外研版八年级下册英语期末考试复习知识点(Module 1-Module 5).doc

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1、8 1/12 Part 1 检查并评讲上节课作业检查并评讲上节课作业 Part 2 重难点短语回顾重难点短语回顾 短语 1. next to _ 2. go through _ 3.the latest news _ 4.finish doing sth. _ 5.the next day _ 6.make a mess _ 7.in the right way _ 8. ask sb for sth _ 9. win the heart of sb _ 10.shake hands with sb _ 11._ 参加 12._在的前面 13._ 量某人的体温 14._和.沟通/联系 15._

2、受的欢迎 16._ 的数量 17. _期望,盼望 18._ 搜索;寻找 19._太而不能 20._ 情不自禁地做某事 巩固练习: 1. 这个女孩坐在我身边。 The girl is sitting _me. 2. 一群羊穿过了这一片森林。 A group of sheep _ the forest. 3. 听到最近的食品新闻,人们感到焦虑。 People felt anxious after hearing _of food. 4. 他总是按时完成作业。 He always finishes _on time. 5. 第二天,我们去参观了长城。 _, we went to visit the

3、Great Wall. 6. 我弟弟总是把我的房间弄得一团乱。My brother always _in my room. 7. 你要学会用正确的方式解决问题。 You should work out the problem _. 8. 你不应该向父母要钱。 You shouldnt _your parents _money. 9. 这裙子赢得了很多女孩子的心。This dress _ many girls. 10. 他想和那个漂亮的女孩握手。He _ the beautiful girl. 11. 我们所有人都必须参加这个会议。All of us must _the meeting. 12.

4、 卡车前面有一只狗。 There is a dog _the truck. 13. 医生正在量我的体温。 The doctor_ now. 14. 父母要经常和孩子沟通。 Parents should often _their children. 15. 动画片深受年轻人的欢迎。 Cartoons _young people. 16. 我们学校学生数量超过一千人。_ students in our school is more than one thousand. 17. 他期待着考完试后去旅游。 He _after the exam. 8 2/12 18. 他希望能在网上搜索到有用的信息。

5、He hopes to _on the Internet. 19. 他太小了而不能好好照顾自己。 He is _ himself. 20. 听到这个好消息,他忍不住笑了。 He_ when he heard the good news. Part 3 重难点语言点归纳重难点语言点归纳 1. What a delicious smell! 多么美味的气味啊!多么美味的气味啊! 感叹句通常由 what 或 how 引导,表示惊讶、赞美、喜悦、愤怒等情感。 What 引导 What + 形容词 + 不可数名词/可数名词复数 + (主语 + 谓语)! What + a/an + 形容词 + 可数名词单

6、数 + (主语 + 谓语)! How 引导 How + 形容词/副词 + (主语 + 谓语)! (1)我们的学校真是漂亮啊!_ (2)这真是一首甜美的歌曲啊!_ (3)It has rained more than a month here. _terrible weather it is! A. What B. How C. How a (4)_sad we felt at the news of the Yushu earthquake! A. What B. What a C. How 2. win , beat win win-won-won 赢得比赛、奖金、战争等,如 race, m

7、atch, war, prize 等。 beat beat-beat-beaten 战胜某人某团队,如 sb., Class Two, team 等。 (1)He _ first prize in the surfing competition (2)We _ the strongest team in the football match this time 3. stop to do sth., stop doing sth. stop to do sth. 停下正在做的事,转而做另外一件事。 stop doing sth. 停下正在做的事,这件事到此结束。 (1) Now many pe

8、ople smoke and get ill. So we should do something that can help stop _ (smoke). (2)He watched TV for an hour; At 8 he stopped _ (do) his homework. 8 3/12 4. interested, interesting interested 某人自身感到“有趣的”。 interesting 令自身以外的人或事物感到“有兴趣的”。 (1)The man is very _ and all the children like him. (2)This boo

9、k is _ and you will be _ in it. (3)This movie is _ than that one. A. more interestinger B. much more interesting C. many more interesting 5. look forward to 期待,盼望。注意此处期待,盼望。注意此处 to 为介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词。为介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词。 (1)Li Ming is looking forward to _(see) his parents. (2)Every child is _ forward to th

