅仅;只是仅仅;只是 停留;保持停留;保持 打电话打电话 课程课程 担心;担忧担心;担忧 New words 点击画面点击画面 播放视频播放视频 Think and tick 1. Do you

2、often go to see a doctor? Yes. No. 2. When do you go to see a doctor? Language points 1. Do you often go to see a doctor? 你经常去看医生吗?你经常去看医生吗? 这是一般现在时的一般疑问句这是一般现在时的一般疑问句 肯定回答:肯定回答:Yes, I do. 否定回答:否定回答:No, I dont. see a doctor 看医生;看病看医生;看病 Think and answer Do you want to be a doctor? Why or why not? I

3、want to be a doctor. Because I like helping people. I dont want to be a doctor. Because I dont like hospital. Lets learn 点击画面点击画面 播放视频播放视频 have a cold have a cough 感冒感冒 咳嗽咳嗽 have a fever have a headache 发烧发烧 头痛头痛 have a toothache have a stomachache 牙疼牙疼 胃痛胃痛 see a doctor 看医生看医生 Lets talk 点击画面点击画面 播放

4、视频播放视频 Colin: Mom, I feel very bad today. Mom: Whats wrong with you? Colin: I have a headache. Mom: Oh, you look ill. Just stay in bed. I will call the doctor. Colin: What about my lessons? Mom: Dont worry about them. I will call your teacher and tell her about it. Colin: Thank you, Mom. Language po

5、ints 2. Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?你怎么了? 这是由这是由what 引导的特殊疑问句。引导的特殊疑问句。 这句话常用于在看到别人不舒服时关切地询问。这句话常用于在看到别人不舒服时关切地询问。 句式结构:句式结构: Whats wrong with sb.? / Whats wrong? 同义句:同义句:Whats the matter with you? Whats the matter? 3. Just stay in bed. 待在床上。待在床上。 这是一个祈使句。这是一个祈使句。 祈使句常用来表示对听话人的建议、命令、要求、祈使句常用来表示对听话人的建

6、议、命令、要求、 安慰等语气。安慰等语气。 以动词原形开头,没有人称、数或时态的变化。以动词原形开头,没有人称、数或时态的变化。 表示否定时直接在动词前加“表示否定时直接在动词前加“Dont”即可,意为”即可,意为 “不要“不要”“不许”“不许”。”。 Unit 7 I have a headache Part B 陕旅版陕旅版 五年级下册五年级下册 New words 健康的;良好的健康的;良好的 休息休息 New words 点击画面点击画面 播放视频播放视频 Lets learn more 点击画面点击画面 播放视频播放视频 Mom: Hello, Miss White. This is

7、 Helen, Colins mother. Colin doesnt feel well this morning. He cant go to school today. Miss White: Whats wrong with him? Mom: He has a fever and a bad headache. Miss White: Im sorry to hear that. Youd better take him to see a doctor. Mom: Well go to the hospital. Miss White: OK. Please tell him not

8、 to worry about his lessons and have a good rest. Mom: Thank you. Good-bye! Language points 1. Hello, Miss White. This is Helen, Colins mother. 你好,怀特老师。我是海伦,科林的妈妈。你好,怀特老师。我是海伦,科林的妈妈。 这是打电话用语。这是打电话用语。 打电话时,要介绍自己的身份时习惯用打电话时,要介绍自己的身份时习惯用This is 拓展:拓展: 怎样用英语打电话怎样用英语打电话 打电话人接通电话后可说:打电话人接通电话后可说:Hello! 接着说

9、:接着说:This is sb. speaking. 我是我是 May I speak to sb.?能让能让接电话吗接电话吗? Is sb. in? 在家吗?在家吗? 但不能问:但不能问:Who are you? 接电话人可说:接电话人可说: Hello! Good morning/afternoon/ evening. 紧接着将自己的电话号码或姓名告诉对方。紧接着将自己的电话号码或姓名告诉对方。 如:如:(This is) 123456. / This is Jim speaking. 问对方是谁问对方是谁: Whos speaking (calling)? 你是谁?你是谁? May I

10、have your name? 我能知道你的名字吗?我能知道你的名字吗? Is that sb. (speaking)? 是是吗?吗? 不不能能说:说:Who are you? 代人接电话,最好说:代人接电话,最好说: What name shall I give? 请告知姓名,以便转告。请告知姓名,以便转告。 若要离开去叫人,可以跟对方说:若要离开去叫人,可以跟对方说: Hold the line, please. 别挂断。(我就去找他别挂断。(我就去找他/她她 听电话。)听电话。) Hold on for a moment. 请等一会儿。请等一会儿。 反之,若电话要找的人在身边,代接电话的

11、人可说:反之,若电话要找的人在身边,代接电话的人可说: Its for you.或或For you. (你的电话)。(你的电话)。 2. Im sorry to hear that. 很遗憾听到这个消息。很遗憾听到这个消息。 本句话用来表示同情。本句话用来表示同情。 当我们听到对方说了一个令人遗憾的或不好的消息当我们听到对方说了一个令人遗憾的或不好的消息 时,会用这句话来表示自己的同情和理解。时,会用这句话来表示自己的同情和理解。 3. Please tell him not to worry about his lessons and have a good rest. 请告诉他不要担心功课