10、e Spring Festival. 拓展:(1)hope to do sth. (2)want to do sth 6. The first prize is only the book called Around the World in 80 days. 一等奖只是一本叫环游世界一等奖只是一本叫环游世界 80 天的书。天的书。 (1)一个叫玛丽的女孩 _ (2)一本叫Gone with the Wind的书 _ (3)一部叫Lion King的电影 _ (4)他正在采访一个叫 Ben 的中学生。He is interviewing _. 7. They find it hard to s

11、pell and pronounce the words. 他们也发现很难去拼读这些单词。他们也发现很难去拼读这些单词。 真正的宾语是 _ it 实际上是 _ 句型:find it + adj. + to do sth. The students_.(完成这项工作很难) 8. take part in/join/join in join 参加人群、团体或组织并成为其中的一员 take part in 参加大规模的活动,会议、游行、战争等群众性活动并发挥积极作用 join in 参加小规模的活动,竞赛、娱乐、游戏等活动 Come along, and _ the ball game. She_

12、the Music Club last year. 8 4/12 Well _ social practice during the summer vacation. 9. Its + adj. + for sb. to do sth. Its + adj. + of sb. to do sth. 用 for 时:adj. 是表示客观事物的形容词,表示 to do sth.令人觉得如 easy, hard, difficult。 用 of 时:adj. 是表示主观感情的形容词,表示人物的性格、品德。如 kind, nice, clever, foolish。 (1)对他来说学两门外语是很难的。

13、 _ (2)你来帮助我,你真是太好了。 _ 10 . through 与与 across through 从立体空间中通过。如洞穴、隧道、森林等。 across 从平面上通过。如马路、桥梁、广场等。 (1)The student got into the classroom _ the window because he didnt have the key to the classroom. (2) _ the bridge, and youll get there. Part 4 重点语法概要重点语法概要 重点语法(一)感官动词重点语法(一)感官动词 1. 认识感官动词: 看起来_; 听起

14、来_; 闻起来_; 尝起来_; 摸起来_。 Apple pie tastes delicious. 这尝起来味道鲜美。 The shirt feels soft. 这衬衫摸上去很软。 The idea sounds great. 这主意听起来棒极了。 2. 感官动词用法: 感官动词用法一:感官动词 + 形容词 (1)I like listening to light music. It can make me feel _ (relax) . (2)The illness can make you feel tired and _(not strong) (3)The mother looke

15、d _(angry) at her naughty daughter. 感官动词用法一:感官动词 + like + 名词 He _ his mother. 他长得像他妈 That _ a good idea. 那听起来像个不错的注意。 8 5/12 It _ a flower. 这闻起来像朵花。 感官动词用法三:感官动词 + 宾语 + 宾补(to do/doing) I heard someone knocking at the door when I fell asleep. (听到动作正在进行) I heard someone knock at the door three times.

16、(听到动作反复发生或全过程) 使用感官动词注意事项:使用感官动词注意事项:这些动词都不用于被动语态和进行时态。 Chocolate is tasted sweet. ( F ) Chocolate is tasting sweet. ( F ) 专项练习专项练习 ( )1.The food on the plate smells _ . You cant eat it. A.delicious B.bad C.badly ( )2.The cake _ good. I cant wait to eat it. A.feels B.sounds C.smells ( )3.My English

17、teacher _. A.look young B.are looking young C.looks young ( )4.-How about the young lady? -Its hard to say, but her voice _ beautiful. A.sounds B.hears C.listens ( )5.The table _ very smooth. A.feels B.smells C.sounds ( )6.You shouldnt stay _ at the party. A.late B.lately C.latest ( )7.When I smelt

18、it _, I found that the milk had gone bad though it looked _. A.careful; fresh B.carefully, freshly C.carefully, fresh ( )8.The little boy looked _ at his mother and he looked _. A.happy; good B.sadly; sad C.happy; sad ( )9.-Do you like the silk shirt? -Yes, I do. It _ very soft. A.sounds B.smells C.