12、,好好休息。请告诉他不要担心功课,好好休息。 (1)本句是祈使句。本句是祈使句。 tell sb. not to do sth. 表示“告诉某人不要做某事”。表示“告诉某人不要做某事”。 例:老师告诉我们不要迟到。例:老师告诉我们不要迟到。 The teacher tells us not to be late for school. (2)have a good rest 好好休息好好休息 have和一些名词连用,表示一种活动。和一些名词连用,表示一种活动。 例:例:have class have a picnic have a look have a match have a party

13、上课上课 野餐野餐 看一下看一下 举行比赛举行比赛 举行晚会举行晚会 Play a game Tim doesnt feel well. Does he have a headache? No, he doesnt. He has a stomachache. Whats wrong with him? Play roles Tom doesnt feel well. Does he have a fever? No, he doesnt. Whats wrong with him? He has a toothache. Mary doesnt feel well. Does she hav

14、e cold? No, she doesnt. Whats wrong with her? She has a cough. Read the words th th those brother weather think third Thursday th th then though other earth healthy thirsty Try to read more 语音知识专讲语音知识专讲 th的发音规律:的发音规律: 1. th位于词首时,可以从词性上判断其读音。位于词首时,可以从词性上判断其读音。 在名词、动词、形容词和数词中大多数发清辅音在名词、动词、形容词和数词中大多数发清

15、辅音 如:如:thing,think,thirsty,thirty 在代词和一些功能词中大多发浊辅音在代词和一些功能词中大多发浊辅音 如:如:them,these,though,then 2. th位于词尾(或音节之尾)时,其读音多数是清辅音位于词尾(或音节之尾)时,其读音多数是清辅音 如:如:bath,breath,tooth 在少数单词中也读浊辅音在少数单词中也读浊辅音 如:如:with,smooth。 3. th后面接后面接er时,通常发浊辅音时,通常发浊辅音 如:如:father,mother,brother th的发音口型和方式:的发音口型和方式: 1. 字母组合字母组合th发清辅音

16、发清辅音/时,上下牙齿要轻咬舌尖,声时,上下牙齿要轻咬舌尖,声 带不振,只靠气流与牙齿和舌面产生的摩擦发声。带不振,只靠气流与牙齿和舌面产生的摩擦发声。 2. 字母组合字母组合th发浊辅音发浊辅音/ /时,上下牙齿也要轻咬舌尖,时,上下牙齿也要轻咬舌尖, 声带要振动。声带要振动。 Lets chant 点击画面点击画面 播放视频播放视频 Little Tom has a headache, Has a headache, has a headache. Little Tom has a headache. He has a rest this morning. Little Tom has a

17、 stomachache, Has a stomachache, has a stomachache. Little Tom has a stomachache. He goes to see a doctor this morning. Little Tom has a toothache, Has a toothache, has a toothache. Little Tom has a toothache. He takes some medicine this morning. Little Tom has a cold, Has a cold, has a cold. Little

18、 Tom has a cold. He stays in bed this morning. Unit 7 I have a headache Part C 陕旅版陕旅版 五年级下册五年级下册 Review have a cold 感冒感冒 have a cough 咳嗽咳嗽 看图片,认短语。看图片,认短语。 have a fever have a headache 发烧发烧 头痛头痛 have a toothache have a stomachache 牙疼牙疼 胃痛胃痛 see a doctor 看医生看医生 _ bed 待在床上待在床上 stay in call the doctor

19、worry about have a good rest 好好休息好好休息 叫医生叫医生 担心担心 句型:句型: 1. 谈论病痛及处理方法的句子或句型:谈论病痛及处理方法的句子或句型: I feel very bad today. 我今天感到非常糟糕。我今天感到非常糟糕。 Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?你怎么了? I have a 我得了我得了 Just stay in bed. I will call the doctor. 待在床上,我去叫医生。待在床上,我去叫医生。 Dont worry about I will call . 别担心别担心我会给我会给打电话。打电

20、话。 2. 谈论他人的病痛情况并给出建议的句子或句型:谈论他人的病痛情况并给出建议的句子或句型: Whats wrong with him? 他怎么了?他怎么了? He has a 他得了他得了 Im sorry to hear that. Youd better take him to see a doctor. 很遗憾听到这个消息,你最好带他去看医生。很遗憾听到这个消息,你最好带他去看医生。 Please tell him not to worry about his lessons and have a good rest. 请告诉他不要担心功课,好好休息。请告诉他不要担心功课,好好休息

21、。 Listen and number 1 2 3 4 5 Ask and answer Peter Kelly Rose Bob Peter Peter looks ill. Whats wrong with him? He has a cough. Paly roles Kelly looks ill. Whats wrong with her? She has a headache. Kelly Rose looks ill. Whats wrong with her? She has a toothache. Rose Bob looks ill. Whats wrong with h

22、im? He has a fever. Bob Look and complete 1. A: Whats wrong with Jack? B: It is very cold. He goes to swim. So _. he has a bad cold 2.A: Whats wrong with Amy? B: She eats too many candies. So _. she has a toothache 3.A: Whats wrong with Lanlan? B: She eats too many ice-creams. So _ . she has a stoma

23、chache Read and tick or cross It is Saturday. Su Nan goes swimming and plays very happily with Liu Zhaoyang. The weather is very hot. He has a big ice-cream and drinks a lot of juice. In the evening, he has a fever. His father has to take him to see a doctor. 一些;许多一些;许多 ( ) 1. It is in winter. ( ) 2. Su Nan goes to swim with Liu Zhaoyang. ( ) 3. Su Nan has a bad headache. ( ) 4. His mother takes him to see a doctor. 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现 在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!


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