19、feels ( )10.The song _ beautiful. I cant wait to listen to it again. A.looks B.sounds C.smells 8 6/12 重点语法(二)现在完成时重点语法(二)现在完成时 一、基本结构:一、基本结构:have/has + done(过去分词)(过去分词) 二、现在完成时的用法二、现在完成时的用法 用法一:用法一: 1、表示发生在过去某时间的动作对现在造成了影响。、表示发生在过去某时间的动作对现在造成了影响。 (1)表示在以前的某个时间曾经做过的、发生的事情,这种行为对目前有某种影响。 I have seen th

20、e film. I dont want to see it again. Have you answered all the questions? (2)谈论到目前为止,曾经经历或没经历的事。 Have you ever looked at a travel brochure? I have never visited the USA. 2、标志词:、标志词: (1)以 already, just 或 yet 为标志 already, just 或 yet 分别表示到现在为止动作或状态已经、刚刚或还没有发生。 already, just 都用在肯定句中(放在助动词之后,行为动词之前); yet

21、(还)用在否定句或疑问句句末。 He has already got her help.他已经得到了她的帮助。 He has just seen the film.他刚刚看过这场电影。 He hasnt come back yet.他还没有回来。 (2)以 ever 或 never 为标志 ever 和 never 分别表示到现在为止动作或状态曾经或从来没有发生过。 This is the best film I have ever seen.这是我曾经看过的最好的一部电影。 He has never been to Beijing. 他从来没有去过北京。 用法二:用法二: 一动作从过去某时间

22、开始,一直延续到现在。一动作从过去某时间开始,一直延续到现在。 例句:I have been a teacher for five years. 我成为一名老师已经有 5 年了。 Lynn has been back since ten days ago. 琳回来十天了。 表示一个动作持续做的时间,在现在完成时中,我们通常要与表示一段时间的时间状语连用,有 for + 一段时间,如 for five years 等,也有 since + 表示过去的时间点/从句,如 since 2003, since yesterday, since I met him 等。 8 7/12 注意:注意: 1.

23、区分:区分:have been to 与与 have been in have been to 后跟地点名词,表示某人“去过某地”,现在已经回来,常与 twice, several times, ever 和 never 等 词语搭配。当主语是第三人称单数形式时,要用 has been to。 I have been to Nanjing twice. 我已经去过南京两次了。 have gone to 后跟地点名词,表示某人“去了某地”,现在还没有回来,此时可能在途中或已经到了目的地。当 主语是第三人称单数形式时,要用 has gone to. My father isnt at home.

24、He has gone to London. 我爸爸不在家。他去伦敦了。 练习:练习: 1. -_ you ever _ (be) to England? -Yes, I _(go) there two months ago. 2. I _(be) to Beijing twice. Its such a beautiful city. 2. 以“以“for + 时间段”或“时间段”或“since + 时间点”时注意动词的使用:时间点”时注意动词的使用:主句的现在完成时结构中必须使用延续性动词延续性动词或 短暂性动词短暂性动词的否定式。 His grandfather has died for

25、 ten years. (错误) His grandfather has been dead for ten years.(正确) Mike hasnt joined the army for ten years.(正确) 短暂性动词也称做终止性动词、非延续性动词或瞬间动词,表示动作不能延续,只是一瞬间就结束的动作 常见的短暂性动词有:come, go, arrive, reach, see, hear, close, open, leave, begin, start 等 练习:练习: 1. He bought the motorbike a month ago. - He _the mot

26、orbike for a month. 2. He arrived here three days ago. - He _here since three days ago. 3. He left here 2 years ago. - He _from here for 2 years. 4. The film began 30 minutes ago. - The film _ for 30 minutes. 说明:说明:无论是哪一种用法,都是立足于现在。要么是动作对现在造成了影响,要么是动作延续到现在。无论是哪一种用法,都是立足于现在。要么是动作对现在造成了影响,要么是动作延续到现在。

27、即学即练即学即练: A:选择填空: ( )1. We _ the room already. Now it is very clean. A. clean B. cleaned C. have cleaned 8 8/12 ( )2. Now my father _ his bike to work every day instead of driving. A. ride B. rode C. rides ( )3. The young boy _ English for 6 years. A. has been studying B. has studied C. studied ( )4

28、. Henry often _ books in his free time. A. read B. reads C. will read ( )5. I _ this MP5 two weeks ago. I love it very much. A. bought B. have bought C. have kept ( )6. They _ to that supermarket many times since they moved here. A. have been B. have gone C. will go ( )7. Yesterday we _ to the zoo b

29、y bike. We had a great time. A. have been B. went C. will go ( )8. He _ another cake just now. He _ eight cakes. A. has; has B. ate; has had C. has eaten; ate ( )9. The man _ in the factory since he graduated last year. A. works B. is working C. has worked ( )10. Tom _ his English book in the classr

30、oom last Friday. A. leave B. forgot C. left B:用括号中所给词的适当形式填空: 1. I often _(search) for information about my favourite songs on the Internet. 2. Our English teacher is very nice. We _(be) friends since three years ago. 3. Tintin _(be) popular for 75 years. 4. -Why dont you go to the movie with me, Be

31、tty? -Because I _(see) it before. 5. Last Sunday we _(hold) a party for my grandma. 6. He cant sleep well at night and he _(feel) sleepy every day. 7. The story _(come) out last year. 8. Clare isnt in the classroom. She _(go) to the library. 9. Jims father _(use) the Internet to talk to his customer

32、s every day. 10. David _(sing) well. He _(teach) me how to sing well. 11. He _(drive) his car to Shanghai yesterday. 12. Monkey King _(win) the hearts of young people in China so far. 8 9/12 13. The cute mouse always _(beat) the cat. 14. Mike _ just _(eat) some cookies. 15. I _(fight) with one of my

33、 classmates. The teacher asked me to say sorry to him. 课课 后后 作作 业业 一、选择填空 ( )1.I _ the dinner already. A.cooked B.have cooked C.cook ( )2.Yao Ming opened a company _ 2011. A.since B.for C.in ( )3.Thanks for _ me the gift. A.give B.gives C.giving ( )4.Son, stop watching TV. Its time _. A.for going to

34、 bed B.to bed C.to go to bed ( )5.The plate _ from his hand and it was broken. A.drops B.dropped C.has dropped ( )6.We find _ impossible to get there before 9 oclock. A.it B.this C.that ( )7.He looked at the painting _. He thought it looked really _. A.careful; beautiful B.carefully; beautiful C.car

35、efully; beautifully ( ) 8.The students spent too much time _ the pictures. A.draw B.to draw C.drawing ( ) 9.The movie _ for ten minutes. A.has begun B.began C.has been on ( ) 10.The dish smells _ . We all like it. A.wonderful B.wonderfully C.badly ( )11.-Beijing Opera is really enjoyable. -I _ it be

36、fore. I hope to see it one day. 8 10/12 A.havent seen B.didnt see C.never see ( )12.-Where is Dr Smith? -He _ to Australia. A.went B.has gone C.has been ( )13.-_ did you return to England? -A few days ago. A.How long B.How soon C.When ( )14.-_ have you learnt to play the piano? -Since I was four. A.

37、How soon B.How far C.How long ( )15.-What _ your pen friend _? -She is friendly and polite. A.is; like B.look; like C.does; like 二、完形填空。 I always feel tired after eight classes a day, so my dream school starts at 8:30 am and _(1) at 3:30 pm. There are three lessons in the morning and two in the _(2)

38、. We can choose our favourite lessons to _(3). We can spend more time doing some outside reading. The students do after-school activities for one and a half hours _(4). We neednt do a lot of homework. We are all _(5) to stay at school. Besides that, my dream school has a big library with all kinds o

39、f books and many _(6). We can watch many famous cartoon films on the computer in it. We can also surf the Internet to search for the _(7) that we need for our lessons. After class, I can lie on the grass, listen to music by the lake or look out at the _(8) from the classroom windows. They smell so s

40、weet. The teachers here are kind and helpful. They are not only our teachers _(9) also our good friends. The students are polite and friendly. We all know how to keep our school _(10) and tidy. There is no litter everywhere in the school. I love my dream school. We will grow up more happily there. (

41、 )1.A.begins B.ends C.opens ( )2.morning B.afternoon C.evening ( )3.A.live B.talk C.learn ( )4.A.every day B.some day C.any day ( )5.A.dangerous B.afraid C.happy ( )6.A.stories B.films C.songs ( )7.A.things B.schools C.information ( )8.A.people B.animals C.flowers ( )9.A.and B.but C.so 8 11/12 ( )10.A.clean B.cleaner C.cleanest 三、综合填空 Eating healthy food and doing exercise can make all kids f_(1) better about their bodies. Why? Because having a healthy d_(2) will help you keep your body working just the w_(3) it should. Watching TV and playing computer ga


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